A heated gaming moment about whether or not real lesbians pleasure bussy arises as GamingCirclejerk reaches a new low in the field of retarded armchair activism.

1  2019-11-19 by BlacJeesus


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On 9/5/18 I met my best friend. Nearly 5 months later she gave birth to a healthy baby boy. Just a reminder that being a father is not about โ€œbloodโ€ but about being available with unconditional love and support


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Aww, snappy! I missed you so much! ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ

The onus of slurping shenis has been passed from mayo moids to lezbos as of like two years ago, silly terf needs to get with the times

Biofemoids are now once more solely responsible for sexually pleasing men, natural order has been restored

Nah, cis moids are held to more or less the same standard. The difference is that it bothers dykefoids more than moids.

It bothers lesbians more than straight men because they are already woke. That was the subtext of the cotton ceiling: trans women were complaining that despite being staunch allies, lesbians still weren't fucking them and as such, didn't really believe that trans women were women.

Shit, you're right

Nah the overwhelming majority of trannies are straight men.

I've heard from more than one troid that taking estrogen makes them wanna get buggered by men, so I doubt it's that easy

this is actually no longer the case. Tranny philosophy being pushed to the masses means the most common "trans" person are now insecure teenage girls identifying as ftm or nonbinary.

Yeah but they still bang dudes and turn normal when they grow up, they just cut their hair shorter and dye it some obnoxious neon color.

slurping shenis

My sides


GCJ might be the most insufferable sub on the site now. Why are all the circlejerk spinoff subs so smug? I thought they were supposed to be funny.

Tbh r/circlejerk isn't that bad.

Cause they stopped allowing people to post pics ๐Ÿ™„๐Ÿ˜’

Okay, that's just bullshit

Agreed. That's why I said the spinoffs. The OG is the only one worth visiting.

Imagine visiting any sub expect r/drama ๐Ÿคข

And r/watchpeopledie.....before it got shoa'd. ๐Ÿ’”๐Ÿ’”๐Ÿ’”

Sex, money, and rat anus pencil sharpeners.


Lol "except", retard.

People moved to r/coaxedintoasnafu because no pics, coaxed just doesnt have the same feel :(

Yeah it sucks that coaxedโ€™s original purpose got nuked from orbit by all the cj posts

Mcj is pretty good if repetitive. It's gonna go the way of gcj soon enough tho

Its good just don't be mean to the golden cow marvel

nah that's r/movies

I'd like to think these people are paid disney shills because i can not imagine defend disney for free

it is remarkable how fast they swarm onto any disney related post on that sub. i hope they're getting paid at least because the alternative is worse than even janniedom


MCJ has been shit ever since The Last Jedi and Black Panther


They're both terrible and both subs have pretty much the same users.

Because the actual funny self-effacing satire subs are the ones like GamersRiseUp that are considered "problematic" and inevitably banned.

I feel like gamersriseup started as another "icky gamers are bigots yikes" sub so it's really weird that it's going rightoid

Nah it started as a copy of Gang Weed on Facebook which was always pretty Alt-Right

Well there is a minimum threshold of smug necessary to participate in a circlejerk sub. Throw in your standard one-upmanship and over a year or two you've got a cesspool.







/uj me off

It is the standard "grew too big" problem.

warhammer 40k - /r/Grimdank

berserk manga - /r/berserklejerk

jojo's bizarre adventure - /r/ShitPostCrusaders

These are all decent still.

I got banned from moviescirclejerk for saying Star Wars is overrated and a 6-7.5/10. Circlejerk subs have wooshed themselves due to mod power.

Harnessing the S E E T H E output of the sub would solve the renewable energy problem while destroying the economy of the Gulf States

Inshallah your back will be broken for even suggesting such a thing. The soldiers of Islam will send you to Jahannam for your vile threat, you dog.

I don't care. I'm a curry-cel Muslim anyway.

>currycel โœ‹ >muzzie ๐Ÿคข


Youre a gay muzzie terrorist.

that's a little rude don't you think?

DEBATE_EVERY_NAZI 1 point 27 minutes ago While sexuality is somewhat fluid, for the most part you're right. Trans women are women. Thank you for supporting trans rights

If only you keep repeating it and with a little fairy dust, maybe realty will warp!

The majority of humanity wont fuck them lol. Probably not even 10% of their 'allies'.

