Trans people bridage r/periods because men can have periods too? Or something, who knows. They also want to create a "trans friendly" period sub. Get the popcorn.

1  2019-12-07 by ripmeupthrowmeaway


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In The Lord of the Rings, J. R. R. Tolkien drew upon the language and themes found in the old Medieval hero-tales in order to construct a kind of new mythology. The brilliance of Tolkien was in his departure from the Pagan modes of conduct and morality of these old tales, his creation of a syncretistic fusion between Christian thought and Pagan language, and so his work achieved a deep resonance with all who read it.

We find this passage at the conclusion of The Return of the King:

>The Dark Lord was suddenly aware of him, and his Eye piercing all shadows looked across the plain to the door that he had made; and the magnitude of his own folly was revealed to him in a blinding flash, and all the devices of his enemies were at last laid bare.

Adversaries in the stories that Tolkien drew upon, Grendel, Mordred and the like, often served as obstacles that the heroes could overcome through feats of strength and cunning. Sauron is not like them. When Sauron is defeated, it is not because Aragorn is stronger than him or because Gandalf is wiser. They are not. It is only that his hubris was so great that it never occured to him that anyone would want to destroy the thing he held so dear. It is not until the final few seconds of his existence that he realises his mistake.

I think that I Am Jazz displays a similar moment. In the pictured scene, Jazz's journey to what he believes is womanhood is almost complete. He is resting after surgery, a triumphant smile on his face, his rotting groin held together by a labyrinthine patchwork of stitches and grafts. But as Eru Ilúvatar nudged Gollum over the Crack of Doom into the fires beneath, so too does the God of our world intervene in this.


In a second, the follies of men are undone and Jazz's crotch explodes, a meaty froth of blood and pus pouring out of the hole where his penis used to be.

In that moment of blind panic and terror, Jazz is Sauron. All triumph and victory is gone. Only the Void remains.


  1. Trans people bridage r/periods beca... -,

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There's a sign in my Drs office that says, men have periods too.

Medicine and science is on your side. Fuck that sub.

Most doctors don’t agree with this lol

uhh excuse me a sign in this person's doctor's office says it's true, if that's not cold hard fact then i don't know what is you bigot

Trans men (ftm) do. It’s part of having a female reproductive system.

I think that just makes them a chick, making "men have periods too" still factually incorrect

Yeah they are still a female. They aren’t a man lol. That’s how it’s looked at.

Nobody recongnizes transgender, it’s not a concept anywhere. You’re opinion is super professional and mainstream and not just a teenager seething on the internet about people he hates.

Yeah then you are a female. Not a male.

Shh. The sign is there so troids don’t 41% themselves.

So here’s a statement from the American Academy of Family Practice” that is clearly pro-LGBT.

Don’t read it unless you want your mind blown.

You do realize these are just recommendations right. From lobbying groups. There aren’t rules. Groups that many doctors don’t belong too or have anything to do with.

“Most doctors don’t agree with this lol”

Ok that’s YOU’RE claim. So really the burden of proof is on you. Do you have anything to back up your claim? Or is it baseless

You can think it’s baseless if you want lol. I don’t come here to do research projects or write a thesis.

Well sure, you can make whatever claims you want. But if you want to actually believe them, shouldn't you have something substantial to base it off?

I showed you lol

I think I responded to that elsewhere.

It’s at best not agreed upon in the medical community as to whether it’s literally a mental illness.

Do you have a source on that?


A source. I need a source.

Sorry, I mean I need a source that explicitly states your argument. This is just tangential to the discussion.

No, you can't make inferences and observations from the sources you've gathered. Any additional comments from you MUST be a subset of the information from the sources you've gathered.

You can't make normative statements from empirical evidence.

Do you have a degree in that field?

A college degree? In that field?

Then your arguments are invalid.

No, it doesn't matter how close those data points are correlated. Correlation does not equal causation.

Correlation does not equal causation.


You still haven't provided me a valid source yet.

Nope, still haven't.

I just looked through all 308 pages of your user history, figures I'm debating a glormpf supporter. A moron.


As long as you don’t try and sue Gynos for not examining pre-SRS genitalia I’m fine I guess.

Lol. Just so you know people like Jessica Yaniv are driving trans communities NUTS. It seems like only the craziest of us go viral, and it sucks. The quiet majority of us are reasonable, kind people.

Yeah I know. Inshallah she will be banned from Twitter and unable to create new accounts.

Yeah because he's exposing how retarded your ideology is lmao. You guys really, really wish he would go away because he's taking it to its logical conclusion.

No, you're making a slippery slope argument. There are extremist views in every group, it doesn't mean that everyone of that group is going to become extremist.

I'm not making the slippery slope argument, but the slippery slope argument was unironically correct.

Yaniv isn't an outlier. He's taking the basic trans views to their obvious conclusion. If he actually were a woman, excluding him from women's only services bc of his status as a minority would be a problem. But he's not a woman, and neither are any of the rest of the MTFs, and the cognitive dissonance is driving you people fucking crazy and it's hilarious to watch.

Ok so you basically admit it’s a slippery slope argument, and then you make a composition/division logical fallacy.

No Jessica Yaniv doesn’t prove the rest of MtFs are the same.

Did you know that spouting random logical fallacies in place of actually making an argument is, itself, a logical fallacy? Trannies really are incredibly autistic, aren't they?

Touché my friend.

Jessica Yaniv doesn’t represent any trans communities because no trans communities idolize him/her, or even accept him/her.

Oh they did before his whole bullshit blew up publically.

Morgane Oger, who is a prominent Canadian trans activist actually helped him figure out the tribunal and set up the cases right up until Yaniv blew up publicly. You should see the shit "mainstream" trans activists and communities get up to. Yaniv isn't the first perv the trans communities have covered for by a long shot, he's just the first one that's hit mainstream media attention.

And, none of that is even a counter to what I said in the first place, because Yaniv is still the logical conclusion of trans activism.

How is it the next logical conclusion?

I used to hear that trans race was the next logical conclusion, but that argument died when Rachel Dolezal disappeared into obscurity.

Jessica Yaniv doesn’t prove the rest of MtFs are the same.

What Yaniv proves is that the activist demands are retarded. They want a world where

  • you're not allowed to use any method to determine objectively if someone is a man or a woman. You have to blindly believe and pretend they are whatever gender they claim to be.

  • you're not allowed to base any social rules or conventions on biological sex, which is objective. Instead you have to base everything on their unverifiable and arbitrary clown idea of gender.

Your ideology is that of a mentally ill minority.

You’re the one who has an ideology, the ideology of bigotry.

I don’t think most gynos would take on a post op person either tbh

A piece of paper in the foyer of a local Doctors Office > Medical scientific consensus, Sweaty.

I don’t know why some transmen and transwomen are obsessed with periods. And who in the right mind wants to have periods?

They are mentally ill for a reason...

Not a mental illness. Source for your claim?

