Pewdiepie's house was robbed. SRDines: ugh I hope that poor robber doesn't get doxxed by his rabid fans. Read full thread for even more peak SRDine

1  2019-12-01 by BIknkbtKitNwniS


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unpopular opinion: people who commit crimes should also face the consquences for commiting said crimes

The unironic SRD worldview is that the only crimes worthy of punishment are rape and saying "nigger" regardless of context

Uh oh now the nwordcountbot is gonna put coal in your stocking this Chr*stmas.

If Spez can survive it so can I.

pretty sure nwordcountbot got disabled, maybe it got restored tho, who knows

saying "nigger" to SRDines


soooooo... yeah lol

Unless the rapist is Amy Schumer.

YTA in this situation

play stupid games win stupid prizes šŸ™„šŸ™„šŸ™„šŸ™„šŸ™„

This. So much this!

Your house your rules!

Wait, no, not that!

Women have a right to infect others with STDs without their knowledge or consent, sweetie.


Oh sweaty check your inbox, Iā€™ve just sent you my 1000 word essay on why your comment is very problematic, yikes.

Yikes, that's a lot to unpack!

Le reddit armyā„¢ is much better at doxxing innocent people they think committed a crime than the actual perpetrator though.

Exactly, If you want to find the real crook, you have to make 4chan think its their idea to find someone

that's too good of a point for these SRDines to focus on and a lot of them are saying how it's actually good for a rich person to get their home broken into

That's fucking racist

Yikes, did you consider the perpetrator might be a poor person and therefore he's the real victim in this situation?

wow so unpopular

Weird but I guess everyone is entitled to their opinion

Why is that criminals are now the victims? Society that we live in I suppose.

Imagine what a world this would be if leftists had 1/10th the contempt for armed robbers, home invaders and child rapists as they did for someone who once used the gamer word on Xbox Live in their teens.

Uh, let's unpack this. People who commit armed robberies are destitute victims who had no other choice. Nobody does that because they want to. Besides, their harm to others is limited to small things, like a gas station attendant they murdered.

This is nothing compared to how every time the n-word is uttered by a popular streamer, it harms many people and normalizes racism to the viewers and that stays with them forever. Pewdiepie has done more long-term damage than any home invader or murderer ever has.

I guess the weird thing is, I don't think it's too long before Huffington Post copies this verbatim.

it's not even satire at this point

I am just repeating actual talking points I have heard said in earnest

Omg I'm literally shaking

How mentally cucked are you?

leftoid COPE

Imagine being you, lol.

Imagine being you, lol.

I don't have to.

COPE more

Imagine thinking spamming COPE wins you any arguments, lol brainlet.


Socio economic reasons

Blaming socio economic reasons for minority crimes is pretty based when you think about it. It basically just means "poor people are dumb & smelly, they commit crimes and are shitty at raising their kids". Blaming genes is the ultimate bluepill as it removes any sort of responsibility from the perpetrator - if people of melanin truly are inherently more likely to be criminals then you can't really blame them for it wheras blaming socioeconomic reasons implies that they can change if they get their shit together and stop being poor.

Edit: Hahahahaha someone sent me a PM from their alt saying "Wait until you hear about raising a daughter" in response to this comment hahahahaha get a life bro this is /r/drama not a serious debate forum haha are you really so pathetic you have to use an alt to comment on this shitpost

raising a daughter is pretty cucked tho

Think about it logically.

Uhm sweety they're not criminals,, they're persons of underprivileged legal status

peak [current year]

Criminals are just victims of society

When being a landlord is worthy of execution but murder isn't

Because some people have a nuanced perspective of the world, which, incidentally, is necessary if you want to solve societal problems instead of brutalizing every petty criminal and patting yourself on the back for being so virtuous.

petty crimes

allegedly stole most of their jewellery


I donā€™t see a contradiction. Either way, my comment would still applicable to the comment it was replying to.

