Neolib woke on the Rural Question

117  2019-11-07 by BasicallyADoctor


Moved from a big city in CA and took the rural pill a few years ago and now I don't have to worry about all my tools getting stolen if I leave the garage door open for half an hour. Don't even lock my doors anymore either.

Also the police here are polite as fuck.

I'll never go back.

I hate the city. Can't even turn your back on your car while getting lunch else some tweaker starts peaking in the windows for some pennies to steal.

Efficient living is how we describe life of a domesticated animal.

Unless you are in a line for everything, you are a burden.

Leftist ideology - the most significant part of it being the mob rule above an individual - is truly the most pathetic life ideology ever devised.

Stupid leftists saying we should cut welfare and let market forces influence where people live


leftist is anyone I don't culturally align with or something

This but unironically

Trillion-dollar international megacorporations, center-right neoliberal political parties, identity politics, brown people, all of this is far left, and this totally isn't cope to hide the fact that I'm a right-wing retard.

international megacorporations aren't the problem, its the people who buy from them and falling for their good-feel bullshit, the end consumers

also just because I abhor rurals doesn't mean I have much love for urbanite baristas either

Most people don't have a choice in not supporting megacorporations.

The problem is lack of oversight and regulation, and corporate stooges being autistically obsessed with profit.

Most people don't have a choice in not supporting megacorporations.

that's COPE, people in the west have plenty of choices, they just don't use them

The problem is lack of oversight and regulation

like in what area? how would you regulate them effectively in a way that degenerate fat suburbinites would support and also left rurals and urbanites appeased?

that's COPE, people in the west have plenty of choices, they just don't use them

Give me 3 examples of what you mean here.

how would you regulate them effectively

By following what was done 70 years ago and having regulation that benefits labor and reins in the financial sector. It's already been done, there's little that is mysterious about it. Reinstate Glass-Steagal, repeal anti-labor legislation, invest in infrastructure projects rather than proxy wars, etc.

Give me 3 examples of what you mean here.

numerous examples of wokies buying "environmentally-friendly consumer" shit, like organic food, avocado toasts and paper things instead of plastic bags, which on net are probably worse, but satisfies their white guilt - and that's the segment of the population that quote unquote cares, rurals and suburbanites straight up don't give a shit and always go with what's convenient

By following what was done 70 years ago and having regulation that benefits labor and reins in the financial sector. It's already been done, there's little that is mysterious about it. Reinstate Glass-Steagal, repeal anti-labor legislation, invest in infrastructure projects rather than proxy wars, etc.

these things were there, but I don't think they actually helped Americans that much aside from infrastructure, unions were pretty rent-seeking back in the 70s when they had power and just wanted to enrich themselves at the expense of everyone (that's why flying was so expensive), a repeal of glass-steagal was at best a marginal factor in the recession and if America isn't the world policemen, China and Russia will be

I think any actual structural solution wouldn't pass, because as much as people like to bitch about it, they want the status quo - suburbanites will not accept carbon taxes, urbanites will not accept building more houses in cities, rurals will not support stopping subsidising their areas

the only thing that can save us is Singapore-style radical centrist dictatorship

numerous examples of wokies buying "environmentally-friendly consumer" shit

Obviously these people have more of a choice, although I'm not clear how this related to supporting megacorporations vs. small business. What about Mr. Flyover who only has a gas station and Wal-Mart within 100 miles?

Glass-Steagal-style legislation has literally everything to do with insulating the majority of Americans from the braindead gambling of the financial elite, in 2008 and otherwise. Some unions were corrupt, but they just got replaced by corrupt corporations and politicians so I'm not sure how that's an upgrade. Keep in mind there was and is a TON of anti-union propaganda, because the payout is massive for elite interests.

if America isn't the world policemen, China and Russia will be

China has ironically demonstrated a far more peaceful and progressive foreign policy than the US ever did in modern times. Belt and Road initiative vs. US drone strikes and regime changes in MENA. Xi is by far the best current example of a radcent dictatorship at scale.

