Antifa (which is not a thing btw) are enraged that a black man is doing something they can never hope to do, make a difference in the world. The totally not real and not violent mask wearers who ARE NOT part of a real organization believe this is all clearly a false flag. Enjoy.

136  2019-09-07 by wwaalleess


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  1. Antifa (which is not a thing btw) a... -,,

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Yeah this seems super suspicious. Alt righters were creating Antifa Facebook pages back in the day and posting ridiculous shit and I really think this is an instance of that. Everyone I know associated with Antifa would 100% support this guy. I think he got trolled by a fake page.

Heck, after some googling I'm not even sure if this is really a post by him. I can't find any other resource for him even mentioning Antifa.

This is coming from a pretty racist sub so I'd take this with a huge grain of salt.

Imagine knowing someone in Antifa lmao

Imagine actually thinking Daryl Davis posted this... lmao

Lmao /r/politics posters are more retarded than SRDines.

Lol wow you got me! You're such a witty and handsome young man. I'm sure your mother is proud of you. Assuming she's still willing to talk you.

I call my mother weekly because I respect the woman who birthed me and taught me how to read.

Maybe you should call your mom this week and ask her why you turned out to be such a fucking dumbass.

i learned how to read in school, the state is my mommy and thats why im an /r/politics poster

Ward gang

But she gave birth to you without your consent. Shes a monster, you shouldn't love her


Man this is lame even for /r/drama standards.

Sounds like a you problem. Keep it to yourself, babe.

Lmao this is embarrassing

Even without clicking your profile, I know you've seen ten cake days and celebrated every single one

Good for you, girl.

Lol what a shitty insult.

Haha wow you must have some problems if you assume my clear compliments were insults... maybe work on that?

Another one

I'm just pointing out that it was abnormal of you to misinterpret my comments so drastically. Sorry if the way expressed wasn't politically correct enough for you....

Give me cummy in my bummy


Are you embarrassed? I'd be embarrassed, but then again I'm capable of self-reflection.

I'm mostly embarrassed that you felt bold enough to comment at all. You clearly weren't bullied enough as a child.

You're so close to reaching self awareness. So close

You: posts on /r/drama

Me: has 14 awesome and sexy girlfriends

I think we know who the better person is

Yeah this seems super suspicious. Alt righters were creating Antifa Facebook pages back in the day and posting ridiculous shit and I really think this is an instance of that.

😂 The left dindu nuttin. As always.

I mean, it's a fact they do shit like this, it isn't exactly uncommon, if this is a case of that, I don't know, but conservatives often larp as the left online and say absurd shit.

Most of the time they aren't very subtle, but they had tons of fake facebook pages back in the day.

conservatives often larp as the left online and say absurd shit.

Dindu nuttin. Immune from all criticism because all the bad stuff is done by rightoids pretending to be retarded leftoids!

No, but it is an objective fact that conservatives larp as antifa online. Anyone that knows me will tell you I am rabidly anti-antifa, I have no respect for them on any level.

The difference is I care about facts, you don't.

Yikes. You really are the worst gimmick poster.

Any response the facts I've posted here?

Is it true or false that fake antifa accounts exist?

True or false that antifa showed up to protest based black man and called him a race traitor?


Do you just look in the comments to sperg out or do you even know what thread you are in?

I have no idea if they showed up, I even said "I have no idea if this is a case of that."

All I argued is there are tons of fake antifa accounts.


And I'm explaining to you why the question the person asked wasn't relevant.

You asked if I even knew what thread I was in, but it seems like you might not know.

Guy above claimed that they were attempting to divert criticism by calling everything a false flag and your retarded ass busts in talking about objective facts that people make fake accounts as if that changes anything.

Shut the fuck up if you cant keep the 16 internet arguments you have going at once sorted.

Because he implied the idea of fake antifa accounts were absurd. I showed they weren't.

There are no implications, fucking nignog pizza.

There are implications though.

Ones you drafted in your own imagination dont matter to anyone else you loon.

