Obama reminds Twitter check marks that they don't really matter

1  2019-11-16 by BigBrownDog12



Our most radically centrist president was Black

Mayos BTFO.

Our most radically centrist president was half mayo


The physical embodiment of

b o t h s i d e s

Perfect centrism

There's literally no difference between mayonnaise and barbecue sauce you imbecile, you absolute moron.

As all things should be.

Africa dad

Mayo mom

Raised in Asia

The Centrist who was promised

Went to high school inHawaii, which is equidistant between the Americas and Asia (sorry Africans and Yuros, we can't all be Sicilian).


Which prez would you say was closer to the center?



Clinton was the first black US president.

FDR fought the nazi's in WWII but still hated jews, does that count?

The only difference between Hitler and FDR is Hitler had the decency to kill himself

Based and... dare I say it? Redpilled.

James Buchanan he did the enlightened centrist meme IRL but about slavery. Also he was gay

He really was our guy.


we shouldn't own people

I will render our country in half and sacrifice hundreds of thousands of Americans to preserve access to those dark muscles.

"I literally can't tell the difference."

What’s the difference?

Actually I'm going to take the excuse to go into a history rant. The South seceded not because the Republicans were going to ban slavery (a radical position during 1860, and even much of the Civil War), but because Republicans were going to prevent expansion of slavery to new states. The Confederacy started the deadliest war in American history because they weren't going to be able to move to Idaho.

And yet ironically, Idaho still ended up full of white trash anyway. 😒

They, surprisingly for inbred hicks, knew that failure to maintain the entirely manufactured balance of power between free and slave states would result in the latter's eventual demise. So yes, it wasn't an immediate effort by Republicans but rather a time in American history in which people could see beyond the next election cycle.

Imagine needing some random state like South Dakota to preserve your way of life 😂😂😂😂

The ultimate cuckoldry: Topeka

Ironically, their more immediate concern was opposition to states rights. The federal government was not forcing northern states to turn over runaway slaves.

Joke's on the Union. Idaho has more confederates per capita than anywhere else

Totally centrist, even in race smh

Our most radically centrist president was Black

Mayos BTFO.

I dunno man, Obama's comment was that "average people don't want to tear down the system" which is definitely not radical centrism. Also I'm pretty sure he's wrong, last time I checked the polling data, a huge number of average people want to tear down at least significant portions of the system.

Pretty sure his mum was white, making him mixed.



We need to find a way to harness this seething to solve the energy crisis

I've solved it. We take everyone that posts in political subs, and we put them in camps and force them to manually spin turbines to generate electricity

I thought you were Pol_Invictus there for a second, but then I realized your plan doesn't involve decomposing all their dead bodies into biofuel.

I thought you were Pol_Invictus there for a second

Disgusting, blocked and reported. You should be ashamed of yourself

Yeah but you're going to be expending a lot of energy keeping these political (get it) prisoners well fed enough to continue to operate the cranks. You'll have to house and guard them as well. All that requires energy, so it's probably going to be a net negative you fool. Also you're assuming regular politics posters are physically capable of productive work.

Not true. You set up a minefield around the compound and when one keels over the others can eat

You truly are a genius, I'd vote for you.

I'm all about high speed, low drag

o7 oper8r

Cope springs eternal.

That's green

I thought you were Pol_Invictus there for a second, but then I realized your plan doesn't involve decomposing all their dead bodies into biofuel.

Por que no los dos?

He has inspired millions of people to send him money all based on the hope that things will get better. Haven't you ever wanted things to get better. Bernie says he will do that.

Irony or not? Hard to tell with these people.

He has inspired millions of people to send him money all based on the hope that things will get better. Haven't you ever wanted things to get better? Osteen says he will do that.

And I quote

"So most of the developed countries are living in extreme left policies. And they have better quality of life/ life expectancy than the US.

Can it be called extreme if it’s where most countries do."

Name one, debil.

What’s Reddit’s obsession with making comparisons to Europe and what’s considered “left” or not. It’s 100% irrelevant but they keep doing it.

What's worse, the comparison is utter bullshit, socdems are not fucking extreme left.

And btw children in "supposed left" reddit subs hates socdems.

Reddit sees free health care and think the entire country is supreme left.

Americans are tuned to the two party system. If one country has one heavy (logical) socialist policy, it must mean they have all the extreme leftist ideas at once.

They should see my life. Sure I have free healthcare, but I also have to go to the bathroom multiple times a night due to my aging bladder, so explain THAT communists!

I lol’d when I saw a redditor acted shocked an European country was ran by conservatives despite having healthcare for all

Just look at the commonwealth, free healthcare, but you have to get a license to look at porn on the internet. I suppose that fits with the frankly Victorian sexual mores of communist philosophy.

I mean ironically enough European countries have Biden/Mayor Petes shit, government healthcare for everyone who wants it and private to cover shit the government healthcare doesn't.