China has ironically demonstrated a far more peaceful and progressive foreign policy than the US ever did in modern times. Belt and Road initiative vs. US drone strikes and regime changes in MENA. Xi is by far the best current example

you must be trolling

Not an argument. Embellish.

of course its not an argument, i am fucking seething that somebody says China is a better world police presence than the US

you a chapo poster?

What do you value in a world police? What should they accomplish?

keep somebody who is worse than them to rise up

The US's foreign track record since 1945 is fucking awful. They (secretly) bombed the shit out of Laos, Vietnam, and Cambodia. Countless covert regime changes and destabilization efforts in Latin America, MENA, SEA. Economic sanctions are not something to take lightly, people die when critical supplies are instantly cut off.

Why did America do all this? Because commies bad, essentially. Note that "commies" is a flexible term that includes peaceful farming families who aren't interested in bending over for a US-backed corporation. Because there are far more of those, globally, than larping tankies.

Everyone should know about the Pentagon Papers and the US's China-containment policy and the horrific atrocities committed across the global south in the name of American values. These aren't conspiracies.

I'm skeptical of anyone being the world police, but the US military has been so genuinely terrible that almost anyone else is an upgrade. Especially if China is serious with it's infrastructure-focused approach, as it has so far demonstrated.

Especially if China is serious with it's infrastructure-focused approach, as it has so far demonstrated.

Defending actual neo-colonialism to own the westerns

Yes, colonialism is better than genocide. Cope.

When has America committed a genocide since 1945?

The US military has directly and indirectly (via proxy, economic sabotage) killed millions of people since 1945.

In addition to the well-known wars, the Laos bombings is a good place to start. Or the al-Shifa Sudan strike.

None of those are genocides, and counting indirect methods or simply killing millions of people with no ethnic cleansing intent doesn't bode well for China. Also, the al-Shifa attack literally killed one person.

Why do conservatives so consistently argue in bad faith? Because they are detached from reality and have no idea what they are talking about.


Implying burgers ever let Maoism off the hook.

The al-Shifa bombing expedited the deaths of hundreds of thousands.

Nigger, you brought China up. This is drama, stop using terms like bad faith because you're a pussy.

Seethe, you actual retard.

brings China up to say it's a better world police than the US because the US has killed millions of people


mad when people argue against that by saying China has done literally the same thing

Cope, seethe, dilate


identity politics is right wing only

Holy Jesus, cope.

Idpol is a tool to divide the working classes, schlomo.

If it's not left it must be right!


Communists are infested with idpol, your buddies on stupidpol don't change that. Cope.

All conservative men are closet pedophiles.



he wants to cut off rural losers from welfare so there's more money left to subsidize bugpeople of the city.

Lmao he wants to cut off rural welfare because rural people are not and cannot be productive

Give it a decade, ai us going to absolutely wreck the need to dense population centers for productivity.

Leftist only means socially and/or culturally left.

This guy is not really a leftist. The leftist would disagree insofar as they would think the r*ral is entitled to equally good healthcare as a city dweller. However his opinion seems to be partially motivated by hatred of the flyover-americans which is a common leftist opinion, so I see why you were confused.

the rose twitter went after him pretty hard tbh

they think the rural America are all underneath commies and that the main reason they are Republican is that something something neoliberal policies passed by democrats

they are beyond delusional

Yeah we offer them jobs and higher wages, you offer them white supremacist delusions, clearly they’re going to pick you. Places like Oklahoma were the bastion of the Socialist movement, that is our base, we will swim among the peasants as a fish swims in the sea. They do not vote for Democrats now, because Democrats in fact do not represent their material interests, as they are captured by neoliberal rightism and capitalism. The overthrow of capitalism will destroy the idealistic age. We will annihlate your ideals and crush everything you believe in, and replace it with solid, material reality.

sir this is a feed and seed

we will swim among the peasants as a fish swims in the sea.

I'm seeing a Ben "The Fent" Garrison cartoon in this.

yeah we offer them jobs and higher wages

when are leftists going to learn that economics are not the most improtant thing to people who are already poor and are more concerned with seeing the culture/way of life be torn apart

economics are not the most improtant thing to people who are already poor and are more concerned with seeing the culture/way of life be torn apart.

