SRDines: "Okay Mohammed married a 9 year old but have you heard about these creepy dudes that jack off to cartoon girls. YIKES!"

199  2019-09-27 by BIknkbtKitNwniS


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  1. SRDines: "Okay Mohammed married a 9... -,,

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Muhammed was a white man. It's why he didn't split the 9-year old Aisha in half.

Jesus Christ bending over backwards to defend the most infamous chomo

srdine are just despicably unfunny, disingenuous cunts. It's to the point where it's not even funny to laugh at them anymore, they just suck.

They’re pretty shit

can't tag his bitch-ass, obviously, but that /u/ throwitawayplz86 guy really is the peak of disingenuous bullshit. we do the same thing here we just admit it and laugh about it

look at this gay ass post

does he think islam isn't doing its own super fucked up shit in the present? they throw gay people off of roofs and circumcise 14 year old girls, get a fuckin grip

Seriously why can’t they just say both Christfags and Muslims suck

Nuance is their bane, because nuance leads to centrism, and you cant be reasonable when you try and shift the Overton window towards your ideology.

Exactly. Nuance leads to "both sides" and that is not allowed.

SRD are a bunch of centrists who think they're actually progressive leftists. Every political discussion is dominated by neoliberal and E_S_S posters. Never seen another sub unironically Bidenposting but they do it because ugh brocialists are ruining the democrat party

Child rape is practically a sacrament in Pakistan. They don't got to cover it up, because the police get in line with the train. Don't matter what they're raping either. It can be a man, a woman, a child, a dog, a pig, a camel, a goat. As long its got a hole, they're going to score that goal.

Can't ping and can't even argue with them in the thread or get banned from here. Fuck jannies and CEO jannies


Fucking neolibs disgust me. “Look okay just chill alright okay it was a long time ago marrying kids was fine plz look at this gallery of hijabi cuties winning at hecking adulting and shit”.

“That author used a racist term 100 years ago!! That needs to removed from the curriculum! Convention doesn’t excuse it!”

These aren't neoliberals; they're leftists. Check out r/neoliberal.

Please tell me what kind of leftist SRDines are so that I can not be that kind. Thank you in advance.

Self-hating whiteboys.

Just don't be partisan.

Easy enough. Both sides are already big gay. 🧠👀


You've figured it out my man.

I'm just ashamed at how ready everyone IRL is to pick a side and readily tell you which chad they plan on dimpling next election. It would be better if proud voters were shamed for their stupidity and their involvement in such an arrogant display of Kabuki Theatre.

You said a simple thing very well. Also I fucking love Kabuki.

For real though, burger politics are an embarrassment, wish we could do something but everyone is too busy owning each other.

Well, we could own each other with guns or do the truly cebtrust thing by staging a second revolutionary war and slug it out for the right to re-establish properly working checks and balances etc.

Centrism or keep yourself safe

bruh every political thread on SRD is filled to the brim with /r/neoliberal and /r/E_S_S posters.

Neoliberals historically have been center-right by contemporary standards.

I think I meant radlibs, but they aren’t really radical. I associated smugness with neolibs. We need more kinds of libs.

burgers being mentally deficient rightoids doesn't make the faux-woke "progressives" among them leftists by any stretch of the imagination

Neolibs are whatever it is I don't like

I'm seething

They're radlibs a la Chapo. Not neolibs.

It also completely ignores historical context, like the fact that in the Middle Ages Mohammed was far from the only person, including Western Christians, to marry girls who were far too young. It's also pretty clear from sources that the marriage wasn't actually consummated when Aisha was 6 or whatever.

“Historical context”

They literally never let this be applied to anything else except to muzzies.

Kind of a big difference between some random Western Christian and a prophet who's life is a divine inspiration for maybe 1 billion people.

Is it tho

Child marriage wasn't even a big thing in Western Yurop at least; nobility and powerful families would betroth or marry off kids for political reasons but consummation typically didn't happen until the kid grew up. Average age of marriage for the little people was more or less on par with what it was up until recently, early to mid 20's

Cool it with the facts and logic there buddy

Did you forget that Jesus also raw-dogged a 9-year old?

If SRDines weren't retarded, they could simply point out that there are disagreeing accounts of Aisha's age (and Mary's for that matter since she is relevant somehow.

SRDines however, are extremely weak-willed and will accept anything told to them as true forcing them to defend having sex with a 9 year old child.

Leftoids just feel the need to defend everything to do with Islam for some reason

speaking as an actual wokie we aren't even the ones defending Islam, it's liberal centrists who are the ones doing it to put on the disguise of progressivism

If SRDines weren't retarded, they could simply point out that there are disagreeing accounts of Aisha's age

Iirc most of the disagreements aren't widely accepted and are part of pretty recent attempts to temper Islam's image

You have it kind of backwards, it wasn't until Saudis gained control of Mecca that it became an issue and they looked for any justification for their weird child-bride habits. The justification of Aisha being 9 as a wide-spread belief is actually pretty recent... most of her quotes have her well over menarche by the time of her marriage, probably 17-18 years old range.

The justification of Aisha being 9 as a wide-spread belief is actually pretty recent...

most of her quotes have her well over menarche by the time of her marriage

Dunno about "well over" but yes, she had had her first period by marriage.

probably 17-18 years old range.

No. This is a modern position made only in the last few decades, and rejected by actual scholars.

No. This is a modern position made only in the last few decades, and rejected

Actually Aishas age at time of marriage is subject of great debate. On one side is the Bhukari passage, on the other is all the evidence she herself gives and multiple corroborating historically known facts. I can get in further but to say it's settled is widely incorrect.

But regardless I'm not incorrect that Hadith reasoning taking a primary role in regards to fiqh is extremely new, and not particularly widespread in many of the schools. Hadith, historically, was seen as a bit of a novelty and only referred to in very narrow cases. Even her age of marriage wasn't seriously considered until recently.

Maybe but it would still be less autistic than trying to make it about gaymers and Christians somehow.

Why can't we ping

Because fascism won, Billy.

So Mohammed is equal to any random Catholic priest. Good to know


Mommy of Jesus-cels prefer Bussy.

How to terminally confuse a neolib: RP as a muslim.

or better yet, RP as an ex-muslim. some people legitimately can't fathom why for some reason someone might want to leave such a wonderfully tolerant religion.

My favorite part is when white srdines and circlebrokers paint all /r/exmuslim posters as larping trump supporters, accuse them of islmaophobia, and /r/asablackman them

The proof that srdines are counterjerking morons is through the roof

Weebs are worse than ISIS though tbh.


Not being a child molester is actually racist



Progressives literally don't care about brown people, they just pretend to so own the conservatards.

Imagine moving to the west because there's a bunch of people trying to kill you back home, and the white-ass albino faggots in your new country have the audacity to defend those who are trying to murder you.

Modern leftoids' love affair with Islam is the dumbest thing ever. Like, you can criticize Christians, rightly, for being homophobic and misogynistic, but along comes an even more backwards religion and they fetishize it! Shit's weak.

Why do Mayo leftists love to deep throat Islam's cock so much? Is this some cuck fetish?
