Alan Moore calls superheroes white supremacists, Marveloids REEact

1  2019-11-19 by CapeshitterCOPE


I spend more time with women on any given Tuesday than any unloved, lonely shut-in Chapo poster has in his whole fucking life. I might make jokes about women on /r/drama, but IRL I'm one of the fucking girls and fine with it.

When any of them open up to me about their experiences with harassment or assault, it is never - NEVER. FUCKING. EVER. - about a MAGA bro or a frat boy. It is always at the hands of some sensitive feminist "woke" boy.

The "frat boy rapist" thing is a myth that dangerous dudes like this are happy to perpetuate, because it takes the heat off of them, i.e. the real threats to the goddamn wimminz.


  1. Alan Moore calls superheroes white ... -,

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You double posted buddy.

So nice I had to post it twice



couscous with tuna and some mayo is fucking delicious tbh


Some sort of animated twitter account picture can only mean one thing. A 600lb lard ass is furiously mashing away their stubby little sausage fingers

If it is a woman though it is a 600lb botched transistion.

Yeah, this is a big theme in Watchmen. Basically superheroes are either racists, insecure losers, sadists, or closet homosexuals.

Dr. Manhattan is the only superhero in Watchmen

That's like saying Batman is a superhero you cretin

Have you read the comment? All the rest of superheros are just a bunch of has-been losers.

In what way are Vedit and Rorsach washed up?

Rorschach was a smelly hobo.


Veidt is just rich. And we know his role on the plot so...

Just rich

He catches a bullet. Literally, with his hands.

My memory must be at fault, then. Lets say less has-been.

Anyway, if anyone deserves the epithet super that's Dr. Manhattan.

The entire point of Rorsach was to show how unhinged and insane actual Heros are to do what they do lmao, author outright said if you liked him you had some serious mental issues.

You could make an argument for Ozymandias as well

Well a lot of the first superhero comics were made by Juden

Alan Moore comes off as a dude who does things (and does them well) just to shit all over them and act like he's too highbrow for the plebs. Was Lost Girls supposed to be for the youth, sir?

Just admit you're pissed that Watchmen became a genre-defining insitition, your royalties never came in because it bucked the trend of comics going out of print, and call it a day.

He is rather up himself for a man wrote a fish-man rape scene.

No you're thinking about Garth Ennis

He also resurrected the Golliwog and gave him a huge penis and a lust for white women.

*Dutch puppets

He thinks hes writing cutting edge commentary but doesnt realise Marx, Rand and Confucius are all making fun of his beard behind his back.

I get all of my sociopolitical ideas from an obese man who thinks he's a wizard

wow look at all this capeshitter cope

The same guy made the stories the capeshit is based off of, so technially the drama is coming from inside the house šŸ¤”šŸ¤”šŸ¤”

Alan Moore is literally a capeshittist

Yeah heā€™s a great writer but the dude is pretty unhinged lol

Nowadays I think heā€™s more pissed about them raping the corpse of watchmen with endless sequels, spinoffs, and adaptations.

Which took DC almost 35 years to do, and all they did was the movie adaption, a series of graphic novel prequels, the current tie in with the DC universe (Doomsday Clock) and the HBO continuation of the universe. For doing just those things in the past 10 years, that isn't a whole hell of a lot in today's climate.

takes down capeshitters


is one himself


One drop rule for a capeshitters

No he isnā€™t you uncultured swine

b-bro he's different this is DEEP capeshit! He's cool

This is the definition of capeshitter cope.

Superhero MOVIES are capeshit. And even then there are exceptions.

Alan Moore never got into that business.

You calling every medium with a superhero in it capeshit. It makes zero sense.

bro you cringe normie he's deeeeeeppppp ;-;

Itā€™s not even about Moore. if you broaden the meaning of capeshit too much it loses any significance and just makes you a troll contrarian.

But sure, make another weak one-liner about me liking stuff, thatā€™ll show me. If you want more material I also like JoJo and Rick and Morty.

makes you a troll contrarian

Where do you think we are? You're having a cry because I called superhero comics 'capeshit' (which they are). You can't have a bitch that I'm making fun of what you CONSOOM while pretending you're better than 'capeshit' fans.

I know perfectly where I am, Iā€™m saying that you specifically are not very good at what youā€™re trying to do.

I donā€™t give a shit about Moore. He writes well but he or any media I CONSOOM isnā€™t my personality.

You, on the other hand, heard ā€œcapeshitā€ here and there with no understanding of the term or the fine culture of Arrdrama in general. but that hasnā€™t stopped you from trying to fit in, which is adorable.

Now you added CONSOOM to your vocabulary. Congratulations! Maybe next year youā€™ll make an actual joke instead of being one.

Superhero. Comics.

Thank you for understanding my position and correcting yourself.

My picture book for children is better than your picture book for children

If itā€™s written by Moore it probably is.

Unfathomably based





Good take. I already made it a few years ago, about how superheroes are disgusting because by nature they are ubermenschen, and thus the entire genre is a celebration of that idea.

Pretty soon having a car with internal combustion engine will be viewed as symptom of white supremacy.

I'm running out of cards to shuffle.


Is this actually real??

you could have googled this faster than asking me

answer: yes

Then how come the Nazis hated Superman?

Because he was basically Moses

He should have put Harry Potter in there too to really get Twitter riled up. It's the same mindset.

Why hasn't Alan Moore apologized for the white supremacy he commits every day by breathing air that could be sustaining a blackenoid somewhere?

relatively reassuring 20th century

Bro what the fucj

Alan Moore is a lunatic living a mile up his own ass. He comes out with these takes he thinks are fucking nuclear which invariably have been around for years from much less annoying people.

While these characters were originally perfectly suited to stimulating the imaginations of their twelve or thirteen year-old audience, todayā€™s franchised Ć¼bermenschen, aimed at a supposedly adult audience, seem to be serving some kind of different function, and fulfilling different needs. Primarily, mass-market superhero movies seem to be abetting an audience who do not wish to relinquish their grip on (a) their relatively reassuring childhoods, or (b) the relatively reassuring 20th century. The continuing popularity of these movies to me suggests some kind of deliberate, self-imposed state of emotional arres

Immeasurably and incorrigibly based

I hate capeshit, but man was that the dumbest thing I've ever read. This nigga is salty that DC paid him for his characters and universes and they're using them because he believes that means they're stealing from him.

Birth Of A Nation is the source of superheroes. Alan Moore turned into Frederick Wertham so slowly I barely even noticed.

These superhero stories are embarassing! Why, yes, I'm a communist wizard, why do you ask?