Will signs of cognitive function ever be discovered in rightoids?...........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

1  2019-12-04 by butwhydoesreddit


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If you support free speech, you must support people pinging other users. It's completely legal speech. If you won't defend pinging as free speech because you or someone else finds it disgusting, then no speech that you or anyone else views as disgusting is safe.

>if it is in fact on shaky legal ground it's reasonable to not want to be the case that establishes it as illegal.

It's not, The reddit admins are straight up lying to the ignorant (like yourself) to justify their prejudice. Pinging being protected speech has long since been estabilished, as it has undeniable artistic merit. The only time it's been included under any obscenity laws is when someone is being charged with possession of harassment, so the state can slap them with more charges. The courts have been very careful to not charge anyone for pinging, because they'd get their asses fucking annihilated by a higher court due to the firm precedence of pinging being completely legal speech. /r/Drama had nothing to worry about, this guy was just making shit up to fool people into thinking his censoring wasn't entirely personally motivated.


  1. Will signs of cognitive function ev... - archive.org, archive.today

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I have a non-coal burning cute white gf and i'm thankful for it.

not even TRYING to be believable

Maybe I’m a cuck, but I don’t understand the “coal burner” meme. As long as she didn’t hook up with a dozen black guys, and as long as she isn’t currently hooking up with one, does it matter if she had a black boyfriend?

You gotta pay the coal toll if you want to get into that boy’s soul

would you eat a sandwich after a black guy ejaculated into it?


being cucked by G-d's chosen people by literally over 2000 years

being the master race

don't they know they have to choose one?

lmao m*yos are in a 24/7 state of C O P E


imagine not using old.reddit.com

Sorry I'm not stuck in the past

leftoids, will it ever even begin for them (it wont)

Leftoids have brains, they just don't work properly. Rightoids don't have brains in the first place



Why use the old.reddit.com domain when you can simply disable the hideous redesign via account preferences

Okay you've converted me.

Second option seems better, honestly.

Lol, old.reddit is cucked. Those links always get instant downvotes

LOL you're thinking of np

Nope, that gets added in with old.

Ehhhhh no



I love how every single one of these rants has some random stock photo of an attractive white foid.

Imagine being such an incel that you need to advocate for literal white supremacy because you can't compete with all the minorities. Sorry, the free market of dick has spoken, rightoids.

Imagine falling for the meme that women aren't more racist than men.

Being a rightoid or even right-leaning really, is a mental illness and the treatment should subjugation to hard manual labor.

I propose subjugation to the BBC

The simple answer: No.

The complex answer: The industrial revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for he human race.

Yeah it really started in the enlightenment

Despite making up 0.2% of the global population, Jews inspire 50% of schizoposting.

4chan is a disaster sub. Bunch of edge lords for the sake of it

Bunch of edge lords just for the sake of it

What sub are you in?