Money grubbing thot freaks out after making the fatal mistake of paying for drinks on the sixth date after running an hour late and after the schmuck she's with paid for everything else.

1  2019-11-25 by mysrsaccount2


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Imagine being a woman and being so unbelievably socially inept that you actually need a strategy for dating that isn’t just “roll up to the club and exist”

Female dating strategy is about soaking the dates you do have for as much attention and money as they're worth, not about how to get dates. There is no post in that sub about "how do I even get a date on tinder"?

Why waste all that effort and time? So you got a free $25 meal and a couple drinks. Whoopty doo. And it took three hours of your time not including prep and getting to the date. What kind of strategy is that?

My assumption would be that it's more about getting the guy used to that uneven dynamic. Maybe you want a guy who will sponsor your life of leisure, or one who will cover the costs of raising a family. Or one who is just used to having to make all the effort in the relationship.

it's about the validation and ego boost they get from using men for free shit, not the tiny amount of free shit they get vs effort put in.

if a woman wanted to be full mercenary mode and get free food, they can just get betas to send free pizza any time they want.

Female dating strategy sub is unfuckable land whales strategizing how they're going to lock down Chad in a hookup culture world. Which will probably result in cosmopolitan mag advice like rubbing his balls with sandpaper or something.

Either way I'm glad foids have finally stooped to the level of incels.

this is different though, she's actually trying to date the guy not just screw him

thing is, and this is my problem with redpillers too, is that these foids clearly fucking hate men, so why even want a relationship? like if i hated foids as much as the redpill sub did and saw them as subhumans who only exist to consume resources and leech off men, why would i even want a gf or wife? that's retarded.

same thing with these foids like, why do they even want a boyfriend if they hate men that much? just get free shit and chad dick and stay single. i would actually somewhat respect these thots if they didn't actually crave love and affection/relationships from men instead of just using them for free food and good dickings, after all the shit they talk, it seems pathetic they actually want relationships.


why do they even want a boyfriend if they hate men that much?

s o u r g r a p e s


The foid brain is a tragic misstep in evolution

The global increase in trannyism is Nature's attempt to correct its own mistake.

They’ve always been like this. Eve was Allah’s only flawed creation. And thus Allah gave man the shoe.

Mashallah brother

what the fuck is that subreddit why is it even a thing

The Red Pill PUA moids wanted to reduce relationships to a transactional game that you can beat with the right strategy guide. After whining and gnashing teeth for a while, some foids have opted to embrace the depraved nihilism that is “game”.

That is why it exists.

okay whatever they are virgins anyway

It will be fun to see if reddit quarantines that sub like they did to TRP. If they don’t that would make them hypocrites with double-standards, so I think we all know the answer.

Somehow they’re even more pathetic than TRP. Their entire subreddit is just one big double standard. They want the endless chivalry of dating (making the man pay for the drinks, food, ride, etc.) but the benefits of being an independent womyn. Then they wonder why they can’t find relationships that stick. They’re still the gatekeepers of sex, but they deluded themselves into setting their standards so high that they don’t get any in the first place. TRP, by comparison, tells men what women actually want in the first place.

TRP is larping virgins posting "field reports" and none of them have any clue about how to get laid. also chad doesn't go on websites to learn "game" he just fucks women because women find him hot, the whole thing is cope from manlets and uggos.

You're basically just using blackpill philosophy, and if you agree with that, cool. I don't particularly agree with TRP either but I just said that when comparing the two, one of them is obviously more helpful to the target gender.

incels are generally retarded but they are right about lots of things, and one of those things, is that very good looking men do not need "game" or to read 200 posts a day on "strategy" subs to get pussy.

if a guy ends up on the redpill it's because he couldn't get laid and decided he would find "hacks" to somehow change his fate. since game is autistic and doesn't work (and just literally exists to scam losers out of their money and sell books), these manlets/uggos are just either banging average girls/fatties or just making up larp posts.

also, go on youtube right now and look at footage of any "PUA seminar" and take a good look at the crowd, you'll see what i mean, it's a sea of nerdy looking dweebs who have 0 hope of ever touching a stacy lol.

just treat women like you don't give a fuck about them and they will literally do all the work for you assuming you aren't a hideous manlet


There's literally nothing more attractive to a woman than a man who has something better to do with his time.


TRP was about an equal mix old guys who had been divorced and were seething about that and young guys who were finally facing the fact that they were going to die permavirgins unless something changed. Add a few grifters who smelled opportunity in that desperation trying to sell life coaching, PUA books, gym memberships and protein powder.

Game is something you either have or not, it's called being attractive. If you just need some polishing up that's one thing but if you're that midget sperging out at the bagel shop it's already over.

dude imagine dating a girl then finding she posts in that autistic sub, i'd first laugh my ass off, then feel like crying out of pity, then never talk to them again.

jesus fuck, you people. I've now unsubscribed, which is a shame, because a lot of greentexts are genuinely funny, but this alt-right underbelly is just unbearable.


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"Next weekend is booked. Another time maybe."

Then spend the weekend with a bottle of wine and your laptop, reading through this sub because I'm assuming you found it recently. Once you truly 'get' what FDS is all about you won't put yourself in these situations.

Spend the weekend by yourself with wine and electronics instead of spending it with a guy you like, just for the illusion that you don’t 👏 need 👏 no 👏 man 👏


The sad thing is that would probably work on a guy who didn't have five other girls he could call who'd drop their plans that evening. Why foids try to play hard to get with Chad will forever be a mystery to me.

False sense of entitlement that they deserve special treatment just for having a gussy

It’s an interesting dichotomy because sometimes they withhold gussy to retain power over moids, but they also find it liberating/empowering to fuck random moids, bringing down the market value of gussy. It’s really self sabotage.

It’s like if Teslas cost $200k but they also gave away 100,000 cars for free every weekend, then get mad when people don’t buy the Tesla’s for 200k

the idea of women being expected to pay for a meal when late doesn't even register to these people at all, and they can barely rationalize her paying for the drinks alone. More proof that white women in America are the most oppressed demographic in the world

The absolute state of the Foid menace.

Praise Allah for the Wall, may every foid fall against its inevitability

FDS is max cope about the fact that they can't lock a Chad down.