Ah yes, the ol conservative "only explicit examples count" tactic.

Everything you say means how I interpret it personally because Im retarded.

You're brushing up against Ben Shapiro's defense of Steve King here bud.

"Steve King totally isn't a white nationalist, the liberals are just unhinged and reading his words incorrectly!!"

You are unhinged, your entire argument came about because you're interpreting shit you read through the lens of a demented retard.

Do you have any tangible points here, or is this just another example of you yelling into the void while your mouth foams?

My point is you are just as much of a dumbass as the leftists you hate.

Based on what, because your reading of a comment was different than mine?

I just saw that you were implying that you are a retard and responded.

You're entitled to believe what you'd like to believe, you aren't exactly known for being right.

Im sure thats why you leave our lovely conversations feeling like a dumbass for hours after experiencing my one sentence responses.

Do you have any evidence of this?

I dont see you denying it pizza. 😘

The only encounters I've had with you I've come away from thinking "wow, I feel good about myself, I could be that guy."

>Stable salary job with good pay

>Home owner

>In long term happy relationship

>Shitposts online for fun

Maybe in your wildest dreams pizza, lol.

I made more money in my early 20s than you will in your entire life, lol.

Doubt.jpg bitcoin investor.

You can doubt it if you'd like, but no, it had nothing to do with bitcoin.

I won't stand for pizzashill slander in my thread.

Downdoos in arr drama. The times really are a changin.

what if left wingers are larping as conservatives larping as left wingers?

We are the universe larping itself.

When post-irony fully leaks out into the real world, it'll be good for dramacoin.

I'm a bot, bleep, bloop. Someone has linked to this thread from another place on reddit:

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Anyone that knows me will tell you I am rabidly anti-antifa, I have no respect for them on any level.


No, but it is an objective fact that conservatives larp as antifa online

I am literally in antifa, and I'm telling you that no one ever does this. Shill harder.

They literally do and I showed proof.

How do you know they weren't leftists larping as maga assholes? Yangpede has been outperforming you lately.

Because it's absurdly obvious dude, I don't know what world you're living in, but as someone that modded multiple right-wing subs, has been trolling them for years on various accounts: They absolutely larp as leftists online.

but as someone that modded multiple right-wing subs

You lost me there. How much did you get paid?

I didn't get paid shit, I larped as a Trumptard for months posting MAGA shit and managed to work my way into the mod teams of a few alt-right/standard conservative subs.

How am I supposed to take anything you say seriously. How can we communicate?

I don't care what you take seriously. I don't even view you as human intelligence.

Why would you be trying to sell me a conspiracy if you don't care what I think? Seems like a waste of time if you ask me. Therapy for you?

I'm not trying to sell you anything, I made an argument, provided proof, you've yet to respond to said proof.

You haven't provided any proof at all.

That's only online. And looks like it was just a joke, since the guy immediately took credit for it online lol. Did you even read the article pizza 😄

Yeah, just a joke bro. I actually fixed it and removed the IRL part within 5 seconds.

Conservatives LARP as antifa online, but in most places they're a hot mess without any help.

i love how you claim to not be a communist, but everytime somebody criticises communoids, you immediately start defending them

I love how you have no formal education on the subject, as displayed by the fact you think antifa is primarily made up of "communists."

I don't give a shit what you think, I doubt you could even define communism. You are not even in the same solar system as "knows what he's talking about."

antifa is primarily made up of "communists."

We wouldn't want to mis-classify the group of mask-wearing smelly unemployed domestic terrorists, that would be rude.

I don't care about antifa, I care about you retards being perpetually wrong and having no awareness of it.

What’s the current mod approved way of telling someone it’d be nice if they died?

"it'd be nice if you were dead"

fascism and communism are both bad, and its okay to oppose BOTH of them you retard

Sure, but fascism is worse.

