reddit's hate boner for hate chicken continues in worldnews

77  2019-10-12 by Metatron58


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womp womp


  1. reddit's hate boner for hate chicke... -,,

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Popeyes is better

It really isn'tm

They have better fries at least

Not liking Chik's waffle fries with Polynesian dip

Pleb taste.



Are their sandwiches finally available?

Popeyes is far and away the best fried chicken chain. (You can't) change my mind.

KFC is at the apex of all the accomplishments of man.

And Church's is better yet

lmao i loved the fake propaganda around their shit a few weeks back

Every time a Chick Fil A is protested two more get built down the street

Third largest fast food company in Americaand growing

And why that's a good thing

Reddit should just admit that they will hate Christian chicken place until they replace the cow mascot with a drag tween getting Bussy blasted.

I'm bi and I still eat at chick-fil-a, ain't nothing wrong with that

So you've made zero sacrifices for both your diet and your sexuality.

A real centrist hero.

Fucking based

You probably have a Chinese phone too, dontcha ya faggot


Chik Fil A should sell poppers as kids toys. Then we will see if the gays can say no to a delicious chicken sandwich.

I've never really liked that place other than their chicken biscuits in the morning. Their sandwiches were dry to me.

Why do gays want to marry if they're all hedonists anyways

Hi, gay and other marginalized people feel the worst parts of capitalism often. They still have to work, even if it means sacrificing their morals to get paid to eat. Quite the country.


I love the slight of hand that these retards use. NATURE requires you to toil to provide yourself with food and shelter. Somehow nature gets removed and "political ideology that I don't like" becomes the boogeyman.

Who knew that having nothing valuable to offer society would result in being at the bottom of said society?

Not all gays are bottoms! 😡

Yeah, can someone explain how anything else would make sense? There are a finite number of resources on the planet so why shouldn't everyone have to contribute to society? Obviously, exceptions can be made for the disabled, elderly, etc. but it doesn't make sense to get paid money for nothing if you could work

As a faggot, every time I go to CFA, there’s at least three other faggots behind the counter. I know they’re faggots because they never respond to my Grindr messages.

I don't think I've ever seen a straight dude working at cfa

I wish I liked chick-fil-a because then I would eat there all the time to OWN THE LIBS

fuck i hate wokescolds lmao

"homosexuals" is bigoted

wait, what

I know right?

Next they will say "fag" is bigoted

Imagine being a poor kid, hyped as all hell because you'll actually be able to eat real food for lunch for once this year, only to have that taken away from you because chicken man said hòmos r bad

ugh every time chik-fil-a frontpages I get a craving, but it's like 25 minutes to drive there and it's not even that good. Reddit already tricked me into paying to watch that clown society movie, they're not getting me again.

You better throw away your iPhone then, because child labor was used to make it. Your clothes? Made by kids in a factory in Vietnam. Better go naked from now on. Your chocolate and coffee? Child labor.

Shut the fuck up about your "principles."

Hypocrite got rekt and he is not happy about it.

Was the comment removed? I can't find it


it's burried in a bunch of "next x comments" links

Thanks homie

its funny because the "controversy" is literally that they donated to the salvation army and a christian youth group

well at least those hungry children wont be homophobic by like 3 degrees of separation

I know I'm way late to the party, but I'm drunk as hell and went on a trolling spree where I told some faggot I wish his parents abused him. So it's been real ya'll. Cya on an alt probably