"Let's be less overbearing and insufferable", said a post in /r/vegan. "That's not vegan" answered the rest of the sub

1  2019-11-13 by ItsSugar


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This sub is what happens when minimally educated unintelligent people join together to find common ground and project their own self loathing to the rest of the world. There has never been anything clever that I have ever seen from this sub. I will continue to look for humor but I am just starting to think that loss and anger plus unemployment equals humor


  1. "Let's be less overbearing and insu... - archive.org, archive.today

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Hi I’m the OP and I have gotten actual hate messages haha thought you’d appreciate that extra bit of info

If you upload the screenshots I'll love you forever.

any highlights?

Definitely post screenshots, we love idiot vegans here! (Redundant, I know)

You sound obese

Lol, swing and a miss, flamingo.

Rescind your downvote and we'll say nothing else on the matter.

Flamingos are pretty birds

yeah, pretty gay


But they only have one leg so they mooch off the disability benefits programs.

Boy do I have some upsetting news for you

Is that not a leg 😳🤭

He said upsetting.

Skellymode or skinnyfat?

Mmmm, bones

This used to have bite before I realized you're just a chaser.

Now, now, bear hunting season is over

That's because they're fat.


pls share

See, we don't need pings when we have brave OPs that come here to share their drama, tell us lolcows are vegan-adjacent, and hopefully post bussy.

Send screenshots pls

Lol, r vegan being creepy losers? No shit, you should see their discord, where they plan their brigades.

And before anyone asks, no I can't share, because that might ruin the suprise for r vegan users and jannies, that some saner users are creating....

I love u bb pls post screenshots

ur a legend

There was honestly so much nastiness around that positive post. Awesome of you to post it.

I include all the comments here salivating at the idea of finding another reason to hate vegans as a form of nastiness too.

Just try to be better people. Veganism is a positive movement about bettering life for animals, humans, and our planet. Let’s have productive conversations about how vegans can make it easier to make the transition for non-vegans, rather than find ways to hate each other or deny the reality that plant-based diets are more ethical than animal-based diets.


Post the screenshots

Why are vegans such disgusting, vile creatures?

Hangry all the time

You're not you when you're hangry.

Grab a snickers.

Vitamin deficiencies, bitter over people who cut them off for proselytizing, losing internet arguments all the time, bad tasting food, the list goes on and on.

They have the distinction of being 100% morally correct.

True but I hate them for that

Man the fuck up. I fucking hate non-vegans who act like vegans are morally superior for not eating meat. They're not.

Veganism is inherently antinatalist. Vegans believe that raising a cow and then killing it for food is bad. You know what the alternative to raising and killing that cow is? That is for the cow to never have been born. If we didn't keep animals for their products then those animals would never be born. To be a vegan is literally to argue that never having been born is better than living and then dying. Veganism is not in the animals' interest because vegans want a world in which those animals were never born. Their ideology is no different from the antinatalism of edgy emos.

I seriously do not get this logic. If the natural state of insects (really most life) is evil, isn't the most logical decision to exterminate it? Surely by their logic ending the lives of all living animals is an insignificant amount of suffering compared to the lives of countless future generations. And the only other alternative is to attempt to create an animal utopia. And if we can't do that for humans what makes them think we can do that for every other animal on Earth?!

If the natural state of insects (really most animals) is evil, isn't the most logical decision to exterminate them? Surely by their logic ending the lives of all living animals is an insignificant amount of suffering compared to the suffering of countless future generations that would take place if they were allowed to live.

That's exactly what Tomasik means by "helping animals".

So the most moral thing for us to do according to him would be to poison the Oceans and then launch all our nukes?!

I don't think that this can actually irrevocably destroy all life on Earth.

But even then, consider how many other planets there are in the entire Universe where there exists life and suffering, but nobody with nukes. Our moral responsibility to help life on all those planets now and till the end of time is breathtakingly grandiose.

So our goal should be to research ways to initiate vacuum decay and destroy the universe 🤔

What if the next metastable vacuum state is even better for the abiogenesis? I say we should make a self-propagating interstellar robotic fleet that spreads over the universe and sterilizes it. Make sure that the robots either can't have emotions or even are very happy all the time.

If we had a self-propagating inter-galactic robotic fleet capable of sterilizing the entire universe surely we'd also have technology capable of creating a universal utopia instead? Modify our posthuman selves and any other life we come across to be incapable of suffering and have the robotic fleet act as a universal "gardener" of sorts.

thank you for spreading the enlightened words of Tomasik.

you think you're doing it ironically, but they eat away at you. by 2030 we will convert the rainforest to gravel, and there's nothing you can do to stop us.