This is a boring take. Joe Biden goes to chemothrapy rooms and cheers when people faint. Sometimes he invites his coke-addled son to come along and recently he's been inviting Pete, on the condition that Chasten blows in hospice centers.

Guys me and my roommate split the rent and go half and half on groceries. Socialism works!

0 points

He is worried that policies that don't appeal to the majority of Americans will lead to another four years of President Trump

And he is wrong.

Imagine being wrong wrong

0 points and like 250 comments lmao

468 comments now

"We shouldn't have to appeal to normal functioning members of society!!"

The sad thing is that they unironically believe that.

This is the result of internet echo chambers. It's like the old story about the chick that couldn't believe Nixon won because she didn't know anyone who voted for him. When you're in a bubble where everyone agrees with you it deludes you into believe you're in the majority whether you are or not. "How could we have lost the election? What do you mean the electorate was disgusted by our suggestion to lower the age of consent to 10 and legalize dog fucking? I've never heard such a thing!"

The most important advice of the next decade is going to be "seriously stop reading the fucking comments section". I have a theory that the rise in mental illness and school shootings can be linked to the increased exposure of the general public to internet arguments.

Think about how fucked up it is that a sub like /r/politics exists. You can just get a news RSS if you want the news. People are subscribed to that shit because they want to engage in gladiatorial combat in the comments section. It probably fulfills some human need for conflict that our ancestors satiated by participating in football hooliganism.

I think the average person would be much happier if they just kept their emotional energy out of the web. Ironically this sub is far less toxic than all the default subs, despite having none of the rules designed to enforce civility.

Imagine time traveling back to 2012 and telling republicans that in eight years, Obama would be considered “not radical enough” by the left.

The heart attacks alone would kill thousands.

Good thing the world ended in 2016 and we're living in a simulation set to meme


Do you mean 2008? Because most of the anti-Iraq neohippies already felt burned by Obama's inaction by 2012

Yeah you’re probably right actually.

The entire socialist Muslim kenyan schtik kinda died around 2010

...and then the creator of that movement rebirthed himself to memer in chief a couple years later

The entire socialist Muslim kenyan schtik kinda died around 2010

Who exactly is the president now?

He became president for other retarded shit. He pretty much dropped the birther stuff completely a while ago.

Like late in 2016.

2012 election seems like it took place in a different world. People were civil and social media hadn't metastasized to infect society at large yet. "Binders full of women" was as controversial as it got

I still miss the time when someone like Palin was a campaign-ender.

He never was radically left at any point during either campaign and Republicans either knew that was the case and lied to rile up their base or they didn’t because they were stupid.

0 points and 300 comments

/r/politics continues expressing their belief that if they downvote something enough, it ceases to exists.


They were unironically posting articles of how bernie’s heart collapse was good for his campaign.

2016 wasn’t really cope as much as it was shock.

I don’t even care about political policy anymore I just want nothing more than the purest form of cope in 2020.

Cope is boring, milions of people absolutely seething is what's fun.

The Shareblue bots just do what they're told, man.

They're literally insisting that by going super far left they can convince John and Jane in swing states to vote for them. It's beyond retarded, it's just denying reality

Surely if enough socialists pretend that they are part of the working class, it means the working class will vote for them.

0 points (41% upvoted)

Seethe levels 😡😡😡 are through the roof.

0 points and 250 comments lol

Stfu rightoid, what does a 2 time president know about winning the election!?

Who are you going to trust - The guy who was elected president twice or some redditors?

43% upvoted LMAO

There is no one I trust more than Redditors.

Sorry hun but YTA úvù

lmao I love how reddit turned from "WE MISS YOU OBAMA" to "OK OBOOMER" at the turn of a dime when he doesn't cowtow to the screeching masses of the almighty blue check.

I remember reading about how amazing it was Obama used social media and twitter and all that back in the day lol


He ran on universal healthcare, backed out on it when elected, and is now criticizing other liberals for running on it.

Even my Dad says "universal healthcare is too radical", when that's one of the reasons he voted for Obama a decade ago...

Ah yes, universal healthcare, the one main thing that democrats are talking about, they hold no other views that would be off putting to regular people and it's just some weird irrational fear of healthcare that keeps people on the fence. No Democrat has ever said anything wacky about immigration, or abortion, or taxes, or guns, or...

I guess this shows that on the progressive stack, twitter-blue is above black.

Honestly never thought I’d see the day where the left pushes Obummer away. How naive I was.

Most leftists would love to go off about Obama and his drone strikes but that's kinda political suicide at the moment.

Instead they do it cause he’s not left enough. Amazing.

If you were promised white slaves after voting for him how can you be anything but disappointed?

He never even got justice for his son Trayvon

You were pretty out of touch with what the left believed then. From day 1 of Obama getting into the White House, he had Rachel Maddow denouncing him every night for trying to save the economy from total collapse instead of dealing with more important issues like gays in the military.

