this meta starter pack has people big mad

131  2019-10-29 by Corporal-Hicks


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This, but unironically.


  1. this meta starter pack has people b... -,

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no "yikes", "oof", "toxic", "ITS CALLED BEING A DECENT HUMAN BEING", or other stupid millennial/zoomer sayings

Seems incomplete

Also missing: pupper, woofers, doggo, heckin floofer, boye, and some variation of embarrassing allusion to owning a battlestation.

also missing "my wife's son"

There's nothing inherently wrong with being a cuckold

Cuckolds are a good deal more tolerable than redditors

cuckolds are a good deal more tolerable than cuckolds

implying redditor got a cisfoid

Bold move

At least they care about their wife's son,

And lady friend and sexy time

Are dog lovers the most normie beings in existence?


Or including “energy” in every sentence

What would an /r/Drama starter pack look like?

Dude bussy lmao



Seethe, dilate, any other forced 4chan phrases you can think of

My favorite one is from /vp/. They call shills domesticated

They also do that to literally anyone who has any sort of positive feelings about any games beyond like gen 5

Now, I hate Gen 6 probably more than the average guy and don't have high hopes whatsoever for the new games, but it's straight-up a counterjerking board over there where they get straight-up upset at anyone who has even a shread of hope for the new games.

Still a p fun place of course

I agree with you on this and I say this as a Unovafag. That aside the amount of fake leaks happening rn are getting pretty boring.

Bro me too. Sinnoh was my first gen, but 5 was just that but perfected. I would go so far as to say it was the height of the series.

But at the same time though as much as I hate gen 6 and found 7 a dissapointment personally, its really pathetic trying to put people down for finding enjoyment out of those admittedly lesser games, and vp has a real problem with that (nowhere near as bad as for example the Fire Emblem forums, but nevertheless).

And yeah fake leaks are cringe. Every time they make me roll my eyes

/vp/ is where libertarians and furries cum come together in harmony, makes sense they'd be one of the more exceptional boards. :v

I disagree about the libertarian part but I can't deny there's a sizable amount of people on the board who want to fuck Gardevoir.

I don’t play pokeman and I hate furries but give me a thick gardevoir any day🤤🤤🤤

Bussy, downvoting controversial opinions, daddy tweets.

Something like this



Masterlawlz sticky

dude bussy lmao


S e e t h e

5 black tgirls standing around a kneeling pizzashill.

momruepari seal

Ahh like coffee in the morning.

He didn't start any wars (Syria/Libya/Yemen) that lead to millions of people losing their homes and hundreds of thousands dead leading to the rise of ISIS and other atrocities. Just that alone should be good enough no?

Do you see how low you’ve set the bar?

Not wrong, but that doesn’t seem like that low of a bar for a post 2000 burger administration.

tfw you started fewer wars than a nobel peace prize recipient

At the point it was given to him literally he was the person waging more wars than any other person on the planet

Dubya part II. Now with built-in dissent shielding and “welp we totally tried” healthcare buff.

He wasted two years watering down the bill and then literally chickened out (with Rahm ofc) over Obamacare because of a single electoral loss. It was only due to Nancy Pelosi having massively laughter nads than him that he was able to even accomplish that. His only accomplishment, it was mediocre and an accident.

Right right. Idk, maybe I’m a topmind but I feel like the Dems never intended to pose any threat to the health coverage apparatus in the first place. I forget the numbers, but I think whichever party that crosses those fucks is more or less doomed to half the funding they normally have.

How are you imagining that Obama started those wars? The only way I can think of if it's not actually a "war" until the US gets involved, because a "war" requires privilege + people killing each other.

Every person who’s ever used the phrase “Play stupid games, win stupid prizes” is the worst person in the world

How can you seriously say that without unironically without pure cringe

i typically see the term in boomer circles, i dont think ive ever seen it on reddit

It’s an AITA thing


The last time I got into an argument about trans people on a frontpage post, all the aggressively anti-trans comments were highly upvoted and my own cited, sourced and factually informative posts were downvoted into double digits. The thread stayed open for ages and the same antagonistic users spilled into other subs too. I get sick of seeing something on the front page almost every day attacking trans people.

Lmao cope

It kinda goes after everyone a little, fairly centrist. Except with protests it’s only popular on Reddit if it’s against a Nat Sec approved “enemy” state. If it’s a protest against capitalism, neoliberalism, or austerity (as we’ve seen with Chile) Reddit will go back to ignoring it or siding with the cops.

Yeah... the term "gaslight" is probably the most abused word on the site. People seem to be using it as a fancy-sounding synonym for "lie" or "misinform", instead of what it actually is - prolonged psychological abuse with the intent of destroying the victim's sense of self and reality. A politician telling untruths isn't "gaslighting". A spouse suggesting that you should lose weight isn't "gaslighting". Biased news aren't "gaslighting".

Gaslighting is hiding your wife's umbrella and then berating her for not having an umbrella, before you conveniently 'find' it where it was supposed to be. Gaslighting is rearranging all the pictures in your house while your wife is at work, and either pretend everything is as normal, and/or accuse your wife of rearranging them. Gaslighting is alternating between complimenting and insulting certain features of your wife; treating her vastly different in public, compared to privately. It is dimming the gas-fueled lamps while claiming the flickering is just imaginary. Gaslighting doesn't seek to simply misinform; it seeks to actively degenerate - or even break - the victim's sanity, making the victim emotionally dependent on the only 'sane' person in the world - their abuser. In my opinion, it's the absolute worst form of domestic abuse; it leaves no visible signs, the victim doesn't notice it happening (or doesn't recognise it for what it is - abuse), and the end point is to groom the victim into a brainwashed, mind-broken slave of their abuser.

Wow, you must be a JP fan

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