It’s not my job to educate you nigga

Likewise. But again, just letting you know that your claim has no scientific evidence. So up to you if you want to cling to it.

It’s what is taught in med school so again not my job to educate you. So go buy a text book or something and you can educate yourself

Lol have you been in med school? My best friend went though med school and she’ll tell you they teach pro-LGBT health these days.

So in other words they're sacrificing actual education for feel-good points? Sounds about right.

How do you know it’s not actual education?

Because transgenderism is pretty blatantly a mental illness, and was considered one until fairly recently, which just so happens to coincide with social pressure from losers instead of being based on any sort of new medical or scientific discoveries.

If you read the world health organization diagnostic criteria’s change. They aren’t even getting rid of the diagnosis. They are just changing the name and they say the reason they are doing it is too “reduce stigma.” Nothing has changed, they just gave it a different name. So they can be woke.

Correlation doesn't mean causation. Assuming it does is a fallacy.

A mental illness is any mental condition that causes major distress and dysfunction. Gender dysphoria meets that definition, by the accounts of the very people who suffer from it. There's nothing shameful about having a mental illness, shit can happen to any organ in your body and that includes the brain. Fortunately, this illness can be treated with drugs (ie hormone replacement therapy) and surgery (FFS, boob jobs/reductions, and so on).

The fact that there's evidence of an underlying biological cause for transgenderism doesn't weaken my analysis, it strengthens it. There are underlying biological causes for depression, bipolar disorder, ADHD, and schizophrenia too. And let me repeat myself: If you have serious gender dysphoria, there's nothing wrong with getting it treated by transitioning, any more than there's anything wrong with getting depression treated by going on SSRIs.

So there. Gender dysphoria is a mental illness, but the cure for it is medically-assisted transitioning. You'll notice that this excludes "trans without dysphoria" types because there's no such fucking thing as that.

From the physicians licensing exam step one review book. Under “psychiatric pathologies” there is your proof. All you need.

Did you accidentally respond to the wrong comment?

Oh yeah my bad

This boggles my mind. I understand if you’re in a more conservative culture where mental illness is stigmatized, you would want to disassociate from it. But US is like very “let’s go see a therapist” culture.

As I said in another comment, I think their main concern might be that if gender dysphoria is labeled as a mental illness, people might associate it with schizophrenia or manic episodes, and transgender people are probably allergic to anything that might suggest that they're delusional rather than simply depressed.

But shouldn’t work towards positivity for mental illnesses instead of just rebranding things tho?

Well it kind of helps in terms of seeking HRT treatment, to be fair, at least in the US healthcare system where you need a diagnosis to get treatment.

But making it a mental illness makes people think that it's an unnatural delusion, that it's something that is wrong and you should work to overcome it. It leads to the thinking if a transwoman is trying to buy a sandwich dressed as a lady, she's "Some Crazy Man." That's not a pretty picture, and it's that kind of thing that kept me in the closet for an extra decade.

Ok, that makes sense.

Because the scientific community doesn't often just change things for no reason. There haven't been any remarkable discoveries about the disorder in the past few years, there's no medical or scientific reason for the definition to change, so why do you think they changed it?

How about the mounting evidence that it doesn't behave like a mental illness?

A lot of people compare it to delusional thinking. If it's delusional, then how can we live fully functional lives without the need for neurochemical medication? Schizophrenics are delusional, and I've worked with them and they require a LOT of assistance to do even basic life-skill things. Some of us trans peeps may have anxiety & depression in addition to gender dysphoria, but all gender dysphoria requires is hormone therapy. No SSRI's, etc.

Because not all delusions have a direct impact on your basic ability to function? You literally think you're something you've got hard evidence you're not. Schizos are on a spectrum, and are far from being the only form of delusional thinking that exist. Not to mention that your first sentence is meaningless drivel - there's no such thing as "behaving like a mental illness", lmao.

Transgender people:

Are undeniably delusional

Have an extremely high risk of suicide

Require medication, therapy, lies from others that feed their delusions, and intensive surgery to feel even marginally better.

By comparison, people with Major Depressive Disorder, a textbook mental illness:

Tend not to feel enjoyment

Usually require medication and therapy

Have a higher risk of suicide than the general populace, though still significantly lower than transgender people

Can easily recover without butchering themselves and pretending to be something else.

Tell me which of these sounds like a more severe mental illness.

If trans people are "undeniably delusional" then why aren't any medical or psychological documents claiming they are? It's not worded that way in the DSM, ICD, or anywhere else.

The suicide statistic is a correlation. Trans people are at an extremely elevated risk of physical, verbal, and sexual abuse. Don't you think people who are at a high risk of physical, verbal, and sexual abuse would also be at a high risk of suicide?

The suicide statistic is a correlation. Trans people are at an extremely elevated risk of physical, verbal, and sexual abuse. Don't you think people who are at a high risk of physical, verbal, and sexual abuse would also be at a high risk of suicide?

Trannies have a higher suicide rate then jew in concentration camps. But you are claiming that the suicide rate is because of the difficulties they experience from society and definitely NOT from their mental illness.

So are you claiming trannies are treated worse today then Jews in literal nazi concentration camps were treated? I would love to hear this argued. Honestly it would make my day so please argue it.

Aaaaaaaaaaand Godwin's Law.


So it's because of how society treats them or it's because of their mental illness? Which one is it?

Well that's a correlation. If we assume that transgenderism really is a mental illness (despite it being de-classified by WHO this year), then we can't say for sure.

But a lot of people (like you) assume it's a mental illness BECAUSE of the statistics. That's a "False Cause Fallacy."

It's a mental illness because it's a delusion that causes you to surgically mutilate yourself and to commit suicide.

You don't have the best reading comprehension skills, do you?

The correlation of intense lobbying and potential accusations is an insanely obvious "causation" of medical industries trying to be more PC.

Regardless I find your main argument bizarre because on the one hand you bring up the fairly recent medical consensus (and one still overtly present in many countries) as wrong but now bring up a new consensus in some medical establishments, post-lobbying, as the obviously correct one and evidence you're correct. So the medical industries opinion on this is basically wrong and to be ignored until it agrees with the trans lobby, then it can be wholly appealed to as "scientific" and everyone who disagrees with it foolish (i.e. you less than a decade ago). Seems strangely convenient your appeal to authority has to be so specific and even then falls apart because as Kaiser showed they quietly still consider it a mental illness and just don't want to deal with the trans lobby.

So far no one has given any evidence that the claim that WHO de-classified transgenderism as a mental illness, or that statements from APA and other professional organizations are due to lobbyist pressures, and not from new findings that transgenderism isn't a mental illness.

But just because it's in the DSM doesn't even mean that the medical association actually views it as a mental illness. I know that doesn't seem intuitive, but hear me out: If they did view it as mental illness, why didn't they give me medication to "manage" my transgenderism so I can conform? Why would they resoundingly give transpeople HRT, which would further set them on a path of being transgender?

