This is what happens when the left tries to make a meme sub

1  2019-12-14 by TeeEssDoubleU


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Panel 2 feels like some of the ableism frequently featured in neo-nazi memes. the name "spergzy" is also incredibly off-putting.


There's a sign in their banner where "enforced" is miss spelled.

Is this guy supposed to be left-wing stonetoss?



There is a sub for that, /r/antifastonetoss

Lefty meme sub They literally just steal and repackage rightiod memes.

actually talking about "stealing and repackaging" memes

What do you think "meme" means?

The problem is that what the leftards output is never funny.

Is being a leftie the ultimate cuckoldry?

>meme aub

>essays over essays

Hahaha Holy shit, which one of you spastic inbreds took the time to create this rabbit hole with their automod

The real joke here is leftist unity.

Imagine being cucked by your own political party so hard that you can’t even call someone a retarded faggot lol

don't use the R word, use MAGAtbrain instead !!!

Don’t be a comedian and communist how about try that

Imagine thinking wage slaving for 40-50 + hours a week is preferable to spending a couple of hours a day cleaning and cooking. Like cooking is a hobby for me, where do I sign up? Why did ugly foids ruin this for us?!

Reverse stonetoss is not working well for leftards

these fuckers literally shit their pants getting offended at a comic that says alt righters are retarded lol, imagine being so fragile and easily offended you can't even call your opponents retarded without having a mental break down about how that isn't nice to "neuro-diverse" people like what the fuck.

This was posted already, but it's worth it to highlight how unfunny the second Victorian age leftesits are.

The what now?

Weakness is a virtue, apparently.

Uncle Ted predicted this

Excuse me sir, but literally shitting one's own pants is a legitimate medical disorder and not something that is properly subject to mockery. Please adjust your behavior in the future. Thank you.

Sorry but pedantic sarcastic ramblings online with strangers is also my disorder. Please include a warning before using it.

I knew it was bad but I didn't know it was this bad.

I learned real quick to disconnect my political life from what I find entertaining on the internet privately.

Good work brother! I bet you don’t watch porn on the subway at full volume, either.

Cope faggot

What am I coping with here again?

Being a leftist and having it make zero sense and you know it

I have no idea what you thought I was trying to say, but that's not it.

You have thoughts and feelings Theyre hard to express because your confused you feel leftist but you think and look like a nazi

I don't 'think and look like a nazi' because I say faggot on the internet and I shared a Stonetoss comic once. It does not conflict at all with my strong leftist economic beliefs.

The only part that's hard to reconcile is other people reacting to spicy internet humor as if it's Nazi rhetoric, so I simply keep my interests separate.

Ok so your a nazi apologist. Sorry same thing as literally hitler





Ugh, can we please refrain from using ableist slurs? It's really disappointing and disheartening to see my fellow comrades being this ableist, and it really makes me feel unsafe

This, but unironically.


  1. This is what happens when the left ... -,

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Imagine needing to find a reason to get offended

Yeah, for example I'm offended that wh*tes exist without needing any particular reason.

OK but real talk do you think you're going to win over the working class by telling them that they're being a ableist when they say meanie words like stupid, idiot, dumbass, retard, etc.?

I ask because I'm probably one of the few people involved in this convo who has ever worked with the working class and they would unironically bully you if you went to their jobs and told them this stuff.

They hated him because he told them the truth

I think it’s because they don’t consider the working class to actually be the working class. In subs like that I have seen them say construction work, fire fighter, plumber, electrician, garbage man, etc. are not the working class. They seem to think only IT related jobs and being NEET are true working class.

🙅Cops, veterans, coal miners

💁Transgender software engineers from San Francisco

You can think of him whatever you want, but sometimes his comics are spot on

I forgot coal miners. Yeah cops and veterans are already out to them because they keep the system in place.

Also don’t forget the people who beg over social media and YouTube.

