Author of sexless hobbit epic told to BTFO by Nobel Prize.

57  2019-10-12 by SandorClegane_AMA


You’re not a woman. You’re a tomboy at best.


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I’ve lived with my ex for over a year i’m already resigned to being the hermit crab equivalent of a man. I have nothing to lose cept this bitch i already hate which makes me incredibly dangerous 🦇


  1. Author of sexless hobbit epic told ... -,

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Good. Hobbit is basically capeshit. Cmv

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The Hobbit and the Lord of the Rings are actually well written. And written by a Catholic. So no they aren't the same as Capeshit.

You’re a fucking loser and should correct your mistakes.




Hate to disagree with you brother but the lord of the rings is basically sword shit in the same way that game of thrones is.

ok but the silmarillion is literally the bible but better in every way

less sex and violence tho

more wholesome 🤗🤗🤗

less violence

It's kinda hard to beat having rape victims getting cutting up and sent to the different tribes of Isreal.

Isn't that basically how orcs were born?

Pretty much.

Ok pope worshipper

But that's wrong you fucking infidel.

Isn't the hobbit more of a fairytale/bedtime story?

I know Chronicles of Narnia was basically "Here's the bible but with witches and talking animals"

Yeah, you have a good point. The hobbit/ lord of the rings is more in line with hairy potter than capeshit

Is Harry Potter worth watching? My parents never let me growing up cuz witchcraft

I saw the first movie and idk, it seemed alright but I didn't feel compelled to keep going.

It’s not worth watching at all. Don’t bother.

watch 👏🏾 another 👏🏾 movie 👏🏾

only if you sticky review each one

The books are worth reading, but the movies aren't worth watching.

They omitted the S.P.E.W., which is a Tom Bombadil level of omission.


Maybe the first 3.

READ clap THE clap BOOKS clap

Lmao, hobbitshitters are mad af that you dared tell the truth.

They are SEETHING. They shit talk capeshit and wand shit but can’t take the heat when it comes at them.

They are SEETHING.

Yeah, lmao.

Imagine caring this much about children books, I literally can't.

If you like the hobbit or Lord of the shit you are just as bad as those who like the black panther. It’s just facts.

Worse of all are silmarion lovers tho.

Hobbit is Christshit actually, a lot of the characters are meant to represent different characterizations of Christ. It's good Christshit, but it is Christshit.

This is too retarded even for drama

I'm sorry you're not capable of understanding.

What aspect of Christ does Fili the dwarf represent, learned scholar?

The Noble Prize for Literature is a trash award that belongs in the trash. Jorge Luis Borges never won it, so it's worthless.