Imagine thinking someone is worried you’re following them so you sprint towards them at full speed.

1  2019-12-01 by ChaposWorstNightmare


Dropping this comment mostly to learn some additional techniques for not frightening folks/learn if I am doing anything wrong or harmful unintentionally and how I can do better

Fucking hell. Imagine being so much of a doormat that you "learn techniques" to keep away from everyone as much as possible in the slim chance you might offend them.

If you need techniques to not come off as a fucking creep, sit down and reflect.

Well no. If you are called creepy for simply walking you dont. What a dumb comment.

I've been walking most of my life and have never been called creepy for it. I would guess this has been the experience of most humans on this planet. Is your experience any different?

Yes and I certainley am tired of blaming myself for existing. Also you most likely are called creepy by people who dont know you, genius.

Also you most likely are called creepy by people who dont know you, genius.

And of the billions of those people, none have called me creepy for walking.

Yes and I certainley am tired of blaming myself for existing.

Have you considered being someone worth being?

They don’t call you creepy to your face, but they tweet about it to all their followers so the white knights can come out and defend them, then talk about this horribly traumatic experience with their therapist.

This is basically am entire summation of society from 2015-present. My ex girlfriend would always text "ugh some guy told me I was cute at Walmart today, I'm like so over it" to which I would reply "I'm not jealous, try harder". These bitches secretly love the attention.

Thats up to me kiddo.

Stop being ugly

Have sex incel

Stop looking like a homeless crackhead and women might not be so afraid of you walking behind them.

Yes and I certainley am tired of blaming myself for existing.

That's ok bro I'll hate you free of charge if you want, all you gotta do is ask.

you probably dont live near dumb cunts like in the op lmao


Post a clip and I will be the judge of your walking style.

Maybe he slithers

have you tried not being creepy while walking?

100% of the time it works everytime

Not about being creepy, but tbf I was like 25 before I realized what I actually look like instead of before when I was always assuming everyone sees me as basically a 12 year old kid. It was a revelation that just being a tall dude with an angular face and stubble can be intimidating or threatening all on its own for some people.

This is the lamest origin story ever. Can we move on to the cool kites already?

Noone cared who I was until I saw myself in a mirror.

In time. I'm not your monkey, y'know.

It's your gimmick, dude. I'm just indulging in it

People who feel threatened by you because of superficial features are judgemental and bigoted, you shouldn't feel the need to cater to them.

I don't think putting up 6 inches and 40lbs on someone is a superficial difference.

You internalized misandry

No no, this applies regardless of gender. Boxing has weight classes for a reason there, chum.

Just so happens that the on average taller and in turn scarier gender is men huh


I love these threads as they always reveal how many male-feminists admit they make women uncomfortable irl.

Anyone who orbits aging blue checks on twitter is almost guaranteed to be a generally repulsive human being.


God that word needs to fucking die


He should try being white

Wow, a male feminist on Twitter, what a surprise

It never even began for doormatcels

This lady is nuts. She's a "Catholic" who is pro-life, but doesn't want abortion to be illegal, married to a literal Bolshevik (whom she constantly talks about unattractive he is). So, on one side traditional Catholics trash her for her commie ways, and she's very regularly chased off Twitter by DSA types who hate her moral objection to abortion.

someone mod this lady

There's a whole undercurrent of Twitter Catholic drama. I did a write-up for this sub once under a different account that has since been deleted. There's no shortage of spergs.

gimme gimme! i made the mistake of liking a faith goldy tweet and now all her super fasholics appear on my feed.

It's not as interesting as it was a year or so ago. The Leftist Catholics mostly keep to themselves and try to carve out a place in the Leftist movement that abhors their religion, and the Right wingers are still jumping up and down over the Nick Fuentes/Charlie Kirk beef.

Essentially, their conflict was over just a few points.

  1. Who do we execute first, trannies or billionaires?

  2. Do we import all of Latin America to the US, or do we Secure The Existence Of Our People And A Future For White Children?

And that's it.

Objects are imported, not human beings.

I imported my dick into your mom's ass.

His mom imported it, you exported it... dumbass.

So we only import women, got it.


Are you in favor of importing “”””””””””objects””””””””” (and yikes... referring to brown people as objects? not a good look sweaty!) to the only civilized nation in North America?

Catholic who married a Bolshevik

Something something Cathbol.

The problem is she tries to combine the stupid parts of both (forgiveness and equality) when she should combine the cool parts (rigid moral structure and killing your political opponents).

True. Bet she likes Pope Francis 🤢🤢🤢 as well.

He is the fucking worst. Rome really went full Whore of Babylon electing him. Every word out of his fork-tongued mouth is some catty remark against the USA. I mean seriously, he is unable to make a speech without it being against Foundational Protestant Americans*. If he wasn't from such a weak and pathetic country he would St. Bartholomews' Day my ass the first chance he got.