You dont understand how many chasers are out there

While sexuality is a logical construct created by humans that we make up as we go along, for the most part you're right.


Reminder that these people think Chris-chan is a woman.

I still can't get the video of her jerking her cock while singing Smash Mouth - Allstar out of my head.

Which is a perfect example that tolerance shouldn't mean acceptance. You can tolerate some retard identifying as a woman, but you shouldn't accept his worldview as real.

based and libertarianpilled

Chris Chan is the rare example of a sexual predator that is too bumbling and oafish to pose an actual threat to anyone.

People simply accept her transition because it's too funny to be real. Chris transitioning to get closer to women is like watching 2 children in an overcoat trying to get into a bar.


u wot m8

These people are only dangerous if you're especially sensitive to clumsy emotional manipulation. They pose no physical danger to anyone.

Chris-Chan is one of the only trannies I did consider a woman. ๐Ÿ˜ฃ


how many times does cinderella gotta tap her size 13.5 double wide shoes

'Cause they're uggos.

While sexuality is somewhat fluid, for the most part you're right.

Not "for the most part." This nigga think he being woke but he's just being homophobic. Lesbians are only attracted to women and trans women are men.

These gjc guys are retarded, that's not how you defend trans rights. Everyone can have preferences, so you don't attack someone because they don't like dick. And because of the shit they say, people think all trans folks support that, and I have a harder time defending trans rights.

Everyone can have preferences, so you don't attack someone because they don't like dick.


Also, are you really a bussylover if you would enjoy masculine gussy?

How are they attacking anyone for not liking dick?

They call straight guys and lesbians transphobic if they don't date transwomen. I'm a straight guy that likes girls with dicks, but most straight guys are not like me and they aren't attracted to dick, and these people should accept that, and also more girldicks for me would be a good thing.

I've never seen anyone on that sub say anything along those lines. If anyone in the LGBT community says anything along the lines of "if you aren't sexually attracted to this then you are a bigot" they are a vocal minority.

I wish you were right, I support the LGBT community, but sadly leftists trying to defend them say crazy shit a lot of the times.

You surely must have some examples if it happens often enough that you feel this strongly about it.

You should be able to find a pretty large amount of people making that argument here, here, or here. In fact, iirc the /r/actuallesbias mods infamously made an announcement calling lesbians who won't date pre-op transwomen bigots or something of that nature.

Not sure if the majority of transbians and their allies hold these beliefs, but they're not exactly uncommon either

I definitely don't see a large amount of people making that argument. Although the third post down in the first link you sent:


has a lot of people supporting the opposite of that argument. I'm not exaggerating when I say this, I have never seen people make this argument and I am on reddit and twitter a lot, although I'm not saying it never happens. Of course anytime someone finds someone making that argument, they are going to post it (on r/Drama for example) to uphold their beliefs. You seem to hang out on r/Drama quite a bit so IMO it's just selection bias.

chapo check

72 of SpicyDennis's last 192 comments (37.5%) are in /r/ChapoTrapHouse. Their last comment there was on Nov. 05, 2019. Their total comment karma from /r/ChapoTrapHouse is 2375.

There it is

The chapo duhleted xir's comments after getting exposed and btfo.

Beautiful work.

I definitely don't see a large amount of people making that argument. Although the third post down in the first link you sent:

I'm sure some of the threads will have more than others, since some are more relevant to the topic at hands.

has a lot of people supporting the opposite of that argument.

That's because it is an unpopular argument among the general population, but are those people transbians + allies?

I'm not exaggerating when I say this, I have never seen people make this argument and I am on reddit and twitter a lot, although I'm not saying it never happens.

It's good that you've never seen it, but it's common enough that lesbians are becoming increasingly alienated by the LGBT+ community to the point where there is a movement to part from it entirely.

Of course anytime someone finds someone making that argument, they are going to post it (on r/Drama for example) to uphold their beliefs.

You're definitely correct in that people who browse /r/drama and other places that lean anti-transgender are going to be more likely to take notice of arguments like that and perhaps more likely to be exposed to arguments like that, but I've encountered it in the wild in progressive communities far more than is posted here. If you ask any given former-libfem radfem about why they made the switch, there's a pretty good chance that they'll cite attitudes towards lesbians' sexual preferences as one of the reasons.

