Tumblr was right the whole time.

88  2019-09-07 by Joan_WayneGacy


You're not even trying to be witty or anything, you're just circlejerking. How does it feel literally karma whoring, like, actually just being a human who cares enough to type multiple comments for no purpose except to draw a nearby majority's attention to the fact that you agree with them?


  1. Tumblr was right the whole time. - archive.org, archive.today

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So either she's being legit, in which case I'll have one yikes on the rocks, or this is some high-effort shitposting irl.

her father changed his plea to guilty on 25 charges

Well her dad certainly did some fucked up shit to her.

I think he should get a separate charge for every single personality he raped, all 2500 of them.

Or he'd rather stay in prison the rest of his life than deal with a girl with 2,500 different permutations of mayo foid.

1 foid personality is enough to go crazy.

While her mom did fuck all to stop it


tbh extreme childhood trauma is literally the only thing that causes real dissociative identity disorder

this is 1000% more plausible than any tumblrshit

It's that mkultra shit

You mean it Ted was innocent and it was actually one of hos otber personalities?


My brothers ex had multiple personalities including a gay black man

I always thought if sheโ€™s just pretending it makes her that much crazier

Regardless of if DID is real when you claim literally thousands of personalities it should raise an eyebrow

That doesn't make an Australian court allowing her to testify as her imaginary identities any less fucked up.

Yikes. Yike's hard lemonade.

Wonder if she's any good at impressions

Dissociative Identity Disorder is pseudoscientific garbage invented by shady therapists who prod their patients into inventing memories of abuse and fake personalities to "protect" themselves from it, what garbage.


Somebody needs to watch split (((โ˜๏ธ)))

her father changed his plea to guilty on 25 charges

Yeah the dad is guilty for sure but what watermark said is correct.

2500? I'm a little dubious of that number. I couldn't get to 2500 if I tried. I want to see some video of her testimony.

2500 seems impossibly huge

the one guy i heard about had 17 and he was also a victim of childhood sexual abuse so 2500 seems like a LARP

Maybe they are elaborations on a smaller core set of personalities? e.g. you have Rick Sanchez as a personality, but you turn him into a Pickle, and that counts as a separate character.

Or to put it in terms that I can understand, like when Hermione was cat-Hermione?

Yeah, like when hulk became professor hulk

Or like when Luke Skywalker became Luke Skywalker Wearing Winter Clothes.


Read. Another. Book!

I can't read. ๐Ÿ˜ž

e.g. you have Rick Sanchez as a personality, but you turn him into a Pickle

Watch. Another. Show!

It's like that girl from Hunger Games became the Mockingbird

Doubt the number of personalities but the scumbag pleaded to the most severe forms of sexual abuse after hearing from the 4 year old alt. I hope the pedo fuck is tortured daily.

Yikes sweetie. Personality #1632 was actually a 900 year old dragon, making him a nonacentephebephile. ๐Ÿ™„

Do you think one of them is the beast?

No one cares, fattie


She must be a tremendously strong person.

It's like they didn't even read the article. She's a tremendously strong people. 2500 people, in fact.

It takes a village to catch a pedo.

tiny, tiny people

What kinda marvel comics shit is this

2,500 different personalities and has a Law Doctorate. Meanwhile I flunked out of community college. Fuck me sideways.

Well 4 out of every 1000 people in the US are lawyers, so she's actually way below the curve.

I don't know man, this shouldn't be here. This is pretty sad tbh.

Can't we feed that prick to some Huntsman Spiders?

There's supposed to be up to 170,000 words in the English language depending on how you count it. Somehow this genius has 2,500 entire personalities rattling around in her head. Sometimes I wonder how many people have that thing that's like dyslexia where they're totally incapable of knowing how big a number is.

Seems like itโ€™s so rare that only a trillion or few would be documented.



This is how you know it's gonna be an interesting read

based and tulpa-pilled