Hitlers Daughter says freedom can only be obtained thru removing freedom of speech

1  2019-11-30 by collectijism


I hope that this is the end. r/Drama has a unique way of bringing out the worst in people. It really does, I think. The dynamic here is just so fucking toxic and it turns people into the worst possible people they can be.

Drama is an addiction. It should be classified as something more like heroine or meth than a game.

The legacy of Drama has been written large in blood, quite literally. Several Drama posters have committed mayocide, and this place enabled their downward spirals. u/DarqWolff's insanity was made far worse by this place. I've come to the conclusion that the internet, as a social platform, was a mistake.

It radicalizes people by isolating them with other people just like them and so they spiral into the worst versions of themselves. Drama made me a worse person, and it's made most of you worse people. It's been the breeding ground of pedophile groomers, alt-right killers, and suicidal narcissists. This place is a total fucking shithole and I spent three years of my life that I'll never get back immersed in it. It was a total waste and I'm going to regret this period of my life for the rest of my existence as will most of you.

Even the most moral people have been made worse for being here. I think that the fundamental issue with Drama is that due to the way reputations work, betrayal, secret cabals, two-faced bs, and bad faith negotiation isn't just prioritized, it's the only effective way to operate. Being a huge piece of shit to everybody around you and tearing them down like crabs in a bucket isn't just a viable strategy, it's actually the only viable strategy once Drama reached a certain size. It's all just a bunch of assholes circlejerking over how bad all the other assholes are, because it's impossible to do anything else short of outright genociding anybody who poses any sort of threat to Drama's security and dominance.


  1. Hitlers Daughter says freedom can o... - archive.org, archive.today

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If only hitler was wrong then his ideas would be easily refuted

Man she really channels hitler here. I’ve never really seen her speak like this

I mean she’s his father you think she doesn’t watch the most popular politician her country has ever had?

Very true. I think all Germans are essentially the same, but come in different flavors

Yeah you guys always argue that virtually nobody in Nazi Germany was actually a Nazi, Wehrmecht was super duper clean and not Nazi at all, even many Nazi party members were often not Nazis, but literally a fifth of humanity is collectively and to the man the equal of Himmler.

Cia funds wahabbism? Yeah ok I love how informed leftists are about history. Like you read that in a Howard zinn book? Look back to the house of saud and how they came to power. They made a deal with the warrior tribe to take over the region of Saudi Arabia. The warrior tribe are the wahabiasts. The cia didn’t find anyone back then. No one knew there was oil then you fucking idiot. You want to learn more I can always send you a nice documentary not sure if it’s approved by your retard teachers though or the other higher authority you appeal to when it’s time to learn.

I like how that comic jumps the shark already in the second panel.

if we don't suppress hateful speech, all tolerant people will be destroyed.

The best part of the paradox of tolerance is that it’s an argument against itself.

It isn't.

Less well known is the paradox of tolerance: Unlimited tolerance must lead to the disappearance of tolerance. If we extend unlimited tolerance even to those who are intolerant, if we are not prepared to defend a tolerant society against the onslaught of the intolerant, then the tolerant will be destroyed, and tolerance with them. — In this formulation, I do not imply, for instance, that we should always suppress the utterance of intolerant philosophies; as long as we can counter them by rational argument and keep them in check by public opinion, suppression would certainly be unwise. But we should claim the right to suppress them if necessary even by force; for it may easily turn out that they are not prepared to meet us on the level of rational argument, but begin by denouncing all argument; they may forbid their followers to listen to rational argument, because it is deceptive, and teach them to answer arguments by the use of their fists or pistols. We should therefore claim, in the name of tolerance, the right not to tolerate the intolerant.

Not a single person who mentions it on reddit has actually read it, including the bolded parts.

Let me guess fascists will always be tolerated until they control everything while Communists will always be suppressed

LMAO at thinking that communists are suppressed while fascists are tolerated in this day and age.

Also, how do you think letting fascists talk leads to them controlling everything?

Yeah hitler wasn’t wrong if he was you could beat him with words and ideas. But his second book shrinking markets and the global race to zero is happening right now as each country competes for lower and lower slave wages with the multinationals

Immeasurably based

Look what happens when I point this out in an economics sub lol.


lol i love the lefty stuff where they say "we cant let this information exist otherwise everyones going to agree with it!"

