Europoor only listens to video game music. Turns out he is retarded as expected

1  2019-12-11 by charming_tatum


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This is not the time or place for another black-dick joke


  1. Europoor only listens to video game... -,

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"Intp with adhd" literally just zodiac signs for autistic manchildren

his neo-reddit avatar is Sonic the hedgehog, so you nailed it.

His user profile pic is fucking Sonic too lmaoooooooooooooooo

Intp is also supposed to be the group who don’t even accept the validity of neo-astrogy, right? Clearly the tests don’t work right.

It's inspiring how people like this still exist

Its like seeing someone with a fedora

Idk what’s more retarded, the people posting in that sub or rap fans who “review bomb” a hospital. As if someone name juice world was gonna live to 30 anyhow.

To protect my integrity I feel i must inform everyone that I was not perusing r/teenagers. I found this post via another post in r/rapiscrap that linked OP's account.

Glad you clarified I was about to call you a pedo

Pls no bully

His post history is like peering into the brain of a mentally ill nutter


you guys really hate being told that your rap sucks huh

I wish there was a short and sweet name like "coomer" for mumble rap fans. Anyone got any suggestions?


You know what I've found kind of interesting? If you pay attention to these mumble rappers who had a lot of success they've ended up getting speech therapy or something and it helps them greatly in interviews and improves their music to the point where they're intelligible and their bars more intricate. Take migos for instance. When they came on the scene their interviews consisted of one word answers and their music was hard to understand and elementary. Now theyre spitting bars like "rain drop, drop top, fucking on your girl she a thot, thot, thot! Cooking up dope in the crock pot, pot!". Its night and day, dont you think?

Intp with adhd my psychologist said my mind was a mindfuck to his mind

Best tinder bio ever

Since we're talking about music I'd just like to recommend The Mountain Goats to everyone

Faggot Twitter music for trannies. Try again

Are they popular on Twitter? That's pretty cool if so. I don't use social media besides this so I wasn't aware