Jessica Yaniv is back on twitter promoting a nude swim with $10 entry but kids get in free.

1  2019-11-07 by unrulyfarmhand


This person is literally a pedophile.

Why aren't they in prison yet?

Troons are immune to criticism. Anything they do is brave and stunning.

Other trans people pretty much all hate her btw


They aren’t immune to gender criticism. Get it. /r/gender critical? Ah Ha ha ha!

Because the evidence that they touched kids hasn't come out yet. Attempting to be a pedo isn't a crime or else all of /r/anime would be in jail

they should be anyways

weebicide when?

when i'm done watching dragon ball super

At the moment, all they have are old creepy IMs to children and the illegal weapons charges (which are supposedly extremely severe in Leafland), but neither seems to have progressed anywhere.

ur actually not legally allowed to send children sexual messages online lmao

lol we've all see to catch a predator, some of those dudes do jail time

Social media has basically just taken anyone with histrionic personality disorder to an 11.

And it's immensely entertaining.

that facebook group is a honeypot and i hope libertarians take the bait

Day of the pool when?

November 10th, apparently

On the Marine Corps birthday???

oo rah!

>mfw the pools closed

seems like you need to habbo moar

mfw the pools closed

The thing that I find the most odd about this is that they have swimming pools in Canada. Are these just ice rinks that thaw in the summer or something?

You do know that swimming pools can be indoors, too, right? It's called a natatorium, or as they say in Canada, "going to the nads."

Literally no one says that lol

Literally no one everyone in Canada says that lol

ur mom goes to the nads if you know what I mean

I'm sorry I don't. My mom isn't Canadian.

the gonads, the shrunken orbs next to my girldick

Are the pools filled with water or maple syrup?

I think it's maple syrup unless you're in Quebec and then it's cold poutine gravy.

As I said in previous threads. Yaniv is too stupid to stop, even after losing.

Yeah clearly crazy as shit and doesn’t care about pedophile labels, just tryna get that nut it seems

He got a taste of the magic tranny immunity shield, and that enabled him to escalate his behavior without facing consequences for quite some time.

Now that he's started escalating, he simply won't stop, even though most of the immunity has been withdrawn.

He got a taste of the magic tranny immunity shield, and that enabled him to escalate his behavior without facing consequences for quite some time.

Which is exactly what the religious right was warning about years ago. lol it's pretty funny if you think about it.

Well its the same thing that trump uses to get away with the more lies than hours in the day type crap no one punished them for it and now they think its a-ok.


So basically there are some very fine people on both sides.

its the same thing that trump uses to get away with the more lies than hours in the day type crap no one punished them for it and now they think its a-ok.

Trump uses a magic tranny immunity shield?

Trump uses a magic tranny immunity shield?

Yes, his name is Lindsey "I refuse to look at the evidence" Graham.

What exactly are you hiding with your androgynous name and generically chubby features, Lindsey?


Apparently some people are mad I called Lindsey Graham a tranny 🤣🤣🤣

You kiddin me? You think this guy is a tranny?



I suspect Trump called him up and said "I'm gonna call you a faggot if you don't support me 100% on every issue" and that explains his sudden change of heart about Daddy.

I want to know how broken someone has to be to be so upset on Lindsey Graham's behalf 😂😂😂

OH nice its back now

I need it so I can see your comments through the sea of dogshit in these threads

I assume do you can downvotes all my comments 😥

You're at +6 on my RES lad

I was going for the radical centrist vote of 0.

Graham has never been married and has no children.

hello? faggot department? Lindsey calling.

What happened to your flair?

Dunno, sidebar still says it's there.

Also from what I've seen from zoomers, trannies are in for a whole heap of trouble in a couple years if they keep this shit up.

Tell us more about Generation Zyklon

They are not gonna be doing things ironically, or in minecraft, I can tell you that much.

the Yeetocaust isn’t going to be kind to (((me and mine)))

I feel bad for journalists.

journos don't deserve pity

You’re right what was I thinking

Learned how to dig the ditches in Minecraft now others can dig them in meincraft.

lmao I spelled it meinkraft for months as a force of habit

For the second year in a row, this pollster has found acceptance of LGBTQ people declining among 18-34s, even as it rose among other age groups


He got a taste of the magic tranny immunity shield

Except he didn't, no one takes his bullshit seriously, not even the courts, or even most the wokies.

I think he is legit retarded .

if they put her in time out for all this pedophile shit will she be with the females or males?

Me, before opening that tweet: Ha there's no way that isn't hyperbole, there's no way someone can be dumb enough to invite under-18s to a nude swim

Me, after opening that tweet: Oh

bonus tweet with more engagement

I think I found the facebook group for this event:

Yaniv also basically doxxed the woman who helped her organize the event:

Yaniv also basically doxxed the woman who helped her organize the event:

If not for the published court proceedings I'd be 99% sure yaniv is an antisjw troll.

Honestly sounds like he's trying to torpedo the event since he couldn't hold one of his own.

hey everyone here's the contact info of this child nudist event, definitely don't contact them to give them shit!!!

