The Russians hacked reddit!

1  2019-12-06 by AngelaBeedle


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  1. The Russians hacked reddit! -,

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Reddit is literally full of Russian/Chinese propaganda tbh.

Today there were 3 conservative propaganda posts on r/popular.

And 50 liberal ones. Lmfao

Without malicious intent tho.


It's incredibly easy to spread misinformation on a platform where everyone gets all of their information from headlines and whichever comments have the most shiny medals next to them.

This is why we never hear of HK on this website or of the Mueller report on Russian interference in the 2016 elections.

r/publicfreakout was like 50% HK videos for several weeks...

how do you miss the sarcasm this hard? never seen anything like it. you are the reason people use the cancer that is /s and you should make sure you are as safe as possible asap

Autists don’t understand human




TBH I'd argue r/politics is a highly successful russian destabilisation campaign.

Reddit is literally full of American/Israeli propaganda tbh

Those are two different things?

In shocking and unprecedented turn of events, local Stalinist names the Jew

On an American website with a mostly American user base? Wow, that's shocking.

It's still propaganda

Imagine commenting for free. 🤭


Reddit is literally full of state/corporate propaganda tbh.

It’s literally the only hope Reddit has for every becoming profitable lol

imagine reddit ever being profitable🤣🤣🤣

I didn’t say it was a very bright hope.

McDonalds, Disney and GoPro aren't chinese nor russian.

Only Russian and Chinese propaganda though. Nobody else.

Meh, you can find others, but most online conspiratard propaganda, for example, tends to be Russian in origin.

It's why so many conspiracy websites seem super pro-Russia. China is way more subtle though.

We can be 100% sure that definitely no powerful interests from the US are trying to influence discourse.

They're generally way less conspiritarded.

what about the patriarchy conspiracy theory?

That's not a conspiracy - our forefathers were based.

China is working with a better image than Russia, for starters. Nobody outside of Russia respects Russia at all, so the Lubyanka knows that the best they can hope for is to smear everyone else and hope some of it sticks. China actually has a lot of unironic admirers in the West (and I’m not talking about commies, a lot of capitalists would love to see more countries adopt the Chinese model) so it makes sense that they’d consider more sophisticated strategies to be worthwhile.

сам соси

Reddit has a horrifying amount of influence over what people see and believe, so it would make sense as a target.

Yeah some people seem to think reddit is still some small community but it’s actually the 18th most popular website in the world

People need some justification for their superiority complex.

After this post I am starting to think Reddit has been taken over by the spooks. Literally they are trying to interfere in the British election.

There's debate how well foreign psyops work, the local population is almost always attuned to variation that has to be outside the uncanny valley. However hack and dumps are going to be the tool going forward.

Who would have thought?

This comment is brought to you by how awesome Russia is and how weak nato is.

Also Chinese government is best government.

That specific propaganda seems to consist of drawing attention to information regarding UK/US negotiations.

Which country are you cucking for? Everyone of you limp dicks should be marked.


You love Russians fucking your nonexistent fat wife. You are a cuck.

that's your imagination talking

No, that's the sound of you gargling a foreign nation talking for you which is why you avoided the question.

Can you at least give me a simple yes or no: Do you support American Nationalism?

lol what's going on

I'm applying scarlet letters to American traitors.

oh ok

You are the cuck of Babylon.

babylon is my waifu

Spoken like a true zoomer heathen.

what comes after generation z?

generation alpha

No, time isn't a circle. You are the most cucked generation.

Can you cope harder? Wow, a specific Google search tells us we are going to be okay under the worst generation. The planet Earth is saved.


Google search tells us we are going to be okay under the worst generation

no, it tells you I didn't make up that name, some PR people did

Jesus fuck, you are seriously sniffing your own shit. Thank you for saving the humanity by tripping into the same pitfalls we did a century ago.

You deserve the future you tards pave.

And I'm telling you, the retarded apathetic mentality of your generation is going to undo us all.

seethe harder twink

Cope harder cuck. I was literally you 12 years ago on the same subject. Won't be too many years til you realize the truth of things.

what comes after generation z?

trick question, zoomers don't reproduce and immigrants don't count as "generations"

They should increase the amount of hacking tbh. Great for drama

The whistleblower posted on r/cumtown lmao


easy way to build karma


holy redpilled


Oh no they’ll get access to all my interracial gay midget porn. The horror.

seems like the only interesting thing there is the gregoratior worldnews post, the other 60 accounts posted some shill link few times and got 0 traction

So the theory is that Ruskis managed to get the UK-US trade deal classified document and posted it on plebbit in order to destabilize bong elections?