From their point of view helping them transition is the best treatment for a mental illness because they don't have other medicines for it (yet). But regardless if they are giving you treatment due to your brain chemistry it's very, very probably a mental illness. As a typical r/drama lurker I have autism but I'm not medicated for it because the answer to a mental illness is not always "traditional" medicine. I don't see why you think it's so bad to have a mental illness I'm starting to think I should be the offended one lol

Well I think I react to it the same way I reacted to when everyone thought I was gay all my life. I wouldn't care if I WAS gay, there's nothing wrong with being gay. But the fact that so many friends (& enemies) ASSUMED I was gay despite me telling them I'm not is frustrating.

If being trans is a mental illness, then so be it. But it doesn't seem to be a mental illness. That is, assuming that people are OK with trans people being out & about as their preferred gender.

But also, beneath the mental illness topic is something more insidious, saying that it's a sexual perversion that should be kept in the bedroom (i.e. you can be trans, just don't be trans in public), and even going so far as to say that it's related to pedophilia. I'd love to adopt a bunch of kids some day, but that kind of thinking would absolutely prevent me from doing so.

Adopt kids if you want. You’d have to really try to be worse than the foster system.

It's fucking heartbreaking, I know.

Going on HRT meant going infertile, at least while ON HRT. I had to let go of my desire to have a biological kid, but it was an easy decision when I think about how many kids are in foster care & could use some unconditional love for once.

Plenty of great kids out there to adopt. I grew up knowing quite a few kids who were in the system, many of of them ended up amazing people so far. I could never give up my fertility, but if you can be a good parent to some kids in need go for it.

I tend to think every kid is a great kid, just given a raw deal at life and is responding appropriately. For example, can you really blame a kid for being violent if he was physically abused?

Cool it with the racism please.

Abuse is present in all races and ethnicities

Your dog whistles won't get trough. This is a proud BBC loving sub.

You lost me there

Sure I did. Racists are all sub 80 IQ subhumans after all.

Really pulling out all the stops on that one

Surething racist

Bro I tried to explain this to them but they don’t want to listen.


Do you have a source on that? Source? A source. I need a source. Sorry, I mean I need a source that explicitly states your argument. This is just tangential to the discussion. No, you can't make inferences and observations from the sources you've gathered. Any additional comments from you MUST be a subset of the information from the sources you've gathered. You can't make normative statements from empirical evidence. Do you have a degree in that field? A college degree? In that field? Then your arguments are invalid. No, it doesn't matter how close those data points are correlated. Correlation does not equal causation. Correlation does not equal causation. CORRELATION. DOES. NOT. EQUAL. CAUSATION. You still haven't provided me a valid source yet. Nope, still haven't. I just looked through all 308 pages of your user history, figures I'm debating a glormpf supporter. A moron.

Based copy pasta

Thanks. I was like WTF??


O shit bois, we got a "correlation does not equal causation." This is great.

So you disagree with the science for political reasons

Where's the science?

lmao do you even know what science is

Because transgenderism is pretty blatantly a mental illness, and was considered one until fairly recently, which just so happens to coincide with social pressure from losers instead of being based on any sort of new medical or scientific discoveries.

Ever thought she’s telling you a lie so you don’t 41% yourself?

Being proLGBT doesn’t mean denying that people who have periods are men... maybe that’s what they teach in California tho. Cause they are big science deniers there being also super anti vax

“People who have periods are men” did you mistype this? If not, I agree that some people who have periods are men. Transmen.

Yeah I mistyped

How can anyone, let alone doctors, be pro LGBT and deny that trans men are men?

Because males don’t have periods. It’s basic science. Someone who took intro to general bio knows this.

Bleeding from your open wound is the same thing as a period, chud

Lol no.

How the fuck are you pro T if you don’t even recognize trans people as the gender they identify as in any way. How is that even a meaningful statement.

A nursing class isn’t medical school sweaty.

they teach pro-LGBT health these days.

Yeah, they don't want to get sued so they're trained bite their tongue when mentally ill social rejects talk to them about self-mutilation. The kind of doctors who promote this shit are the fucking Mengeles of our time, jumping on the socially approved opportunity to experiment on crazy people.

I dont think Mengele would've been as reviled if his subjects were all volunteers under no duress.

You're right, if all he did was coerce young, mentally ill, vulnerable people into trusting him (a medical professional) enough to enact experimental mutilation on them them then THAT would have been totally fine.

DSM-V does not recognize it as a mental illness, try again. You can seethe as much as you want about the decision but it’s not the current state of medical knowledge. Gender dysphoria is there but that’s only if you feel distress at the mismatch between your physical and mental gender. You can be transexual and not have gender dysphoria if it’s not causing you any distress.

DSM-V is politics, not science

If a dude larping as a foid to the point of having their junk removed isn't a mental illness then nothing is

Well I don’t want SRS so...

That’s good. Don’t get talked into it.

But it’s fine if people want to do it, because it’s not promoted by mental illness.

People can do whatever they wish, I just feel like the complications are still too high. Ideally more funding and study, etc. I think the patients are being used as models in an ethically questionable manner.

Perhaps. I do think advances in medical technology within the next 10-20 years may be much better.

Botched surgeries can be devastating, but in terms of current advancements, It seems a lot of transwomen are happy with the results.

Maybe. Probably will get better, still unsure of ethics. Obviously I support keeping the Benis, as per my flair on desktop.

I do think advances in medical technology within the next 10-20 years may be much better.

trans fad will be over by then

Like trans people won't be around?

Transgenderism has been around throughout history. It's not a fad. Source:

Like trans people won't be around?

actual trans people will still be around.

but currently 95% of people self-identifying as trans are not actually trans.

Oh so you're just a dude who gets a boner from wearing dresses?

Did you know going on estrogen ceases random boners?

Oh, it's not random. It's a fetish.

There's no scientific evidence to back up that claim.

Are you sure about that?

Yes. But you’re making the claim, so the burden of proof is on you

What makes you harder - dressing up like a little girl and roleplaying your rape fantasies or using tired buzzwords you don't understand to try and sound smarter than you are on reddit dot com?

So personal attacks is your evidence, nice.

There’s no scientific evidence to back up your claim.

lol Like any social scientist would be suicidal enough to publish serious research on autogynophilia in transsexuals in current year.

So it's trying to sound smart on reddit dot com, then.

Unbased and autogynephilia-pilled.

At least please, please tell me you're on HRT and actually have dysphoria that you're trying to address.

LOL good call. Can you imagine??

Yes, I have been trans my entire life. I was in denial about it and it caused me a lot of depression & anxiety, which leaked into all areas of my life including my relationships, career, and financial wellbeing.

I'm on HRT, and it's fucking awesome. I've taken anxiety meds periodically my whole life, and at the risk of making it sound like it's a mental illness after hours of claiming the opposite, it's like I finally found a medication that WORKS. I still have old habits to sort through from decades of shit, but the core of the problem has been resolved.