A felony isnt a petty crime you mongoloid

ā€œLet thieves steal your valuablesā€

The statement specifically concerns PewDiePie and is not a general principle.

Edit: To be clear, I am referring to my comment, not yours.

Because you donā€™t like Pewdiepie or because heā€™s wealthy? Both reasons are stupid anyway considering justice is meant to be blind.

See the edit.

So you do think justice should be served in line with your personal biases. Thanks for confirming you are a brainlet.

I have said no such thing.

You said robbery is a petty crime. And then said that statement only applies to the Pewdiepie situation.

You are a huge faggot

My apologies.

Don't be sorry, be better

Are you sure you arenā€™t just a bundle of sticks?

Breaking into someoneā€™s private property is not a ā€œpetty crimeā€ lol

The latter sounds way better why wouldnā€™t I want to just do that?

Is it bad that i dont care about some millionaire?

I wonder if they would say this about some millionaire foid getting raped lol

Bernie's a millionaire...

Don't remind them, they'll lose their shit on you if you suggest that Bernie is just another rich old fuck spouting bullshit to get his geriatric ass into office before he croaks

Lol no one freaks out about that. Heā€™s a 77 year old man with a 2M$ net worth. Thatā€™s not rich at all and easily achievable by anyone in the country thatā€™s not a complete moron.

Be you a newfag or an alt, begone thot

Shut up faggot

No u šŸ‘‰šŸ˜ŽšŸ‘‰

he's one of the good ones

If the foid was a conservative then theyā€™d be bullying the rapist for not cutting her head off but if it was a liberal then theyā€™d literally set their own city on fire and blame it on Nazis or somehow Trump would be at fault for it.

"Nooooooooooot to victim-blame BUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUT that conservathot really was asking for it."

based and red pilled

These are people who think rape isn't a crime and robbery is just the most devastating thing ever. Especially if said robbery happens to someone they idolize. That's the extent of their empathy.

These people have some really elaborate mythology around pewdiepie fans lmfao.

I still boggle at people who actually unironically think this shitty swedish youtuber is a nazi.

They're making a difference by standing up to a retarded swedish gamer

It's funny because most of that thread is treating robbery like it is no biggie

The insane twist of logic they have to go through to take "let's get this robber!" and make it into "I think rape is good, actually!" is fucking up my sides rn. How are these people real?

It bears repeating early and often: normal people either haven't posted in SRD or are banned. The rest of the sub is what you get.

Crime isn't a biggie when it happens to white devils

This is just karma for that Nazi, I'm not surprised y'all incels are so concerned for a Nazi getting robbed

/r/ADHD's rules say:

Alt-right, white nationalist, and other hateful content of any sort is verboten This includes popular idols and those who claim not to be but flirt with them. (ex. Jordan Peterson; Ben Shapiro; PewDiePie; Joe Rogan)

Same rule is in their Discord server.

Their mods are fucking weird. They also took over /r/ADD and closed it 7 years ago so now there's no subreddit for people who have issues concentrating but no hyperactivity/impulsivity symptoms. Granted, ADD has been removed from DSM-5 but it still exists in ICD-10.

hahaha holy shit joe rogan

these people are beyond parody

Sorry who took the sub over?

/r/ADHD mods

Nerdshark the nerd. Not even letting us smoke weed 420 blaze it.

Penis Xanarson is an actual major name in psychology, a field that researches things like ADHD but heā€™s a banned topic on a sub about it. Lmao

like anyone with any life experience would think mob justice is a good thing that works out well

Posted with a complete lack of self-awareness in SubredditDrama

Srdines love mob justice and seeing them pretend to be against it for the sake of shitting on pewds fanbase is so lulzy, even though they havenā€™t actually done anything yet lmao. tbf theyā€™re probably right, but the hypocrisy is still incredible

What if the robber said the niggerword tho

the piece of shit who did that either didn't know who they were stealing from or were very confident in their escape because i'm getting the feeling that it isn't going to end well for them.

