CIA ghouls forget to turn down the glow

1  2019-11-12 by Rentokill_boy


The good thing about this community, is it’s still based on consent, as no one is fattened against their will. In a way it’s admirable seeing these women do this to themselves, as it shows a real dedication to work against the grain of society and become the sizes they do.


  1. CIA ghouls forget to turn down the ... -,

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Account is over a year old. 52 tweets. 4 about Trump, 8 about Kavanaugh, then nothing for 14 months, then 40 about Bolivia.

This account just changed its location from Miami FL, to La Paz after I pointed it out.

Dozens of sockpuppets repost the same pro-coup copypasta

pro-coup spanish language hashtag trending in Virginia where the CIA is based

They're not even trying anymore

The CIA fucks something up and it blows back, who could have predicted.

sounds like they successfully tried and succeeded to take out another commie ignoramus

where do I donate extra

vote for bernie sanders if you want to increase your tax burden

lol Bernie stopped being a gommie like 30 years ago. too busy jerking off to nordic capitalism now. I'll vote for him ten years and two stents from now when he's pushing reaganomics

COMMIES BAD even if they aren't actually commies and we just need a strawman to gain public support from the seething retards in the electorate so that we can expand our foreign influence and corporate reach

-- CIA

commies good even though it's not reeeeal communism



Real communism has never been successfully implemented.


but the fact that it never even managed to get off the ground is a bad sign

Bolivia didn't try to implement communism





this but unironically

there it is

copypasta is a sign of bots

most DDF and chapos have 0 original thoughts and just copy paste arguments so its really hard to tell

pro-coup spanish language hashtag trending in Virginia where the CIA is based

A hashtag trends in the entire state of Virginia, a state with half a million Hispanic people - "must be the CIA lol", that's a reach so far even an infowards lunatic wouldn't touch it.

So the CIA overthrew the dictator of Bolivia by... tweeting about him in English? 🤔

pro-coup spanish language hashtag trending in Virginia where the CIA is based

I wonder what else is based in Virginia. Maybe lots of people who speak Spanish? 🤔

Imagine thinking anyone cares enough about some rando mestizo dictator getting btfo in a mountain Spic shithole to try and astroturf Twitter over it.

Retard, Bolivia's 6th largest trading partner is the US. It's no. 1 is Brazil, an extremely US-friendly country. They'll be getting those metals either way. Nobody cares about Morelo and his cronies, just like nobody cared when he kicked the DEA out in 2008.

What's happening here is yet another run-of-the-mill, LatAm pinko populist got too big for his britches and turned tinpot dictator. His people had none of it and showed him the door. Same thing is happening in Chile rn, only the wannabe strongman is a rightoid.

If you read the article you'll see that the Morales government was in the process of nationalising the lithium

Morales, who became the country’s first indigenous president in 2006, is defying constitutional term limits. In 2016, voters rejected his proposal to amend the constitution to let him seek another five-year term this year. He later won a court ruling allowing him to run on the grounds that barring him would violate human rights.

Literally his 4th term, after people voted in referendum AGAINST abolishing 2 term limit, his party appealed to court that decided to abolish it - some claim the court was packed with his sympathizers but I won't pretend to I know if this is true.

Not to mention the last election might've been rigged - again I have no idea how true this is and the situation is 100% being used by the opposing parties that encourage people to overthrow, but the guy is completely responsible for creating this opportunity himself.

That's fair (although the election wasn't rigged as far as we can tell) but it doesn't negate the fact that the US definitely has a vested interest in the outcome, enough to start a poorly thought-out twitter whitewashing campaign

IDK man, there was allegedly 1,5mil people protesting after the elections back in october, people are protesting now... I absolutely think there are bad faith actors and opposition involved in all of it but it's really hard to judge, none of us live in Bolivia.

It's just weird for me to see takes like "actually, term limits are very undemocratic" and "all these protesters are far right chuds paid by CIA" and that kind of shit from self-proclaimed leftists. I do hope though that Bolivia isn't gonna turn to shit, AFAIK their economy and quality of life have improved substantially since Morales got into power but he fucked it up.

If you read the article you'll see that the Morales government was in the process of nationalising the lithium

Explain please how the government setting Lithium price would be in any way different from the whatever corporation controlling the mining setting the price. Well, besides the government being inept about it and failing to set a price that maximizes profit.

Just wait until Lula dad-dicks Bolsoynaro and his band of fools

real centrist hours

this but Chile did nothing wrong

Why did lithium battery related stop just jump up like 33% then?

No one cares chapo!


Oh good, the blood for oil tards are lurching out of 2004 into current year.

Don't believe your eyes, retards, everything happens due to some glow in the dark conspiracy to extract natural resources

Everything the 2004 guys did and said were entirely unironically correct tho. Just like the OG hippies, the neo hippies won for a reason

So American bipolars are gonna invade it I guess ?

Epic monopoly

How the fuck are they not rich then?

Except that means fuck all when it’s easier to do business with their neighbor, Chile

Tankies are so fucking stupid

By next week everyone will be back to wondering which shitty banana republic Bolivia even is.

It's actually a pretty cool country with an interesting culture, shame about its stereotypical latam political and economic history

shame about its stereotypical latam political and economic history

hmmm real (((shame))) indeed

People are either too dumb to see the manipulation, or too content with it. Reddit and it's front page have been sold for years, but somehow that's okay and not an issue.

Both. All you need to do is label the subject a "commie" or "terrorist" and the Amerilard's brain turns off.