The documents proved the Tories were going to privatize the NHS after Brexit and sell the British health system to American parasitic health companies and pharmaceuticals. America supports the Tories because it wants to destabilize the EU, it doesn’t want competition in the area. If the EU falls apart America can play divide and conquer tactics off against the nations. This is why America wants to destroy the European Union and destroying it is one of its main policy goals.

So the Russians are actually being the protectors of a strong and united European Union? Amazing insights as always, watermark.


that's not particularly controversial.

I just comment lol and lmao on his comments in the vain hope I'll get a sperg out from it one day.

Wait... He's not one of your creations?

Good. Go America. Let’s destabilize China next.


in order to destabilize bong elections

I think they'd just see that as a nice bonus. Damaging relations between the US and allies in Europe has been one of the top priorities of Russian black propaganda operations since the beginning of the Cold War. They've been spewing this shit out constantly for 70 years, so I think they do it more out of habit than thinking about what the short-term results will be.

Can Russia help with the capeshit/gaymer infestation on this website?

A document was leaked revealing that the US was pressuring the UK into privatizing the NHS and open up the British healthcare sector to parasitic American health companies and pharmaceuticals as part of any trade deal. And the Conservatives were bending over backward and agreeing to this.

Of course how does the CIA spin his? “Muh Russia did evil attack for his lackey Corbyn!” Notice the post does not mention the actual contents of the leaks at all, nope, just Russia and Corbyn, that exists in a vacuum somehow. There’s even a bs post which tries to deny the link without any evidence, this is from a torytard and I’m sure the CIA is mad that he even mentioned the contents at all, since that’s not part of the messaging.

I would ask American companies and intelligence agencies to stop interfering in British elections.

I can deal with your commie bullshit because commies are incompetent, but I will never not rage at Russia apologizes.

Everyone knows the US government is shit, dumbass, but you types refuse to acknowledge the fact that Russia is magnetudes worse.

those god damn russians rigging elections by showing us the truth

The Russians wanted Brexit to happen, which is why the Bongs are so desperate to make a retarded deal with the US.

How do you manage to keep your shoes tied? Or do you use velcro?

I'm not saying it's not happening, just that if the way they're rigging elections is by exposing the shitty things the government is doing, I don't see the issue

They get to play a game no one else can. They have control of their own media, so it's not like the west can fight back by airing their dirty laundry.

If you view it black and white, then yeah, what Russia is doing good. Reality reality is Russia is filled with the biggest two faced pieces of shit in the world. All this information they "leak" is based solely on what will be an advantage to their own goals. They are the ones getting the primary benefit from destabilizing western relations and aggravating internal strife.

I'm not going to defend the shitty things the US does, or whatever western nation, but every time this happens I'm going to remind myself that Russia has an uncovered story 100 times worse.

Oh for sure, I'm not saying "Russia is so great and brave and I want to fuck Putin" and I'm not some kind of chapoid that would say "b-but the US spies on its citizens" whenever some third world despotic cesspit commits some horrific crime against humanity as if that makes what they did ok, but in this situation, I don't really care that they're exposing things we ought to know anyway

We did. Any this is exactly why you are eating out of their hands.

And Edward Snowden’s been assisting them

Zoomer in chief. The prototypical zoomer cuck which every single zoomer cuck would be designed after.

I can't wait until you fucking crayon eaters get exactly what you have asked for. Keep your eyes on your personal devices, you brain deaf fucks.

Imagine being so delusional you think the CIA is involved in this. You chapocels are something else I swear

Imagine being so bluepilled you think the CIA isn't involved in literally everything.

I can't wait for our resident Aussy Russia cock sucker's take.

As a Brit, this is actually really scary. The fact that the Russians are trying to rig the election hits home how dangerous that country really is

beyond parody, brits really are the most perennially self-fuxking people to exist lmfao

Look at all the karma they had, these russians must've influenced literally millions of voters, caused gamergate and then caused brexit and trump all at once.

Russia should invade Britain and destroy its cultural and political institutions.

She will have to compete with brits on that and she's already lost.

I can't wait for our resident Russian-cock-sucker-from-down-under's take.


Why does no one ever mention the Chinese when they are fucking everywhere on Reddit?

Pretty sure the vast majority of the Western world does. Hating the CCP is one of the few bipartisan issues right now.

CCP is almost as good as Russia at hiding their own shit though.

Hello Russians can I have a Russian husband pls


The Russians ate my homework

An actually interesting post to read on /r/worldpolitics, that's how he got caught. Should have keep shit posting lmao bottom texts memes.

/r/worldpolitics has really gone to shit, only clapter memes now