Snappy please

I got 3 pizza delivery chains on speed dial and they can converge on your address within an hour. don't fuck with me. I am anonymous

The PewDiePie fans will need an outlet for their rage if the perpetrator is not apprehended. Maybe they'll again try to convince a child to kill himself for not liking Keanu Reeves.

Another black man having his life ruined by this Nazi fuck šŸ˜”

Ugh, people get robbed, houses get burglarized.

Bussy ainā€™t free

For folks like you and me

Hey man, some people hold the power in the relationship, and others pay for everything

Part and parcel of living in a society.

Not sure whose side Iā€™m on. On Pewdiepieā€™s to spite the SRDines, or on the robberā€™s side because he stole from Pewdiepie.

Why not both like a true radical centrist?

True. Both should be sent to jail.

What should Pewdiepie be sent to jail for?

Being horrifically unfunny.

He's like 1 collaboration with an alt-right youtuber away from joining the Nazi party, seems like a good enough reason to me

He should go to jail because you are assuming that he could potentially do something that isn't illegal. That definitely makes sense.

Zoomers OUT >:v

Yes. You wouldn't like if someone was recruiting people to ISIS in front of your house while yelling "death to america, death to white people!" would you? Even though the person did not commit any crime yet.

imagine actually thinking pewdiepie has political views




sardines crying about "umm akshullee cancel culture is bad mkay"

Allah give me strength to not break the leddit terms of service

Donā€™t worry brother, Allah shall burn the infidels as we take all their bussy.

May Allah break the backs of these disease-ridden rodents

From the same masterminds who brought you "#MeToo is a good thing" and "Listen and Believe":

wtf i hate mob justice now

I mean his fans would probably do that but you deserve it when you rob a youtuber which fans are known to be autistic retards. I hope he just doesnt get caught šŸ¤—

I hope they converge on him, get physically aggressive with him, then get their asses either beaten or ventilated

Whose fans




It was a correction, not a question


ITT: seething zoomers

if it were not a male youtuber they'd lose their shit

Oh no that poor criminal. He might commit Jeffery Epstien with all the hatemail he will get in prison. Pewdiepie is to blame for this!

TIL Epstein was transsexual

Breaking into someone's house is all kinds of fucked up. It's not even about the property damage or the theft or whatever.

My pal got burgled and he's a huge 6'4" bear of a guy and he was a nervous wreck for months after it happened.

bewebbed corkboard

Iā€™m stealing that one

It's yours. I appreciate the compliment.

I really, really, really like this joke.

Me too. Save it, it's all yours my friend

it reminds me of how they treat their wives

I'm not even sure what your point is. Yeah I'd rather sleep with a dakimakura of my waifu Renge-chan than with some random 3D slut but that doesn't mean I'm desperate, it's the opposite, it implies that I have standards.


  1. Pewdiepie's house was robbed. SRDin... -,

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Srdines being based and woke on the YQ ? The fuck is happening ?


I love how Reddit retards keep harping on the Boston Bomber deal. That shit was years ago, involved a small group of people, and it was the media that took the bit of info and ran with it without research first. Since then reddit has done a lot of good things, but morons keep going back to that deal like it was every user on the site that was maliciously involved.

Since then reddit has done a lot of good things

Name one.

Orphans either had parents who didn't want them or parents who were too weak to live, so that's not a good thing.

No punishment is too harsh for anyone for any reason any time.

Is this satire? The comments make me believe this is satire.

Iā€˜ve read a comment saying pewdiepie is worse than a murderer and Iā€˜m just ??? Is this a meme Iā€˜m not getting

Its gotta be. Re-reading the title makes me think it is. Or, we gotta a bunch sad kids here.

The fact that people here actually unironically think he is a nazi is just sad, american politics is a fucking joke

That thread you linked is just srdines saying pewds brain dead fans are gonna pull a Boston bomber situation smh

if you look closer there are some veins of dazzling retardation