The world's largest law firm, Thomson Reuters foundation and a lgbt rights group bring out a manual for trans lobbying : " states should take action against parents who are obstructing the free development of a young trans person’s identity in refusing to give parental authorisation when required. "

1  2019-12-04 by tenali-rama



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Trans people are actually vile.


0.5% of the population

99% of the online drama

really gets the noggin joggin

Someone make a trans happy merchant.

1350 has nothing on this.

We've been trying to tell you since the 70s, but does anyone listen to a bunch of psychologically unstable cat ladies? nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

Not every trans person is like that, a lot of them realize that what is currently going on is too much.


You know why it is happening. It isn't meant to happen. But the whole issue became very political and the political partisans can only think in black and white for example think of climate change there is a middle ground between climate change is a hoax, and climate change will cause the apocalypse in few years, but the political climate doesn't allow middle grounds, the two parties will take up the most extreme side in the opposite sides, and you are hated if you want a middle ground. But there are way more people in middle ground in every political issue they just don't really have a voice. If the whole trans issue was accepted a medical one, the medical experts could figure the middle ground that is the best and all of this nonsense that trans communities are pushing wouldn't happen.

Oh that's not why it's happening. It's a concurrent problem, sure. It's definitely making it worse, but it's not the fundamental reason why it's happening. It was always gonna happen. The second people started acting like pretending to be a woman makes you one, this was inevitable. And we said as much, a long time before anyone else saw it coming.

I know that people don't realize it but every woman is pretending to be a woman, and every man is pretending to be man. Humans are imitating other people around them, and they copy what succecful people similar to them do around them, because they want to be succesful and accepted by society and want to be normal, they just do it subconsciously, so they don't realize it.

I know that people don't realize it but every woman is pretending to be a woman, and every man is pretending to be man.

I don't, I'm a total faggot and I don't call myswlf a woman.

you're pretending to have a penis or a Y chromosome?

I meant it socially not biologically

Are you pretending you have an Y social chromosome and a social penis?

chromosome and penis is biological not social. And transwomen are biologically male, but socially female.

Those deeply affect social behavior though. That's the fundamental issue.

Yes but society deeply affects social behaviour too.

And? It's both but society can't change the biological facts.

penis is biological not social

Then why do they cut off their dicks and try to grow boobs?

every man is pretending to be man.

Doesn't this trans less-masculine men? The supposition that failure to live out your gender role makes you something other than your gender is exactly what the TERFs are railing against. And I'd probably believe them if they didn't seethe at men so much.

Ok, I should've wrote most man, not every. It is some kind of instinct most people have that makes them want to do what their gender does, and they do it by imitating succesful people of the same gender, like make up for women and stuff like that. It's an evolutionary instinct people who had this were more succesful, but it doesn't matter anymore what's evolutionary better, because society is more just and equal and it's easier to survive.

every woman is pretending to be a woman, and every man is pretending to be man

This is the most fucking r-slurred thing I've read in this sub

It's not just about gender. People are born and they imitate their parents, and classmates, and succesful people around them subconsously, so society accepts them as normal, because it is evolutionaly better to be normal, and not wierd.

Bruh. You're so close but yet so far. Ever taken a statistics class?

What's wrong then?

You didn't answer my question. Do you understand statistics?


Then you should understand how XX and XY distributions work and for some reason are willfully ignoring that knowledge in this context. Which makes me wonder why I'm wasting my time responding to you in the first place

I was talking about social stuff not biological, so what it wrong?

Except we have scientific evidence of gendered behavior having biological origins.

"Did you know that young monkeys express pretty much exactly the same gendered toy preferences as human children? Rhesus monkeys, vervet monkeys, pretty much whatever species of monkeys you try it on, the male monkeys enjoy wheeled toys more and the female monkeys plush toys more. The word reviewers use to describe the magnitude of the result is “overwhelming”. When intersex children are raised as other than their biological gender, their toy preference and behavior are consistently that associated with their biological gender and not the gender they are being raised as, even when they themselves are unaware their biological gender is different. This occurs even when parents reinforce them more for playing with their gender-being-raised-as toys. You can even successfully correlate the degree of this with the precise amount of androgen they get in the womb, and if you experimentally manipulate the amount of hormones monkeys receive in the womb, their gendered play will change accordingly. 2D:4D ratio, a level of how much testosterone is released during a crucial developmental period, accurately predicts scores both on a UK test of mathematical ability at age seven and the SATs in high school."

