The #LionTulsi strikes again as Kamala Harris officially drops out of the race.

1  2019-12-03 by seshfan2


I totally realize most people are going to disagree with me here but I feel compelled to say that closing the sub for a joke wasn't a very kind thing to do. We have seen TONS of posts from vulnerable populations talking about how this sub is a source of support and humor in a dark time. Irony and dirtbagism aside, taking away that support without warning was not okay.

You can say I'm being silly, or humorless or reactionary. Whatever. I love the show and I love this community. But sometimes I come home after dealing with ableism and our nightmare reality all day, and this sub is one of many things that make me feel better. It wasn't a good feeling to find this sub closed for the sake of irony. Maybe that's laughable or pathetic. But for me, it's true.


  1. The #LionTulsi strikes again as Kam... -,

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Another one bites the dust.

Seeing Michael "both Republicans and Democrats hate my guts" Bloomberg poll higher than her probably did it.

Uhhhggg Bloomberg


Bloomy B is the one true candidate for the enlightened radical centrist.

Really depressing that we'll never be able to witness a Bloomberg / Epstein ticket though. It would've been unstoppable.


U.S. Senator and candidate for president. Wife, Momala, Auntie. Fighting for the people. She/her. Text FEARLESS to 70785 to join us.


Good fucking riddance


Ya Allah lmao.


Why do they keep doing this?

She pandered to the wokies instead of leaning towards conservative Democrats.

When the New York Times is describing your campaign staffers as "twitter-obsessed", you've got serious problems.

Didn't she spend most of her career as a pig enabler? akab

It's actually more fucked up. Didn't just do her job as a prosecutor, but she actively blocked exonerating evidence from being heard until the courts forced her.

Kamala unironically scares me. She is a sociopath lol

Yep the problem is always that you weren't right wing enough imo

Wokeies are 18-21 and don't vote. They'd rather see society collapse than get out of bed before 8am. I can't fucking understand this election cycle and WHY these people are pandering to retarded children.

Whatever, makes for interesting viewing from afar I guess.

wokies are mostly millennials and are in their late 20's-30's. The days of retarded twitter politics being a young person thing are long behind us.

Oh yeah, I guess you're right, wokeies aged when I wasn't paying attention. I bet they still don't vote though, and the thing about them wanting society to collapse is still true.

They'd rather see society collapse than get out of bed before 8am.

That's how I feel every time right after my alarm goes off, and I wouldn't call myself 'woke' at that moment. Except maybe in the uncle Ted way.

I'm honestly surprised she was as popular as she was, given what she did as a prosecutor

Her job?

Yeah, especially going after pot. Dunno what about her appealed to whatever democrats supported her, they're supposed to be pro drug and anti strict law enforcement and shit

She didn’t go after pot. She prosecuted criminals like the scum they are.

She prosecuted criminals like the scum they are

Even when the evidence she hid exonerated them. That's just how dedicated she was to getting a conviction... um... to justice. Yeah, that's it.

When you have a criminal that’s so evil, you do whatever it takes to keep them off the streets. What if she didn’t do what needed to be done and they murder-raped your child? Would you still defend them?

Is this a bit?

looks at the Bongs

having children

Is this a bit?

Exonerating evidence is a social construct.

Pot wasn’t her big battle. It was locking parents up for truancy.

Bitch what. The establishment was all in on her for a while there. She seemed perfect, black, women, wouldn't change anything.

I’m not a political campaigner. What do I know?

What is a Momala?

🤣😂🤣😂😫😂🤣🤣 basically a ghetto-stepmom?

I think it's just a play-on-words of her name.



She was going to make being trans illegal but pronouns in bio mandatory


I like how she was an early front-runner simply because she was a black foid

She was 2008 Obama with a vageen. Mixed race first-term Senator (with her blackness not being American in origin) from a deep blue state.

I imagine the DNC and media skimmed her resume and thought it was a sure thing, because none of these people have internalized anything from post-2012 politics.

What blackness is American in origin

Wow Watermark, I didn't expect you to be so reactionary on race issues. Roughly 13% of the native-born Americans are of African descent.

Harris' father, on the other hand, is Jamaican, giving her the same cultural disconnect from most black Americans Obama had.

Harris' father is based and Marxpilled

Are you actually calling Illinois a “deep blue state”? It’s like, literally 50/50 right now in presidential elections and is known to be a swing state. You might actually be retarded.