Sounds good, I hope everything turns out well.

I will say that I am on bona fide mental illness meds (nothing to do with gender, it's just one of those boring mood disorders where my natural neurotransmitter levels aren't what they should be) and finding the right drug for myself was a pretty awesome experience.

Well I'm glad to hear it. And that's the thing, the stigma is what I'm trying to fight, and maybe you can relate. I'm not making any assumptions about what you have, but I want to say there's a stigma attached to depression & anxiety, and there's a stigma attached to being trans. I think the stigmas are different, but maybe you can relate to how frustrating stigmas are.

My last hot take: when people hear "mental illness" the first thing that comes to mind for many of them is stuff like schizophrenia or the manic phases of bipolar disorder, ie the stuff that makes you delusional. I can understand why transgender people would be so opposed to any label that's associated with the word "delusional."

Yeah, but here's another thing. Younger trans people seem to not be experiencing "gender dysphoria" at all. That's a point of contention in the trans community, do you need gender dysphoria to be trans? I think gender dysphoria is affected by how prejudiced the world views transgenderism. I know for me, it was so terrifying I went into super denial about it for like 30 years. I didn't want to be trans because I didn't want that kind of hate, and that I think intensified my dysphoria to the point it was effectively a mental illness (that's where my anxiety & depression came from). I wonder if maybe we've made being trans acceptable enough that people don't feel it like a mental illness?

I don't know though, just something I wonder about.

If your body and your self-image don't align, you're going to get dysphoria of a sort no matter what. If you're in a tolerant environment then you'll just have good coping mechanisms to lessen its severity.

I also think that a lot of the "trans without dysphoria" people will not call themselves transgender anymore 10 years from now.

If your body and your self-image don't align, you're going to get dysphoria of a sort no matter what.

That's how I define gender dysphoria, so I'd agree with you. But the younger generation of trans (<25) define it differently. More along the lines of you don't experience pain at being your assigned gender, but overarching desire to be your preferred gender. I think this new definition is distancing itself from the mental illness diagnosis. It's a hot button topic, though, at one of our recent trans meetings one lady stormed out.

I also think that a lot of the "trans without dysphoria" people will not call themselves transgender anymore 10 years from now.

Maybe. But a lot of them are transition with HRT & surgeries, and seem to have zero regrets about it. Who are we to say how they experience gender is right or wrong?

I'm just going to be popping my pills and living my life how I wanna live it. Which includes dropping into this sub and causing a storm. XD

If you're even paying this thread attention anymore, there's actual neuroscientific research on that suggests that transgender people's brains basically work better once they go on HRT. There are people with unmedicated clinical depression who aren't always in depressive crises because they've got a good psychosocial support system, so maybe a pre-therapy transgender person won't be experiencing crippling dysphoria 24/7.

But then you have those cases of children who knew that they hated something about their bodies even before they really knew what sex was, and you can't write that off as the product of socialization.

Younger trans people seem to not be experiencing "gender dysphoria" at all.

Most of those young people who claim to be trans are either autogynephiles, or victims of grooming.

Mes too. I got amphetamines, very cool.

being trans isn't a mental illness

btw im mentally ill and trans


"I need to cut off my genitals and pretend to be a girl or else I'll kill myself."

>Not a mental illness

Literally no one’s said that. That’s a giant straw man argument.


It's literally the entire fucking basis of transgenderism. The 41% suicide rate and fact that "transitioning" supposedly lowers the risk of suicide make it self-evident.

From the physician licensing exam step one review book. It’s a mental illness

You do not have gender dysphoria if you are not feeling any distress from your transgenderism.

And how often does that happen?

No, it's definitely a straw man argument. You said "I need to cut off my genitals and pretend to be a girl or else I'll kill myself."

  1. "Cut off my genitals." Sure, it's an intense surgery, and part of the genitals is temporarily removed, but not all, and it's replaced not permanently removed.
  2. "Pretend to be a girl." Literally no trans person says they want to "pretend to be a girl."
  3. "Or else I'll kill myself." Trans people literally don't say this. No one is going to their doctor and threatening suicide if procedures aren't done.

Literally every MTF says they want to pretend to be a girl. They just leave out the "pretend." If I say "I wanna fuck a turkey sandwich", then proceed to fuck a turkey sandwich, I can't then defend myself by saying "well AKCTHUALLY I didn't specify that I wanted to fuck the sandwich with my PENIS, so I'm NOT a TURKEY SANDWICH FUCKER at all" while actively fucking the sandwich.

I assure you, given the extreme mental instability and high risk of suicide in the trans community, that there are numerous people who've threatened to kill themselves if the doctor doesn't bend to their will. But that's besides the point - the suicide is implied, seeing as trans people off themselves at a ridiculously high rate and that the main medical reason for transitioning and the retarded "it's not an illness anymore guys don't worry :)" thing is to try and help you guys not kill yourselves.



It’s still a straw man argument because you’re deliberately misrepresenting what transgender people say and do to make it easier to attack.

If it really was mental illness, then seeking transition wouldn’t work.

Seeking transition doesn't work, the suicide rate remains nearly the same afterwards.

You can be transgender without meeting definition of any condition listed in the DSM-V.

That's called being a drag queen.

That's a transvestite sweaty and it's in there.

temporarily removed

Don't worry your penis will grow back.

The state of transcels lmao dood.

I was today years old when I learned it was possible to have my balls temporarily cut off.

So you disagree and wish to incorrectly apply psychology to this because it makes you uncomfortable for political reasons. This is a misapplication of psychology, stop trying to use medicine for everything you just want to purge from society, it cannot accomplish that.

Believe it or not, I have no issue with trans people. I have an issue with the scientific and medical community changing definitions for completely non-scientific reasons, however.

Not my job but I‘ll gladly educate you, nigga. Allow me to bestow my google-fu upon you, with the search being “is transgender a mental illness”

First 3 search results are inconclusive

4th search result however:

Transgender health issues will no longer be classified as mental and behavioural disorders under big changes to the World Health Organization's global manual of diagnoses.


I like it when we as humans move forward, and make what was once a mental illness into a socially acceptable condition 😁😁

Makes me feel hope for where we're headed as a society

Well if things are wrongly classified as mental illness, then it’s good to revisit them. Homosexuality was classified as a mental illness originally. Do you think being gay is mental illness too?

What is your problem newfriend:(

I was just agreeing with the poster above, please don't take my words out of context!! They said

Transgender health issues will no longer be classified as mental and behavioural disorders under big changes to the World Health Organization's global manual of diagnoses

And I was happy at how progressive we have become! But I guess he also used the N-Word, so you have a point...

I'll downvote him just to be safe 😖😖

Got em!

Do you think being gay is mental illness too?