This is the most retarded shit I've seen all week. Do rightoids unironically believe this?

  • Economics had everything to do with what opportunities and material goods are available to us in a society, and that has everything to do with how culture develops. Americans wouldn't have the tradition of turkey on Thanksgiving if turkey was uneconomical to produce or import on a national scale.

  • The perceived cultural downfall of America/Midwest has nothing to do with how many brown people you see on a daily basis and everything to do with your union getting busted and manufacturing/mining job getting sent overseas by profit-obsessed megacorporations.

  • When you can't feed your family or are ball's deep in a bottle of opioids, it's kinda hard to care about "culture".

material goods are available to us in a society, and that has everything to do with how culture develops
this is why modern culture is so fucked though. Culture doesn't spring out of wealth, piss poor people have come up with major works of art, music and literature. There are poor communities that have a much more coherent society than most western cities because they can be built upon trust, relatability etc as the values of that community are similar - not different factions with thousands of years of social programming being rammed together.

Nobody mentioned anything about brown people but yourself - projecting our racism a little bit are we? Also the fact that you prattle on about the overthrow of capitalism and then directly tie culture to how much money/resources you have is quite amusing.

Your third point kind of proves my point though. if you're already piss poor, and the supposed saviours who want you to overthrow the system and go along with their way of thinking because it will be oh so good for them say you're 'balls deep in a bottle of opioids' it's unlikely that they're really going to give a shit about what you have to say.

Your whole post reeks of ivory tower middle/upper class suburban leftism 'those silly podunk hicks just dont know whats good for them'. Most people who are poor aren't happy about it, but can cope with being poor if they live in a society where the people around them share their values, they feel safe and feel like their way of life isn't under threat.

"Akshually poor mayos never complain about brown people and gays and muh culture". Yeah, blatant horse shit.

Where did you pick up "overthrow of capitalism"? You are the one projecting here.

Your whole post reeks of ivory tower middle/upper class suburban leftism

The fact that labor rights and economic equality are "upper class ivory tower" values to you really exposes how you have been consumed by corporate/right-wing propaganda.

cope with being poor if they live in a society where the people around them share their values, they feel safe and feel like their way of life isn't under threat.

"Poor" and "borderline impoverished" are very different. If you have your needs meet, IDC what your national GDP is. The problem is that increasingly Americans don't have their needs met due to dwindling economic conditions for the lower classes. By definition, you are not safe if you are worrying about survival on a daily basis. Sweet-talk from a corporate shill masquerading as a straight-talking, America-first politician does not make anyone safe.

Also, please define "way of life" for me because I think you have conflicting ideas about what it means.

Labor rights are increasingly becoming the realm of the upper middle class, yes.

And pigs are increasingly airborne.

Ebin trole :DDD

Head out to the midwest and ask the actual rural working class what they think of unions. Go ahead. Then take a long look at the massive corruption in current city unions.

No shit Sherlock. If there was some secret socialist majority in the Midwest, this country would be a lot brighter.

Anti-worker propaganda has been incredibly successful since the 70s. Although, if you want to consciously be a corporate cuck, you're free to do so.

And socialists can continue to fucking seethe that real working class workers don't like unions. I see no loss for me here.

There's no loss for me either. It's the flyover cucks that will continue to overdose in ditches.

the cost of living in Manhattan was 138.6% of the U.S. average in 2018

Oh no no no

What are you trying to achieve here

Based and 🔨 🌙 pilled

“They do not vote for Democrats now, because Democrats in fact do not represent their material interests, as they are captured by neoliberal rightism and capitalism. “


”reperations now! Open borders”

Thanks for describing the system that your right wing ideology has lead us to. Too bad we don’t have communism anymore to deal with that. You instead are hurling into neoliberal hellworld and fascism.

The more I interact with socialists, the more I unironically think that mild fascism--think D'Annunzio, not Mussolini--might be a good thing.

Xi Jinping Thought

As if we ever had communism to deal with it lol.

Then we shouldn’t subsidize the ghettos, barrios, or white trash areas cause no poor people deserve healthcare.

I guess that's a deal then

I’m cool with it

How about we subsidize all poor areas

They don’t deserve it.

