scorsesecels on suicide watch

1  2019-11-30 by Rentokill_boy


You're not shit next to me. My genes are just light years superior to yours and I don't even need to look at you.


  1. scorsesecels on suicide watch -,

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I'd want to kill myself too if some retarded weeabo was grasping at straws this hard.

um you literally can't enjoy any film unless there's a hero character for you to self-insert your flaccid being into. That's filmmaking 101 y'all, don't know who this martin scorsayse is but clearly he didn't do a media degree aheuheuheueheue


Not a moid tho. A strong LGBTQ+ woman of color!

imagine the LGBTQ teamsters

Roughing up scabs with style

There’s a thread pretty much saying that exact thing unironically on r/movies right now

I'm of the firm belief that no one on r/movies has ever actually watched a film

They’ve seen every marvel movie ten times each, but otherwise you’re correct

Spiderman capable of growth and change? If I have to watch him reboot and get bit by a radioactive spider one more time, I'm gonna shoot Uncle Ben myself.

I think marvel was kinda smart to skip the origin story this time around for Spider-Man

But if this whole marvel/Sony thing goes awry we will have to see another origin story probably

I can't wait next year where they reboot spiderman again but he's black and nonbinary. Spiderwomxn

Well Sony spider man is black right now

who cares? sony hasn't made anything good since betamax

I actually liked spiderverse but ya I don’t like much of anything they do

Spider verse was really good tbh, probably the best capeshit I’ve seen

Logan was great

I liked the characterisation and the seizures but that was about it. The third act/ending was a let down imo


A 20th Century Fox Film...


I thought Sony had the xmen stuff?

No, that's Fox (now Disney)

That already happened

I'd rather have Uncle Ben commit suicide in full detail than have to continue to deal with whatever the MCU is doing with him

Jimmy Hoffa was a real person.

if you consider the irish people

Hey, at least they're not Anglos. 🤷

Hibernians are actually worse

Amazing that it’s possible but somebody they managed

If you consider """Irish""" Americans Irish.

Islam is Right about Spiderman.

anime avatar

Butch tranny

erry time

what's this plural shit so many of them claim now as well ? i see he lists multiple names, do he believe he is several trannies instead of simply one tranny ?

Damn thats bad, even by tranny standards

It's basically diet schizo. Either an autistic person fantasizing a little too heavily or an actual schizophrenic trying to demedicalize schizophrenia.

oh no

Wtf I thought those /r9k/ MS Paint pictures of a transexual's room were just a meme

Mother nature took a fucking break these last 100 years.

I blame low child mortality rates

Industrial revolution, consequences, you know the rest

1495 indeed.

>ugly, mannish, not passing in the slightest

>collects gay anime action figures

>cat owner

never fails

i feel bad for their cats every time


Steven Seagal

a dude who dresses like a dude and dates females

We've gone full circle.

anime avatar

Even worse, it's an Undertake avatar 🤢🤮

They seem to think they are multiple undertale characters. I'm so fucking confused rn.

What the actual fuck is that bio

Can anyone break down what the fuck any of those words mean?

Watching anime/super hero movies is a mental illness

Weebs have the worst opinions and taste out of any fanbase ever.

This is the group that sincerely discusses the character development and plot of shounenshit kids shows and thinks Evangelion was some amazing 200iq shit.

It makes me happy knowing how strongly Anno hates the people who jerk off eva.

I don’t think Anno hates people that like his show, he hates Otaku in general and he hates that the collective response of his country and anime fans to his show and movie has been to further embrace being disgusting wastes of life that refuse to leave their houses.

Yes, that’s what I said, but more wordy.

The people that don’t think Evangelion is are usually the people that need the flashing lights and loud noises provided by capeshit to be entertained.

if someone is the protagonist then it means they're supposed to be a good guy

This is the same sort of brainlet take as "Any political topics that are touched upon are the views of the author"

It's hard for growth when you're under the 50 yard line at the Meadowlands.

Also pop-tarts are better than pastries

Loving marvel is fine like whatever but imagine thinking it’s actually fine cinema

I love mcchickens and McDonald’s fried but I’m not gonna lash out at Joel Robuchon if he criticizes fast food


It's like you called it into being

"Ambassador Mx. Chara Dreamer aka Boomer Chara"

Imagine setting this to your username and expecting people to give even one iota of a fuck about your opinion

why would marvel name a mexican faggot wearing a gay costume after a shitty jizz sex move anyways?

some of these comments legit made me a little triggered lol, god Marvel fans can be so insufferable