Comparing insects to cows/pigs/etc

Galaxy brain

Animals bred without moments of happiness would rather be dead, absolutely, if they had the mind to share their feelings with us in a way we could understand (well, compassion and empathy should be enough to understand, but many people have very thick skulls and need a lot of "data" from either a religion or a scientist to learn how to be human - see Steve Harvey's bizarre "moral barometer" argument against atheists).

I would not want to be born to be sent to a cramped space for months or years and either slowly die or get sent to slaughter. Or have some ugly bastard beat me to death against a metal pole. Or have my body parts torn off and then left to continue some hellish lengthy process of inhumane transport, often freezing to death surrounded by my kind. No thanks.

If we're going to argue that domesticated livestock is sentient on something approaching the order of humans—and pigs might just be closing in on us—then we also need to acknowledge that a non-trivial number of these animals will be neurodivergent and masochistic like humans being. Some of those fatted calf's, in fact, want it.

I am not sure what, if anything, is in this comment that forms an argument of any kind. Have a good night :)

Ok but let's agree that traps are gay

I for one lament the shortage of benevolent dog slaughterhouses

Your existence is living proof of why antinatalism is correct.

Morally correct sure. Unlikable when they act shittily to anyone who has done less than their efforts too though lol.

Who gives a shit about morality, especially on drama?

Who cares?

They live in a desert and their only source of income is degenerate gamblers and roasties.

Vegans are right, they just suck.

So they're like food incels

Vegans are right


You can be a non-sucky vegan and pave the way.

Have people call you food incels and address you negatively takes its toll, and some vegans resort to negative behavior in retaliation. You can be above that, but it takes a strong, stable person to withstand it.

You can be a non-sucky vegan and pave the way.

That's like being an incel that people can tolerate being around.

Such a thing is only theoretically possible.

What about abstaining from consuming animal bodies, their secretions, or wearing their skin guarantees that a person sucks, and how do you defone sucking?

1: Don't be weaker than your omnivorous counterparts.

2: Don't be an insufferable smug-cunt despite being weaker.

You can be strong, both physically and emotionally, and not be insufferable. Pretty hard to find that on the internet, since most of social media users are insufferable, but outside of it, plenty of people are vegan that you wouldn’t have guessed, since they rarely draw attention to it.

I love how none of the people you've mentioned are either good people or very strong.

They’re not insufferable smug-cunts.

Plenty of good people historically were vegetarian/vegan: Pythagoras, Plato, Leonardo Da Vinci, Einstein, Nikola Tesla, Gandhi, Mark Twain...

Plenty of strong people history have been vegetarian/vegan: Bill Clinton, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Kendrick Farris (strongest Olympic weightlifter in the US with multiple records), etc.

They’re not insufferable smug-cunts.

Ok Jannie

If you think vegans are right, you can be vegan without the negative traits is all. Wish you the best, thanks for communicating with me.

If you think vegans are right, you can be vegan without the negative traits is all.

No, you really can't. You'll always be weaker.

How do you define strength?

Lacking soy-moobs.

Soy has phytoestrogens, not mammalian estrogen. Your body can’t process it.

Regardless, beer has twice the phytoestrogens as soy, and unlike tofu, it’s been advertised as a manly drink, despite these properties.

Then why are so many of you unable to so much as open a bottle of Soylent without assistance? Why are so many of you prone to looking like a complete pushover?

?? Vegans =/= being a pushover. Kendrick Farris, whose currently the strongest Olympic weightlifter in the U.S. and has multiple U.S. lift records, is vegan.

You can be strong and vegan at the same time. Being vegan doesn’t mean being weak or effeminate.

?? Vegans =/= being a pushover.

Yes they are lol

The strongest weightlifter in the U.S. is vegan. Watch Game Changers on Netflix. Best of luck.

You know he's not actually vegan, right?

He is vegan. https://www.mensjournal.com/food-drink/vegan-diet-american-olympic-weightlifter-kendrick-farris/

You said you thought vegan diets were correct and better. I’m just saying the obvious, that what you’re talking about (it comes with negative personality traits) isn’t true. For example, you exhibit lots of negative personality traits, and you eat animals. They don’t actually go hand in hand, and it’s literally the ad hominem fallacy (taking the perceived personality traits of the person/group in order to dismiss their argument).

is the position of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics that appropriately planned vegetarian, including vegan, diets are healthful, nutritionally adequate, and may provide health benefits for the prevention and treatment of certain diseases. These diets are appropriate for all stages of the life cycle, including pregnancy, lactation, infancy, childhood, adolescence, older adulthood, and for athletes.