Absolutely. Luckily, after centuries of extensive research, we came up with a simple and effective cure - you just gotta pound that boipussy 🍆💦😩

But gay men aren’t attracted to transwomen

Hey! I never implied they were. Stop putting things in my mouth smh

Sorry it sounded like you were saying the cure for being gay was to have sex with transwomen. What were you saying?

What were you saying?

That the cure to being gay is... fucking other men! It's an ancient Roman cure but hey, if it works it works.

Yeah transwomen aren’t men :D

If you try and make yourself look like the opposite sex, people aren't going to be attracted to you. It's part of a whole package. Guy guys won't be attracted to someone who has a penis but is attempting to look like a woman. Straight guys won't be attracted to someone who has a vagina but is attempting to look like a man.

Certainly 1% of all people would happily date trans people.

Since only 0.1% of society are actually trans, there's more than enough potential willing partners for every trans person.

Nobody is.



There are many things that were inappropriately medicalized in the past simply because society decided they it didn’t like it and for some stupid reason they believed it was possible to eradicate it with medicine. It was not though, you cannot use medicine to eliminate transgenderism from society, any more than you can use medicine to eliminate homosexuality. It’s stupid beyond words.

/whig history

Wow based. Kaiser has been dabbed on.

Damn imagine being dabbed on by trannies. Is this the end for Romulus-cels?

It literally says the only reason they are removing it is to “reduce stigma” and not for any other reason. So to be woke.

Again, transgenderism can occur without gender dysphoria, the two concepts are not 1:1

yeah, autogynephilia. /r/itsafetish

Lol they literally just changed the name of it.

Nope, read the condition. You can be transexual and not meet the criterion of any illness listed in the DSM-V.

So it's no longer covered by health insurance? About time tbh.

But you made me do this. This is from our board review book

Oh I know it's in the DSM.

According to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5), people who experience intense, persistent gender incongruence can be given the diagnosis of "gender dysphoria." Some contend that the diagnosis inappropriately pathologizes gender noncongruence and should be eliminated. Others argue that it is essential to retain the diagnosis to ensure access to care. The International Classification of Diseases (ICD) is under revision and there may be changes to its current classification of intense persistent gender incongruence as "gender identity disorder."


Homosexuality was in the DSM-I, and was removed in the DSM-II for the same criticism. WHO declassified it as a mental illness earlier this year. How much you wanna bet it won't be in the DSM-VI?

So basically I show you proof and you still deny it. This is a pizza shill tier cognitive dissonance

No, you're saying it's an uncontroversial fact that being trans is a mental illness. But at best, it's a controversial claim that isn't agreed upon by experts in the field of mental illness.

if being trans is not a mental disorder but just a body modification fetish, then public health insurance shouldn't pay any of it.

You can't even appeal to the authority of existing medical establishments so now you're just hoping future ones will tow the line after trans activists start accusing them of bigotry enough times by saying they're like homophobes and appealing to the authority of these hypothetical future medical establishments. What an hilariously authoritarian mindset to pressure authorities to not publicly disagree with you then use them as the end-all-be-all reference against political opponents. It's nice of the trans-lobby to partially vindicate Foucault's views on power and medicine.

You keep talking about this trans-lobby. What trans lobby?

I'm appealing to the authority of CURRENT medical establishments. Any evidence I show that current medical establishments support the idea that transgenderism is a mental illness you dismiss as "trans lobbying"

Lobbying is not a conspiracy theory and I already linked you please stop I'm bored of this thread:

Literally by their own admission they largely redefined it to help with "social acceptance" and "stigma". Even trans activists bragged about this:

"This is the result of tremendous effort by trans and gender diverse activists from around the world to insist on our humanity, and I am elated that the WHO agrees that gender identity is not a mental illness," Julia Ehrt, then-executive director of Transgender Europe, said last year."

Single issue lobbying can pressure people who aren't personally very invested in something pretty easily, I can only imagine if the religious right were an equally influential and major lobbying force on this issue within these organizations you would admit this pretty quickly. Also tbh I don't care much what they say since these are basically political organizations I don't consider them especially trustworthy but I'm responding to basically your only argument and I think the contradictory thinking is obvious.

Ok sorry I lost it in the shuffle. I got like a hundred messages tonight.

I read it but it doesn’t really address the claim. The claim is that the WHO was pressured by lobbyists to declassify transgenderism as a mental illness.

This is a report about lobbyists trying to advocate for a controversial transgender teens issue. That’s not really what we’re talking about. It’s an example of lobbying, sure, but it’s a stretch to assume the same is true for WHO.

It does address it but to be even more obvious from a pro-LGBT website:

"Advocates have welcomed the announcement, saying it follows many years of lobbying for change based on medical evidence.

Sally Goldner of TransGender Victoria said the change will be significant for the lives of trans people."

I'm tired of going in this circle.

If you’re tired quit. The truth of whether or not trans is a mental illness doesn’t affect you in the slightest, but it affects my entire life. So it’s OK if you don’t care about it as much as I do. But here’s the thing: You’re not providing evidence for your claim, and I’m being particular because it’s a specific claim that requires specific evidence.

Your original article does talk about other things but makes zero references to WHO.

This article does say that trans groups lobbied for change, but lobbying in and of itself isn’t necessarily bad if it’s for hypothetically “good” change.

Your original claim is that “trans lobbyists pressured WHO into declassifying transgenderism as a mental illness”

That essentially means that they did some sketch tactics to pressure WHO into the change. Right? Instead it looks like they made an argument and WHO was like “ok sounds good to me” that’s how public advocacy works, trans or not. Particularly insidious lobbying is like how the cigarette companies bribed their way into deregulation of cigarettes.

Was there any bribery of WHO? Extortion? Etc?

Their also an international authority on health. It’s not like unqualified people made the final call.

You're just resorting to semantics now. "Pressure" can applied in legal or illegal manners. Supporting like-minded bureaucrats and politicians in the UN and WHO, spamming non-stop calls for them to change their mind before an internal opposition has time to form, associating it with other LGBT issues so bureaucrats become increasingly nervous of being called bigots are not illegal but they are forms of pressure. I do not work at the WHO but the lobbyists are literally bragging they managed to influence the WHO and the article I linked you detailed these as popular lobbying tactics among trans-groups sooooo...

Also it literally does not matter if every single medical organization endorses it not being mental illness unless there's a reason to actually believe that. The common definition is " A mental disorder, also called a mental illness[2] or psychiatric disorder, is a behavioral or mental pattern that causes significant distress or impairment of personal functioning", and since trans peoples issue originates in brain chemistry causing them a very specific form of distress, and they would be totally fucked without expensive and modern medical science, it pretty clearly fit the common criteria unless it can be proven the origin of the disorder is not mental (or that is not a disorder).

So you disagree with the judgement of trained medical professionals because it offends your political ideology

Are you accusing them of malpractice? Why don’t you get a degree in psychology before you do that?

This was decent trolling until the last sentence gave it away, you might have had me SEETHING otherwise.

