Chapocels post on r/math thread about inequality . Some get whupped. Drama ensues

1  2019-11-29 by fmlpk


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every time I get summoned here, I have a quick look around and find that this place gets worse and worse, it's like a black hole which mangles everything that gets sucked into it. src


  1. Chapocels post on r/math thread abo... -,

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Thank you snappy, you're the best player ever

lmao at the retard in there who seriously thought that hunter-gatheres were egalitarian. Chapo's sure are something special

The hunter gatherer egalitarian meme! LMFAOOOOOOOO easily my favoritw commie delusion

Laugh while you can, because you won't be once the posadists do a global nuclear holocaust and anarcho-primitivist hunter-gatherer communes become the prevailing form of society.

I will still laugh, because I will form a monarchist society and enslave all of those hunter gatherer societies like rome did. I'll have a harem of 100 troids, 100 eunuchs, and 100 foids.

Based and Legionpilled

Varus! Give me back my Legionpills!

Exactly, anarcho-primitivists are at the mercy of the closest civilization lol

Monarcho techno barbarianism is the future I both want and deserve.

So basically siding with Caesar in New Vegas.

I don't remember the politics of that game but it's unlikely they captured the beauty that is anarchist tribes roaming in a pristine exclusion zone peppered with long lasting modern day artifacts to aid their primitivists lifestyles (such as a limitless supply of antibiotics), each tribe having less members than the Dunbar number and led by a monarch whose word is final but must yield power or defend their position in a trial by combat that any tribes member is entitled to challenge them to so long as it has been a month since the previous challenge.

anarchist tribes roaming in a pristine exclusion zone peppered with long lasting modern day artifacts to aid their primitivists lifestyles

Hmm, I believe - based on your description - that the White Legs from Zion Canyon would be a more fitting match to this hypothetical Monarcho-Tehcno-Barbarism thing; as:

less members than the Dunbar number


led by a monarch whose word is final


defend their position in a trial by combat that any tribes member is entitled to challenge them


has been a month since the previous challenge.

of that I don't know, but most certainly they might have some tribal tradition about the period of time between challenges.

Do they really believe men and women didn’t have specific roles as hunter-gatherers?

I believed it, until I read about murder rates in said societies, sad...

these women die because hollywood movies fail the bechdel test.

Dude if we just destroy society people will naturally decide to be egalitarian and democratic

"Even"? Communists have never been about "equality" (not that chapos would know); here's what Marx says about it in "Critique of the Gotha Programme".

But one man is superior to another physically, or mentally, and supplies more labor in the same time, or can labor for a longer time; and labor, to serve as a measure, must be defined by its duration or intensity, otherwise it ceases to be a standard of measurement. This equal right is an unequal right for unequal labor. It recognizes no class differences, because everyone is only a worker like everyone else; but it tacitly recognizes unequal individual endowment, and thus productive capacity, as a natural privilege. It is, therefore, a right of inequality, in its content, like every right. Right, by its very nature, can consist only in the application of an equal standard; but unequal individuals (and they would not be different individuals if they were not unequal) are measurable only by an equal standard insofar as they are brought under an equal point of view, are taken from one definite side only – for instance, in the present case, are regarded only as workers and nothing more is seen in them, everything else being ignored. Further, one worker is married, another is not; one has more children than another, and so on and so forth. Thus, with an equal performance of labor, and hence an equal in the social consumption fund, one will in fact receive more than another, one will be richer than another, and so on. To avoid all these defects, right, instead of being equal, would have to be unequal.

All them words won't bring your pa back.

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Lol expecting chapos to read Marx.

Tankies sometimes use Gotha, tbh. Mostly to use quotes out of context, though.

Tankies' usage of Marx is like a homeopath trying to draw parallels medical science.

Deleted dumb long seriouscomment


The moment I start engaging in political debate on /r/drama is the moment you have my permission to take me out back and put me to sleep.

Out back? I hear they got a really nice bed over there! Made with Islam Quilts!

Dude fentanyl lmao.

Great idea, but I don't think fentanyl quilts will sell.

...Regular fentanyl seems to sell really well, though! If you hide it in people's drugs. My friend's brother learned that the hard way.

The only lefties who actually read marx are probably champagne socialists like zizek or maybe contrapoints. People who study it more than caring about starting revolutions.

If these people read marx they would understand that marx was in favour of work to the point of it being the meaning of life. Marx didn’t believe in morality or it being an argument for communism.

Also there’s also discussions about removing family models etc. The fact that so many internet commies think communism will be exactly the same society but everything is free and perfect and people would barely work is straight up wrong.

Don't agree that reading Marx is mutually exclusive with revolutionary activity, but yeah, there is this definite undercurrent among chapos of wanting to be a cool badass revolutionary because it gives them an escape hatch from boring shitty reality or gives their lives meaning or whatever.

Basically a substitute for religion

Leftcoms also read Marx. The problem is that they dont do anything else. Like nothing at all.

Where do you get that from? Armchair jokes and all but as far as I understand it they're only opposed to "activism".

All leftists are opposed to physical labor. To them navel-gazing is the only true form of work.

Ok zoomer.

