Britbongistan drama tomorrow

1  2019-12-12 by Pi340_xA

What are we rooting for to happen tomorrow in the land of the loicensce?


I'm not even sure what your point is. Yeah I'd rather sleep with a dakimakura of my waifu Renge-chan than with some random 3D slut but that doesn't mean I'm desperate, it's the opposite, it implies that I have standards.


  1. Britbongistan drama tomorrow -,

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I don’t pay attention to euroshit. What is going on?

I don’t think anyone knows. All you need to understand is albino goblin man = bad.

On one hand, I dont want to lose Boris because he should be a drama mod. On the other hand, Brexit will most likely cause a global recession

On the other other hand, a global recession would all but guarantee Daddy’s losing next year because recessions always hurt the incumbent party, and I’m in a pretty recession-proof position so it wouldn’t make me personally any worse off 😊

True, it doesnt matter what the economy is doing when your a NEET

“Recession proof”

Not when we raid your house for your food

Island monkeys ruining the world as always

Their voting right now, with all the brexit drama there's guaranteed seething from who loses

No matter who wins it's gonna be good for dramacoin

I don't think so tbh. There's maximum drama if it looks close going into the election, but most people have accepted that the Tories are going to win again. The left wing will grumble a bit and that'll be that.

Bong here. Seething is already at boiling point. Our 3-4 party system has effectively been replaced with a 2 party system over the past 3 years so levels of drama are near US politics levels and now we have the bipartisanism too

Great for drama shit for life tbh. AMA

So are y’all fuckers ever leaving the EU or what?

They are too pussy to actually do it. Like everything Brit bongs do they can’t do it right.

We ruled the world once!

oi m8 we enslaved stick-throwing Africans we did!

Yeah so? Enslaving Africans is based af

Yeah but it's pretty much as easy as enslaving cattle. Not all that impressive.


They did make a country of almost a billion people their personal bitch for quite a few centuries, but have done anything right since the Raj.

TBF currycels prefer to be ruled by mayos than their own.

Doesn’t anther now tho

Maybe what’s it to you huh?

That's what you cunts get for hanging on to Northern Ireland.

🇺🇸🇺🇸USA leading the way again!🇺🇸🇺🇸


The sun had been shining for several hours before gnome_mage rolled out of bed. She had been up for hours, but was not motivated to get up until his bladder was close to bursting. She shuffled down the dirty trash-filled floor, she aimed her manhood at the brown never-washed toilet and made the majority of the urine inside the toilet bowl. She then waddled back into her bed grabbed her phone once again. Slowly reading the words on the screen, she had never been academically gifted so she mouthed the words aloud as she look at them. She then felt waves of genius roll over her as the word came to her. She quickly hit the reply button, as if it would disappear, then typed the letters as quickly as her chubby and greasy fingers could manage. She read over it once more checking for her frequent grammatical and spelling errors, she saw she needed to add an extra “g” as she clicked the blue post button at the top right. She smiled as she read her masterpiece “faggot”.

Power struggle that ends up with the octoroon duchess on top😌 and york being named capital

The Norf will rise again!

Wait they are voting on brexit again or is it for PM again?

PM. Either Corbin unseats Johnson or Johnson wins again, but you can be certain there will be tremendous amounts of cope and seethe either way.

Bongland would be way cooler if it really was like a Guy Ritchie film. I'm not sure what it says about the place that the cooler version of it is a criminal underworld of incompetent petty thieves.


I'm torn because I don't want corbyn or leftists to win but maybe if he did they'd shut the fuck up for a minute. Or they'd just get more smug than usual.

In terms of drama a Boris win would obviously cause more reeing on Reddit and Twitter.

UK hasn't had a left wing government since the 70s, so wud b laff if Corbyn got it (but he won't)

they'd just get more smug than usual.

You know this is what would happen.

Conservatives are going to win, kick out all the Germans and french, import millions of Saudi/Pakistan Nationals to make up numbers for jobs

UK has been importing Pakis for years just fine without having to kick out any Germans or French.

Tories would want Indians. They integrate better and they end up voting Conservative sometimes.

Boris Johnson is the objective dramacoin choice

(Le)terally this

Hopefully it sinks into the Atlantic

butthurt french detected

When are Frenchies not butthurt. In fact, name one time Yuropoors aren't seething

When they smugly remind amerifats they don't have school shoootings. Granted, you remind them their rapefugees' problem and they immediately start seething, but that's besides the point.

Being shot in school is better than being a bong lmao

tfw you aren't either a bong or an amerifat

Tfw you admit to being entirely irrelevant

Coping bong detected.

You don't have to be French to recognize the UK as the disgrace that it is.

1000 years ago: EMPIRE

Today: oi mate, u got a loicense for that butter knife?


It's a loicense because it smells.

I just want a Jeb! election map meme

/r/UKPolitics is on fire today

The choice is - using their own rhetoric - between an anti-Semite and a casual diddler

What the heck is happening to Anglo-Saxons - all 5 countries are deep in shit... US, Canada, UK, Aussies and Kiwis... all self-sabotaging and self-destroying?

nobody. Hung parliament. Meaningful votes until the end of time and everyone stays seething and coping.

Imagine caring about Bongistan.

Tory victory would cause the biggest butt blasting and best dramacoin valuation boost so I'm all about stroking the Johnson.

Hard brexit and then complete collapse and then a surprise Bing refugee wave into Germany.