No it isn't lmao

Yes, it is, and anyone with a formal education on the subject will tell you the same thing.

bitch of the two of us, only one of us here has a formal education on anything

I mean, you pretty clearly have no education on the subject if you think they're the same thing or equally as bad.

this is blatantly retarded.

communists want to kill me, or at least see me suffer. fascists dont want to kill me, though i might lose some rights and freedoms (and my non white friends will suffer a lot).

communism is inevitably taken over by theb craziest, most authoritarian version. fascists are better at not caring about ideological purity (not that they dont, but the night of the long knives vs the great purge - they dont even fucking compare)


also at least fascism doesnt starve you to death

I mean, your understanding is questionable.

Fascism isn't a coherent ideology, it's fluid and based on emotion, as Robert Paxton writes:

to support fascism. Even scholars who specialize in the quest for fascism’s intellectual and cultural origins, such as George Mosse, declare that the establishment of a “mood” is more important than “the search for some individual precursors.”59 In that sense too, fascism is more plausibly linked to a set of “mobilizing passions” that shape fascist action than to a consistent and fully articulated philosophy. At bottom is a passionate nationalism. Allied to it is a conspiratorial and Manichean view of history as a battle between the good and evil camps, between the pure and the corrupt, in which one’s own community or nation has been the victim. In this Darwinian narrative, the chosen people have been weakened by political parties, social classes, unassimilable minorities, spoiled rentiers, and rationalist thinkers who lack the necessary sense of community.


The other “isms” were created in an era when politics was a gentleman’s business, conducted through protracted and learned parliamentary debate among educated men who appealed to each other’s reasons as well as their sentiments. The classical “isms” rested upon coherent philosophical systems laid out in the works of systematic thinkers. It seems only natural to explain them by examining their programs and the philosophy that underpinned them.

Fascism, by contrast, was a new invention created afresh for the era of mass politics. It sought to appeal mainly to the emotions by the use of ritual, carefully stage-managed ceremonies, and intensely charged rhetoric. The role programs and doctrine play in it is, on closer inspection, fundamentally unlike the role they play in conservatism, liberalism, and socialism. Fascism does not rest explicitly upon an elaborated philosophical system, but rather upon popular feelings about master races, their unjust lot, and their rightful predominance over inferior peoples. It has not been given intellectual underpinnings by any system builder, like Marx, or by any major critical intelligence, like Mill, Burke, or Tocqueville In a way utterly unlike the classical “isms,” the rightness of fascism does not depend on the truth of any of the propositions advanced in its name. Fascism is “true” insofar as it helps fulfill the destiny of a chosen race or people or blood, locked with other peoples in a Darwinian struggle, and not in the light of some abstract and universal reason. The first fascists were entirely frank about this.

We [Fascists] don’t think ideology is a problem that is resolved in such a way that truth is seated on a throne. But, in that case, does fighting for an ideology mean fighting for mere appearances? No doubt, unless one considers it according to its unique and efficacious psychological-historical value. The truth of an ideology lies in its capacity to set in motion our capacity for ideals and action. Its truth is absolute insofar as, living within us, it suffices to exhaust those capacities.

Fascism rested not upon the truth of its doctrine but upon the leader’s mystical union with the historic destiny of his people, a notion related to romanticist ideas of national historic flowering and of individual artistic or spiritual genius, though fascism otherwise denied romanticism’s exaltation of unfettered personal creativity.71 The fascist leader wanted to bring his people into a higher realm of politics that they would experience sensually: the warmth of belonging to a race now fully aware of its identity, historic destiny, and power; the excitement of participating in a vast collective enterprise; the gratification of submerging oneself in a wave of shared feelings, and of sacrificing one’s petty concerns for the group’s good; and the thrill of domination. Fascism’s deliberate replacement of reasoned debate with immediate sensual experience transformed politics, as the exiled German cultural critic Walter Benjamin was the first to point out, into aesthetics. And the ultimate fascist aesthetic experience, Benjamin warned in 1936, was war.


god damn neoliberals like you are so retarded, its no wonder you keep losing elections

Are you using neoliberal as a replacement for "person with an actual education on the subject" or something?

