Imagine a polisci class but you can only enroll if you have an opioid addiction or are autistic.

1  2019-12-08 by Slump_o

Here. Don’t rat on me totes!


/r/drama is probably the closest sub to the original ideas of fascism

  • Hates the left for its weakness and degeneracy, but also hates conservatives for being weak Christcucks

  • Super gay

  • Inherently contradictory and proud of it

Is it just me or is there a huge influx of tradcaths on... basically every right wing space recently? It’s kind of bizarre honestly. Annoying too, like these people can’t even be good lolcows for us without spouting off about their catholic ethnostate (lol) every time we humor them.

the influx is just the same fags larping

Your problem for being on a right wing space.

Zoomerright is far more Christian than any other right wing subreddit I have seen which is odd because I thought it would have been the opposite.

It’s because of Nicholas Fuentes, the conservative zoomers love him.

1) You can only own real estate if you are a citizen and have children, AND actually produce with the land. The more children, the higher your maximum allowance. No more buying 20acres in the country just so sit untouched for a decade.

1) Labor based currency or gold standard.

2) Public school abolished. Homeschooling mandatory. Government-sponsored education curricula that you are encouraged, but not obliged, to follow. Private schools if you can afford it. Your child's education is your responsibility alone. Gets rid of state propaganda machine

These people can't even count to 3.

\4. No vote for women. Ever. This is the only right they don't get.

This place is a goldmine.

A program will be launched offering lifetime welfare in exchange for permanent sterilization. The program will only be available to people below the age of 25. The value of the program will decrease with each child the person has. The program's value will be a max of about you $20k per year.

Sterilization is a pre-condition for receiving any welfare at all.


This is the only right they don’t get

until they get angered that no foid who has to live by those guidelines will ever date or fuck them, then it’ll be that women have no rights at all

they are not wrong about foids though

however they are wrong that without the right to vote any group would then maintain all other rights, it's kind of a precondition to having/maintaining them.

tradwives would do fine, but yeah I would vote to strip feminists of any sort of rights at all.



want homeschooling mandatory

can’t count to 3


5: Force Redditors (not Reddit-users, Redditors. There’s a difference) to wear signifying armbands.


59k karma

not a redditfag

pick one.


Kinda based tbh

They targeted Redditors...


Is it weird that I know exactly who he's talking about


1: Catholic Church with a significant place in government


governmentally mandated choir boys for all clergy

You don’t deserve an opinion here, they already killed you for the perpetuation of white genocide.

A common theme seems to be wanting to make sure every kid owns a gun for some reason.

You just perfectly described the poli sci class I have at the backwater college I go too so perfectly.

very strict authoritarian government

giving everybody access to guns

Ah, this will end nicely.

I never understand people who think these can possibly go together. I know that in reality they just want everyone they like armed to make it easier to kill those they don't like.

They don't think their enemies would take up arms against them, pretty much it.

Fascists... Don't have a sterling record of separating ground facts of human reactions with relative military preparedness/spirit to fight to the images they have of their foes in their heads.

If they were answering "How to ensure economic and societal collapse" I would give them A+

Corporatist economics

All the corruption of Amazon with all the efficiency of the DMV

What does corporatist economics even means? Is that like intentionally giving big business control of government?

Basically, yes. A lot of right-wingers have got it in their head giving corporations control of society is a great idea because "we need to run the country like a business."

It's the outcome of years of pro-corporate propaganda and anti-government screeching from conservatives.


I love how all their rules for who gets to vote would preclude anyone in that sub from voting.

On second thought, perhaps they're on to something.

That’s why he specified “Redditors, not Reddit users”. They sort of realize they’re an annoying little tumor on Reddit itself, who chooses to seethe infinitely at everything Reddit does, but can’t grasp the fact that this makes them Redditors.

Mandatory homeschooling is a recipe for the mass production of illiterates and autists if I've ever seen one

The absolute best argument for all these bullet points is that that kind of government would come after those people first.

6: A fireplace in every home and a load of bread for every family

Every thing he listed sounds terrible but that last one is weird. Like most burgers, I have heating and cooling and all sorts of food that’s not just bread. This nigga should just go live in the woods and shoot trees or something, then he’ll take his own advice and shut the fuck up online.

It’s a tradcath thing. They try to LARP as down to earth white Catholics by acting like we still live in the 17th century. It’s also probably from playing too much Skyrim.

Lol true I sometimes forget the more extreme ones like this are still all weak gaymers

Sterilization is a pre-condition for receiving any welfare at all.


I’ve lived with my ex for over a year i’m already resigned to being the hermit crab equivalent of a man. I have nothing to lose cept this bitch i already hate which makes me incredibly dangerous 🦇


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