Still I'd give it a 7.5/10, decent but needs improvement

Homosexuality was only removed from the DSM after a lot of lobbying, I guess that means the decision is wrong and the judgements of the medical professionals on the issue were invalid.

While I know you're just fucking with me I still want to reply since you're a very famous celebrity: The homos can actually argue that their condition is not inheriently distressful, transexuals very clearly can not. I actually don't have anything against trannies and am fine with them receiving support from public healthcare, legal protections, etc. just not crazy trans-activists that want to restructure everything to pretend sex and gender are in no way correlated (and that the latter is practically the only one that really matters), "transition" children, invade education and parenting, etc. and who know they can't win democratically so they just abuse bureaucratic channels.

And there's the thing where being gay simply changes what someone wants to do, not what they are - which doesn't involve sugically removing their genitalia, leaving a literal gash behind.

You are not understanding what the condition you referenced in the DSM-V is. It is not the description of transexuality.

How much you wanna bet it won't be in the DSM-VI?

So it wouldn't be covered by health insurance? I'm OK with having some of my premiums paying for tranny counseling, they don't have to shoot themselves in the foot like that.

I mean, you make a good point. Except you can receive treatment with a unspecific thyroid issue diagnosis, like I did. And as I stated elsewhere, the criteria was through, not the DSM

That's really stupid. Let's get rid of DSM entirely, sick people can always bribe their doctor to prescribe a treatment without the stigma of getting diagnosed with a particular sickness.

Being transexual and experiencing no distress would not be covered by health insurance, there would be no reason to seek medical treatment in such a condition. If you are transexual and experience distress, then you have gender dysphoria, and one of the proven treatments for gender dysphoria is gender reassignment surgery. In many cases this can cure or at least reduce the condition of gender dysphoria that these transexual people have, after which they no longer require medical treatment because they no longer suffer from the condition.

And instead of mental illness gender dysphoria is classified as a subspecies of flu. Or just isn't present in the list, like homosexuality.

I understand that gender dysphoria is not a typical mental illness and that calling classifying it as such needs a disclaimer "but the treatment is...", but all this whining is absolutely retarded and probably will never come to fruition unless they invent a whole category for it alone.

Gender dysphoria is not transexuality, you can be transexual and not have gender dysphoria.

How about 41% of them trying to end their suffering? Jews in camps and blacks in chains weren't even suicidal but loons are lulw.

bullied our whole lives for just existing

For very good reason.

Ooooo, you got a live one!

I know it’s a great day dude. We don’t get real low cows much anymore.

What a way to start a weekend lol

Someone should make a list of all the subs Totes bot isn't banned from, I feel like we could double our lolcow importation targeting them

That’s a great idea. Honeypot sub would work too, but most of us are too impatient and retarded for that.

The really important thing is making sure our lolcows don’t wander off too greener pastures because we don’t have a way to call them home

If only people would stop downvoting the lolcow :(


I find it funny that they instantly tried to brigade a period sub because someone said men don't have periods. If you are a "trans man" that gets a period, I guess that makes you women now dunnit?

No, that makes them man. Men are always looking for ways to harass women, invade our spaces and want to tell us they are better at things than we are. They are exhibiting toxic masculinity like a typical man.

So wait. Do you agree that trans men are men? And if so, wouldn’t you be against anti-trans sentiments?

I’m responsible for what I say.

I don't understand, sorry, could you elaborate?

LOL thanks for the meme.

Uh, the first two, but not the third one or the avatar. I don't like kirby, I don't watch anime, and I'm not a communist. Oh, and I hate twitter.

🤔 Interesting

Hating twitter is pretty based.

Dude excellent username. Shout.

Thank you!

I mean I’m not responsible for what others say and I’m not obliged to police them.

Yeah I agree with that. I don't like policing people, either. I kind of hate that the left is all about policing ideas, but I can't police them to not do it, you know?

But god damn, I love discussing stuff with people.

But god damn, I love discussing stuff with people.

To you this is discussion, but to everyone else on the opposite side it's thought policing and interrogation.

You mean all the left?

Yeah, it's a problem. You can't change minds through brute force. I always take a stance that if I want to change someone's mind, I should be open to having my mind changed, too. Sometimes I'm a little too stubborn, but I try at least.

I don't know what to do about that, other than be my best self and hope others figure out there's no need for all the

Keep in mind, though, that this militance is not unprompted. They are responding to a LOT of transphobia, so their defenses are high. God damn, when I first jumped into these kids of discussions, I was attacked & shamed in ways I never could of expected. Like a flip of a switch, a cordial conversation would turn into a brutal, personal attack.

And so a lot of people then go on the OFFENSE, which just perpetuates a vicious cycle...

You're responding as if I'm agreeing with you. You clearly know I don't, so why the monologue?

Ohhh, I misunderstood what you said, my bad.

I'm a spirited debater, and I'm challenging views I disagree with. But what makes you think I'm thought-policing & interrogating?

That may not be your intent, but it is how many people receive your thoughts. I am not speaking for you, but about how others react.

I don't understand. Are you saying that I am thought-policing? or that other trans people are thought policing?

I agree that some trans people are effectively thought-policing. They use shame & ad hominem to try to suppress ideas. I don't think that is particularily effective, and I like to debate through civil discourse.

If debating through civil discourse is perceived as thought-police, I don't see that as my problem, since I don't see any issue debating through civil discourse.

Are you saying that I am thought-policing? or that other trans people are thought policing?

I said

'I am not speaking for you, but about how others react.'

The purpose of debate is to engage in exchange and examination of various viewpoints on a topic. If someone is dissuaded from this exchange because they feel like they're being attacked or policed, they're not going to participate, and that is neither debate nor discourse.

OK sorry I'm just confused because of what you said earlier. I agreed with you, and then you said, "You are responding to me as if I agree with you, which I clearly don't." I took that to mean I misunderstood what you said, and wrongfully agreed with you. But no, we are in agreement that a lot of the left is hell-bent on policing "bad" thinking through shame and ad hominem. Right? We agree on that?

If you're confused why I'm not acting hostile to you, that's because I don't believe in policing like that, so I don't believe in hostility.

Wait....... Mmmmmm.... You say that... You....... An..... Gurl??? Mmmmmhmmm.. May I introduce you to a........ piece of heaven? It has 4 inches.................

Is this a copypasta?

to be fair, trans men are still biologically female and many will still get periods. the real weird ones are the trans women (biological males) who claim they are PMS.

The thing is I don’t get anyone who needs to subscribe and go participate to a subreddit about periods 🤔

That's because you're stupid. One day, you will learn why. :)

I think it's to justify the whole "trans women are women" statement. Like women get periods. Trans women are women. Ergo trans women get periods.

I don't know enough about the situation because looking into it sounds gross and tiring but from the amount of screeching about it, I'm going to assume it's not true.