It hasn't gone red since '88 and its increasing purpleness is due to intra-state politics increasingly boiling down to Chicago vs everyone else.

What I was getting at is that she's from a stronghold for the party (Chicago and the Bay Area are two of the largest Dem strongholds west of the Appalachians), and your knee-jerk hostility is more retarded than anything I said.

your knee-jerk hostility

shut up fag, this is just how dramatards show affection

She was half Jamaican half Indian how is that black lmao, she's whiter than a spaniard lmao

>Kamala Harris had to drop out because she took “locking up the black vote” too literally


Joe "Free My Niggas" Biden won't stand for this

Apartheid South Africa was bad

Thoughts on 'Biko' by Peter Gabriel?

I too hate Zimbabweans and am glad they are starving.

I hope Hawaiian Mommy wins so we can get the first presidential nudes leak scandal.


tfw never gonna have a thicc cougar military girlfriend-in-chief

why even live?

Hawaiian Mommy seems hot and based, but I haven't really been following this season too closely.

She's a poo............

She's not even Indian retard

Lol, you Pakis really are braindead. She is not Indian.

Ehh she's connected to Hindu nationalists

she was posting herself doing yoga like 3 hours ago and some screen shots from joe rogan or some shit.

absolutely based.


I wish daddy did the same



for your willingness to serve and for being an incredible example for little Black boys and girls everywhere. Keep fighting for all of us.

Blacks running blacks into a grave or jail, lol

I hope either Hawaiian Milker mommy, Breadline Grandpa, Crystal Ball aunt, or Asian Man win

Crystal Ball aunt

TIL she's still running.

I can't believe she's still in, and has actual supporters

Her chin could be a separate candidate. Out there stumpin looking like Rocky Dennis.

I want Murder Mommy to come and just fight with the gloves off. She'll take Biden hostage like the Joker and threaten to feed him to sharks if she doesn't get nominated. She started the end of Western Civilization, so she better follow through and end it all

She and Stacey Abrams will get in a twitter slapfight over who gets to be the token negress on Biden or Bloomberg's ticket.

Who's crystal ball aunt? Jill Stein?


Marianne Williamson. Christian lady who believes in healing crystals, the power of love, chakras, all that New Agey hippy-dippy bullshit.

Marianne Williamson

I unironically agree, expect for the essential oils lady

Her universal healthcare plan is cbd oil for everyone

hawaiian mommy because she actually seems competent, and that will both unfuck america slightly and make the rightoids seethe to fill drama quotas


I love Tulsi. Can't wait to have a thicc fit af president.

Make American Cum Again!

>you will never thighfuck tulsi


All I know about her is that she's gutsy as fuck. Only a democrat with gigantic balls would be able to confidently rip into Hillary Clinton the way Tulsi does. Also, image how devastated the ole murder lizard would be if Tulsi took the mantle of "first female president." Die in shame Clinton, you heartless witch.

Lmfao you’re literally supporting Tulsi for the same reason people supported Hillary and the reason she lost. When are you dumbasses ever going to learn? Inshallah, women will never lead men.

I don't think anyone supported Hillary for either a) ripping into the establishment, or b) because they found her attractive.

Unless being the avatar of status quo politics counts somehow as being "gutsy", the parallel you're trying to draw there doesn't exist.

Lmao apparently you’re illiterate because he says he wants Tulsi to win solely for the reason of being the first female president dumbass. Why are democrats so fucking stupid, it’s like you’re in a competition with republicans to see who can look the dumbest.

Why are democrats so fucking stupid, it’s like you’re in a competition with republicans to see who can look the dumbest.

You're making a lot of assumptions in this statement.

I love how you cut everything I said before that which shows how retarded you are, very nice. 👌

"Hurr he quoted the part relevant to his reply, clearly he mad"

Are you having a stroke or something and just making shit up in your head or are you actually this retarded?

he wants Tulsi to win solely for the reason of being the first female president dumbass.

I said I wanted Tulsi to win because it would humiliate Clinton and put one last nail into her coffin. I don't give a shit about "omg muh female president" because I'm not a leftist who values people based on which identity categories they fit into.

Die in shame Clinton, you cold-blooded freak.

Hillary perhaps but Chelsea still has time.

Any candidate with BMI of under 30 is not a good representative of America.

And also women don't like women more attractive than them being in power.