You should ask the millions of Germans that died chasing Hitler's fascist goals how well fascism turned out for them. Fascism depends on perpetual war to survive, who do you think the cannon fodder is?

are you seriously quoting random philosophers about the meaning of fascism?

You should ask the millions of Germans that died chasing Hitler's fascist goals how well fascism turned out for them. Fascism depends on perpetual war to survive, who do you think the cannon fodder is?

youre retarded if you think fascism needs perpetual war. fascism is authoritarian, right wing, probably racially nationalist, anti semitic, conservative social values, nationalist, anti nihilist, etc. it often is militarist but fascist spain didnt exactly go out and invade portugal or some shit now did it? or was that not real fascism?

and no, cos neoliberals are very uneducated

are you seriously quoting random philosophers about the meaning of fascism?

No, I'm quoting Robert Paxton, one of the worlds leading experts on fascism:


youre retarded if you think fascism needs perpetual war. fascism is authoritarian, right wing, probably racially nationalist, anti semitic, conservative social values, nationalist, anti nihilist, etc. it often is militarist but fascist spain didnt exactly go out and invade portugal or some shit now did it? or was that not real fascism?

Actual experts on fascism do not even consider spain an example of fascism:

founded in 1931 was letting separatist movements get the upper hand in Catalonia and the Basque country. In Spain, however, defeat and fears of decline led to Franco’s military dictatorship rather than to power for the leader of the fascist Falange, JosĂ© Antonio Primo de Rivera. Fascism is never an inevitable outcome.

Franco wasn't actually part of the fascist movement in Spain.

and no, cos neoliberals are very uneducated

Says the guy trying to argue against actual expertise, the guy that thinks Spain was fascist.

Fascism isn't a coherent ideology, it's fluid and based on emotion

He said, while arguing that communism is better.

This is a nasty ass take Pizza I hate u so much but the bussy game ridiculous.

I don't know how a standard academic understanding of fascism is a "nasty ass take."

For example, from the anatomy of fascism:

Several consequences flowed from fascism’s special relationship to doctrine. It was the unquestioning zeal of the faithful that counted, more than his or her reasoned assent.79 Programs were casually fluid. The relationship between intellectuals and a movement that despised thought was even more awkward than the notoriously prickly relationship of intellectual fellow travelers with communism. Many intellectuals associated with fascism’s early days dropped away or even went into opposition as successful fascist movements made the compromises necessary to gain allies and power, or, alternatively, revealed its brutal anti-intellectualism.

Fascism’s radical instrumentalization of truth explains why fascists never bothered to write any casuistical literature when they changed their program, as they did often and without compunction. Stalin was forever writing to prove that his policies accorded somehow with the principles of Marx and Lenin; Hitler and Mussolini never bothered with any such theoretical justification.  Das Blut  or  la razza  would determine who was right. That does not mean, however, that the ideological roots of the early fascist movements are not important. We need to establish just what the intellectual and cultural history of the founders can contribute to understanding fascism, and what it cannot.

It's not that communism is "better" it's that communism is different.

Shut up nerd.

I think fascism is more dangerous, more incoherent, and more of a threat than communism.

There is no relevant communist movement in the western world.

Oh yeah, whereas we're just surrounded by "relevant fascism movements." There are entire communist countries, you realize that right? Billions of people are still suffering as a result of the failures of communism?

Don't even start to "that's not real communism" me, the cobbled together authoritarian state that China has become is the end result of communism - an unsustainable ideology that gives absolute control to the strongest group of assholes who have the power to take an entire nation's wealth by force with the help of the uneducated peasants that they've brainwashed.


What threat would communism pose even if there was a "relevant communist movement in the western world"? Basic human rights? Not being subjected to fucking slavery by your boss / CEO? The possibility of being able to acquire the fundamental basics for human sustenance in the form of food, clean water, medication and healthcare etc. for everyone, without having to work for 25 million years to pay off the retarded debt? A debt that only exists because rich fucks decided that their incredibly deep (and already full) pockets weren't full enough? Oh, what a threat.