I know that they have biolocal origins, and I never said they don't.

and biological organs

But some people get the wrong set of organs.

like smokers and lungs?

I know that people don't realize it but every woman is pretending to be a woman, and every man is pretending to be man.

This is one of those things that's so fucking stupid that I don't even know where to begin with it.

The second people started acting like pretending to be a woman makes you one, this was inevitable.

Degeneracy is saying that pretending to be a woman makes you one. If that is granted, all else follows.

You were predicting that a bunch of unstable tankies would threaten to face-rape “TERFs” while typing UwU ad nauseam?

Also you gotta understand: normies might not object to TE, but we absolutely object to RF.

Unironically yes. You should look at some of the radfem literature surrounding trans people in the 70s and 80s if you want proof. The exact details weren't there (I don't think anyone could have predicted uwu lmfao), but the core of degenerate troonery? That they'd try to make you fuck them, they'd stop trying to pass and demand to be called women anyway, they'd go after kids, they'd enjoy pulling their dicks out in restrooms, they'd take women's sports championships, they'd be violent towards any women who said no to them, and so on and so forth. We warned about all of it decades ago.

What about the ones who don’t do that though? Do you agree with the HSTS vs. AGP as a general framework for sorting the harmless ones from the crazies?

Not really. I think the divide between sane trans people and predatory ones is more complicated than that. Although I'll agree AGPs are almost always predatory, I don't think it's entirely clear that 100% of opposite-sex-attracted trans people are AGP, if that makes sense. And I think there are definitely same-sex attracted trans people who are very clearly acting out a fetish. There's a divide between neurology-broke trans people and fetishist trans people, but I don't think the divide can be 1:1 boiled down to sexual orientation.

Yeah, that typology was an oversimplification and it was a mistake to lump sexual orientation in with gender dysphoria (or lack thereof).

I do think it’s suspicious that so many of the establishment (read: blue checkmarked) transwomen—and it’s only transwomen, never transmen—are up in arms against “transmedicalism.” It’s as if some trans-identified people are afraid of what might happen if there were an objective standard to decide who is transgender and who is not.

You're not wrong. Every single sane transperson I've ever met has been a transmed. If you're not a transmed it's because you know you'd get nigged by a psychologist for your fourteen personality disorders imo.

I once heard a clip from some podcast by a pair of Canadian male feminists talking about Jessica Yaniv and Lindsay Shepherd (I think Lindsay put clips from it in this video, if not then it’s in one of her other bits on JY where they acted as it it was offensive that they even had to talk about JY when she was totally an outlier, and said that the really interesting phenomenon was the media coverage “she” was getting.

I honestly don’t know if they were being intellectually dishonest or stupid. Anyone with a brain can see that JY is part of a systematic problem: trans-anything is a sacred cow on the left, and most of polite society has gone along and paid lip service, and this has created an environment where what was once a debilitating problem has become a smokescreen for a special kind of opportunist. JY is far from the only grifter here, “she’s” just the only prominent one (that we know of) who wants to fuck kids.

You’ve just answered your own question. It’s hard to take seriously the opinions of women who seem to hate the fact that they’re women.

That’s when they become FtM

But I didn't ask a question

Oh no someone hired a law firm to look over a potential lobbying plan. Scandalous.




They hired a law firm to help with their child-grooming scheme. Actually scandalous.


I can’t believe there isn’t a hotline to report parents that oppress their trans children. This is too rampant of a problem to not have a hotline set up of some sort imo

What is the point of requiring parental authorization if a parent could be charged for not giving it?

"You have two choices but don't pick the Wrong™ choice bigot or the state will charge you!". Absolutely kafkaesque.

I see someone is first in line to get charges against them, troonphobe.

I hate children, so not likely

Wow pedophobia?! Really? Ughhh

I would sooner go to jail for life than to allow my child to become trans. Jesus lord have mercy, do I have to move to Russia or Japan to get away from these fucking people?


The home of anime? The primordial cauldron from which forth traps and futa hentai were spawned? Good luck.

Welcome to the nightmare, sir. There is no escape.

I think the first step is just not letting your kids go to public school. Home schooling with online tutor services if you can help it.

Schools will start forcing more and more trans propaganda over the next few years.

Homeschooling cripples kids' social skills. Not a single person I've seen who was homeschooled isn't socially stunted.