The sheer saltiness of commiecels about another successful CIA coup in Latin America never ceases to cheer me up.


Resident Chapos reading this, why is every revolution in south america clearly the CIA but every protest here in the states organic patriots fighting to end oppression?

Nice try, CIA shill.

every protest here in the states organic patriots fighting to end oppression?

who says this lil

how is this bolivia stuff clearly the CIA but antifa arent?

why would the cia be pro antifa

why would the cia be anti evo

doesn't the cia have a history of subverting leftist governments in central/south america?

the cia also has a history of supporting leftists government in SA/CA as well. Since thats the only government tamale niggers can implement, hence the constant revolution.

what SA "leftist government" has the us supported?

literally every one, since all of them are socialist except for Chile up until recently. Did you not read the comment you replied to?

Yeah the CIA are a huge fan of the Sandinistas

the contras and pinochet were socialist?

Can you give an example

Brazil. Columbia. Peru. Costa Rica.

Is this a fuckin joke? The US literally helped a military coup in Brazil and that was brought down by leftists decades later.

lmao the absolute STATE of your understanding of history

Having a pack of violent useful idiots to justify increased security spending is like secret police 101 tho

And it gives the people an easy enemy/distraction.

US antifa transforms revolutionary energy into stupidpol mental illness

My god I knew people on here were retarded but this really takes the cake. "Why do the CIA only do things that serve to further their own interests? Why don't they do the exact opposite?" you utter lobotomite lmao

you still havent answered the question. Why when your idealogy is being enforced its all organic, but when someone revolts against tamale socialism its obviously a CIA operation?

it's because america doesn't stand to gain much from encouraging antifa, but it stands to gain a lot from installing a friendly government in a country with half the world's lithium reserves, you brainlet

Theoretically being able to benefit from something is not proof that someone did it.

The CIA are implicated because of their track record and because of the ridiculous transparent twitter astroturfing campaign going on right now that I made this post about

Why the fuck would the CIA be saying anything about Kavanaugh

Deep state shills

it's because america doesn't stand to gain much from encouraging antifa

Of course the elites do, antifa have not taken "measures to exclude all leftists, as well as the assorted neurotics, lazies, incompetents, charlatans, and persons deficient in self-control who are drawn to resistance movements in America today." As such it's a perfect lighting rod that converts all revolutionary energy it manages to attract into idpol infighting.

The toxoplasma aspect is important too probably, it's entirely possible that the glowing gamer words are aware of and harnessing it.

Hurr durr but what about antifa?

He was not insinuating that antifa was the result of a CIA operation.

The economic elite are interested in domestic social division. To that end, Antifa are clearly working in their favor and I would not be surprised if significant elements of the "movement" were synthetic, either from elite or right-wing propagandists (there's good ad revenue coming out of antifa tards).

Bolivia is another blatant example of the elite/US military getting upset over the people getting their way and creating an environment hostile to neocolonialism. Seriously, do any amount of reading about the history of Latin America since the coincidental founding of the CIA in 1947. It's the same nonsense over and over again and the normal people like you and me never come out on top.

Both antifa and the alt right are Russian psyops, and Russia is actually a Jewish psyop and the jews are a CIA psyop so this checks out.

They know SHUT IT DOWN

This is a ridiculous false dichotomy.

real retardedpol hours

Imagine being this retarded.



dial 8

then dial 67-5309?

dude, you are seriousposting on drama about politics 24h/7

get help! Have sex! :v

Yikes sorry 😬 I was led to believe this was a safe space for agendaposting by my conservative peers

Yikes sorry 😬 I was led to believe this was a safe space for agendaposting by my conservative peers



what is going on here?

Here’s a better one:

Why are the Chilean protests right next doors conveniently not cia related whatsoever when it’s a rightoid in charge?

Because why would the CIA aid a left-wing revolution, which would lead to geopolitical developments counter to US interests?

Why would the CIA bother with such an irrelevant country that’s already landlocked by the biggest rightoid meme in the Western Hemisphere in açaí land?

If we’re gonna overthrow every leftist gov on the planet we would’ve just taken over 70% or Africa at this rate

They tried but china and russia are fucking with them

You don't think the CIA overthrows African governments?

the US supported communist countries during the Cold War i.e. Somalia. they seriously have never given a shit about the economic model you implement in your country, as long as you don't side with Russia.

Somalia was not communist. It was initially supported by the USSR then they dropped them for Ethiopia and then the US began supporting the government.

yeah the Democratic Republic of Somalia led by the Supreme Revolutionary Council of the Somali Revolutionary Socialist Party was not communist, you're right

Do you not know the difference between socialism and communism?

stop being a pedantic retard, if the US actually cared about the economic model implemented in a country, they surely would hate both socialists and communists

So you've conceded you were wrong then. And like I said they were supported by the USSR until 79 and then the US began supporting them. They weren't socialist by the time the US was supporting them

This amount of sperging about definitions is incredible

Yet you retards downvote him, the day of 90.69% when?

People say this all the time, retard.

Persons unknown are manipulating the discourse around this event.

There is only one logical explanation: the CIA is completely responsible for what happened.

Wait is that guy denying Venezuela was poor?

The Cia can be sloppy by do you retards really think they'd just paste the same exact phrase again and again with a sock puppet? Shit is pathetic, probably some inbred small lithium mine owner getting national dicked personally doing it.


False flag. Bolivian coup is cool and good.