Capitalism is a fucking disease.

Lmao, imagine being as stupid as you are.

Good one dude, you really scathed me. Every milisecond spent dragging your fat greasy fingers across the keyboard to type that sentence was well spent, you got me.

Communism IS fascism.

No, that isn't how words work.

antifa IS made up of communists though, but thats beside the point.

stop pretending to be some enlightened centrist instead of the stalinist trash you are

I like how you have no idea what you're talking about, as displayed by the fact you think antifa is primarily made up of "communists."

Every time Antifa rallies to protest in Portland they wave the black and red anarchist flag. What do you think that signifies? If you had to make a Venn diagram, how much overlap would you expect?

If you honestly dont think Antifa was a tiny group of uni students who abused cans and then got blown out of proportion to be the new communist brown shirts then you are pretty retarded.

Back in the day can apparently be as recent as the last 4 years.

Yeah their proof is that some tards troll on twitter when the guy is claiming 40 plus people were outside protest. Kind of a major difference.

That last paragraph, wew lad.

Time to shut these faggots down, they're going to destroy any hope we have of being a real country with their book burning retardation.

I expect dumb bullshit from dumb bullshit right wingers. I never thought I'd live to see this shit from 'liberals' though.

why you would not expect it from left wingers is beyond me Leftist always go the authoritarian route its why communism is joke.

I uh.... My frame of reference for the left is the badass liberals through my lifetime. American liberals.

Anyone who wants to imitate Stalin to me - I know I'm not using the words right but to me that ain't the left.

thats what they all say before going authoritarian

I don't know babe, Bill Maher has been on this train since I was like 5 years old, he's still kind of holding it together.

I can see him losing it though. Orange man bad etc.

I just have to have faith that genuine liberal ideas, liberty, free speech, 2A etc our Bill of Rights.. I just have to have faith that they'll win out again against those who seek to burn books.

I don't know what to call myself. I feel like a libertarian who supports Bernie style economic policy. I feel politically homeless.

Chappelle too.

I think "antifa" id traditionally an unorganized blob, but as of late it might be undergoing changes, primarily due to the surge of 18 year old white kids looking for a group identity, one that allows them to label anyone that disagrees with them a traitor to the united states.

Conservatives did that years ago, the left is just now catching up.

I think "antifa" is traditionally an unorganized blob, but as of late it might be undergoing changes, primarily due to the surge of 18 year old white kids looking for a group identity

I wanna point out that "Nazis" are also an unorganized blob, so you can't blame any Nazi for actions of any other Nazi :)

The nazis aren't an unorganized blob, not even close to such.

Eh? Who's the US head Nazi (bait question I know but seriously) and who are his lieutenants and so on? Whose orders did the Christchurch shooter follow?

Modern day nazis are exactly as unorganized/nonhierarchical/headless as modern day antifa. It's weird until you think about it, and then it's weird that you have never thought about it.

That isn't really how extremist groups operate anymore, you seem to be living in the past.

They operate in groups, so for example, the unite the right rally, many of those groups planned violence in various discord rooms.

The white nationalist groups organize, plan how they're going to act at a rally, they come prepared and ready to go. The antifa fags just declare a counter protest is taking place at X time and if you care you should show up, it's a bunch of disorganized randoms just showing up to protest.

That isn't the case for the white nationalists almost ever. They know in advance what they're doing, they plan out their strategies. Trying to claim they aren't organized, as far as I can tell, is just conservative delusion.

Pizza you know both groups do the same exact thing and are both retarded. Leftoids have caught up to rightoid autism

But they aren't the same. We can watch various white nationalist orgs rebrand and refocus their strategies after a public failure.

We can see them trying to pivot to infiltrate mainstream conservative institutions. These are 2 very different animals.

