Our Trans-Boomer is CANCELLED

196  2019-11-07 by FearOfBees


You probably don't get bussy because you're the type of guy who fucking nails his dick to a board


  1. Our Trans-Boomer is CANCELLED - archive.org, archive.today

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I thought this tranny already left twitter once before

They always come back.

Addiction to twitter-validation is the real mental illness in this case.

Addiction to the internet/social media is a very serious and growing problem in society today across all ages and groups.

It's as bad as being a crackhead or heroin junkie.

I rather hang out with with a junkie than most twitter nutbags, at least junkie nod out every once in a while.

This but unironically.

True, just how many times did pizzashill leave because he was "tired of dealing with retards"?


I thought the cutting off your junk was

What if Jesus comes back like that On an old freight train in a hobo hat Will we let him in or turn our back What if Jesus comes back like that Oh what if Jesus comes back like that

"Guys I'm leaving discord forever. 3 days later Guys, I'm back, I've changed for the better!" Furry YouTuber, 2019

Scarily accurate to my life.

I would say its a character flaw, but its always dramasphere discords, which are full of dysfunctional autists who aim to drive you up walls.


They can just give back your account. Like on basically every website deleting just basically makes the account invisible forever. Everything is saved just in case someone hacks your account and you're important irl.

She doesn't delete her account, she just stops using it so nobody takes her handle


They're terminally online what else are they gonna do.

I love how seriously twitter wokies take the "work" that they do.

While these brave progressive warriors fought to win over the highly valuable ground of cancerous twitter politics from their couches, their ideological enemies are forming lunatic militias and stockpiling arms, armor and ammo. Hyper online lefty infighting is fucking hilarious

I would love to see what happens when they go to Asia and the Middle East.

I think their equivalent is larping somewhere on the Mexican border citizens arresting random Mexicans and waiting for the border patrol to arrive. They're really crazy but probably not about to start a revolution because 99.9999% of people belong to neither group.

99.9999% of people belong to neither group.

It was only a small percentage of colonists that revolted against England. Most people didn't take sides then, either. You're making predictions based on people acting rationally. Human beings are not rational actors, especially the ones you're talking about.

Again with this.

Non-binary people can eat a bag of dicks.

mine hopefuly

Bet they use teeth


I give her a week before she comes back from her twitter flounce.


yes, HER, you fucking FAGGOT.

Would I be more of a faggot if I refused to acknowledge him as a woman, or if I accepted her as a woman and sucked her dick?

Which would be more faggoty, in your opinion?


Must be a She-ra villain

Thanks pronoun police, now back to the college campus you go

We’ve gotten to the point where I will stand by Trussy Mommy just because she has the decency to not use singular “they.”

This but unfortunately

Who is Trussy Mummy?


thank god, it's killing itself

Despite being 0.1 percent of the population...

This is somehow simultaneously funny and boring as fuck.

Who is the final boss of twitter wokeness?

It's a decentralized collective of retards in a state of anarchy. Read Bakunin, sweaty, I'm not doing the emotional labor to win people over to my side. Dilating take too much time as it is

Mark Zuckerberg wielding a baseball with a carboard cutout of Mark Zuckerberg's face taped to the end of it.

That's actually exactly what I meant, yeah.

Thank you for making my glorious vision a reality.

Trump 10 years after the Jews use their magic to give him a stroke reversing all of his personality traits and cause him to start aging backwards.


Tariq Nasheed wearing a mask made from the skin of Yakub which turns mayos back into pigs when they look at it.

Ya'll couldn't behave.

Why does every picture of her look like a low budget Refn film?

Lots of the breadtubers either studied something related to film or have friends who did, so now they're trying to be super "aesthetic" and have their videos look good, have cinematic lighting etc.

It makes it that much funnier when someone like Hbomberguy can't even stay in focus for half the time in some of his videos.

tf film school did contra go to where they said slather on drag make up and point neon lights at your face constantly

Have you been to a cinema recently? Every director has adopted some stupid gimmick that nobody asked for.

A few years ago it was lens flare - see the star trek reboot and films around that time.

Helps hide the lack of passing.

Tbh at least the low production value of Hbomb's videos is more endearing than the mood lighting, stage makup, and 3 gratuitous song interludes (looking at you PhilosophyTube) that other breadtubers have. I always find it funny that Shaun must know deep down that showing his ugly mug on camera would only drive away viewers so his vids never have live shots.

Hbomb doesn't even have low production value per se, at least from an equipment point or view (studio lights, somewhat decent camera etc), he just doesn't bother with makeup and costumes and extensive set (at least in the little I've seen of him).

I always find it funny that Shaun must know deep down that showing his ugly mug on camera would only drive away viewers so his vids never have live shots.

TBH I'm not sure his face would do anything his voice doesn't already do. Just based on his voice I already wanna punch him, nevermind his face or idiotic Twitter takes that make him look like controlled opposition.

True Hbomb does have a decently expensive setup in terms of mics, camera, and lighting. It's more of a low production value asthetic because of the lack of fancy grooming and the fact that it's obvious he's filming in some grimy garage/shed thing.

TBH I'm not sure his face would do anything his voice doesn't already do.

