Getting fuckes by your grandpa is exercising your sexual agency as an empowered twink.

1  2019-12-12 by BIknkbtKitNwniS


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Have you posted bussy yet?


  1. Getting fuckes by your grandpa is e... -,

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Sorry snappy, this time the bussy is underage so no

Homosexuals reproduce by raping kids

It's not rape if you're libertarian.

t. Roy Moore voter

It’s a ftm kid. So straight tbqh.

I'm done with this planet and the people on it.

Allah we need you more than ever.

Some people deserve to be kink shamed

but not grandpa-fuckers, because boomers are unironically hot 😍

Ikr who doesn't like a yummy silver fox daddy


using the word "deadass"


oh lmao it's a boy holy shit that owns

Apparently it's an ftm?

No mention of ftm in there

Wife. They aren’t getting a divorce. Why would you assume they’re getting a divorce? I don’t want them to. They’ve been together a long time and have that old married couple style. She doesn’t mind me being around much. You can love more than one person. I’ve only met his younger kid who’s 12 years older than me she’s cool i guess. I’ll hang out with her sometimes but she stays in her room a lot. His other kid is 15 years my senior and doesn’t live close so i haven’t met him

Imagine your parents banging someone 15 years younger than you 🤢 AND they're underage.

This is b8, but still proof that we need to address the Tranny Question

If your 17 year old child comes home with a 61 year old man and you don’t beat both of their asses, you have failed as a parent

down the rabbit hole of degeneracy

Helmut Seifert, a German man originally from Russia

Based ruski putting his foot down against pedophilia and thottery


My God. This motherfucker right here used a fucking bread knife lmao.

I'm not saying he shouldn't go to prison but at the same time, I'm not saying I think he should either

When is the next sticky? You've been abnormally quiet the past few days.

Lol you guys go a couple days without my shitposts and suddenly it’s DEFCON1

1.) I am impressed you know the proper usage of the DEFCON codes.

2.) You were posting pretty much daily and then just stopped. Of course we got concerned.

Based. Imagine dating a zoomer or millenial when you could just get yourself a nice boomer daddy

Lmaoooo I lived with an older gay dude at my last apartment when I was taking night classes and this guy in the building who was probably around 60 was dating this effeminate kid in my class who was no older than 21. Whenever I’d “go out with the girls (a bunch of old gay dudes)” they refused to invite him because it the vibe was just fuuuuucking weird. It was like watching a dad and his son go on a date and get handsy. Weird.

I find this hard to believe as all gay men are pederasts. The aging process horrifies them.

No one is complaining about young bussy bro. They would invite my ass out and bought me drinks just to look at me. What was weird is the couple started dating and he moved in to the old dudes apartment within a few month to bring him lemonade shirtless as that fat fuck pull unapproved plants out of our community garden.

I still don't think thats weird

Why do you think your personal opinion bears any weight to my anecdote? The girls thought it was weird, I thought I was weird, and as a result they weren’t invited to frolic at the drag show or eat all you can eat sushi with us. End of story.

I don't know it sounds like everyone was weird all around

Mod ephebobot

I don't care if some specific situation or another is positive, you're just a sick fuck and nothing but a nuisance in every circumstances whatsoever. Everything, everywhere is better without you, is what I'm saying. Some people in this world are trying to have a good time, kindly free us from you.

Imagine defending pedos this hard 🤢

>implying older Romans weren't into banging the shit out of their catamites

Bitch got himself a sugar daddy, dont be jealous

I would be a single father not mother.

If it is born out of your womb, you are it's mother. WTF is wrong with this world?

new account

Pedo b8

Holy shit teenagers are stupid

I just checked your profile and you seem to be trolling. First off, no sane man actively goes out looking for 18 year old women. They are not on the same mental level as you are. Second off, you look older than your age, probably chubby and not even good looking. I doubt 18 year old girls are "intiniating" lmao. Keep dreaming. You post on Asian girls for white men because you can't get white women, huh?

Now this is just nutty.