The funny thing is they don't understand how working class people think. They believe if you just offer them a bunch of handouts and put them on the dole they'll be content and go along with whatever hare-brained schemes you concoct. President Obama and Hillary turned WV from a reliable democrat stronghold to a red state where only one democrat holds statewide office with their "I'm going to kill the coal industry" rhetoric. They thought offering retraining programs and government assistance would make that acceptable to the people they were putting out of work. Turns out those people want to remain in the little mountain towns they grew up in and dig shit out of the ground for money instead of learning to code and moving to a nice coastal city where they tax you to death and let hobos shit in the street. It was over for the left the moment they decided they'd rather represent affluent urban/suburban voters with the expectation that the working class owed them their votes and would fall in line. Turns out that when you stop representing people's interests and start talking shit about them they stop supporting you. Who'da thunk it?

Now they just sperg out about the electoral college because it's unfair and demand more immigrants so that problem will solve itself.

The entire left is just coastal elites bitching that they cant control the country, hence They are trying to destroy the electoral college.

Turns out that when you stop representing people's interests and start talking shit about them they stop supporting you.

Sweaty, that's because your nazi mind and thoughts haven't been corrected. Stop being a piece of shit and let us correct you by voting for us you idiot, you absolute moron

Coal industry has to die. Deal with it. Learn to code.

Your grandfather has to die eventually, too. That doesn't mean you smother him with a pillow because you're tired of waiting.

That's rather presumptuous. You don't know anything about my grandfather.

the stance on cops and soldiers is the most hilariously misguided part. We all know grandpap Lenin's revolution was successful because he shat on the people who knew how to use guns and fight as a unit, right? lol

Even if this weren't just a fun LARP they already decided to alienate the people they'd need most for anything to happen because they remind them of dad

Where The_Reason_Trump_Won when we need him?

He hasn’t noveltyposted for ages.

"Working class" is mostly a code phrase for non white and minority

They don't really care about the working class, it's all about identity to them

It’s because the working class has become too rich in western countries to like socialism so now they just target it at NEETs who want free shit and college kids who haven’t had to pay taxes yet.

It’s crazy I made as much money at my old construction job with a bunch of Mexicans making $14 an hour (no taxes paid) and still made more money than I do at my real actual $20/hr job.

What's the argument there? I can imagine them calling the people in those professions icky lumpenproles, but perhaps their take is even more retarded.

Most of it revolves around landlords and keeping that broken system in place. Since those jobs benefit land owners they aren’t working class.

Fascinating. Thanks.

BTW I know about an investment opportunity in the toll bridge industry, you interested?

No, I'm poor.

Just look any theead involving police unions. If you're a cop you apparently shouldn't have any workers rights.

Cops could use less rights tbh

Nobody actually makes that argument obviously

That was my first thought, but we probably underestimate the retardation of extremely online leftist LARPers.

Edit: don't forget that many of them are mentally ill.

The SJW culture people are actively against any kind of class based politics, because they are largely either "PMC" type middle class or else ridiculously wealthy, and whining about ableist language allows multi-millionaires to claim victim status because of self-diagnosed mild autism.

I think there are many working class people who buy into this crap, sadly.

Sure. But the more reliant you are on your own labor, the less enthusiasm/tolerance for this crap you will have. (Which is just what the comment quoted at the top of this thread was saying.)

I ask because I'm probably one of the few people involved in this convo who has ever worked with the working class and they would unironically bully you if you went to their jobs and told them this stuff.

Soo correct and true. My work is pretty blue collared and you get picked on for much less than unironically parroting commie shit.

Commie shit is one thing but I found many receptive ears to talk of unions while i worked construction

There is nothing inherently wrong with unions. I'm in a union and I support them heavily. However unions sometimes leave a shit taste in my mouth when they defend true fucking dirtbags and said dirtbags keep their jobs. Looking at you police union.

Of course only a true mongoloid doesn't see the benefits of a union if your not the one paying people.

I don't know, there's some pretty heavy propaganda out there against organizing labor

Ah your a burger.

A mannerbund by any other name

You’re trying to tell me Twitter and Reddit aren’t actually representative of society?

Sounds like something Putin would say

Me when Russians make the Labour Party lose big time and Blormph win. 😾

Weren't the Russians helping the lefties this time? Or was getting caught a part of their plan?

Lefties are actually convinced that Putin fucked over Corbyn, the guy who hated the EU before it was cool and wants to disband NATO.

Nah, it's the opposite mate. Liberals (both right-wing and progressives) are anti-Putin, and, as such, anti-Corbyn. Literal leftists (socialists/communists/anarchists) are typically more pro-Putin (by virtue of their anti-Westernism), and are nonplussed about Corbyn's position towards Putin and Russia.

