MoreTankieChapo discovers that Mouthfeel Mommy LITERALLY MURDERED a trans woman of color. She can’t keep getting away with this!

1  2019-12-03 by dootwthesickness_II


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Tankies and turning on their own. Name a more iconic duo

Contra was never one of the tankies’ own. She accidentally created a bunch of them, and she’s not happy about it.

The Progressive-to-Tankie pipeline is real CMV.

It exists but I don't think it's a regular-enough phenomenon to be a "pipeline." It's definitely not as common as the AnCap-to-Nazi pipeline.

Legit ancaps do not become nazis, larpers who never really cared about the liberty axis pretend to be ancaps when they were nazis the whole time.

larpers who never really cared about the liberty axis

I already said ancaps.

You an Auth fag or lib left moron?

It's definitely not as common as the AnCap-to-Nazi pipeline.

I prefer to think of it as an aqueduct.

more like a retention pond with two different signs

It's just neolibs becoming radlibs.



Stalin would like a word with you comrade.

Tankies (on Reddit and Twitter) are just liberals in socialist clothing. MDEfugees are just paleocons in natsoc clothing. Both groups just appropriate style and not substance.

She radicalized them

Mentally ill people and bitching on the internet come to mind

Trannies and suicide

whenever someone is clearly doing a troll post you will get one of the mods or just some jackass saying "LMAO THIS IS BAIT!! HA HA HA" like they are in on the joke.

imagine you are watching a movie and some asshole yells out spoilers. it ruins the total performance. just shut the fuck up, like a good retard, and enjoy the show. dont be such an idiot and scream like you and the writers are on the same level because you are not. it is art.

i have literally seen countless posts where bait is ruined because some faggot points out it is bait so they can feel internet savvy. i am actually very angry.


  1. MoreTankieChapo discovers that Mout... -,*

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Edit 2: It's not that I care about downvotes (I've got karma to spare), but that each downvote represents a supposed Leftist that read my post yet was unable to come up with a decent explanation as to why shitposts are better praxis than Natalie's highly successful propaganda campaign. Until that's provided, my point stands unopposed.

We live in interesting times.

I've got karma, you hear me?! Karma!

(ive got karma to spare) is a great flair

We live in boring gay times. The 2010s will be forgotten by history, thank god

Actually Natalie should have patrolled the streets of Baltimore with an AK.

This but unironically

She's white enough to open carry in that city safely.

A white vigilante shooting black gangbangers would be extremely problematic tho.

What if it were to protect trans women though?

Still. She should step back and let black AK bursts be heard.

Black men are the white men of POC so it would be punching up tho

Indeed, black men have been semi-cancelled for a while now.

Cooming Down, starring Michael Douglas as ""Natalie"" Wynn

You don't know anything about Baltimore. A white person with a gun there is going to get completely screwed.

Yeah I was gonna say that dude doesn’t know Baltimore. A whitey there would get fucked over harder than a black dude.

Ever since the Freddie Gray riots it has been open season on whites with the local government's blessing, the police are there to arrest whites who fight back.

I agree. I used to go into bodymore very often for work. You don’t wanna be white there

Ok /pol/


Well, nobody cares about Baltimore.

Lol no a black persons could do it. Probably get arrested but they’d get off the charges or light charges. A whitey would get completely screwed.

I came into this thread to say exactly the same thing. The crime is driven by poverty, and the poverty in this case is driven by systemic issues such as distribution of public education funds, a biased court system, the war on drugs, biased policing, and denial of generational wealth, among others.

Kudos to them for this, hopefully we see more of it.

I guarantee it that Baltimore isn't the sort of problem you fix by throwing more money at it

You're so close -- mentioning a biased court system, war on drugs, policing as reasons for poverty but not mentioning them as reasons for CRIME. As in, take any step you want in the justice system, from arrest all the way up to appeals, and black people get the worse of it compared to equivalent cases involving white people. More arrests, harsher charges, more convictions, longer sentences, everything. It affects the statistics directly, not just indirectly.

