Man known for peace and love turns out to be a NAZI

175  2019-09-10 by FearOfBees



All Beatles Are... đŸ€”


Now I'm even MORE confused 😔

Low T?

Like that


All british Are Lizard Trannies? đŸ€”

I’m not denying it doesn’t happen, but to assume all people who wear mascot costumes, or are furries, smoke crack and fuck all day in costume is a massive fallacy.


  1. Man known for peace and love turns ... -,

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it’s a good show

And a good sub! ^v^

You know where you can post without getting beat up? r/familyman.


My man!

Beatle cels rise up

I'm unironically upset about this as a Beatles fan, not because of his views, but because its difficult enough to talk about the band without this guy showing up

yoko deserved it and in turn lennon deserved to get shot

They’re talking about how he beat up his first wife.

Obviously he didn’t beat Yoko, or didn’t beat her enough. I’m sure you’ve seen that clip where John is playing with Chuck Berry, a beat bitch would have been well behaved.

Oh hi, Bill Burr

i didnt know he had a first wife

You know what you deserve with that attitude? Can you take a guess?


Youre not getting any tendies if you keep it up.

Go to your room and piss in a jug!

and in turn lennon deserved to get shot

ironically enough people Lennon was starting to change his ways when he was shot. if that fucker did it a year earlier people would have thanked him for it. but throughout that entire decade Lennon was being as awful as possible. and then he was starting to see the light once the 80s hit

A few weeks ago I found out a friend unironically did not like the Beatles. Like not even to be edgy or anything just didn't like their music. I am still kinda shocked


Why would you be shocked that someone doesnt like overrated 60's boomer pop music about peace and love, sang by millionaires who inspired the helter skelter killings?

Are the zoomer and boomer wars going to be the new day? Really? Do I really have to take the internet away from children altogether? I don't to want to have to

It's been 60 years since the beatles started up, only addled geriatrics remember what they sound like.

The Beach Boys are better in every way grandpa

Based and Surfin' Safari-pilled.

Now that's a bold take.

And then there's your example of edgy, seething inceldom that surprises nobody.

This place is literally nothing but a left-wing circle jerk at this point. Of course everyone not a left-winger is getting downvoted.

You've all made it very obvious. There is indeed space between TD (Which I don't think I've ever even posted on) and SRD, which this place has become. Sort by controversial. Any post picking on women or the left, is controversial. Most posts picking on men and the right, are not.

It's not like you guys are even trying to hide it. You've been posting BRDs for days. Sharia Blue has a heavy presence here, including among the mods, and BRD posts are the mods signalling that this sub is now fallen to the fempire. Hence why any post mocking a woman is suddenly downvoted, and a ton of weird SRD leftist shit is getting upvoted.

Bird=BRD=Bring Reddit Down; a SRS meme. Try to deny it by calling it out in plain sight, but it is what it is.

It's time for anyone else just plain leave this sub, block its regulars and go hang out in bigger, better subs, because if every place is a partisan circlejerk (and this place definitely has been for the last few months), we're better off in our own circlejerk subs, like CringeAnarchy, which is a lot bigger than place, and no more or less full of retards. /r/drama is just SRS/CB2 circlejerking at this point. Literally nothing they say makes sense, but they all frantically upvote each other and downvote anyone else.

I won't be interacting with any of you further on this post. You know what's happening here. It's very obvious."

I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns.

Hahaha what the fuck is this? An automod feeling sorry for itself that some of the users are not complete assholes?

Its a copypasta pal

Had me fooled seeing as how many of those people there are.

Its a really edgy way to put it, but he does have a point. I like the Beatles and all, but they're undeniably Bubblegum Pop who made songs for teens, like an OG boyband. And theyre a little bit overrated, but that's more or less just a given, considering any band being touted as the Grestest of All Time will be.

Yeah, I feel like every other band you could feasibly argue for as the GOAT has an equally possible "overrated" counterjerk to be made for them too. Like, if the Rolling Stones are the alternative you pose as a "GOAT band that is totally not overrated" then lol (and to be clear, I really like the Stones)

What about Ice Cube? I'd say he is much better than the Beatles

apples and oranges

Weird Al is GOAT

All the seethe i see if from you, beatle-cel. Sorry not everyone shares your shit basic bitch music taste.