What if the average person is a semi-animalistic peon whose opinions on what to have for dinner are worthless, to say nothing of their opinions on anything that actually matters?

That's my favorite argument because its primary purpose is to be used against fascists, but it also rules out the possibility of communists being right about anything.

It’s also an argument against democracy and for the founders of the USA who wanted only land owning older men to vote otherwise it would turn into what we have now. Morons breeding for giant government handouts

Like with everything the truth is in the middle.

The average person isn’t well versed on the problems of our society because it’s not their job to be informed about it and those problems are extremely complex to begin with.

So when a strongman comes and says “look, everyone’s a crook, give me power and we’ll go back to the good ol’ days”, it works on some of those people.

The average person isn’t well versed on the problems of our society because it’s not their job to be informed about it and those problems are extremely complex to begin with.

Meaning they should busy themselves on things their peon brains can handle and let Platonic philosopher kings do the real thinking for them.

Basically yeah.

Only that instead of the philosopher Kings we get idiots that got up the social ladder better and faster than other people for a plethora of reason.

Ubermensch don’t exist, everyone sucks equally. That’s why fascism and dictatorship will fail harder than democracies.

Counterpoint, Lee Kuan Yew.

I love the guy, he did nothing short of a miracle, but try that on something that’s not a city and I highly doubt it will work.

he wasn’t a ubermensch, he was a guy with a vision that put the economic development of his country before anything else. He was awesome, but it’s hard to replicate.


p sure fascism agrees that most people are dumb and need a strong leader to guide them

Fascism says people are weak and need a strong leader. I say people are stupid and need a wise leader.

That's not lefty. That's just everybody. Literally no ideology wants other ideologies to propagate.

the left thinks hate speech is real and the right wants everyone to read these fbi stats about black people

its almost the opposite

It’s not about people agreeing with it, it’s more a problem of propaganda and lies that emotionally affect the public (used by extremists both on the right and on the left) that people agree to instinctively no matter how retarded it is.

That’s why centrism is the only way forward.

Look at Trump or the Brexit campaign to see what I mean. politician can’t argue as well against deceptive shitflinging morons.

It’s not about people agreeing with it, it’s more a problem of propaganda and lies

if there were lies theyd be able to refute them, they wouldnt compound the issue by trying to make sure nobody even sees the question in the first place

that people agree to instinctively no matter how retarded it is.

maybe its not retarded then?

Look at Trump or the Brexit campaign to see what I mean.

theyre both great though what are you talking about lol

politician can’t argue as well against deceptive shitflinging morons.

its more that their ideas cant stand up to scrutiny and so they attempt to remove that scrutiny instead of improving their ideas

how could that possibly create progress, honestly

responding to watermark bait.

As is tradition. Also he's entirely sincere, so it's a special kind of bait.

Read Moldbug brown scare sweaty

Yes, fag. Yes.

It's literaly fascists Merkel is targeting when she says this stuff, you sperg. Die Linke isn't the party that she's aiming at here.

I love how heavily people chomp on your bait watermark. Don’t change baby.

i mean he did call it a "paradox" for a reason

because itd be real easy to become the thing youre fighting

the people that cite it think that theyre the "good guy" and it doesnt ever apply to them though

gee, i wonder if a book titled "the open society and its enemies" published right at the end of WW2 is supportive of fascism or not 🤔

who cares what his personal beliefs were, if an idea has any value it holds up when applied to others too


Hitlers Daughter rofl dude sick burn

Daddy taught her his sick speech mannerisms before keeping himself safe in that bunker.

Hitler was personally trained by an opera producer

Hitlers Daughter

Good book. A chilling reminder that imaginary foids are the true victims of war.

When does she say this?

There’s words in English at the bottom in white if you don’t understand german

At the bottom in white? What is this mayo none-sense?

no the problem is I understand german and she doesn't say this

Are the translations under the video accurate? Or did I just get bamboozled by some Russians?

She said hitler was right in German

99% accurate

They aren't accurate.

What did she say, I don't speak Auschwitz.

What is she really saying then?