Dude is like a generous 3/10. I can't find any face pics rn but before he rebranded he had some LetsPlays with Jen that showed his face. Tbh the voice doesn't bother me that much.

Looked thru the replies, whoa, that was awful.

I’m ootl, what happened?

Trans person from YT. Lots of subs was usually considered THE trans youtube person. Then sort-of criticized non-binary trans and how they were basically invading the binary trans movement and that they were all young kids. Deleted twitter but got it back and now has self cancelled her/himself.

Sounds like a dumbass. Who gatekeeps made up genders?

No her point was something like the trans movement is taken less seriously because kids keep pretending they're dog kin or aliens. She didn't actually say invaded or anything.

That’s slightly more understandable. I’m one of those who thinks you can be trans or a boy or a girl, but if you say you’re non binary or a dog or a cat, I’ve even met a girl who says she’s a “celestial”, you’re a dumbass living in a fantasy world.

Whoops looks like a formatting error allow me to fix that for you good sir OR madam

but if you say you’re one of those who thinks you can be trans or a boy or a girl you’re a dumbass living in a fantasy world.

Really? Grow up, man

back to the front page, pleb

If gender is a social construct the only logical conclusion of any thinking liberal person is to call everyone nonbinary because the binary would be an artifact of oppressive gender roles. A trans movement of bother binary and nonbinary trans people is incoherent.

I identify as a dolphin personally


She's a transwoman. Ronald Reagan funded her transition in the 1980s by selling guns to Iran.


Lefty trans YouTuber. Initially she got Twitter cancelled by saying she didn't like pronoun circle type things at meetings because she felt it singled out her transness. She basically wants people to assume she wants she/her pronouns because as a binary trans person her ultimate goal is to completely pass as a woman. This enraged "non-binary" trans people since they pretty much require those pronoun sessions due to their lack of obvious desired prounouns (esp they/them types). Therefore Contra was accused of being bigoted agaist enbies and cancelled. That initial cancellation was more of a soft cancel since to many it seemed like the enbies were making much ado about nothing.

Her latest cancellation was due to having a voiceover by a "transmedicalist" on her latest video. Buck Angel, a famous transman known for thinking that you need to have disphoria and fully transition to your desired gender to be a real trans, got to read some paragraph in her vid and the enbies again saw this as an attack on them. It's part of a bigger feud in the trans community between transmedicalists (or truescum) and whatever the fuck the others call themselves who think you don't need dysphoria to be a real trans.

Leftist unity the eternal meme




It sucks that she’s getting canceled for a 100% correct take but you live by the sword and die by the sword.

Also it’s good advice for anyone to just not have a twitter account

Do you think I’m a man too? :(


I thought ur username was an al right meme

No he's just a nut case.



It's a girls penis.

Everyone does.

Not true.


Pretending his degenerate fetish is real won't make yours any less degenerate, sweaty


Depends if we're fucking or not.

No, you're a girl.

Even worse, a reddit janitor.

Join my sub!

No thanks, if I want to jerk it to a degenerate jansvestite attention whore and feel terrible afterwords I’ll stick to uslashtrappysaruh

You're definitely not a man, that's an exclusive club, especially to redditers

Usually, having a sword is what kills them in first place.


Reminder that this is what it looks like IRL without it's filters and angles https://i.imgur.com/olfPFRv.png

Could've been a Chad...

He was, before transitioning. Genuinely 8/10. Some good pictures in her KF thread.

Probably still weighs less than the average Amerikanerin.

He doesn't even look good with filters and angles.

He's a big guy.

For you

Tbh that pic isn't even bad, I'd still hit that


Ok Boomer.

This reply is like when someone shoots a machine gun at Batman and somehow misses with every bullet.

only two words yet it brings in the seethe 👌

Hoes mad

There's literally nothing to be gained by being on Twitter.

Well you can gain a large amount of frustration.

An anecdote:

I found myself autistically screeching at reddit's audience and started to look elsewhere online for a dopamine fix to replace orangereds

I tried Twitter and I had to quit within 20 minutes - that audience is somehow worse than reddit.

Ok Boomer.

Kill me

ok boomer




You've done it. I've shown restraint and given you a chance that you don't deserve. You crossed the line. You crossed me. You shouldn't have, and now it's over. You think you're just going to get away with this? You think this is a game, child? We're not playing your game, we're playing mine. And I'm about to play dirty.

its actually impressive how quickly they killed that shit

it went to rage comic level in like 2 days

They 41%'d!

Good riddance.

Both sides are supremely autistic in this case, so I get to laugh.

Twitter shoots itself in the girlcock yet again

I’ve taught your videos in my undergraduate classes, and I’ve spent many mornings listening to your comforting discussions of complex issues, picking up from you how to make those issues accessible. Thanks so much for your contribution to the world.

Just further proof gender studies isnt a real degree.

Its less funny when you realize the front runner for their party wants to tax truckers and laborers to pay back loans for people sitting in class watching YouTube

Morning class! Today we're watching YouTube tranny videos!


which is ironic because nobody who's into breadtube has any bread 🍞💰😂😂😂

That’s a huge bitch