How about we eat the poor instead of the rich?

What A Modest Proposal!

I stopped eating tuna because of mercury. What makes you think I'm going to eat an infant that's been grown on opiates and funyuns?

Have you seen an average poor person? I'm not putting that anywhere remotely close to me, let alone to my mouth.

True. Maybe we can come to an agreement with them and just send them to gulag.

Agreed. Under monarcho techno barbarianism all inefficient lifestyles would be ended either through royal decree or the raids.

What's funny is he is almost correct in the first few tweets (we shouldn't subsidize inefficient living to the point of burdening the economy/society)

How in hell does he fail to recognise that the US government subsidies the shit out of American farmers during his character assassination of same? Its such a gimme argument that also happens to be 100% true and accurate.

we shouldn't subsidize inefficient living to the point of burdening the economy/society

NYC has 400,000 people in public housing and another 275,000 in gov't subsidized housing. And 1,700,000 people in NYC are on food stamps. About 1/3rd of the city's population is on medicaid.


My guess is that the tweeter would blame all that on "SYSTEMIC RAYSSISM" instead of bad life choices....


In the worlds of D&D, words and music are not just vibrations of air, but vocalizations with power all their own. The bard is a master of seriousposting, autism and the magic they contain. Bards say that hatespeech was spoken into existence, that the words of the pepes gave it shape, and that echoes of these primordial Power Words still resound throughout the cosmos. The music of bards is an attempt to snatch and harness those echoes, subtly woven into their reports and bans.

The greatest strength of bards is their sheer versatility. Many bards prefer to stick to the sidelines in combat, using their autism to inspire their allies with pictures of hot bussy and hinder their foes from a distance. But bards are capable of defending themselves in melee if necessary, using their magic to bolster their swords and armor. Their spells lean toward charms and illusions rather than blatantly destructive spells (i.e. spamming racial slurs and telling posters to safety check themselves). They have a wide-ranging knowledge of many subjects and a natural autism that lets them pretend to do almost anything well. Bards become masters of the talents they set their minds to perfecting.


  1. Neolib woke on the Rural Question -,

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I have seen this sentiment expressed by lefties on several occassions. My theory is they all got bullied by rural folk in high school.

bullied by rural folk in high school.

albeit to an insufficient degree.

Rurals live in the closest thing to a stateless society.

Literally never see a police officer unless I'm like 30 minutes from home. They straight up don't exist in my town.

The old boomer woman across the street grows marijuana in her flower garden and no one cares. The guy two houses down with the sailboat has edibles imported from CA and sells them to the rest of the neighborhood. People drive around town with a beer in their hand and don't worry about shit. The guy ten minutes away is a literal pimp who tried to whore one of his girls out to me; politely told him no and that was that.

No HOAs, no parking restrictions, can fire your gun off from your front yard without anyone giving a shit.

Compared to my old city life rural life is pure freedom.

Also there's a dude with a Trump bus who's always randomly driving around town. No one knows what he's really up to and no one cares.

you don't by the "fierce independent mindset" bullshit, do you?

"Keep your government hands off my medicaid and social security"

It's always been obvious that they're only against welfare for the darkies, not welfare for mayos/themselves

True national socialism

Citizen pay... for whites

duh helping farmers and actual productive members of society is more palatable than paying for jamals new jordans

I bet you're the smartest guy in your mom's basement.

most houses in australia dont have basements

probably something to do with how hard the ground is or something


productive members of society


people like eating food though

I said closer.

Rurals live in the closest thing to a stateless society

Except for all those Big Government farm subsidies and tariffs on foreign farm products.

there are like 4 different programs that subsidise them, among which is a crop insurance program, that sorta makes all this nonsense about independent living and touch life all bullshit

Stateless till the first of the month

or the fact that rur*ls always vote for the worst possible choice imaginable, not just in the US, everywhere at every single opportunity

this is not left or right, in my country they vote most for commies, because they are nostalgic for the era, where the government bought them off with goodies

which is why the best nations, like Singapore, don't have any of these fuckers in them, or are sufficiently oppressed by the electoral system

I'm an environmentalist! Climate change! Greta Thurnburg woo!