The old Labour establishment (think the Blairites) are very much concerned about Corbyn and his soft position vis-a-vis Russia. Just as in the US, it's less a left-right dispute, but a hawk/isolationist angle.

For instance, Clinton, Obama, Romney, Gingrich, Rubio are all fairly unified in their anti-Russian stance; this cuts across party lines. Whereas both Sanders and Trump have received criticism for their unwillingness to confront Russia more directly (although the Sanders criticism is more a matter of tone than policy, obviously).

Does this metaphorically make me Jesus?

They really wouldnt though because even working class jobs have HR departments now. They just laugh about it behind their backs

Twitter/Reddit lefties will have you thinking there's this whole generation of woke, hypersensitive youth that will make us into Sweden by 2030. Then a real person comes in slaps them with the dick of reality

The US misunderstands Sweden so badly, they were sterilizing their retards until recently, now they stopped but I'm pretty sure once the data comes in they'll be back at it soon enough.



Rightoids are clearly retarded so how do they ever win?

Gee I fucking wonder

Just look at how they're responding to the UK election. Their reaction is saying Corbyn was too much of a centrist and they need to be more fucking insane and extremist to appeal to the masses.

This is what happens when you think your communist RP discord server reflects the majority of people in the world

Almost like communism is an escape valve for retards to expend energy into nothing so they die off childless and quietly never riot


The day of the helicopter is nigh upon us

Being against communism is inherently racist and VERY problematic and this is why

Yes I know waking people up to the evils of communism is exactly what you opsecing world slave owning neo liberal market socialists don’t want

Be a public figure and say you’re against socialism and see what WE do to YOU sweaty. It won’t be pretty, but it will be woke.

Lol seems like being against socialism is like being against starvation it’s what gets you elected

Lol, the whole "we have to be more extreme" after losing an election is one of the most absurd things in the political world.

Republicans did it with Trump and it worked but only because of immigration, nobody liked the other shit. The idea it'd work for lefties in the west is insane. I suspect most of it is because they're obsessed with the idea "neo-liberalism" has caused all of this, so they think if they go even further left then people will come around and reject capitalism or something.

Trump is different from the average conservative, he didn't run on a platform consisting almost entirely of religion and "think of the kids." In that way, he's more moderate than most conservatives. The only thing he was more serious about was immigration, and even on that he's pretty mild in contrast with how huge of an issue it is. Trump only seems extreme because he's bombastic and often speaks in hyperbole and absolutes, his actual stances are pretty tame.

Trump is one of the most far-right presidents in modern history.

Go look at actual policy, not what he said. He's already trying to gut foodstamps and shit.

His first action in office was again, directed at protecting the wealthy. He's a con artist and his policy choices have been completely in line with the conservative establishment.

If by "right" you mean "I don't like him" then sure. But conservatism, AKA what right-wing generally means, is heavily based on traditional/religious values and the idea of having less government intervention in the daily lives of Americans.

Given that the X axis on the political compass represents the ideological difference between pushing for pure equality of all people and pushing for a strict social hierarchy (such as India's caste system), and the Y axis represents the scale between libertarian and authoritarian ideals, Trump really isn't far right at all, and may even be on the left side of the spectrum. He's all about taking advantages away from privileged classes, like illegal immigrants, trans people, and black people. In fact, I'd put Trump pretty close to Ghandi on the political compass, while someone like Sanders would be as far right as Hitler, though on the libertarian side of the spectrum.

Alright, watch this.

Has Trump's policy agenda thus far been catered to conservative evangelicals and the GOP establishment?

He's all about taking advantages away from privileged classes, like illegal immigrants, trans people, and black people.

We're done here btw.

Oh no sweaty you cancelled me ahhhhh :(

Lmao no his policies have not catered to evangelicals and the establishment. I already told you, Trump is basically Ghandi 2.0. One of the only ways he could be even more left-wing is by taking away things like handicapped parking and wheelchair ramps.

I'd argue that Trump was LESS extreme on other issues compared to folks like Santorum.

Maybe. He was more in the "racial demagoguery" camp than the others though.