Imagine thinking someone who supports illegals over you will ever be president.

Vote for this woman

... with my dick. For sure.

If she ever wins, we could actually have a hot president.

damn she cute

If you actually read up on this her sister singlehandedly crashed the whole campaign.

Drop the deets I barely read the headline I’m not bot going to go look shit up

She put her sister in charge of the campaign and her sister is batshit crazy.

The deets, I don't see them dropped.

To give you some more context: I believe her sister was a senior advisor for Hilary Clinton. So it was basically a Clinton campaign clone without any of the established credibility that Hilary had with Democratic voters. There was shit like her appearing on breakfast club and talking about how she smoked pot and said “of course I smoke im Jamaican.” Which ended poorly because she was notoriously hard on pot smokers as an attorney in California and then her dad just straight up blasted her for disparaging their Jamaican heritage to pander to voters lol

Doesn't sound crazy, just retarded.

More black on black crime!

Yeah no one is talking about this.

Joe: there's "no constitutional authority"...some things you can, many things you can't...

Kamala, through cackles: I would just say, 'Hey Joe, instead of saying, 'No we can't' let's say, 'Yes we can"

Audience: dead silent

For the pay four years we've essentially been under rule by decree, I would like to thank Trump for disproving forever the lies of the democrats when they said their hands were tied and the president didn't have the power to do that. A democratic administration should govern like Trump does, an avalanche of executive orders, let the judges try to strike down what they can over the next four years, who cares.

an avalanche of executive orders

So like Obama.

an avalanche of executive orders, let the judges try to strike down what they can over the next four years, who cares.


Seriously man, about 30 years too late with that insight. Everyone's been doing it.

You know, I'm going to respond to this post again because it's so fucking 2019 of you to take something obama did and blame it on Trump.

  • Obama is the one who initially locked the border kids in cages (in fact the pics when this "scandal" broke were actually taken in 2014 lmao)

  • Obama is the one who was in charge when Russia took Crimea (see all the horseshit articles on Trump "emboldening" dictators)

  • Obama is the one who sat by and did nothing though he knew Russia was meddling in the 2016 election

  • Obama is the one whose VP in charge of Ukraine let his son take 5 million bucks from an obviously corrupt Ukraine company

  • Obama is the one who blew up EO precedent (part of the reason Trump's having such an easy time demolishing his legacy)

  • None of Obama's foreign policy deals from the paris accords to the iran nuclear nonsense were ratified treaties

I could go on. His abuse of the Clean Air Act, his unilateral creation of the zero oversight CFPA, DACA.

Every single thing I've mentioned has become a "scandal" for one reason or another under Trump with court challenges and scathing critiques, with almost no time spent examining the reason for all these problems in the first place.

Yea yea i'm serious posting on drama, fuck off suck my bussy etc.

how do rightoids still get this triggered by watermark? it's either the dumbest seriousposter or the laziest LARP on this subreddit.

My bussy is wound up tighter than a snare drum

It’s surprisingly easy to troll here

I think this is the first time I've seen you drop the mask, weird.

What mask? I’m just commenting on people who get triggered by watermark

Obama is the one who initially locked the border kids in cages

Someone had to lock those kids in cages.

Obama is the one who was in charge when Russia took Crimea

So Obama helped Russia liberate Crimea from their Ukranian captors, cool.

Obama is the one whose VP in charge of Ukraine let his son take 5 million bucks from an obviously corrupt Ukraine company

Obama helped his buddy's son out. Sounds like a pretty stand up dude.

Obama is the one who blew up EO precedent (part of the reason Trump's having such an easy time demolishing his legacy)

He was kind enough to govern in a way that would allow the next president to easily undo his actions if the public decided they wanted someone different. That's called foresight.

None of Obama's foreign policy deals from the paris accords to the iran nuclear nonsense were ratified treaties

Remember the Treaty of Versailles? Treaties lead to Hitler.

This is good for the /r/yanggang

not really it just cuts down the field for basic democrats meaning more support for his contemporaries

I mean it's probably good because that lady sucked up so much goddamn debate time with her drama queen bullshit despite polling so atrociously low

Isn't that bad because it leaves more time for real establishment candidates

I mean, Harris was basically an establishment candidate of the corporate-twitter-woke wing of the party. There isn't a world in which a former prosecutor who gave stiff sentences to marijuana cases isn't 'establishment'.

I mean real as in have a chance to get the nomination