Everyone should move to the city.

Poors don’t deserve healthcare so i don’t see his point.

This guy ij just mad cause' 70% of his after tax paycheck goes to his landlord.

Should be 100%

Well maybe if all rurals move to cities the rent will get lower. Supply and demand, you know.

hot take: Urban Subsidized housing for low-income people protects and subsidizes landlords

I'm telling Ted.

that wasn't a rural lol, he wasn't depended on social security or corn subsidies like them, he was truly off the grid

Unironically agreed. If you're unironically a rural in 2019 then you deserve to be forcibly put into a ghetto

Moved to a rural area a few years back and it was the best decision I've ever made.

Citycels live like insects in comparison.

subsidise fentanyl and the problem is going to take care of itself

Joke's on you; the rural area I live in is basically a ghetto anyway.

Retiring to rural areas when you've already gotten rich off of screwing over city cucks is my plan.

Actually, we should subsidize rural life as heavily as possible to keep the filth out of our cities.

it would be a lot cheaper to subsidize opioid production

End the war on drugs and let big Pharma and the Chinese flood rural America with prescription opioids and fentanyl and you'd have a country of only city dwellers in like 3 generations

This makes me so mad that it turns around and becomes brilliant

This really captures the eternal Lib I rambled about earlier today. Imagine explaining to someone from 100 years ago that this guy is sort of aligned with labor rights. Planet of the Apes ending moment tbh.

Neolibs are only alinged with labor rights insofar as they don't interfere with giant woke corporations delivering products and feel good propaganda. They couldn't give a shit about workers and would gladly flood the economy with low pay/low skill immigrant labor in order to keep prices low and feel morally superior for letting brown people have a (shit) job.

Look no further than the whining over companies like Uber and lyft. They whine about drivers getting paid poverty wages and they whine when their 2am 28 mile ride home from the bar is more than $10.

"I don't know where food comes from" the post.

implying that foreigners dont grow the same food for 1/4 the price post

Nothing like that delicious Singaporean sweetcorn every year amirite?

Not everyone exists on a diet of soy pap.

being this delusional about the global supply chain

i sorta get ayn rand now

I mean, I'd hope so, Ayn Rand isn't particularly difficult to understand.

(Psst: Singapore imports more food from the US than it exports, by the way.)

US rurals are the largest soy producers in the world and it's all propped up by gibs.



He probably doesn't realise that most soy is actually grown in the USA these days. The thinks his diet is entirely provided for by rural Asian workers and he's completely fine with that.

Rurals ODing on fent is a win/win. We win so they will stop stealing our tax money and polluting our nation, they win as they will finally escape the trailer park their family has lived in for 5 generations

Rent cucks rise up

Living in rural America should unironically be a luxury reserved for the productive classes. Like owning a ski lodge in Vermont.

People who have never lived outside of a metro city are fucking retarded smdh.

oh hi basad

So neolib are too leftarded to understand we need farmers to survive?

farmers are like 2% of the population at most and that's counting all the extra food that's produced just because of subsidies, also many of the things they do are possible to automate already

even if all farmers disappeared somehow, the US can buy food on the international market for cheaper

fakeass gmo international food no thanks -- america still one of the only places with REAL FOOD, if you wanna eat commie microwave fakeass non nutrient food go ahead

leave americans the REAL FOOD by any means NECESSARY

Why does every ruralcel who spends his days watching nascar and smoking opium pretend to be a farmer on the internet?

because its one of only things ruralcels do you could argue is necessary (automation aside) and adds something to the GDP, not just drains finances

How many professions can claim to be the foundation of society without lying? The temptation is strong.

What's his plan for farms?

Absolutely repulsive. Day of the emp when because I bet you this fag is a computer kid

I wonder where he thinks his food comes from.


UC Berkeley PhD student in PHILOSOPHY. Wow, what an intellectual with so much to offer society


When ai replaces the need for like 80% of the workforce in cities the rural boomer tards that own currently worthless land are going to love watching useless millenials move out of cities.

"Some I assume are good people"

Time is a flat circle.

Flyovercels on suicide watch