"Humans of NY" posts about an ex-incel turned serial pick-up artist. Comments section turns into a extensive collection of different ways to say Yikes!

193  2019-09-23 by WreckingYourHome



Hoes mad x24

It seemed like a cure for my autism.

One of ...

Is there only 3 comments or do I need to download the autistic instagram app to see all of it?

Scroll down. There are more comments.

Nothing is loading for me, fren

Scroll up and press the "+" icon repeatedly to load a group of about 10-20 new comments at a time. It's incredibly annoying.

I read somewhere that Instagram's desktop site is just a port from the app. They urge you to use the app by refusing to make a proper desktop experience

Fuck them.

Literally everyone uses Instagram. Seems like you’re the autistic

i made an instagram about a month ago to follow some hot grandpa accounts, but then niggas in iran and singapore and shit started trying to log into it and i was like k and deleted it, the end


I was getting emails in Arabic from Instagram for months and didn't realize someone had signed up using my email, so I took over their account and now I guess I have an Instagram?

Lol someone from Thailand used my email address and then tried to reset it after a while.


You'd have to drag me to zoomer social media kicking and squawking.

I said Instagram not tick tock or whatever it is

Delete your social media, simp

Rise up women and avoid such men.

Women are more oppressed than, dare I say it, gamers.

Based and hoes mad pilled

this is excellent OP solid find.

I was like an ‘incel’ kid. I’d never had a girlfriend. I’d only had sex with prostitutes. I was very suicidal. Then one day I was standing next to a cute girl at a bus stop, and I googled: ‘How to approach women.’ That’s when I came across a forum for pick-up artists. It’s exactly what I’d been looking for. It seemed like a cure for my autism.

It's over for autist-cels

Nuclear yikes

“I was like an ‘incel’ kid. I’d never had a girlfriend. I’d only had sex with prostitutes. I was very suicidal. Then one day I was standing next to a cute girl at a bus stop, and I googled: ‘How to approach women.’ That’s when I came across a forum for pick-up artists. It’s exactly what I’d been looking for. It seemed like a cure for my autism. I watched all the videos I could find. I started working out at a gym. I’d spend all day approaching women. Soon I was only hanging out with other pick-up artists. They respected me. They wanted to learn from me. Finally there was something I was good at. Right now I have over one thousand numbers in my phone. It’s a bit like gambling. Sometimes it goes well. Sometimes it doesn’t. But you always have the chance for sex. There are so many tricks to learn. Women have emotional brains. They get addicted to feelings. You can use that to your advantage. The first time you meet her—tell her she looks amazing. But never give her a full compliment again. She’ll always chase that validation. It’s like a drug. Tell her ‘she looks beautiful for her age.’ Tell her ‘she looks good in this lighting.’ Keep her insecure with half compliments. Keep her feeling like there’s something wrong with her. Like she’s not good enough for you. Like she needs sex for validation. Of course it’s manipulation, but why should I care? I’ve been manipulated so many times in my life.” (Amsterdam, The Netherlands)

Bonus: short Mary Sue article on it.

Women have emotional brains.

lol, unlike men, with their rational brains, who create entire systems based on what their dicks want. 🤣🍆😂

Lmao foids are so emotional amirite

Why don't girls care about guy's feelings and emotions more, those heartless thots 😓

Really jogs the noggin

cope birdcel

Difference is, bussy is worth it 😎

Hey men have at least 50% of their brain capacity in their dicks

who create entire systems based on what their dicks want

If it weren't for dudes trying to get their dicks wet we'd still be living in caves. It's the foundation of human civilization.

That kind of shoots down the theory that women only go for jerks. If that was the case we'd be living in huts with the guys all getting drunk off fermented god knows what and fighting with each other.

Women don't go for jerks on purpose. They go for assertive, competent men and mistake being a jerk for being competent and assertive.

I would argue that masturbation is the human animal's most important adaptation. The very cornerstone of our technological civilization. Our hands evolved to grip tools, all right--including our own. You see, thinkers, inventors, and scientists are usually geeks, and geeks have a harder time getting laid than anyone. Without the built-in sexual release valve provided by masturbation, it's doubtful that early humans would have ever mastered the secrets of fire or discovered the wheel. And you can bet that Galileo, Newton, and Einstein never would have made their discoveries if they hadn't first been able to clear their heads by slamming the sausage (or "knocking a few protons off the old hydrogen atom"). The same goes for Marie Curie. Before she discovered radium, you can be certain she first discovered the little man in the canoe.

