Rightoid zoomers discuss pizzashill ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

1  2019-12-05 by Gb_shill


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what the fuck lmfao

At some point during some dumb drama CTH had a 'trans cuties' thread where transpeople posted selfies and chasers+wokies cheered them on.

The thread got attention from /r/drama (and elsewhere), and some genius compiled the selfies, added pizzashill's selfie, and spread it around on right-wing and/or gender critical communities. This isn't the original compilation which means that pizzashill's officially getting used in anti-left maymays

which means that pizzashill's officially getting used in anti-left maymays

And that's a good thing

I'm not quite convinced that Pizza isn't an anti-left meme.

How can I laugh this hard while also feeling sorry for him?

I know right? I've seen the image in the wild on 4chan and lolcow and was taken aback each time

Never feel bad for pizzashill

Just remember that he's a kiddie diddler, that ought to help.

Which one is Pizzashill

You sound new here. I'm gonna have to ask to see your papers.

post bussy

You have to go back

The ugly one

The one that looks like it has fetal alcohol syndrome. Top row, second to the right, next to the one with red hair.

Seeing that picture of him makes understand why he is the way he is.

It's not even that bad of a picture. The only thing really notable in Pizza pics is the dark circles under the eyes that show he's been playing WoW for 16 hours straight and they hardly even capture that. He must have seriously triggered someone to get included in this.

He's extremely pale, and just generally ugly. I honestly didn't even notice him in the picture until I went back, he fits right in lol.

I've always had dark circles under my eyes. Since at least the age of 11, it has nothing to do with sleeping or staying up.


as opposed to chad mde fags

This is who calls you a cuck and soyboy online :v

Why are people on the internet incapable of bathing?

internet extremists are all incels because it's the only way they can fill the void in their lives

im an internet moderate and i style my hair every morning it checks out.

dressed like retards

“make normalcy normal again”

Is that a fucking Bishie Sargon pillow?


Do rightoids actually like Sam Hyde or is it a meme?

I think the same about the Left and contra huge tranny youtuber

five guys makes it chad

Why do they all look like root vegetables


Is there anything worse than a balding tranny?


Just give it 10-20 years. All these zoomer trannies are gonna start balding lol

He is so goddamn ugly, Jesus Christ.

Dead eyes, like a dolls eyes...

Actually, he is quite handsome. Needs a proper haircut though

he looks like a failed clone of adam sandler

I took the worst picture I could take to invoke sperg outs from reddit rightoids.


Why do you have a signature trans drooping eyelid tho?

He took HRT just enough to be considered trans so wokies struggle to criticize him

Holy shit that actually is you then?

Jesus fuck bro your face looks droopier than my dog’s, and she’s a Frenchie

Legit looks like you’re in a constant state of having a stroke bro, go see a doctor

Touching children doesn't count as dating women.

He looks like the guy who argues with the teacher for half the class

He looks like they because that is what he does

He is.

I wouldnt let my dog eat with these people in the same room


The only point you'll ever have is that you represent the sad, fedora-wearing, bloated face of capitalism in the 21st century.

Unfairly made famous and rich through copied ideas and appealing to kids. And yet is driven by some bizarre need for attention to spout insane, teenage edge lord style views. You are clearly not all that up on politics (or anything, maybe you can code?) yet your wealth has given you an oversized platform of confused 12 to 16 year olds to yell "sjwjjwjwj" at over and over again.

Honestly, I don't give a shit if you've been driven mad by fame or some bullshit. When I see amazing creative people dying depressed in poverty every day and you get to sit on twitter and make half assed 'now yur the nazi' comments, it's fucking sickening.


  1. Rightoid zoomers discuss pizzashill... - archive.org, archive.today

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Don’t worry guys I pinged him in the post. PS won’t stand for these zoomers and their nonsense

lol if Pizza isn't banned from there yet then he is slipping

Alt right zoomers likely welcome the challenge, doubt he is banned

Bottom right is Jessica Yaniv in training.

Pizzashill finally taking the HRTpill

Lol these retards think they're Chad's?

Chadcells is an oxymoron like jumbo shrimp or large asian penis

Sorry, I can't read bean.

What chud incels, brb gotta suck off mad dudes

Pizza hates chapocels tho

he is in the photo lmao second from the top left

Jesus christ 😂

The amount of ZoomerRight posts on arr slash drama are beginning to make me think that there’s zoomer rightoids in our midst. They’re among us

We need another banout.

Who would've thunk that a sub like this would attract zoomer rightoids?

Bring back cringeanarchy and let them circlejerk over there

The more rightoid subs that get banned, the more unironic rightoids invade arr slash drama