I choose to think that this is a bit by some rightoid/TERF sub. I know that the “uwu” school of trans activism is an insular cult whose members think it’s “respectability politics” to not make people actively loathe you, but there is no way they can be this stupid, is there?

hrt_breaker 12 points 2 hours ago There's a sign in my Drs office that says, men have periods too.

Medicine and science is on your side. Fuck that sub.


the science is settled, bigots. the sign says so!

Troids are literally the worst. Imagine a hairy chick going in for a physical saying “I need a prostate exam ... wtf you won’t stick your finger up my asshole?? Damn you’re a bigot and My lawyers will be in touch.”

I’m just glad their “””people””” are rejected on the right and the left. Reinforces the idea that the majority aren’t completely retard. Centrism at its best.

my favorite phrase of theirs is "science is on our side!!"

like, um, no it isn't. No doctor is calling you a man because you got a mastectomy and wear men's clothes.

Uh my doctor calls me a woman and I haven’t had any surgeries. That’s what the vast majority of doctors do.

Lol they may “call” you a “woman” but that doesn’t make you one. And vast majority do not do this.

It would be extremely unprofessional of a doctor to refer to a transwoman patient as man, please stop pulling things out of your ass. Your hateful ideology is extremely unpopular and you live in delusional communities online that enable your hate and tell you, oh your hate is how we all feel, it’s really popular and all the scientists agree with you too, we really do. All the people you see elsewhere acting otherwise are just globalist propaganda, we are the real unideological true representatives of society on /r/drama.

Please jerk yourself off some more in your fantasy land please.

N word

Ok great to hear. What has your doctor based your “womanhood” based on?

He may call it a “woman” to appease her but the doctor isn’t denying medical reality that it’s biologically a man lol. If that doctor is then get a new one.

Awww you correctly gendered me 🥰

You are welcome nigga



The WPATH standards for transgender care. It’s a 140 page document that very clearly says that transgenderism isn’t a mental illness

You aren’t understanding. These are simply recommendations put out by professional/lobbying groups. They are not laws or rules. Doctors don’t have to follow them or even consider them. They can practice how they see fit. Of course a lobbying group dedicated to trans people isn’t gonna call it a mental illness.

No my friend it is you who does not understand (lol)

The question was: what did you’re doctor use to determine you were trans.

My answer is: the WPATH standards. Before I started HRT he wanted to be sure I met these standards and really was trans. Legit. So he asked me to go over this document with my therapist, and after we did she (my therapist) wrote me a letter basically approving me for HRT.

It was a personal question and I gave my personal answer.

Yes there are actual trans people. I never denied that lol.

All I ever said was most doctors who see someone who has a period are not gonna consider that person a man. It doesn’t matter what lobby/professional groups put out. Doctors can choose to use them or not use them. It’s not a requirement or a law.

most doctors who see someone who has a period are not gonna consider that person a man

yeah, you have zero evidence to support this claim.

What they say isn’t always what they think my friend

That’s true. For instance, when people here you say shit like this, we are thinking “This guy is an idiot and a bigoted asshole”. Some of us don’t say it because we’re afraid of get downvoted by the idiot hateful mob, but we are thinking that you are indeed a bigoted asshole.

We all know you're a brave kween who don't need no upvotes, watermark. Stop pretending.

Damn Kaiser, you really roused this tard.

Yes there are actual trans people. I never denied that lol.

And yet transwomen aren’t women. So what does the word mean? What are they supposedly trans from if they aren’t away from their birth gender at all? Do words mean anything in your ideology?

All I ever said was most doctors who see someone who has a period are not gonna consider that person a man. It doesn’t matter what lobby/professional groups put out. Doctors can choose to use them or not use them. It’s not a requirement or a law.

So no doctor who sees a transman is going to see that person as their trans sexuality at all, so therefore they don’t see them as trans at all. We have a term for that, that would be seeing them as cisgender, if you consider a trans person to be lying and to not be of their trans identified gender, you think they’re cisgender.

But also trans people actually exist somehow, even though their trans identified gender is never and should never at any point be taken into consideration and is an utterly irrelevant subject when discussing them.

Thanks for your galaxy brain logic.

And yet transwomen aren’t women. So what does the word mean?

Transwomen: men who feel like they should be women.

woman = adult female human

Treating transexuality itself as an illness which must be treated and eliminated is medical malpractice and should result in the stripping of their licenses.

needing to undergo extensive surgeries and hormone treatments with a 41% suicide rate isn't a mental illness

Yeah ok

A transexual person doesn’t necessarily need to undergo surgeries or hormone treatments.

They also don’t have a 41% suicide rate you retard, please read your talking point again, your misremembering it. It doesn’t have any meaning to you besides as an excuse to bully your victims and spread your bigotry and hate, of course, so you probably don’t give a shit and will just continue totally misquoting what you’re even trying to say without a care in the world. Because you are mentally ill, that’s why you spend all day on reddit seething about trannies and masturbating over people you hate killing themselves, you don’t even know why you hate them but you obsess over it all the time and bully them constantly online and it gives you great satisfaction. That is the description of an extremely mentally ill and very sad person, I am sorry. Please see a doctor and get yourself treated before you kill yourself, you are a very sad person who needs a lot of help.

if it's not an illness, public insurance needs to stop funding their hormone modifications.

that's because they don't want to get sued into oblivion by an obvious mental patient.

How could an "obvious mental patient" sue doctors into oblivion? Doesn't seem like they'd have a case in court.

Can you cite even one case please?

Jonathan Yaniv, who sued a wax salon for refusing to wax his ugly warty balls. now admit you just have a crossdressing fetish like all the other poofs and stop making it everyone else's problem.

That’s what the vast majority of doctors do.

Yes they humor the mentally ill in order to help treat them. My doctor did much the same

And how do they treat them? By helping them come to terms that their thinking is delusional, like with mania and schizophrenia, etc.?

No. By helping them transition.

By helping them come to terms that their thinking is delusional, like with mania and schizophrenia, etc.?

No it's way easier and more effective to make their delusion reality.

It’s just that’s the exact opposite of how mental illness is treated

There's no "one treatment" for all mental illnesses. A bacterial imbalance in your intestines is also treated very differently than appendicitis.

Then he's just humoring you lol.

Please upvote yourselves more, that will make your hate more mainstream and not just the product of a circlejerk on a subreddit which devotes nearly half of its time to hating this one identity and somehow considers itself representative of mainstream society and medical opionion.

Like nearly everyone on this subreddit is mentally ill, you are the last people who should consider yourselves the arbiters of what mental illness is. Please fix yourselves before you try to judge how we should fix others.

Seethe harder.

I'm not mentally ill I'm just a prick to retards on online.

The opinions here really do be mainstream though. /r/drama takes common opinions and pretends that they're sooper edgy.

You live in an alternate universe where your hateful ideology is actually how medicine works

Congrats let me jerk you off some more in the circlejerk

if anything, it's a minuscule amount of transwomen overcompensating for being cis women.

Yo, guess what else is a minuscule amount of the population.

