Thread gets y'all'd when dork lets his girlfriend go to a magic the gathering tournament with his thousands of dollars of cardboard.

1  2019-11-30 by Spysix


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  1. Thread gets y'all'd when dork lets ... -,

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These people are mentally ill.

When you pay hundreds of dollars for said paper, that reaction is pretty reasonable. The mentally ill part is paying that much for them to begin with. :v

isn't money paper in the first place :P


Good luck paying rent with old crusty land cards.

the hilarious thing is that you know what "old" "basic" and "land" cards are


buying basics instead of scrounging them from the LGS's boxes.

Money is the promise that that paper can be exchanged for goods and services

When society collapses and the greenback is replaced by MTG cards we’ll be sorry we mocked these people.

I hated that community in the 90's when I was playing, and I can see they havent change.

It's the same autistic goomer trash as then, except they're performatively woke these days

Ron Paul has entered the thread I see.

Absolutely subhuman levels of mental processing. If my wife ever traded my tafsir I would be too ashamed at my negligence in teaching her to consult outside sources. I would reflect in silence on my role as a man and then I would beat her until she was infirm.


beat her until she was infirm

Might as well beat her till shes dead then, what good is an infirm wife?

A constant warning for your other wives


An infirm wife is prostrate for long enough to think about her actions. A woman who has to simultaneously reflect on her actions and serve me will never be successful as this would overload her inferior brain. In this particular instance I would simply ask my boy slave to attend to me.

Based and bacha bazi-pilled.

Day of the shoe when.

Not soon enough

it wasn't hers to trade

They're right, that might be the case. Still doesn't mean the scammed did anything illegal. OP might have a case to go after his "gf" for lost value, but that's about it in a legal sense. Right now I think that's not what those mtg nerds are getting at though.

Would a small claims court even hear his case? It’s so stupid.

I started playing when I was 10 and some future sex offender made a rube of me for my 5th edition Bird of Paradise. Probably for some 7/7 pieces of crap.

People who manipulate kids like this are super annoying and scummy. One time I was out of town and playing at a FNM and some kid who won our pod unpacked a foil planeswalker from WAR (think it was Gideon), and I had to run out and return it to him because he left it on the table. It was weird the regulars there were willing to let this kid leave without it

Foil WAR Gids is like only 10 bucks. Even I would have at least bought it from the kid for like two happy meals or something.

That just makes it even more petty to let him leave it so you can scoop it up later

Yeah that's what I'm saying.

Imagine trusting a woman with your property

Imagine trusting a woman with your property

Women are property

Thats why you cant trust em

lol dude made up a girlfriend because he’s too embarrassed to admit he got scammed

That's what I was thinking. Isn't this the game where the tournaments have to write a personal hygiene clause into the rules?

That’s yugioh

wrong magic has similar clause

When was this added to mtg?

Shortly after you started going


They saw how good my hygiene is and wanted every player to do that 😎😎😎

Lol good comeback


Mmm. Is that Axe Africa I smell? 😍

Better bless these rains 💦💦💦

Is Yu-Gi-Oh still a thing? It feels so early 2000's.

Pretty sure it’s still a thing. Never played it though.

Super smash brothers tournaments have one too. I think virutally every gaming event gets one now because its way too much fun to claim that the convention has "a problem" and watch people flip out over the implication. Everyone sees how much attention the posts/tweets/videos get, so even for regular events that have clauses like this in the rules, someone will make a post every time the event rolls around.

Contrary to popular belief autistic people aren’t actually afraid of showers they just are so focused on their achievements

Kinda related I guess, but you'll love this:

based fatty

I don't think so. The cards that dude lost are insanely rare and one of those things that one would only have if they were in the know about high end collectible Magic paraphernalia. They functionally do the same thing as the cheap ones, but in terms of relative value lost that would be like trading somebody a McLaren Speedtail for their 2013 Corolla. They're both cars, but there's no way to reasonably make that mistake if you purchased the McLaren.

Anyone who uses expensive cards to flex in the place of basics that are worth pennies deserves this to happen tbh.

Oh absolutely. I would never use the word "investment" in relation to cardshit, but Arabian Nights Mountains are the sort of thing you sit on to trade for needed legacy duals or something. Using them to flex on poorfags at Modern fnm or whatever is just sad.

Dude got what he deserved, but I think it probably actually was his girlfriend who did it.

Fiat magic money

Definitely not. If you’ve played magic for more than 5 seconds you’d know “pretty new cards” are almost never more valuable, especially when we’re talking about basic lands

Wait how did his cat do this?

Cat probably got a UTI after he molested it

I have music instruments that are worth thousands of dollars. I sat my wife down and explained to her how much money they are worth and let her know that if I had to choose between her or my music stuff, I wouldn’t even have to think about it.

Hmmm, a xylophone or a blow up doll? 🤔

Who still plays MTG. His fault for having such a shit hobby TBH.

While you should never trust a g*ssy, fucker had it coming for playing Magic over the age of 6.

Foids 😂😂😂

Really don’t get why people make a throwaway account to post about their dilemma and never use it again. Like are you trying to hide something on your main account that you don’t want people to find on your throwaway? Don’t be a pussy and post it on your main.

I swear this was the plot to like a king of queens episode or some other retarded sitcom except it was a mickey mantle baseball card and it was a child who traded it

This is also arguably theft, which is a disqualification-level penalty so you can get a local judge involved if necessary and if you think it might help.

Redditors are fucking retarded, she willing traded the cards its not theft because shes stupid. You could also argue its murder that doesnt make you any less of a retard or make it anymore correct

Just go beat the dudes ass lmao get the cards back? He knows the person irl it’s not like she sold them to a stranger online.

The guy plays MTG he’s 100% a soyboy or landwhale, just go kick his ass and get the cards back like anyone with T levels above that of a 12 year old boy would do

I can see the follow up post now. “My girlfriends boyfriend got my cards back for me” then some story about how they played a friendly mtg game before the bull smashed his wife and left him on the snorlax

Imagine being too scared of a MTG player who you literally know irl to threaten him to give the cards back

Picture your average MTG player and imagine being too scared to go up to him and say “Hey, you scammed my girlfriend and you’re going to give me the cards back”

The absolute state of moids in 2019 is disheartening

She knows better to not trade cards she doesn't know the price off or doesn't own herself

Clearly she doesn't.

lmao it's fucking MTG just pay literally any average person $20 to go threaten the neckbeard. Like either the dudes fucking obese or has the physique of a holocaust prisoner..

Obviously this is the exception that proves the rule but I once played against a dude at a tournament who was an absolutely jacked cop who worked in financial crimes

I used to play magic, fun, but a fucking scam. this is MAGIC