Lol sorry I didn’t spend time watching cable news anchors

People thought Obama would be like Jack Kennedy, and instead he turned out to be like Jack Kennedy, not a flag-football Robespierre.

A twitter leftist would kill their own family if their internet clique told them to do it.

Especially if the fam was Glumpf supporters

in drones we trust

He should run a third time like FDR. #Obama2020

I'm pretty sure that there is a clause somewhere in the constitution that allows the first non-white president to run as often as he desires.

He’s only half back though so does that count?

He just gets an extra two years then.

That’s just affirmative action

Via the transitive property, the 3/5 compromise means Obama only served 1.6 terms, and if he were to resign before the end of August 2022 and hand it to his VEEP he's good to go.

Technically the 2 term thing is for people, and we know how that goes.

Founding Fathers found it so laughable that a black person could become president, so they left it in

He's trying to get people to support Biden in 2020 so he can run as Vice President. Then Biden will resign and we'll have Oboomer part 3.

That would be real 4d chess.


Oboomer can see it already... Trump winning easily in 2020 as his party eats itself alive over transgender issues

Barry Obummer was like the calmest about Trumps win in comparison to be leftoids

cause he low key knew it was his fault with the way he shaped political discourse during his term, which gave rise to the tea party and eventually trump because when every criticism was shouted down as lol racist, the word stopped having any teeth

Tbf, I don't think it was him who steered the burger politics to this level of retarded, afaik he barely every got into idpol, he was ok.

Lmao the Trayvon would’ve been my son and Michael brown shit was peak idpol.

Hands up don’t shoot nigga

Don't forget inviting the clock bomber to white house.

Remember the “beer summit” lmao 😂😂😂

How quickly zoomers forget...

Lmao what. He was like leading the idpol revolution in the second term. First term he didn’t but “hands up don’t shoot” and “my son tryvon”

You must be retarded, Obama barely brought up his race while President because he knew the mayo ape would start flinging shit the second he mentioned he was black. The mayo ape REEEEEEEed regardless but least Obama tried.

Trayvon could’ve been my son.

How is it any better than a mayoid president saying something about "our kids" being hurt by drugs or mexicans or whatever

The dude was half white, raised by a white mother and grandmother, went to Harvard law, etc. but acted like he was a dude from the hood who’d ever have a son like Trayvon lol.

Look at you, making an argument for the benefits of miscegnation.

That was also back when BLM was actually about cops shooting black people.

Obama barely touched idpol, which was precisely why Hillary's entirely campaign revolved around it - otherwise she'd just another candidate with no obvious point of difference, a la Al Gore.

Trayvon would’ve been my son.

We both know that if your genitals weren't made of cheeto-dust, the only thing they'd produce is a misshapen lump like Masterlawlz.


Imagine taking ten full minutes to come up with "retard" as a response.

I’m sorry I’m not glued to Reddit on a Saturday night. And I called you a retard because you failed to comprehend my comment that you replied too, retard.

You're on reddit on a Saturday night, lmao.

I didn't read your comment because I don't give a flying fuck what you think. The passive-aggressive downvotes show this means way too much to you.

Reddit has rotted your brain.

Reddit isn't able to rot brains, sweetie. That's fentanyl.

sorry, i forgot you were white

I've never even seen fentanyl, for I am not a Burger.

Black man: exists

Rightoids: ugh why do you have to make everything political, stop being so polarizing

The reason Trump will win again 😂

The shithole that left twitter hated him because he spoke the truth.

This is a very poorly constructed sentence

muh proper grammar

Fuck of leftoid

It’s not improper grammar it’s missing words and sounds retarded. Why so defensive

Your retarded.

no u

The sweet sound of cope 🤗

S-S-Stop! You're the mad one! I-Im not seething right now!

Imagine hanging out with billionaires but then just doing regular poor people shit like miniature golf lol dumb ass Twitter

Leftists need to learn from LeBron who can support China and Colin Kapernick without noticing anything unusual about it.

If doublethink is hard for you, you'll be pissed and bitter most of the time.

Geez maybe we shouldn't of made the insane fags in dresses the vanguard of our party


Obama is truly a small brain president. If only we had Chad killary in charge

This kind of stuff is that the poors just hate everyone who made it happen regardless of race or anything else that made it more difficult for them to succeed. Twatter just wants to hate on successful people.

Twitter blue check marks hate anyone who is successful that put in effort. They want fully automated luxury communism because the most effort they are willing to put forth is braying incessantly on the internet.

Based and actually on point pilled. Cannot wait for the left to fall short again due to poor marketing and terrible candidates, infighting and drama while Trump just quietly campaigns lol.

Wtf I love obama now

lmao, that check mark works for media matters. I thought I recognized the name.