Should fatties be allowed to vote?

1  2019-11-16 by Llamayoda

Think about it seriously. If a group of people were 1) unable to make competent decisions 2) lacked any self control 3) didn’t contribute to society We would be up in arms about removing their right to vote. So why don’t people feel the same about fatties?


I agree

I mean if you're already allowing women to vote, does it even matter?

We can abolish the 19th after that.

Do it now before Warren becomes president..

Also, landowners only.

So basically just banks.

So basically just (((banks)))

What are you implying here, gentile?

n-nothing, mr. goldstein

This, but unironically.

Tfw millionaires paying rent for luxury apartments can't vote but Walmart Americans living in mobile homes can.

The best argument against democracy is a five-minute conversation with the average voter.

--- Winston Churchill

Fatties make up the majority of human mass in America so they run the show

I dont think they run in any sense of the word.

You should only be able to vote if you have achieved 1/2/3/4, weaklings and foids shouldn't vote.

No, and that includes skinny fat moids and foids 👌

The fuck is skinny fat? Sounds like an oxymoron

Normalish human build, but replace the muscle volume with matter about as firm as soft tofu 🤢

Literally nobody but me.

And furries, cause animals don't get to vote.


We all know you're just a bird who took points in Bluff and Language (Human).

I identify as human tho


I'm sorry, what?

No. All voting places should be in heritage buildings without elevators on the 5th floor at a minimum.

I 100% unironically believe we should go full starship troopers.

Only people who served should vote.

most people serve because they're too stupid for higher skilled work tbh

that might change if you need it to vote

IMO a BMI over 35 has is "clear and convincing evidence" that a person is a danger to themselves. This is grounds for involuntary commitment. Assess them, begin treatment of their mental health problems, get them on a treatment plan, and regularly follow up with weigh-ins until they're better. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.


Make 'em earn their votes on a treadmill, like in Black Mirror.

votes per person:

1/2 [ log2(1 + ($ taxes paid this year) / $30k ) + 1/ (1 + (BMI / 11 - 2)2) ]

So if your BMI is 22, and you pay

  • $30k in taxes per year, you get 1 vote.

  • $240k taxes, you get 2 votes.

  • $3.84M taxes, you get 5 votes.

If your BMI is higher (or lower) than 22, you need to pay more taxes to get 1 vote.

BMI 25 (or 19) you need to pay $33k taxes for 1 vote.

BMI 30 (or 14) you need to pay $46.5k taxes for 1 vote.

BMI 50 you need to pay $80k taxes for 1 vote.



I honestly agree

after they pay the bill for all the subsidized corn

Don't those describe all Americans, though?

It does

Even though I'm a bit of a chonker myself these days, I'd be in support of this.

16 of the fattest states in the country voted for Daddy. So giving up my currently non-existent right to vote in order to ensure Daddy loses is a justifiable sacrifice.