Its the same with all the leftoid political groups like national socialists, democratic socialists, etc. theyre all trying to gain influence

Friend, you are seriously underestimating white nationalists and how well funded and organized they are.

Idk man. I feel like both sides have been made out to be these boogeymen and something to fear when its really a small group of people. There’s definitely retarded rightoids larping out there and they have equally retarded leftoid brothers. I just think its a non issue even though both can be vocal

It's not small, this is called a normacly bias.

The FBI has viewed these people as the #1 domestic terror threat for 20+ years now.

They were trying to get their hands on a dirty bomb shortly after 2008:

On Dec. 9, 2008, police raided the home of the millionaire James Cummings in Belfast, Maine. Cummings was an abusive husband, and he had been shot in the head by his wife, but that wasn’t what still disturbs investigators to this day. At Cummings’s home, police obtained radiological material and literature on constructing a dirty bomb. Cummings had collected the radioactive isotope thorium-232 and depleted uranium, the latter of which he bought online, along with the materials necessary to build a conventional explosive. Angered by the election of Barack Obama as U.S. president, Cummings had compiled the materials he deemed necessary to build a dirty bomb just 42 days before the inauguration.

At the scene, investigators found literature on how to create different types of radiological dispersal devices (RDDs), colloquially referred to as dirty bombs, using the radioactive isotopes cesium-137, cobalt-60, and strontium-90 and an application for the U.S. Nationalist Socialist Movement, a neo-Nazi organization. Cummings had ties to white nationalist groups, he revered Adolf Hitler, and, according to workers who spent time in his home, he was a collector of Nazi memorabilia.

The reality is, law enforcement is aware of this threat, the general public is not.

I suppose we’ll agree to disagree friend

How can you possibly disagree with them being caught trying to construct dirty bombs multiple times?

When did antifa did this?

With your explanation though it would be the same as antifa. They dont fall under the same organized group. Its just a bunch of lone wolf retards like the lefty ice center attackers. Two sides of the same coin

They have organized groups.

So does the left pizza. Both have extremists. We’re really in agreement here

Really, can you point me to these left-wing terrorist organizations trying to infiltrate the establishment?

We’ve gone full circle. Antifa

Antifa is a domestic terror organization trying to infiltrate the establishment?


I see, you have some form of mental illness.

No need for insults pizza weve been so civil. Both use terror and violence to achieve political gains. Both hide behind a mask. They just want to kill you over different things. White supremacy is broken down into many different groups just like antifa has different groups across the nation. Both are the same thing with different sects, political/personal motives. Really the same

Really, and how many people has antifa killed? How many foiled bomb plots?

They are certainly trying and stepping up their game with the ice attacks this year. Imagine defending violent extremism because scoreboard. Thats sad. You should denounce any political extremism left or right friend

What the fk does a boomer trying to light a gas tank on fire have to do with antifa?

He was a member of antifa and radicalized by them

Again, the Christchurch shooter, the Charlottesville murderer, whoever else you can come up with, none of them had any organization behind them, giving them orders. True or not?

So if true then it's exactly the same as the bike-lock guy and other violent antifas being disorganised and getting that as an excuse somehow. In fact it's exactly this lack of organization that gives the normies the heebie jeebies about green frogs on fourchins.

At the same time I guarantee you that there are as many of Antifa discords as White Nationalist discords. Maybe WN discords are slightly better because they don't spend 90% of the time renouncing their white privilege. Neither results in terrorist acts currently, tho.

Again, the Christchurch shooter, the Charlottesville murderer, whoever else you can come up with, none of them had any organization behind them, giving them orders. True or not?

And they aren't relevant to the overall claim that white nationalist organizations are, in fact, more organized than antifa. Those guys were lone wolves, they were radicalized by white nationalist propaganda, but it's not like anyone commanded them to go shoot people. But you can't detach the rhetoric from the motivation.

When you spout rhetoric about "invasions" and paint a narrative of "we're under attack, our people are under attack, you're being replaced" and divorce reality of nuance, you will, invariably, invite violence. Especially when politicians do it.

