Stupidpol tries to mock a proud foid voter celebrating having her bits out. Gets accused of eugenics, killing the planet, being rabid pro-natalists and just sexist and anti-abortion in general.

47  2019-09-23 by informantQRD


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You can't tell me what to do. But I'll be good. But because I choose to, cryptosnappy. Not just because you say so.

You don't own me.

Who’s that bitch fucking

Totally unnecessary procedure She wasn't going to use it anyway.

Like buying flood insurance on the Moon

Imagine taking issue with mayo foids self-sterilizing 😬


it's a xiroid

I never understand people reeeing about childfree posters sterilizing themselves. They're doing the world a favor by making sure their retardation is never passed on. If anything it should be encouraged.

Shhh, not so loud!

Taking issue or Brer Rabbit taking issue?

'80% of straight men would fuck her'

I refuse to believe this, Id rather go bi. Surely there are better options between effeminate men.

At that point I’d think most guys would rather jerk it yo porn than fuck her.

That was a joke lol

Bussy lmao


I'm way overthinking this shitpost.

Don't stay up for 2.5 days straight people

That’s transphobic. What about the guys who don’t have an β€œit” to jerk?

steroids, masculine clits


If she's an easy lay I'm sure plenty of men would.


My god, now I am a realist, however.....


I'm not saying I would. She's a mayo for Christ's sake.

Sorry sorry, insomnia is unironically making me overthink shitposts on drama..maybe I should log off now :(

Stop doing meth, maybe?

Maybe I should start doing meth😲

We can do it together. 😸

Ending your genetic lineage to own the neocons. 😎

that xir is the typical retarded warren voter. good riddance

This is not the time or place for another black-dick joke


  1. Stupidpol tries to mock a proud foi... -,

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I don't get what the hangup is. Aren't stupidpol posters against Warren? Shouldn't we celebrate that this person won't be spreading her smoothbrained politics through her children? Isn't that sub supposed to be leftist and therefore pro-mayocide? I'd say we need to encourage this behavior of mayo foids going sterile, it's a nonpartisan issue. Rightoids should be happy that the Demoncrats aren't breeding and can live out a life of a cumdumpster without having to kill babies. Leftoids should be glad that this person is decreasing their carbon footprint and taking control of their body.