Shit, even the way that laws are written: To witness, the recent noise about decriminalizing marijuana in some midwestern state everywhere EXCEPT federal housing.

Sorry, but this frustrates me.

They good boys...

Those people only care about a biased court system when it's men getting the short end of the stick in family court. The Red Pill documentary made them feel the only brand of "woke" they care about; that which caters to their ideology.

none of that changes the fact that it's not a problem you fix by throwing money at it.

First time I visited Baltimore for some work, the first thing I saw when I came out of the was a huge gun violence hoarding. Noped the fuck out as soon as I could.

I bet those retards think it’s roving gangs of nazis wearing siege masks armed with barbed wire bats who are the ones killing all the he-shes, when in reality it’s black guys who are sexually confused or got caught by their homeboys and don’t them to think they’re gay.

What makes you assert that she’s creating chasers?

the fact that you can’t mention you’re trans online without some horny DSA soyface DMing you to ask about your mouthfeel

wow truthbombs from chapofags

Too bad they don't know chasers are the only people actually attractive to trans people.

They deserve each other tho

the fact that you can’t mention you’re trans online without some horny DSA soyface DMing you to ask about your mouthfeel

I won't deny that some of those DMs earnestly yearn for a dose of shenis, but i can guarantee that a majority of those messages are trolls.

Subreddit of literal Stalinists think that it’s Contrapoints who is throwing trans people under the bus

what exactly do you think is going to happen when you deliberately curate your content to appeal to actual fascists, while also sharing with them the ins and outs of trans culture and vocabulary, as well as revealing common triggers of dysphoria that most trans people have, so chauvinist assholes now know what pressure points to use to emotionally coerce you into providing them nudes or sexual services?

What the fuck is this person on about?

The secret to unlocking the trussy

Not what works in my experience.

Is this bitch saying negging them with dysphoria is supposed to make them send nudes?

You have to know the pressure points. Only a trans master can teach that. But the knowledge is forbidden

I mean apparently Contra is just giving it out on YouTube, along with a bunch of fash propaganda

I wonder how many subscribers Natalie gained from that post.

You sit on the Trans Council, but we do not give you the right of mouthfeel master

A bad ex ☹️

personality detector broke

Couldn't tell if I was still on Chapo or wandered into r/conspiracy by accident

so chauvinist assholes now know what pressure points to use to emotionally coerce you into providing them nudes or sexual services?

Nigger what? What the fuck kind of "pressure points" will "emotionally coerce" someone into having sex? Is this retardspeak for "saying things I want to hear so I'll have sex with them?" Or does he mean like "penetrate my bussy or I'll call you 'he'?"

I love it when jannies flex their janny flair. It’s like a warning sign to avoid reading their comment.

They probably think it's like lifting up a shirt to reveal a pistol but really it's like lifting up a shirt to reveal you've pissed and shit yourself because you're retarded

Yes, the white troid should go kill black cis people to stop them from killing black troids. Chapo is the opposite of radical center, while use high IQ individuals takes the best parts of all ideologies chapo takes the worst parts of them.

Enlightened centrists vs misguided peripherycels

I'll update the visual sometime this week when I'm not busy, stay posted.

Yes, the white troid should go kill black cis people to stop them from killing black troids.

This but unironically. Guns for everyone ! Let the blood bowl begin !

True dramatards care not from whence the blood flow so long it does.

Chapoids will be the downfall of the alphabet movement.

Chapoism - even more powerful than AIDS

I can’t understand all of the different made up terms they use

I’m glad moreTankieChapo exists even if I don’t feel the need to subscribe. It’s still hilarious that the bitcoin boofing libertarians who run Reddit didn’t bother quarantining r/chapotraphouse2 or any of the other dozen offshoots

one of the more pathetic things that has come out of this is these degenerates trying to twist the word praxis to mean what they want it to mean instead of what it actually means.

converted crypto-fascists to girl dick


Murica cities are just wow... Montréal as 3 time Baltimore population and we dont get 5 shooting a night...