You acted like you wanted to be vegan and thought vegans were right, which is why I initially responded to you. It’s sounds like you’re just afraid your dick is going to fall off if you go vegan, and have some other irrational fears, and are grasping at straws in order to justify them with whatever argument is most readily available to you.

Good luck.

Strongest. Baby.

You are not vegan if you eat cheese or bacon. Full stop. Veganism is a binary thing you are one or you are not.

I wonder if they think this same way about gender

Maybe if you drink milk and eat cheese you are Three-Fifths of a Vegan


Despite being 13% of the population, vegans are responsible for 53% of Americans' insufferable attitude.

I'm vegan, and anything beyond 2 genders is a LARP.

My take on veganism is that if a male with a penis can go on to /r/vegan and identify himself as a female and they all agree with it, then I can eat steak and identify as a vegan and they should have no problem with that.

I wonder who is still saying "full stop".

Pretentious vegans, apparently.

They dont, because there is a huge overlap in demographics when it comes to neo-vegans and troons.

Nah, there are two genders and two binaries of veganism.

I just had to give it platinum.


Let's take a moment to unpack this.

At this point, supporting reddit is literally supporting the Nazis, but I have an even bigger bone to pick with some of those vegans

Best thing I found when hearing the famous line ''I could never be vegan because I like too much meat/bacon/eggs/dairy/etc'' is to answer with:

''Don't underestimate yourself''

If you say something like ''so you like hurting animals for taste?'' or ''come on your an adult'' it can come off as aggressive and can turn people off veganism. By using ''don't underestimate yourself'', first they won't feel attacked because it's indirect and second, your not attacking their personnal choice but their self-esteem.

So there is a better chance they think ''it's true, I can do this''.

But from experience there are some that reply ''Well actually I don't want to be vegan'' but those are hypocrites for saying they could never be vegan because X reasons.

Sorry for bad english

Yeah this definitly works 🤭🤭🤭

She's right, but then there's benevolent bacon and cashew cheese 🤤


Probably never ate actual bacon or cheese

You’ve probably never had homemade cashew cheese.

When it’s ground up in a blender, if you follow the instructions, it has the texture of high quality Brie cheese without rBST, estrogen, and pus.

Pus is an essential part of brie though

without rBST, estrogen, and pus.

well then what's the fucking point

They're right though. The vegans I know weren't bullied into it, because that's retarded. Someone else they knew showed them how to make vegan food etc. and they realised they could just make the switch.

killing animals without a good reason is wrong

Killing them to eat them is good enough reason for me lol

the weak should fear the strong

especially if the weak are tasty

this is why teen bussy is the best

somewhat creepy yet based

Abraham Lincoln and Martin Luther King directly made arguments against “Might makes Right” ideology.

You aren’t strong because you lack moral courage to consider not supporting the burning off of beaks and cutting off of tails without an anesthetic. You aren’t strong if you support throwing defenseless animals into gas chambers, or dipping them into electric water, or supporting them being placed in raperacks to be sexually assaulted and forcibly impregnated.

Truly strong people protect innocent lives.

Yeah well those niggas both got assassinated lmao

MLK received 30 threatening calls and letters a day during the first year of the Montgomery Bus Boycott. Someone shot a shotgun through his front door, bombed his house twice, and he was stabbed during a book signing the next year.

He knew his life was always in danger for speaking up in favor of justice. Just like Jesus, he was killed in his 30's for his beliefs.

That's not a sign of weakness, but a sign of courage.

Imagine being this retarded.

Courage and strength are opposites

electric water

my favorite sports drink

Animal torture, abuse, and exploitation is something silly to joke about.

actually i joked about a minor typo you autistic fucking retard

Imagine not being at the top of the food chain

Africans be like

They work under the false pretence that killing animals for any reason, for lul or otherwise, goes against god's plan.

But vegans don’t believe in God and are going to hell regardless

I mean even if they don't believe in God it's just natural selection

This but seriouspost

Good taste is its own good reason. Bratwurst doesn't grow on trees, and if it did, I'd still eat pork chops 😋

What’s the worst vegancel dino? 🤔

The only acceptable food in CURRENT YEAR is soy and soy based products.