Lol Germans are so cucked they have no answers to why they are so naturally imperialistic. He is just mad he knows that the reason hitler was voted in by the German people to kill the Jews is happening again

She says if they don't stand against hate speech, society will stop being what it once was. Nowhere is she talking about removing freedom of speech, simply because the germans never knew freedom of speech.

Because the Germans are nazis. Think about it what did hitler do right away take away speech opposition and guns. Now your doing the same thing opposition is deemed hateful and is banned. You literally not only elect these people you are these people. The whole country should be Islamified

Think about it what did hitler do right away take away speech opposition and guns.

Hitler didn't take away anyones guns he used the gun laws though as a pretext for raiding homes of political enemies.

Now your doing the same thing opposition is deemed hateful and is banned.

the speech of her is a reaction to a murder of a party colleague, there wasn't a debate going on about freespeech.

The whole country should be Islamified

Can't disagree here

Hitler didn't take away anyones guns

Germans don't even learn Hitler was obsessed with removing power from Jews wow, EU history lmao

You do know there Nazis took control of the gun registry list even after your Interior Minister wanted it hidden to stop it from falling into the hands of radical elements right?

You think in 1938 they took Jews possessions but not their guns?

Lol learning german history from a german who agrees that their should be no free speech. Is just too ironic. Hitler died but the Germans didn’t

first of all I'm not german not even austrian

You think in 1938 they took Jews possessions but not their guns?

They took everything from them yes but they never took away just their guns, for one simple reason they didnt need to because the nazis were already in power in 1933. The nazis were more or less democratically put in power, and after this point they could do whatever they wanted to because they were the state. The laws didnt matter to them they wouldve taken their guns anyway because thats what dictatorships do.

The laws didnt matter to them they wouldve taken their guns anyway because thats what dictatorships do.

The Nazis literally used this list to force Jews to turn in their guns.

and after this point they could do whatever they wanted to because they were the state.

Yes if only there was some sort of possible revolution against the Nazis that had all possible chance of resistance squashed by again the Nazis doing horrible things everyone who isn't a Europoor learned about in school.

She totally didn't say it but you won't say what she actually said.

Lol imagine being a leftist you have to be willfully nieve and completely out of touch with yourself and your fellow mans human nature. If you’ve worked a real day of work in your life and paid taxes theirs no way you can still be a leftist without having a heart full of envy as your sole motivation. There’s no logical reason to subscribe to neo slavery or neo liberalism or globalism whatever neo con etc it’s mindless nonsense meant to start another world war and bring us all back to a time where Feudal lords will rule the world again

writing essays in reddit comments doesn't count as "a real day of work"

Yes that’s right attack the person not the idea. Yes alinsky rule number 3

Lol imagine being a leftist you have to be willfully nieve and completely out of touch with yourself and your fellow mans human nature. If you’ve worked a real day of work in your life and paid taxes theirs no way you can still be a leftist without having a heart full of envy as your sole motivation.

Wie damals, als Merkel, bzgl politisch inhaftierter Journalisten, sagte: "Pressefreiheit gibt es nicht zum Nulltarif. Wer eine prononciere Meinnug äußert muss mit Widerstand rechnen."

Barbarian language

Freedom of speech does not mean freedom from consequences. I am very intelligent

Literally we allowed Germans to reunite and they could only tolerate a couple of decades before going straight Nazi again

I always laugh when i see this stuff, LGBT and other minority groups wouldn't have the rising political influence if it wasn't for freedom of speech in the west.

It was the Soviet Union who first tried to introduce tolerance and hate speech restrictions in the UN after WW2 (blocked by Europe and the US, imagine that) and they had domestic laws right up until its dissolution that made homosexual relationships illegal on imprisonment and even death.

Look at order 9 in the chineese communist bill of anti rights. It’s explicitly lays out everything the bill of rights says but you explicitly don’t have those rights or are not allowed to advocate for them in or out of china

Will the Saxon ever learn to hate again?

These limits begin where the dignity of other people is violated

My dignity has been violated by the homosexuals for decades

I love how absolutely enraged she causes rightoids to be and they completely forget her party is literally called the "conservative christians" endless boomer posts about her being a socialist.

Yeah their globalists conservative means small government not what hitlers daughter believes.