So if true then it's exactly the same as the bike-lock guy and other violent antifas being disorganised and getting that as an excuse somehow. In fact it's exactly this lack of organization that gives the normies the heebie jeebies about green frogs on fourchins.

Again, you seem to not understand what is being said. In the case of the white nationalist orgs, we can see them rebranding, trying to refocus after a public failure, we have the internal documents laying out their long-term goals, we can see them trying to infiltrate conservative institutions.

We can see them trying to infiltrate law enforcement:

To claim these guys are not highly organized, because some terrorists weren't directly ordered by them, is at best, ignorance, at worst, mental illness.

And they aren't relevant to the overall claim that white nationalist organizations are, in fact, more organized than antifa. Those guys were lone wolves, they were radicalized by white nationalist propaganda, but it's not like anyone commanded them to go shoot people. But you can't detach the rhetoric from the motivation.

When all, without exception terrorists are "lone wolves", the tidiness of their supposed but not really parent organization is irrelevant.

Second, can you really compare the WN propaganda to antifa propaganda on reddit in particular? Like, I understand, it's a bravery debate where the existence of certain quarantined subreddits for you overwhelms the /r/politics, but for fuck's sake, take a step back and try to be real.

When you spout rhetoric about "invasions" and paint a narrative of "we're under attack, our people are under attack, you're being replaced" and divorce reality of nuance, you will, invariably, invite violence. Especially when politicians do it.

"Everyone who voted for Trump is a Nazi. Children in cages in concentration camps!"

To claim these guys are not highly organized, because some terrorists weren't directly ordered by them, is at best, ignorance, at worst, mental illness.

There are exactly as organized left-wing movements. There's the whole media and academia, and if that weren't enough then there are radical grassroots movements or used to be, at least, the idpol mindvirus might have done a number on them. If you promise that you read it I'll link you some slatestarcodex book reviews on Weather Underground.

Anyways, how is that related to the fact that "anyone can put on a black mask and call themselves Antifa" is identical to "anyone can put on a Guy Fox mask and call themselves alt-right"?

I'm going to show you how misinformed you are. There's a reason law enforcement has viewed white nationalists has the primary domestic terror threat for over 20 years.

They've been foiled trying to blow up buildings, construct dirty bombs, and all kinds of insane shit:

On Dec. 9, 2008, police raided the home of the millionaire James Cummings in Belfast, Maine. Cummings was an abusive husband, and he had been shot in the head by his wife, but that wasn’t what still disturbs investigators to this day. At Cummings’s home, police obtained radiological material and literature on constructing a dirty bomb. Cummings had collected the radioactive isotope thorium-232 and depleted uranium, the latter of which he bought online, along with the materials necessary to build a conventional explosive. Angered by the election of Barack Obama as U.S. president, Cummings had compiled the materials he deemed necessary to build a dirty bomb just 42 days before the inauguration.

At the scene, investigators found literature on how to create different types of radiological dispersal devices (RDDs), colloquially referred to as dirty bombs, using the radioactive isotopes cesium-137, cobalt-60, and strontium-90 and an application for the U.S. Nationalist Socialist Movement, a neo-Nazi organization. Cummings had ties to white nationalist groups, he revered Adolf Hitler, and, according to workers who spent time in his home, he was a collector of Nazi memorabilia.


The budding nationalist white supremacist terrorist movement in the United States is no different. Consider the case of the “All-American Nazis.” Four neo-Nazi roommates lived together until one of them converted to Islam and shot two others for disrespecting his religion. The double homicide shed light on an organization called Atomwaffen (German for “nuclear weapons”). Devon Arthurs, the convert to Islam, described Atomwaffen as a terrorist group that had 60-70 members nationwide and planned bombing attacks on synagogues and nuclear plants. Brandon Russell, the roommate who wasn’t home at the time of the argument, had been collecting thorium since the 10th grade. These are not isolated incidents; in 2004 and 2013, the FBI arrested two white supremacists interested in acquiring and detonating a dirty bomb.