Even if the attitude is rare in the transgender community, and that could be the case, there's a disturbing silence towards/acceptance of it and the many other misogynist sentiments that pop up in the transgender community; there seems to be zero effort to confront people who express them at best. In general, when somebody looking in from the outside of a group sees opinions in the group that are outrageous to them go unchallenged, then they register it as acceptance. This is what caused the 'anti-SJW' movement to spring to life in 2013-2016, as light was shone upon the extremists and bad actors who were seemingly allowed to go about their business while they were dismissed as non-existent or defended and supported by the people in their in-group, and this is what will cause the anti-transgender movement to grow from the center and left as light is shone on sexual predators, people trying to brow-beat lesbians into taking girldick, etc. while their fellow transgender people and supporters pretend that they don't exist or actively defend them.

Riley Dennis is a transwoman who says that you're transphobic if you don't date transwomen. There is Jessica Yaniv, a pedophile who says "she" can have period. There is that whole transgender athlete thing, where transwomen say they are biologically women, and they are winning against cis women, and anyone who has a problem with that is called transphobic even if they point out that transwomen's male puberty already changed their body so much that they are stronger then cis woman. There is also that mom who tried to force his son to become trans, when he is just 7 year old and can't consent. And there is a lot more, those are just what came to mind.

Seems like you are biased by an echo chamber.

I'm literally one of the few people that try to check what both sides say, and figure out who is right, and who is wrong. I'm a radical centrist, both sides are very right about some things, and very wrong about other things.

then why do you get all of your info of what the left does from right wing subs. you literally just Chapo checked me earlier lol.

I don't get all my info from reddit, also r/drama is radical centrist, not right wing. Leftist would call me racist transphobic nazi, and right wingers would call me degenerate tranny lover. So I can't really comment too much on other subs lol

Are you dumb and blind or just a retard

Oh you must have some examples then.

Read the link you moron

Unless your two brain cells can't put together why he's being called a terf

Lmao what? They are mad because they said "Real lesbians don't fuck people with dicks". How does that have anything to do with "if you aren't sexually attracted to this you are a bigot"?

Straight guy

Likes dicks


I call it straight+ or straight with a twist.

I mean I'm pretty sure you are either bi (which doesn't exist) or are gay and just like really feminine men.

Like if you are a guy and you would fuck a person with a dick I really dont think its honest to call yourself straight.

We will still love you even if your gay bro. You're in a safe place you can tell us.

No, because transwomen are women.

Said by many. Actually believed by none

And that's a good thing.

Everyone can have preferences

How disgustingly transphobic of you. Are you LITERALLY DENYING my right to EXIST?!

It's a sexual orientation, ya mong, not a preference.

Sure, but why do u have to be always rude to me?

bc u a bitch ass nigga

and I have a harder time defending trans rights.

Just don't ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

Every day, I like TERFs more and more.

I hate them more and more

liking foids

Wtf Rocinante I thought you were based.

That was your first mistake. Not only do I like (some) foids, I am also terrified of them!

the enemy of my enemy who's also my enemy, but is less insufferable, is sometimes my friend too.


thx 4 recognizing tha hustle fam

Keep up the good fight



DUDE. You just used LGB unironically. That's fucking erasure! LMFAO XD God, you're funny.

Itโ€™s the fact that itโ€™s done unironically that really hurts them

It's almost 2k20 and this is a real argument taking place on a video game forum.

You mean chapogaming?

0.5% of the population, 99% of the drama. that's how you know they actually are women.

Saying lesbians that fuck cock are still lesbians is like saying you're a vegan while still eating a shit ton of animal products

According to their logic, the animal products are actually salads. If you say otherwise you're a bigot.

But what if the cow identified as a stalk of corn? ๐Ÿค”

Species is just a social construct

A cool trick you can do is have a look at the menu at the bottom of your comments. This menu will allow you to manipulate or interact with your comment in various and unique ways. Under your comment, hover over the menu and hit that "delete" button, then click "yes", and it will make it disappear from the comments section. Then delete your account to rectify what you have brought upon us.

Holy fuck I love this sub.

wew dude sick burn XD

yeah like...is this really the most wit these people can come up with? i made funnier insults in middle school

Most of them prob are middle schoolers

I'm typing all that to say "Delete This"

Gotta get that self importance out somehow

They write with the verbosity and arrogance of a college freshman on their first adderall high.

my blood pressure noticeably raised upon reading that comment; what is it about self-assured smugness that is more viscerally disturbing than any other quality communicated in writing? it's like it immediately flicks the angry switch in your brain

There's a unique dissonance because it's so extremely condescending paired with being embarassingly retarded.