Yes, especially for boys.

Eat the bugs

Drink the bug milk bigot.

There's literally fucking nothing wrong with eating bugs you memer

They can taste fine

t. cockroach eater

grasshoppers are fine

It fucking tickles my pickle that all the wokest groups are so filled with infighting

Implying that the retarded groups arent full of infighting as well. Just look at goymers vs Charlie Kirk

Moral Objectivism is a big retarded Ouroboros.

Extremes always fall to infighting.

The far right just, historically, got violent and solved their infighting quietly.

Today though, I'm pretty sure there's some stupid fucking scandal between Richard Spencer and another of those beholdthemasterrace chodes

You're either vegan or you're not. I'm not 45% anti-racism... I'm 100% anti-racism

While absolutely retarded, they have a point; the only people upset over not being considered a vegan while eating cheese, are those who wanted to both keep their favourite food and reap the feelgood points / backpats of considering themselves vegan

The spirit of the post though is two-fold, first, people should make changes where they feel most comfortable and capable to do. Second, for people to judge less and not let the quest for perfect ruin the good. So if a person who has a standard diet chooses to cut out all meat and dairy products except for skirt steak and eggs from chickens they house in their back yard, then they can self identify as partially vegan. Other vegans can chime in and say that what I described isn't vegan, but shaming and being an ass isn't warranted.

A similar situation is shaming a smoker or alcoholic trying to cut back without going cold turkey.

It's funny seeing them spread a circlejerk subreddit when they notice that their source of SMUG is being diluted by people who want to make a positive change for themselves...as opposed to doing it purely for the feelgood points.

Vegans believe that eating animals involves a victim.

You don’t ask people victimizing animals to wait until they are most comfortable to stop victimizing animals, you simply ask them to stop. That’s the central argument from that side.

And the word you’re looking for with regards to someone who reduces their animal consumption is flexitarian, not vegan. Vegan means abstaining from all animals, dairy, eggs, and other animal products that involve victimizing animals.

Ok vegan

Lol well, don’t pretend you’re an expert on word usage of vegan. It literally means abstaining from eating animals, dairy, eggs, and wearing leather/fur for animal cruelty reasons. If you’re eating a “skirt steak and eggs”, you aren’t partially vegan, you’re an animal eater or if you still want to identify with something, flexitarian.

Did I strike a nerve?

No. I’ve had people send me pictures of dead animals they killed “just for me” because I spoke up against animal cruelty.

Just saying that you’re misusing terms, and using the word “vegan” as a pejorative isn’t to your interests. Plant based diets are more ethical, environmentally friendly, and resource friendly than animal-based diets. The number 1 reason people don’t switch is the social factor of being bullied and less well-liked (according to a study from 2014, being an ethical vegan makes someone 25% less liked on a 1-10 scale than someone who eats animals).

You’re free to do whatever you want, but it’s counterproductive towards building a better world.

Maybe if vegans like you weren't so annoying people would be more comfortable identifying as a vegan.

They've run studies and it has nothing to do with the behavior of the vegan, or even vegetarian, but more to do with people eating animal's own cognitive dissonance (of not wanting to harm and exploit animals on the one hand, but doing it on the other).

The only group of vegans/vegetarians that were well thought of by the animal eaters were those that "secretly" broke their diet. This group was thought of as better than people who eat animals. Researchers concluded that it was because it relieved the pressure to change from the people eating animals.

Animals are lesser beings and deserve to be eaten. This is just natural selection

So you think having power over a living being justifies abusing power?


Might makes right? Child abuse, animal abuse, mentally and physically challenged abuse, spousal abuse, etc. are all okay in your world, being a true reflection of justice?

All of those are good things

Where you abused when you were a kid?

No but I should’ve been

You're either vegan or you're not. I'm not 45% anti-racism... I'm 100% anti-racism

If vegans were a race, I'd be a racist.

Nothing wrong with a bit of genocide

If vegans were a race, I'd be a racist.


There’s plenty of good vegan food. There are 3 star Michelin chefs who switched to a plant based diet 2 decades ago, not for any ethical environmental or health reason, but he simply got bored of the flavor palate of animal products.

There are over 20,000 edible plants. Plenty of delicious food is vegan.

there's plenty of good vegan food 😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣

You’ve never tried fruit? lol

where do you think you are

this mother fucker doesnt like oreos

Go for the stuff that's not imitating bloodmouth food and it can actually be decent.