Uh that’s not an insult. Trans people are a minority, literally nobody disagrees with you.

Then why is .01 percent of the population creating 50 percent of the internet drama.

Checkmate, libs 😎

It’s more like 1%

Why? Because anti-trans statements are in vogue right now, and trans people respond to it.

Lmao it is not 1%

More recent studies released in 2016 estimate the proportion of Americans who identify as transgender at 0.5 to 0.6%.

OK I was rounding up I guess. But it's still at least 50x more than .01%

Also, you've been seriosuposting all day. Fuck off, dork.

I like to think I'm adorkable.

What you is a man in a dress lmao

Yeah but that is psychology and you know how that field is. They probably asked a question like, "have you ever thought about being the other gender" and said that that confirmed that someone was trans. Even if it wasn't, the amount of people who answer "yes" on a survey and the amount of people who actually live as a tranny are vastly different

That % includes all the teenagers who, if it were 15 years ago, would be goth or emo instead.

And maybe some of those goth or emo kids were trans all along.

Hell, I know I went through a goth phase. Well a poser goth phase at least, haha.

Blackface is an offensive thing, for sure.

I can't compare trans issues to race issues, it's apples and oranges. But I will say this comic is offensive to trans women.

This comic is meant to ridicule transwomen. It shows too much makeup, when transwomen tend to take great interest in learning the subtle art of makeup. There's excessive facial & body hair, when all the transwomen I know are basically obsessed with removing as much hair below the eyebrows as quickly and permanently as they can. Some trans women do stuff their bras, but we'll tease each other if it's obvious like this, and encourage more subtlety. And lastly, the buldge. If a trans woman still has her pp, she's gonna know 5 ways to hide it. Thin hair? Yes, trans women do tend to have thinner hair than ciswomen, or they wear wigs. And thigh-high socks? I don't know why we are obsessed with them, but we totally are, so they got those points correct. If the drawing was more on stuff we actually do, then it could be funny because it's like "HAHA yeah we're silly like that." but instead it's a straw man caricature of trans-ness. Again, meant to ridicule.

And to the POINT it's trying to make, the apparent hypocrisy there. Sure, there's some kind of a parallel there. I am finding myself adopt certain things that are "meant" for women. Like a dress, for example. Or makeup. But it's different because makeup & dresses are ways one can choose to EXPRESS feminimity. Regarding race, you don't choose your skin color to express your race or ethnicity.

Also, the history of blackface is different than the history of crossdressing. It was used when a role in film was too racist to get any black person to agree to it for any amount of money, so they hired a white guy to do it instead. Anyone today wearing blackface is found to be deeply offensive among black people, and rightly so. Compare that to men dressing as women in film & TV. Monty Python did it all the time, and I've never heard anyone complaining that THAT was offensive appropriation of feminimity.

So when did this comparison start to arise? From anti-trans groups trying to ridicule transwomen.

Small comic, lots of thoughts. What are yours?

That degree finally paying off

I am a bot. Contact for questions


Can you explain in more detail?

Literally arguing "we're both wrong but I made a closer guess" omegalul

Yeah. Homosexuals are only about 1 in 30 or so. I'd be surprised if transexuals numbered more than 1 in 300

It’s more like 1%

actual trans people are less than 0.1%

but if you add all the trans trenders and fetishists, the number has been doubling every year recently.

No it’s about 50% of the population creating that drama, since it’s pretty clear that the only reason trans issues are so centered in modern society is because hateful conservatives made a concious strategy to switch to bashing trans people after they got their ass beats bashing homosexual people. Trans people do not create this drama, rightists do.

They're an insignificant minority. The amount of attention they are given should be proportional to their representation of the population.

How is a transwoman overcompensating for being a cis woman? Those are total opposites.

The title is rather exaggerated, the post the OP links to has nothing to do with brigading, it was just 1 or 2 user(s) that decided to raid/spam /r/periods

It’s okay, they are doing a thing. No one is going to report anyone or anything.

Exaggerated titles? On MY /r/drama!?

Its more autistic than you think

Despite being less than 1% of the population

The obsessive hatred of 46% is concentrated on 1% of the population, yes that is very sad that 46% of our people suffer from mental illness like this but that’s the reality we live in.

When did God forsake us

Look in the mirror, you should immediately understand why God forsook you


I wish trappy was still here 😞

She's here in spirit. 🙏

The GenderCritical femcels would have a heart attack seeing this shit

we need to ally with them to destroy the troid menace. then we can go back to indifferent irritation at each other.

They hate moids, and by association, hate bussy. They are our enemy.

The sub is r/inclusiveperiods in case anyone e wants to join

You should make an inclusive version of every part of female anatomy and physiology

Good idea!

There's a sign in my Drs office that says, men have periods too.

Medicine and science is on your side. Fuck that sub.

don't worry sweaty, the Sign of Science says you're right! fuck terfs and transphobes!

Really missin pimm and tay rn

MtF or MtDemigirl or something

do these people want to be girls or fucking cartoon characters? I can't tell anymore because they're all obsessed with anime

One of the weird things about reading people who go all in with tranny stuff is that it can take a long time for your brain to finally parse some of their sentences

Like I was reading this article once on women talking about periods and then they have this brief section where they’re like “here are some twitter comments from some users who found this problematic and points out that some men DO have periods!” I paraphrase. I must have sat there for five minutes before I realize they were talking about transmen. I mean they just go out of their way to showily equivocate as much as possible between trans and cis of a gender. Just standing slackjawed that their very specific trans exclusive issues are not specifically mentioned when discussing the issues of a gender. It’s like almost the exact opposite of intersectionality, like you can’t concentrate on their specific issues specifically as a trans person of that gender, the elephant in the room of their trans ness has to be ignored and you have to act as if some vaginas just look like a ladydick or something, that’s just how some women come and there’s nothing at all special about them at all.

Is it a period if black blood comes pouring out my ass after I take a shit?

all you have to do is find a doctor willing to write that on a sign and put it in his office. then it's scientifically true.

There's a sign in my Drs office that says, men have periods too.

And that "doctor" sells crack by the baggie....

It doesn’t make sense. So if they agree that trans men are men, then they should agree that some trans men have periods and are thus welcome in the community.

If they disagree that trans men are men, then they would say they are just women, but they also get periods, so are welcome here.

I don't even get what kind of logic its operating on. Its like it wants to have its cake and eat it too.

Why is there a period subreddit?


Why do you hate women?

> 10 hour old post about trannies

> 300+ comments

Looks like somebody is on their period




Hopefully they call the new sub r/manopause

Look, I'm a trans man too and guess what? I got pregnant and had a miscarriage because I had to go off my T due to insurance issues. And guess what? I got treated like shit. Told I was delusional. Harrassed. Misgendered. They said my cervix was closed and my uterus was empty but, six hours later, something fell out of me while I was peeing. I think it was the placenta.

lol oh dear