MDEtards start trying to one up each other about how cool they were at 16.

1  2019-11-30 by TeeEssDoubleU


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I can take a 9-inch dildo up my butt, because I'm an adult and I solve my own problems


  1. MDEtards start trying to one up eac... -,

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Every poster there has definitely had sex

Honestly MDEfugees are more likely to be getting laid than chapos. Foids would rather fuck an autistic mayo lanklet then a male feminist.



Yeah, but you are forgetting all the feminine penis.

not forgetting, it just doesn't count

Counts more than your wifu pillow.

...he said to the literal prostitute...

Wait, you are actually a prostitute? Why do gays pay for prostitutes?

The only reason I could think of is if they are fat and can't get a twink.

I was. I don't do it anymore.

Most of my clients were female or couples, fwiw. The secret is to be really good looking.

Though I did break in a bunch of curious dudes who wanted to experiment or see if they were bi/gay.


downvoting bussy

Some serious unprofessionalism on r drama these days

wait where's the bussy?

Sorry, are you not a professional bussy boy? Are you one of the rare top-only male hooers?

Well the mostly-female client base was supposed to be a clue. Being masculine-looking and somewhat hairy goes a long way there.

Hot. Post hog

Yeah that sounds like a good idea. Why not just post my website while I'm at it?

Shya, err. Not.

This account was kinda created with the intention of not doxxing myself...

Even literal cucks get laid but autists/socially awkward people are the least desirable


Foids don't choose when it comes to male feminists.

Yeah but all male feminists are rapists so they actually do get a lot of tail.

That protein p dude has the most retarded post history of all time and yet claims to play for an academic college university in sports. All the D1 chads I met didn’t even know what reddit was when I was at school.

Acedemic colleges are filled with nerds.

The most they can hope for is to have a semi relevant football team and a basketball team that makes it to March Madness at least once a decade.

He's posted in shortcels. It's a pretty safe bet he's lying.

That isn’t a toy for 16 year olds. That’s a toy specifically created for men who saw the original Batman movie as a kid. It’s still dorky af.

It's the pride I find most disturbing.

You don't see weirdos purchasing sex toys and then posting themselves with it on Reddit....well most of Reddit....

On /r/gonewild I see lots of people showing off their sex toys

As a prop

I'm not gonna make fun of the guy for spending money on a model. The only times I think it's pathetic is when they have to beg their wives to get it or even worse, a parent or grandparent. I remember when I was a cashier back in the day, I rang up a customer that I'm sure was well into his twenties and it was for something more childish than this except it was his grandma buying it for him. I just remember thinking "Dude, come on...".

What are you justifying? Do you own toy models?

Not currently, but when I get a house with more space I might do them. I know they were fun to build when I was younger.

IQ, putting the STEM in psychology since forever

The only meaningful post is the last one in that chain


Jesus imagine defending a manchild buying capeshit legos