The worst part is that in the '60s they had all kinds of great pop music. There was the surfers and people who were still doing 1950s-style stuff and Motown. The Beatles were for retarded preteens who "grew up" with them into being retarded teens and thought that smoking weed would expand their consciousness.

pretty much, plus they were the first mainstream rock group, and also were the first major white act after motown dominated the early 1960s

millionaires who inspired the helter skelter killings?

Based and boomerpilled.

Thank you. On the bright side, for todays young'uns, queen is the shitty overrated pop band that is considered the greatest of all time.

their music is really just not that interesting man. Miles behind Allman Brothers, Beach Boys, or even Led Zeppelin

Fuck you


That’s pretty much every zoomer besides the faggots who think liking boomer music is a personality though

Beatles are incredibly overrated

He was pretty good as the conductor in Thomas the Tank Engine.

He was the narrator.

Damn, you think you know a guy

He was both.

So was Carlin

If you want Brexit how about you elect a government that actually supports that? Instead of what you are doing, which is using a vague referendum to bully a bunch of people you elected who mostly don't want Brexit into passing the hardest possible form of Brexit anyway. Why didn't you just not elect those people instead of elect them anyway and just sit there bitching?

cope 2

Cause they won’t allow elections

Imagine having a political system where the people you elected get to decide when you have the option to vote them out

Parliamentary system is just oligarchy with extra steps, cmv

Sorry to hear u been bullied :-(

how about you elect a government that actually supports that

Have you even been following what's been happening? Boris wants an election but the limited term Parliament act is preventing it from happening. The "opposition" parties are also blocking him from calling an early one, which is absolutely unprecedented in British history.

You know, not even really a referendum, you can't really call that a referendum because it didn't actually have any legally binding consequences. It was attached to no mandatory law or any specific legal wording at all. It was a plebiscite. You are using a barely passed, vague plebiscite to bully people you elected who don't want brexit into brexit. Galaxy brain move.

What's up with the new account? Your old one get banned or something?

Also, cope lol.

bully people you elected

Won't someone please think of the poor MPs!?!


What a mediocre reply

literally who?


haha, no. you see The Beetles are a popular band however Ringo Starr, the drummer, was notoriously the least talented in a group of world class musician's. the joke is that Starr is not notable as his drumming and songs are ridiculed in the Beatles community.

Unironically Octopuses Garden is one of their best songs and you can grow a dick and fuck your own ass.

Not even the best drummer in The Beatles.


his drumming and songs are ridiculed in the Beatles community.

I dunno what the "Beatles community" is but that's certainly not the case with actual drummers.

every drummer I know irl thinks Ringo is underrated and that the whole "not even the best drummer in the Beatles" thing is bullshit.
He wasn't flashy, but he had really cool and inventive beats that perfectly complemented the songs (see Rain, Tomorrow Never Knows, She Said She Said, etc.)

"not even the best drummer in the Beatles"

Because Lennon was taking the piss and too many people think he was being serious

He didn't even say it; some idiot comedian did, probably as a pun on Pete Best's name, but if you ever Pete's drumming you'd know Ringo is way better!

Uhm, actually it's Pete Best whose drumming was laughable... Have you heard the Anthology version of Love Me Do?


I love the brexit. I hate the brits, and seeing them beat each other up over this retardation is incredibly hilarious.

Also anyone caring about where a musician stand politically need to seriously reconsider their life choices, hopefully with the help of barbiturates.

I hate the brits

I hate the brits

hopefully with the help of barbiturates.

Damn, you're even older than I am

I also love Brexit, the UK fucking itself over so severely has strengthened the EU member states and improved the general attitude towards the EU.

And having Boris Johnson as a PM, could it get any worse? Why yes it could, a no deal Brexit. xD hahahaha


I dont need to, its you who will need to cope after the no deal (or shit deal) Brexit, LULW.

Giga euronat cope

Such an NPC, you need to update that script.

If seethe then cope

has strengthened the EU member states and improved the general attitude towards the EU.

lol are you Macaron's speech writer or something?

No, im just a simple facts over feelings kind of person.

>Trusting in polling after 2016

Let's completely ignore what's happening in France, Italy, Poland, etc. Let's ignore Britain's renewed closeness with the USA, NZ, The Commonwealth etc.

Oh yeah i am well aware of the growing right wing interest in fascism.