Women have emotional brains. They get addicted to feelings. You can use that to your advantage.

Foids: no, we are not! This can't work on us! Also this is a terrifyingly effective abuse that totally works on us.

pick up stuff doesn't work! but ban it anyway because... it's bad!

Do any actually claim it doesn't work though? All I've really heard from that crowd is that being negged is hard to recognize for foids.

some do, or claim it would only work on stupid women or women with low self esteem

thing is that normal game is aimed at hooking up with the highest self-esteem women possible and literally doesn't work on low self esteem women, because you can't make them feel qualified and complimenting them makes you come across as a liar (in their eyes). game for them is just "treat them like the shit they think they are", but i've never met anyone interested in actually picking up low self esteem girls

the neg thing is funny because 1) very few people seem to know what it is 2) they vastly overestimate it's use. they seem to have this image of guys going around screaming insults at women and hoping to get laid... i mean who would do that?

the neg thing is funny because 1) very few people seem to know what it is 2) they vastly overestimate it's use. they seem to have this image of guys going around screaming insults at women and hoping to get laid... i mean who would do that?

An autistic Dutch suicidal incel who Googles "How to pick up women" while waiting for the bus?

does that sound like it would work to you?

I'd suggest he go after the sympathy vote and walk under the bus tbh. He won't be doing damage to his chances of getting laid.

Do you really think the bus won't just avoid him like all the women did?

Lol. Imagine people refusing to run you over because they're too busy fleeing your general vicinity.

  1. It only works in certain situations. My friend did this as to take the girl down a notch. But then he would apologize and offer them a drink and talk about feelings.

generally it was meant to be used on like the hottest girl in the club, to bring her down to earth. not some random tinder schlub. but the community mostly moved away from that kinda tactic after 2005 or so

pick-up tactics haven't been used since i was teen. Now days simply drinking and lying about social status works fine.





they're still used, they just went under the radar. it's more about getting a guy into 'state' than lines and tactics. once you're in the right mindset it all flows naturally anyway

The guy who was suicidal because he couldn't connect with women accuses others of being emotional 😂😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣🤣


Narcissist are easy to manipulate if you are cruel enough.

still unemployed then?

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this is obv troll

I just wanted to share the MarySue writer's bio as it's the worst thing I've ever seen

Kate (she/her) says sorry a lot for someone who is not sorry about the amount of strongly held opinions she has. Raised on a steady diet of The West Wing and classic film, she is now a cosplayer who will fight you over issues of inclusion in media while also writing coffee shop AU fanfic for her favorite rare pairs.

Finally there was something I was good at. Right now I have over one thousand numbers in my phone.

Yikes, everyday Uncle Ted looks more and more right.

Tell her ‘she looks beautiful for her age.’ Tell her ‘she looks good in this lighting.’ Keep her insecure with half compliments

Imagine being with a women who wouldn't blow off losers like this in a instant

Like she needs sex for validation. Of course it’s manipulation,

Lmao imagine not being such a man you can't tell if a women is interested in you unless she tells you because who cares what women think lmao





Imagine being proud of the ability to talk to people and make friends lmao people live like this, I bet they don't even get free shit and discounts whereever they go

Imagine being with a women who wouldn't blow off losers like this in a instant

a lot of people think compliments are ezmode tier but actually evaluate how you respond when you get a compliment from someone and you'd be surprised how well it works even on someone like you who is ostensibly woke to the manipulation of compliments

r/drama poster alert

I totally realize most people are going to disagree with me here but I feel compelled to say that closing the sub for a joke wasn't a very kind thing to do. We have seen TONS of posts from vulnerable populations talking about how this sub is a source of support and humor in a dark time. Irony and dirtbagism aside, taking away that support without warning was not okay.

You can say I'm being silly, or humorless or reactionary. Whatever. I love the show and I love this community. But sometimes I come home after dealing with ableism and our nightmare reality all day, and this sub is one of many things that make me feel better. It wasn't a good feeling to find this sub closed for the sake of irony. Maybe that's laughable or pathetic. But for me, it's true.


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I mean the post is total trash but I gotta respect HNY for having the balls to do it given their audience

That whole post is essentially everyone taking it seriously are admitting to being worthless little weeby shits. It is so glorious when they put themselves like that!


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