All the "cruelty-free" vegan alternatives are trash and reek of COPE

you can also be only a man or a woman

Wait so if I only hate one race in particular, (say, Inuits), can I claim to be like 99% anti-racism?

I like the comparison's between drinking milk and kicking puppies.

Veganism is a mental illness.

Drinking milk does in most cases contribute to more suffering than kicking a puppy

Not really. Dairy cows get fucked annually to keep their lactation cycle going, if AI is used they at least get anally fisted.

Either way they're getting a hole or two filled, once a year, which is once more than you. Still not as bad as a puppy getting kicked.

And then we factor in all the calves and less productive dairy cows that get slaughtered. After a life with possible health problems due to higher milk yields, suffering from lameness or mastitis, or just being abused by a factory farm worker.

Plus there's the negative psychological effects of the slaughterhouse workers after killing all those calves and cows.

All-in-all that sounds worse than a dog being kicked.

Oh yeah, and I fail to see how "veganism is a mental illness". Could you maybe explain it a bit further?


What kind of dog are we kicking? Is it a pibble?

Yeah it causes more suffering because it ruins your skin if you drink too much of it. Skincare is more important than oversized rats.

True because we have to hear vegans bitch about it. Which causes me more suffering than me kicking a puppy

I'm gonna get drunk on Eggnog and kick some puppies just to spite you.

Veganism is the moral baseline. It's not kind or compassionate. It's our basic obligation to stop participating in the exploitation of animals and treating them as property.


Most people here would eat my asshole, and that seems pretty moral to me.

It’s a moral imperative to eat bussy

Truly a mitzvah

I haven't seen your asshole.

It's very pretty and manly.

Mayos lmao

Replace animals with poor people and they sound like a commie 🤔🤔🤔

let's not own people

pffft, fuckin' commie

Women getting stoned - I sleep Animals treated as property - real shit?

May Allah strike them down for their heathen Western hypocrisy

The point of veganism is to activate those religion areas of their brains. You can't be a half vegan same as Christians won't accept 'I'm a half Christian'

More like fascist vegans.


I want to know how the vegans who think eating bugs is "morally unacceptable" feel about abortion.

An abortion is terminating something that can't survive without you that lives inside your body. How is that comparable in any way?

Thanks for saying that. It makes me feel less guilty about what happened to my pet gerbil during his fantastic voyage.


A broiler chicken can not survive without human support. It would die very quickly in nature. If completely all broiler chickens would be released from farms to the nature, completely all of them would very likely die very soon and their specie would become extinct. That's how it is comparable.

Just to be clear, I am not a vegan and I am not against abortions.

I don't think any vegan wants broiler chickens to continue to be bred. So yes, the ultimate goal would be no more broiler chickens. They can't even stand because of how heavy we've made them. Broiler chickens wouldn't have occurred in nature in the first place.

If carls jr sold a fetus burger, I would try it at least once.

Proper ethical vegans are some of the most autistic people on earth which leads to some interesting debates. I'd imagine anti-abortion vegans are more common than you'd think

Idk about bugs but I know there are some vegans who think eating bivalves is fine because they can't feel pain.

They're pretty much the only people to actually apply applied ethics and I find that really interestinh.

r/vegan is a militant sub. They are rabid.

r/vegetarian is much nicer and far less judgemental.

r/vegetarian, all the enjoyable smugness and none of the moral consistency.

Vegans are where vegetarians were at sixty years ago.

A cow lost her life over that sour cream, and someone losing her life is neither small nor stupid.


These based retards are endless entertainment.

I used to fucking hate chickpeas and avocado but now the taste is pleasant to me. I could bathe in hummus

friendly reminder that these people are all mentally retarded because they lack nutrients in their diet like omega 3, creatine, taurine, zinc, iron and other nutrients found in meat which vegans have been found to be deficient in, but meat eaters usually get sufficient quantities of.

b12 is usually the only one they bother to supplement with, but half of them believe ultra retarded shit like b12 coming from dirt and not even being needed as a supplement, and some famous vegan youtubers were diagnosed with deficiencies of it.

I know vegans lurk these threads, so I need to ask. What's a good vegan diet for a boomer like me? I won't eat any faggy millenial vegetables like quinoa, chickpeas, or soy. Only real vegetables like carrots, lettuce, and potatoes (not sweet potatoes, whatever the fuck those are).

Basically, I'm looking to avoid any vegetable that was invented in the last 30 years.


I am shocked that people chronically malnourished would be easily upset...