* thanks to Tariq Nasheed for this phrase

PS I am 100% not joking he would have us all killed and this is why we need the 2nd Amendment.

Crusaders of the proletariat, rise up!

This lady is nuts.

She sounds like a high IQ centrist to me

No, the radical centrist position is that there's nothing morally wrong with abortion, but it still should be illegal because fuck foids.

No the radcen position is mandatory abortion for white couples

Radical centrism is mandating abortion and eliminating social security after 1996. Anyone who was not aborted or received social security after 1996 will be tracked down to have this corrected and end us of the Boomer/Zoomer scourge.

she constantly talks about unattractive he is

Well he does look like he has a serious case of the Downs.

He probably does unironically have fetal alcohol syndrome. He says he came from an abusive household of alcoholics.

married to a literal Bolshevik

Excuse me but Matt is a neohilferdingist


Lots of Catholic drama e.g.

Also IIRC there was some sticky on the front page of their sub due to some ongoing drama.

Foids. Not even once

one time i tried to do it I think the girl in front of me sped up because she was worried about my intentions... so it ended up being like i was chasing her


M'lady no I... Wait, I was just trying to... Why are you running? I'm actually a male femin... WAIT!!!!!!

Madam! I assure you I have seen Captain Marvel 8 times this week! I wish you no harm! Please, just a moment of your time and we can clear up this misunderstanding!

ill still tip my fedora in your honor m'lady!



I’ve seen other women express anxiety when they are passed, seemingly they would have a panic attack if I started sprinting at night to get ahead of them. Literally there is almost nothing you can do to alleviate the irrational anxiety of some women about this besides wearing a burkha or locking yourself in a box.

For once, based watermark

I like to Naruto run at them full-speed while angrily screaming "AGGHHH I'VE GOTTA COOOOOOM!!!!!!" They always thank me for it because it makes them feel safe.

Islam is Right about Women.

I'm 100% positive she's the kind of bitch who crosses the street if she sees a black man walking towards her.

Yeah but who doesn’t

Dude, even other black people do this.





Live by the woke, die by the woke

get woke go broke

I always run up to them and say “I’m not going to rape you. I’m a little boy.”

And then I realized, I'm an adult.

And adults

rape each other.

I thin I've observed cats doing something like this.

Haha I'm picturing this dude running full blast like the T-1000 chasing John Connor on the bike

I always sprint up behind a woman if I'm alone walking behind them and shout "I'M GAY!" before running past them into the darkness of the night - makes me less scary and threatening :)

>dont wanna be wierd

>fear every random person in the street and fantasise about them assaulting you

Elizabeth Bruenig looks like she's 12 though so she's probably a little more fearful than the average foid. Thankfully her downie husband can protect her

The amount of soy and White Knighting going on in there has left me sterile.

Liz Bruenig blocked me for commenting "Catholicism is bad" under everything she posted.

Good for her

I actually like many of her posts so it was a sad day.


What they're really thinking: "SHIT SHIT IM GONNA BE LATE, GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY WAY"

Foids who post this want to be raped

large male here. i definitely notice and avoid lingering in the "stalking the prey" zone at night, particularly with women. it's like hanging out in someone's blind spot while driving--technically they're responsible for not hitting you, but it's bad karma to add to someone else's stress when it doesn't cost you anything.


We live in a society

Imagine not whipping your dick out the moment you're alone with a foid

I'm not even sure what your point is. Yeah I'd rather sleep with a dakimakura of my waifu Renge-chan than with some random 3D slut but that doesn't mean I'm desperate, it's the opposite, it implies that I have standards.


  1. Imagine thinking someone is worried... -,

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Leave Liz alone, retards. There's nothing wrong with < 5' marrying 6'2".

shoutout to blacks who, when they realize they're walking behind you at night and you are alone, basically sprint to pass you so you don't have to worry about it. that is a nice thing to do and i really appreciate it, always wanna yell "THANKS NIGGA!" but don't wanna be weird


Whenever I am alone in a stairwell with a woman, I stop to check my phone until she’s gotten at least two flights away from me.

In reality he's too afraid to share a space with a woman.

This is one of my favourite reddit memes because it's always full of skinny nerdy unintimidating dudes covertly bragging about how scary they are.

I am a white woman. I was walking behind a muscular black man and whispered as I walked up on him: Does it scare you to have a white woman following you? His laughing reply: it scares me to have ANY woman following me! I have 12 Aunts. Y'all are vicious. We both laughed.

Sure you did

Most rape is not a stranger dragging a woman into an alley and yet these fragile white women think they have to worry about that every time they go outside. Imagine living with that kind of paranoia.