You're living in your own reality.

How is that relevant to what we are discussing?

You say: antifa are disorganized, anyone who read that being antifa and bashing the fash is cool on an internet forum can do that without any actual "antifa" movement existing and being responsible for their actions.

I point out that this applies literally to the letter to all disturbing Nazi terrorist acts so far.

The two things you quoted are not different so I don't know why you bothered besides being weak in the head. Still lone wolves without a superior telling them what to do. Not different from Uncle Ted at all.

It seems to me that in this case you're taking the message of an ideology over its actual implementation, as if it should matter that leftie fuckos want this while rightie fuckos want that, when the bombs their lone wolves plant explode exactly the same.

It's relevant because:

White nationalists are organized enough to attempt dirty bomb attacks, to infiltrate law enforcement, to attempt bombing attacks on buildings.

Antifa: is not.

What does this have to do with antifa in the context of the US?

Exactly as much as Christchurch or Charlottesville attacks have with organized US Neonazis? Nothing?

When there's a far right movement that attempts to infiltrate the government institutions and stochastically results in terrorist acts, you see right through its disguise.

When there's a far left movement that attempts to infiltrate the government institutions (and succeeds!) and stochastically results in terrorist acts, you just ain't seeing it.

Is there an equivalent for "those who burn crosses" but for the left taking over all of education and most of the bureaucracy?

Exactly as much as Christchurch or Charlottesville attacks have with organized US Neonazis? Nothing?

Why are you obsessed with those events, as if they're relevant to the question "which group is more organized."

I feel like you had this argument planned out, I didn't say what you thought I was going to say, and you're now stuck trying to argue against this strawman you came up with a while ago.

When there's a far right movement that attempts to infiltrate the government institutions and stochastically results in terrorist acts, you see right through its disguise.

But saying "these groups are infiltrating society" doesn't mean they're behind terror attacks, it just means they're more organized.

When there's a far left movement that attempts to infiltrate the government institutions (and succeeds!) and stochastically results in terrorist acts, you just ain't seeing it.

When has this happened in the US recently? Where was this left-wing terror attack carried out?

Is there an equivalent for "those who burn crosses" but for the left taking over all of education and most of the bureaucracy?

Is this a case of you confusing liberal for leftist? Colleges aren't "leftist" but they are liberal. They aren't liberal due to some nefarious plot, though. They're liberal because college exposes you to many different people, from different cultures. Social conservatism primarily thrives in socially isolated groups that share much of the same characteristics with each other. It's why cities, historically, have been liberal/leftist strongholds and rural areas have primarily been populated by conservatives.

The reality is, education and being exposed to different groups of people simply conflicts with socially conservative worldviews, and because American conservatism has primarily become about social conservatism, it makes sense that colleges would reject them overwhelmingly.

they operate in groups

Keep going, you're almost there

Yes, organized groups that work with each other and engage in the same strategies.

Its retarded that people use it as a defense but then again the left doesn't understand how "its ok only if we do it" is not a valid defense.

Antifa is no group – it is an umbrella term. Everyone and anyone opposing Fascism can call theirselves Antifascist / Antifa. There are a lot of different people and ideologies under the umbrella term “Antifa”, please don’t act as if everyone or even a majority was like that.


These fucking retards are like the feminists or the mayo lives guys. “Lol but muh dictionary definition.” I swear to god, the average middle class American owns two devices in their house more self aware than they are.

theyre all like "omg its not a real group, anyone can put on a mask and be part of it!"

like cool lets persecute all of you then

It's '00s Anonymous for 40%ers.

It's astounding how many retarded people are on this website.

The Left is full of cope.

'a-antifa isn't a g-group we're just a bunch of people with different beliefs!'

wait a rightoid did something bad lmao ALL right wingers (AKA FASCISTS) are like this, fucking nazis. Yes even jews like Shapiro