Ok 👍boomer👴, I've🙋 actually had enough🙅 of your👇 talking🙊. You 👇should contemplate❓ life 👶and lay 🛀off ❌the Monsters👾. The thought💭 of you👇 having a heart💓 attack 💔brings📬 a huge 🙌smile😃 to my face😐. You have no idea💭 how much the world🌎 wants you to die💀. Stop🙅 trying to relate👬 to everyone🌏 because you👇 are old👴, wrinkly👵, and lonely🙎. Reddit👑 doesn't care. Discord 👓doesn't care. Not even Instagram🗿 cares. The only people👥 that will "care " are you fellow boomers👴 that act nice👦 for the internet🌐. Go look👀 at minion👽 memes😂, clean💧 your👇 glasses👓, and argue😠 with sensible 😏people👥 about vaccines 💉and climate change🔥🌍. You 👇are in the wrong 🙅side 🔛of the internet🌐. Try seeing👀 a therapist 👨💺and get that massive⬅➡ hole⚫ in your 👇head 😑that you👇 and your👇 so-called "friends👥 " filled↗ with nonsensical 🙅👂bullshit🐂💩 cleared. You👇 will die 💀alone👴. You 👇should've died💀 many years👴 before now⌛. I am a bot, and this action was preformed automatically

marx was in favour of work to the point of it being the meaning of life

meanwhile fascists were in favor of its citizens having the same view of life as Todd Rundgren

Yeah hunter gather societies, literally survival of the fittest. Chapos would be gone day 1.

Lol that's even worse than the noble savage Rousseau put forward

This thread has become an absolute dumpster fire to moderate, so I'm removing and locking it.


They do it for free


All Jannies Are Bn

Not. Allow.

No, it's:

All Jannies Are Bin Laden!

No, jannies steal shoe bicycle like Bn

eat fried chicken

no travel America until I am advise


What it gained by removing comments? This is a free service run by volunteers.

What it gained by removing comments?


These fucking idiots prune through all of the comments because no fun allowed. But all you have to do is make a minor modification to the URL to totally undermine their pathetic efforts.

This is the reason why I voted Trump.

for free

There were some horribly offensive comments in that /r/math post, that just had to be removed to save the children. Like this one:

I mean, this results surprises no one. But as an applied mathematician, there is something to be said.

This is a model. With an appropriate choice of parameters and assumptions, we can tune models to say whatever we want them to say. IMHO Models are useful to discover things that where not obvious or expected, not the opposite.

This is something to be specially aware in economics, since "science" get conflated with "political postures". Never forget that also mathematical models "tell us" that market economies are the most efficient, wonderful, rainbow puking economic systems.

Idk about you guys, but to me (who can detect dog whistles) this is clearly incitement of violence.

/r/math y'all can't behaved

only sissies want to becoom reddit mods.





One guy asks for evidence, response is - all of history... his refutation

For the overwhelming majority of the time humans have lived on this earth we lived in egalitarian hunter-gatherer and pastoral societies so: bzzzzt, wrongo

I'd keep this person below minimum wage just because.

Yeah, the real injustice is that the wrong people are poor, not that poverty exists.

Damn straight. I should be rich, and everyone else should be poor.

You're close but no cigar. In reality I should be rich and everyone else poor

Based and cigarpilled.

This is the exact type of person I think of when they argue that burger flippers deserve $15/hr.

Chapocels and a retarded understanding of history, name a better combo

Does nobody know the difference between history and pre-history?

Is this really what /r/math has become? So sad. 5 years ago it was hilariously neurotic grad students worrying about getting jobs. 3 years ago, the smoothbrains found it and asked about fractals and how to do multiplication. And now it's full of Chapos? Tsk tsk.

Isnt one of the mods also a chapocel? CompletelyIneffable iirc

You're right. They're also part of the reason /r/badmath went to shit as well. Speaking of, there was some great drama there with a wackadoodle called SleepsWithCrazy. Surely we have some good drama in the archive on that, I'm going to have to look.

They're also part of the reason /r/badmath went to shit as well.

Do elaborate

IIRC, it was what you'd expect - posts being banned that mocked obviously retarded/schizo people because the place had to be a hugbox (while still being a badx sub...not the most logical thing).

Like, imagine an r/badCS sub where you couldn't make fun of/meme about the TempleOS guy. That sort of shit.

You better stop talking shit about SAINT Terry A. Davis with your filthy dicksucker right the fuck now

Thats kinda weird because if i recall correctly, that dude does like to mock people on /r/badphilosophy.

commie jannies infiltrate circlejerk sub and yikespost it to shit

We need an internet McCarthy

but if we killed off all the commies then we would end up living a terrible world without any lolcows




People in math communities tend to be pretty conservative leaning at times or middle ground. Seems to be changing due to tankie influence coming into communities.

Yeah, in grad school, the old Russian guys teaching topology sure don't give a fuck what gender you identify as, they care about exact sequences and higher homotopy groups

>topology Oh god, you had to remind me of that. 😭

I would argue that people in math tend to not be vocal about politics.

The first year, gen Ed students are always screeching....

3 years ago, the smoothbrains found it

The only thing i hate more than Chapos is Chapos that hate other chapos like somehow they're better than the rest of them

Did the brapos really popularize "smoothbrain" in pop culture? TIL, that's one actually amusing thing. Do you chapo check on me though, my history is clean

I think every month, 5-15% of chapo accounts should be banned just to put the fear of jannies in their heart.

Decimation works.

Found another based and Legionpilled.

5-15% chapo accs already close down by themselves every month. Have you seen the kind of people they are?

I believe that number is actually closer to 41%

Lmao jannies removed every single comment.

They do it for free

Heh. Free sweeping, vacuuming and pressure hosing!

For the overwhelming majority of the time humans have lived on this earth we lived in egalitarian hunter-gatherer and pastoral societies so: bzzzzt, wrongo

By this standard of reasoning, inequality is necessary if you want running water and antibiotics.

Good god I hate this website.

I hate chapos.

I unironically think 4chan is less toxic than R*ddit.

With no identity you can call someone a faggot or be called a faggot and it have no bearing on how you spend the rest of your time there

on plebbit you have to watch every word and self censor and not do whatever you want just because

Guys....if we just sperg out on enough random subreddits....Sanders will lead a revolution and I won't have to listen to my stepdad anymore...

We need to make this happen comrades!