Except we know that she's a cray cray narcissistic hoe who honestly believes that only bad people seethe at her while all good people will send encouraging messages to the organizer.


LMAO what a seethe about literally one letter. Keep yourself safe, kiss your sister goodnight etc.


I think they knew exactly what they were doing when they targeted mainly foreign women offering waxing services and the judge in his case said the same thing.

The only thing I don't understand is what the fuck their endgame is when he pulls retarded shit like this

Plans based on retarded magical thinking

she is a woman after all

the judge in his case said the same thing.

That bitch is not to be trusted at all. She has a huge history of TRA and you could tell she wasn't happy with the huge spotlight showing the tribunals as a mockery and kangaroo court. If Yaniv had shut the fuck up, she woulda ruled in his favor for all the cases.

Yaniv also basically doxxed the woman who helped her organize the event:

Why do people hate trannies here? They're the kings of drama.

Are you suggesting that people in this sub might be more interested in agendaposting and getting Mad Online than reading about drama?????


Jealousy basically

Why do people hate trannies here?

I thought hating trannies was a normal human reaction. They're everything that generally repulses people: weak, unattractive, and weird. As this guy and the one post yesterday shows, they tend to be manipulative predators, too. It's just a big ol' bag full of things people can't stand, man, especially these show-boating WOKE types.

They do make for some good drama, though.

The only people who bully trannies more than normies are other trannies.

...and thank God for that. We need something to fill the space between seasons of Drag Race.

Also the whole thing where they definitely want to fuck kids.


He's saying they're libertarians.

Libertarians don’t wanna diddle kids, you moron.

You must be new here.


great take


You're meeting the wrong ones.

Please tell us more about your bi-annual trips to Thailand.

I feel like yaniv is encouraging harassment so victim status can be further claimed.

Watch him be the hero giving light and attention to these events that would go unnoticed if she wasn’t a drama dog. Highly doubtful and she’s 99% a child predator but would be funny.


There’s video evidence of him basically telling a minor how much he wants to fuck her. Dude needs to face actual justice



Is this your dad?

I don't hate trannies. Trappy fan club rulez



You can still love them even while being disgusted by them and wanting to throw them off the tallest roof you can find!

Ok, the group called Youth For a Change that is putting on the event has existed since 1991and there's no evidence Yaniv has anything to do with them.

So the real question is - is Yaniv emotionally retarded enough to think that this will ingratiate themself to the group or are they using their notoriety to get back at the group for some reason?

Yaniv was applying for a permit to do this exact event a few months ago, seems like trying to take credit for the idea but deflect blame for the execution

So Brianna rejected Yaniv application? Maybe people should call and thank her.

Credit where it's due, indeed.

I’m just happy he exposed this degeneracy for all to see. Silver linings of a cloud with hairy balls.

Yaniv also basically doxxed the woman who helped it organize the event:

I think he tried to get in that nudist event but the organizer knew him, and banned him and that is why he doxxed her for revenge. He knew all of his haters will call that number.


Is this guy legit retarded? I mean guys should we be making fun of someone that by all accounts is mentally disabled? I like to throw the r-tard slur as much as the next dramanaut but like I think most of us wouldn't imagine making fun of Corky who is a diversity hire who only sweeps the floors at McDonald's .

Being a legit retard and being a horrible person aren't necessarily mutually exclusive.

Oh i know I've ran into plenty of people who's first reaction to not being able to understand something and immediately become hostile or outright confrontational. I've always called them stupid mean.

One of the most patronizing and ableist things that someone can do is assume that retards are incapable of being bad people.

That's literally implying they're less intelligent than dogs.

Honestly they’re the same thing.

Pedos get no mercy

She’s a real woman

If a real woman looked like that we'd make her tend a cauldron and manage poison apple production.

She looks like Bette Midler from Hocus Pocus

She looks like Bette Midler from Hocus Pocus

He looks like Paul Sorvino dressed up Bette Midler from Hocus Pocus for Halloween.

So Lena Dunham?

I didn't want to go that far down the scale. She makes barely passing trannies look feminine by comparison.

it’s as dumb as one

yaniv is a living breathing lolcow machine.


Truly the gifts that keep on giving

Last time I looked at this weirdos twitter, there were at least 3 posts where he was talking about period cramps.

Don’t all women tweet about their horrid cramps and tag Midol?

Women, yes. Dudes in a dress? Only the weirdo pervs.

If you’re a beta boy living with a female, studies show they will get PMS in sync with theirs. This NY kid living in his moms trailer was crushing Midol for faster results

Promoting anarchofascism for 9 years and counting.


  1. Jessica Yaniv is back on twitter pr... -,

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Scrolling thru his timeline, there isn't a single tweet where he doesn't get ratio'd




She looks disturbingly like Lena Denham




Pretty sure this is one of the mods dad.


canada should be ashamed for the fact this man isn’t behind bars after all of the stunts he’s pulled

this fag made me not eat when im browsing shit on r/Drama

You need to understand that he would never attend because he has too much riding on the ambiguity of his genitals.