There will be a genocide or two (gamers being the main target) and then the antifascist counterculture will take hold for another 100 years until people forget and start pissing and shitting on their grandfathers antifascist heritage and legacy again.

It still doesnt unfuck the UK though.

The only thing you're right about is that there's an upcoming genocide.

Thank you for that volcel wisdom, how much do i owe you?

xd pro EU cuck


This is a pizzashill alt, isn't it?

Too little text for that

I mean, he starts retarded slapfights like Pizza and is completely assured that everything he says is 💯 correct.

Sooooo most foid takes on the front page?

When using facts as the base of your arguments you often end up being correct. Facts dont care about your feelings, sorry buddy.

That explains why I had to tag him "stupid faggot".

It's okay to hate those you envy el mutto

I am a proud frog, you rosbeef scum. The day I envy you is the day I die.

hon hon hon hon hon, hon hon hon. Hon hon hon hon hon hon hon hon hon hon. what? I'm sorry, I don't understand your beautiful, romantic language

Eh, vazy, tu veux un opinel dans le ventre, séça ?

t.shitskin surrender monkey

you envy us every day you seeth us

Purest britbong cope. Almost as good as when your immigrants fuck your kids.

delusional shitskin isn't even aware that they are already le 57% face

Yeah, we are far closer to ensuring the mayocide, because unlike yours, our immigrant fuck adults.

alright you got me there

for a frog your banter is good

Thanks, britbong, I guess you are decent too.

I hope you get whatever shade of brexit you want.

Not even active musicians but long-retired boomers

He looks great for being around this long

when you don't change your look for a few decades and it involved almost no hair its really easy to look great. look at patrick stewart or J-mac

I'm unironically upset about this as a Beatles fan, not because of his views, but because its already difficult to even discuss the band without this guy showing up


Adorno wrote Ringo's opinion.

He's also a confirmed libertarian.


That’s MILF territory for Britcels tho

>16 is legal in UK

Still a capitalist.

A capitalist is not the opposite of a libertarian.

Imagine being apart of a generation that literally only identifies with 4 French cigarettes who wrote Katy Perry quality love songs.

Yeah I'd take Octopus' Garden over this.


The fact that Ringo Starr’s views on Brexit have any currency is an example of “transferred rank”; he’s well known (& many think him skilled) in one field, so people listen to him in another, unrelated field. It’s completely stupid.

You think anyone informed him he has to stop following every liberal actor in hollywood now by that logic?

Its kind of like when Jordan Peterson talk about things outside of the narrow field of psychology hes educated in, which he does all the time.

Its silly and cringeworthy.

idk what memerson says but getting mad at someone for having opinions on subjects they didn't go to school for is pretty funny and something people do who haven't been out of school long enough

Yeah i guess, who needs any sort of education in order to briefly read up on Marxist theory and get crushed by sniffle-daddy in a debate anyway.

Reading up on the facts so you know what it is you are critisizing before voicing strong opinions on the topic is for leftist cucks anyway.

lmao even implying someone should spend university time studying “Marxist theory”

Not what i am saying, information is freely available on the internet.

he’s well known (& many think him skilled) in one field

What field is that?

Or Neil Tyson and bill nye

agenda-posting with the least talented member of boomer-band


If you are targeting the drummer it's because you like the “animal” type. You will find pleasure and rhythm with every single drummer but be careful. Every single drummer I've been with this is what happened:

You are there, enjoying yourself on all fours. Your knees and elbows are still fine and then, out of the blue, like a man posessed they start slapping your bum. They can't resist it. It's in their blood. The slap becomes a triplet. The triplet becomes a paradiddle and then you are used like the best maple 5 piece drum set on the market. Without any notice, you have become his drum kit. Slapping the time signature all over your body. Kick drum, snare drum.....crash cymbal on your neck splash cymbal on your boob. Boom! Pow! You are now the best skin coloured Pearl drumkit. All they need now is to get their tuning key out and shove it up your bum to get the right sound. Having said that your main worry would be safe sex. Drummers are renowned for not practicing that. So if you don't want to find yourselves with TWO whinging children, put the raincoat on him or be prepared to get one that cries because he wants to be fed and the other that cries because he wants to play a gig. They are both the same. At this point you should really consider choosing another instrument to “play with”.

I love 2019 headlines