Again, selective group programs to socialize your kids. Sports, music, or otherwise. A prison-esque complex to isn't necessary to socialize your kids and teach them authority.

I'd rather have more direct, day to day involvement in my kid's life than outsourcing their personal growth, psychological development, and education to an uncaring, under funded government facility that wants to feed my kids LGBT propaganda as part of the curriculum.

Again, selective group programs to socialize your kids. Sports, music, or otherwise.

AKA spend 5 hours a day in traffic shuffling your poor kid from here to there while they barely step outside of their cage.

5 hours in a car

Imagine living in a community where your child can't safely ride a bicycle to band or sports practice

Most people don't have the luxury of providing a competent homeschooling experience for their children. I agree with you in the broad strokes of what you're saying, but it's just arguing theory. In real life - not your imageboard post-ironic tradcath fantasies - most people don't have the means, resources, knowledge, or care to properly homeschool their children, and they either turn into CPS issues or cloistered religious school kids with the personality of cold ham.

I would be surprised if you yourself could find such an idealistic situation to be in where your kids could bike to community-funded activities (because government is bad, so it has to be private or grassroots) and you had enough income to support a full family, proper teaching, up-to-standard (government-mandated standard, unless you want your children to have empty resumes) curriculum.

If that's what you want, that's fine. But don't get pissy (you have to be a real simp to downvote polite disagreement on r/Drama) when someone pokes your bubble and you're faced with an untenable reality.

most people don't have the luxury

They should make it their first priority and put every ounce of effort, time, and resources into making that happen. I run my own business and don't wage cuck. I can literally work from anywhere. I haven't encumbered myself with massive amounts of debt to build my lifestyle, so I have time to actually be at home with my kids. I

You view personally raising your own children as a luxury, and letting the government raise them as the default. It's a major scam.

You should just know, or else you're a transphobe. The fact that you even have to ask this question lets me know you deserve to rot in bigot jail.

bigot jail

how is that different than regular jail, maybe it would be nice to be surrounded by sane people for once.

Big international law firm going out of their way to help Transgender communities by influencing children.

This really makes me think. I wonder who could possibly be behind this.

Idk about the entire community. I honestly think there are real trans people that tend to keep to themselves and don't endorse this shit.

But at the same time, being a troid puts you above any and all criticism from the mainstream left. So it attracts a bunch of mentally ill grifters, abusers, pedos, attention whores, all kinds of shit and they just try to use it as a shield to push their bullshit.

Yanniv is just the purest expression of autogynephillic perverted troons, him being in the press would be a perfect opportunity for the transgender lobby to unite again him and his ilk and to enact their own night of the long knives to oust them from their ranks and potentially gain some public favour. They won't though which is good for dramacoin.

It’s because most of the most vocal, insistently visible troons are creeps themselves. The genuine ones want to pass and generally dislike drawing attention to themselves.

The only based troids in the west are a few from the ftm side (they got rid of the femfaggotry)

I think it has less to do with that and more to do with the fact most people shit on them, even leftoids, and they never really got the protection mtfs got, especially considering almost all troids were mtf for a while.

Also because ftms know that they'll be losing a the attention they got as women, so the ones that still go with it are the ones that don't give a fuck about attention, the exact opposite of mtf.

Yup. While we're seriousposting up in this bitch, I'll add that women have and always have had more value than men. Where the fuck did 'women and children in the lifeboats' come from? You don't send your more valuable people to go die in the infantry.

It's just that within the last decade it became socially acceptable to cheat that value proposition. 'Hey all you low value males, want to learn this one neat trick to increase your value?'

a friend of mine from high school is a ftm and has a hot ass wife now. went from fat chick to muscled up dude.


Yeah, it’s important to remember that the ur-transsexual, Christine Jorgensen, did this before there even was a transtrend to hop on. I’m sure she was legit. Blaire White, Miss London, TransGirlTradWife, and Trappy are also good ones. Dare I say it, even a certain Baltimorean seems like she probably doesn’t want to molest anybody.

Low tier is where we start to see Dennis Riley, who’s naturally such a massive twink that I’ll be magnanimous and use her preferred pronouns, but I certainly wouldn’t take anything she says seriously.

Shit tier is Chris-Chan, and anyone who’s posted in one of CTH’s trans cutie threads. Those people are fucking men

And below them is Jonathan Yaniv.