For me, the visceral quality comes from knowing that it's something I very well could've said in my teenage years.

There's a unique dissonance because it's so extremely condescending paired with being embarassingly retarded.

You got such a way with words.



Like I'd tell you, heh.

Indeed, I find myself quite in similitude with regard to finding this vexatious. Overt verbosity with a heavy handed sense of pompousness will always be a vicissitude.





most of the time its deliberate but that guy seems sincere in his sperg lol

The smug clogged my arteries. I just had my seventh heart attack.

get well soon!

College freshman you say?

Don't get too smug there, sweaty. I thought that response came from one of you nerds so I wouldn't act as if r/drama is some pinnacle of mind masters compared to their sub.


6/10 passed on the opportunity to make a sick "sophomoric" pun

This gives me flashback when Hillary told Trump to delete his Twitter account and people portrayed it as some legendary burn.

But then they actually deleted it and now I dont get to see it ๐Ÿ˜ค

lmao all these idiots are doing is burying their heads in the sand

I want to go back to 1998 when people like this couldn't communicate with eachother.

ok boomer


Zoomed ๐Ÿคข

And socially inept nerds like you don't fuck anyone, ever.

Yeah because normie Chads are known for their ultra-progressive attitudes towards gender and awareness of terms such as "TERF".

actually guys with a high body count get there because they respect women sweaty

it's funny how people treating women like objects to be used and abandoned used to be a problem but everyone has stopped caring because it's easier to dab on incels

Yeah weird how the group of people with a history of using and abusing women are ignored in favour of a group which literally has zero contact with women.

Not exactly complicated. They still want to get fucked by them. Simple as that.

None of reddit is women


except terfs

You sound like fun.

What does this have to do with the dude saying real lesbians donโ€™t like dick

Le mouthfeel xD xD,


I hate these fucking "x says trans rights" memes so much.

Ah yes, the sub that makes fun of pointless political outrage and circlejerking by circlejerking and becoming politically outraged.

Trannies are ultra-narcists. Half-Life is being talked about again so of course they have to make it about themselves.

In general it's the insane narcissism by troons that's making me agree with TERFs more and more.

TERFS are right about everything troid related, they are just vile, repellent people. It's like if you went around smeared head to toe in shit telling everyone to eat plenty fruit and vegetables, drink lots of water and do regular exercise. Like I agree with you but don't fucking talk to me.

Yeah this.

heated gaming moment

As a gamer, descriptions like this make me feel very uncomfortable.


but /r/drama is supposed to be my safe space

Broke: One's sexuality is to be respected.

Woke: You will suck dick and you will like it.

You will suck dick and you will like it.

Pretty sure that was a broke viewpoint 20 years ago.

/r/gcj is actually lower than KiAtards. Amazing.

Is this supposed to be a comedy sub? Itโ€™s just a weak meme followed by strings of people being assblasted. Thatโ€™s not funny. Maybe some of their other content is better.

30+ years of hearing nothing but "You can't choose what genitals you're attracted to, bigot!" as the rallying cry of the various pro-gay liberal movements and all it took was 5 years of gay marriage legalization for them to do a complete 180.

I used to love that subreddit but ever since the โ€œMinecraft bee is transโ€ thing, I had to take a step back and take another look at it. Itโ€™s really fallen off lately. I still agree with their stance on gamers being little crybabies but their politics go completely against mine. Had to unsub but still like around every once in a while and have a laugh at some posts over there.


Are Africans based?

"I'm straight as fuck"

Sucking a dude in a dress's dick is straight because it's actually a woman's penis

It's all so tiresome.

No one gives a shit if you want to suck some troid dick; there's nothing wrong with bussy. But why lie to yourself about it and try to convince yourself that sucking another dude's dick isn't gay?

I don't understand.


most based person in that thread honestly


Now THIS will surely show those dastardly transphobes that trans people are not obnoxious

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Well, it finally happened. Debating the nuances of what a TERF is or isn't apparently is the straw that broke the camel's back

Who the fuck even wants gussy anymore? Every true lesbian and straight man likes girl dick. Attraction to women is a meme that didn't exist before valeria solanas and other hateful terves