Chris-Chan gets a pass because he is literally too mentally deficient to know that what he's doing doesn't make sense, is transgressive in the wrong ways, or has no logical sense behind it.

Unironically if you're a passing trans person you literally have no reason to be involved in this shit show you could literally stealth and no one would know until you start trying to fuck

Self-id/no gatekeeping mean anyone can immediately identify as trans or nonbinary. So no, she is actually trans no matter what people say.

Look up Blanchard's typology and everything makes way more sense. There are basically two very separate groups of people: "Actual" trans people like the Blair Whites and Contrapoints of the world, and cis dudes with autogynephilia (basically a fetish where you get aroused at the thought of being a women) - the Jessica Yanivs of the world. The latter is the group that makes absolutely zero attempt to actually transition and is part of the "Now wax my boyclit and balls, bigot!" shit.

Contrapoints is definitely more of a Blare White than a Riley Dennis, but it's a bit interesting that her sexual preferences actually changed from being exclusively attracted to women to being almost exclusively attracted to men when she transitioned. I've never heard of anyone else experiencing that kind of shift, although it's entirely possible that many do but keep their heads down to avoid getting cancelled by lunatics.

I've heard that the sexual preference shift is apparently caused by hormones but I have no idea if this is true. It doesn't really make sense to me, I'd have thought hormones mostly affect you physically and maybe mood/sex drive, neither of those should affect your sexuality as they can't really "rewire" your brain but whatever.

What's more interesting to me is per my observations, the transbians seem to be the super vocal "uWu girldick catgirl anime" type and really like to flex their dick around, whilst the straight ones mostly hate their dick and tend to be quieter and more interested in just blending in and passing decently instead of fighting online culture wars.

Obviously this is a generalization that doesn't apply to everyone, but I'd say it's stereotypically pretty true. It's probably more due to community than any mental/physical similarities but it's funny how the same group of people can be so different.

My understanding is that Contra was just a depressed alcoholic mess for most of her 20s, / so she might not have really had a coherent sexual identity at the time.

Apparently she still is, and yeah that's a fair point, however there are even studies on the subject and apparently, change in sexual orientation is a thing that really does happen.

And the latter group is the one making up a majority of Twitter.

It’s literally older trannies that are mad they don’t look like women pushing younger and younger children into taking hormones or sex reassignment procedures so that the perfect passing transgender can finally be created.

After which they will be bred. And their children will be bred. And their children's children will be bred.

Until one day, after many generations, we have created the perfect bussy.

Many trans people get deceived into thinking that all of their problems (the lack of a job, the mental illness, bad relationships) are just because they haven't transitioned. When they transition and all those underyling problems are still there, they freak the fuck out.

It's got to cause a lot of cognitive dissonance when you spend years fantasizing about looking like an IRL anime girl and the reality is far from the truth. Notice that nearly every single loud trans person on twitter has an anime girl / cartoon girl avatar.

I legit think the whole movement would have gone smoother if there wasn't a huge chunk of them that are gamer anime autists doing the transition.

The worst is those who get the surgery, which I wouldn't wish on my worst enemy

People are absolutely in denial of how it ruins your life

Goddammit. Sharia law fucking NOW.

In Iran they recognise Transgenderism but not old fashioned man-man love. Sharia is not what you need.

Yeah, but the transgenderism is a punishment so it doesn't annoy me.

Shiites are Kufr

Here is an authentic hadith regarding what the Prophet (صلى الله عليه وسلم) said about troids:

Narrated Abdullah ibn Abbas: The Prophet cursed effeminate men; those men who assume the manners of women and also those women who assume the manners of men, and he said, "Shun them from your houses."
- Sahih Bukhari, 7:72:774

Sayings that emerged after the Koran. That Koran said you don't need hadiths, just the Koran.

Quranist cope

Ha ha ha what slippery slope?

Have conservatives ever made a slippery slope argument that wasn't proved true?


day of the 40% fucking WHEN?

Oh this is healthy

Just give that infant HRT you bigot!

I spent a while thinking about this and I think I can up with a plan that would make everyone happy. At birth all child’s genitals are replaced by a vaginis, a penis vagina hybrid, half penis half vagina. Their hormone producing glands are surgically removed, they are then raised as generless trolls who will spend their days in factories producing sex toys which will be government mandated to be the only manufactured output allowed. People will survive entirely on edible vegan underwear, dildos, and sexual fluids. It will be a true paradise.

Lord Thomson is rolling in his grave I bet.