Trump basically ran on a bunch of talk radio conspiracies, things the GOP had been claiming for years but the establishment types all knew were bullshit and not going to use them in a national election.

Trump saw the opening and went for it.

Like deep state? Cause that shit was apparently real

No, it wasn't.

Gimme a C gimme an O gimme a P gimme an E!

Ah yes I remember Trump running on talk radio conspiracies, like uhh... um... uhhhhhhhhhh help me out here.

The guy literally went on infowars and has repeatedly used fringe-right conspiracies.

Such as?

  • unemployment numbers are fake.

  • Ted cruz's father was involved in the JFK assassination.

  • Obama has a secret Arab ring.

  • Obama is working for ISIS.

  • There's a deep state coup against me because I'm being investigated for breaking the law.

  • Climate change is a Chinese hoax.

  • Vaccines cause autism.

I caN give you a list if you want, there are literally so many different fringe conspiracies he's repeated it's insane.

I don't think you can disprove any of those things, especially climate change :)

If the world is getting so hot, why is there still so much fucking snow? Retard lmao.

Because it has nowhere to go?


Time to add this to the number of times you've been BTFO, you low-IQ pedo.

Yeah, you got me for sure.


Their reaction is saying Corbyn was too much of a centrist and they need to be more fucking insane and extremist to appeal to the masses.

I don’t doubt you, but could you post a link? This sounds hilarious.

Holy shit this is incredible. “Left” and “right” exist relative to where the status quo in a country is. Johnson is to the right of the status quo. What is so hard for people to grasp about this?

What is so hard for people to grasp about this?

It's not about grasping what one can objectively observe. It's about redefining everything so that you're never wrong. That's why they claim "sex" is no longer the same as "gender" even though the two words have been interchangeable ever since they were first introduced into human language, why you can be "healthy at any size," why someone who is observably a man is actually a woman (or vice versa), or why "it wasn't real socialism/communism" whenever you point out that their idiot socio-economic system of governance demonstrably fails every time it's tried. That's why they're The Party of Science!™, so that they can tell you you're a backwards yokel if you disagree with any of the things they say that are demonstrably wrong. Sadly, that gets a lot of mileage when they can co-opt and/or bully legitimate authorities on certain subjects to go along with them, which is why the most recent DSM no longer counts trannies as delusional nutters.

The DSM actually does still classify gender dysphoria as a psychological condition, even if they don’t categorize explicitly as a “mental illnesses.” That classification covers every non-delusional transgender person, since the ones with legitimate gender dysphoria would probably benefit the most from reassignment. That obviously doesn’t cover the nondysphoric “im too cute to be cis uwu” lunatics, but those people invariably have cluster B personality disorders anyway so the DSM still has them covered.

the nondysphoric “im too cute to be cis uwu” lunatics

If I was trans, these are the people that I'd want to please shut the fuck up

My trans friend hates them with the fire of a thousand suns lmao

And you can’t even criticize them in any but a handful of select transgender spaces. Look at /r/truscum sometime, it’s full of people like your friend venting about the fact that they’re expected to relate to teenaged brats who sometimes change their pronouns within the space of an hour and to “he/him lesbians” (not making that last bit up).

The DSM is a collection of massive oversimplifications about things we don't really understand in the first place.

It isn't meant to actually categorize every quirk of the human brain - it exists so that a GP can prescribe you pills in the span of a 10 minute appointment - because psychiatrists simply don't have time to see everyone.

Tl;dr When you pretend their is no objective reality you say crazy shit. When you religiously believe reality isn’t real and you can just create your own, you become willing to bully people and still feel righteous.

These people think Democrats are the rest of the world's fringe, extreme right, best not to think about their logic too hard

He thinks burgers can look at anything outside an American perspective


God I love redditors. I don't think there's ever been a more densely-packed hive of political retardation and major social unawareness. Even 4chan's retards are sometimes right and know that they're retarded social outcasts. Reddit's retards are almost always wrong and seem to think they're somehow enlightened and above the average person.

The whole world is shifting right because pretty little rich mayo pony boys and girls became too pursuit in their little elite circles and starting insulting everyone into submission, and old rich mayos who started the shit to begin with to feel good about themselves stayed quiet because they didn’t want to be lynched by their own creation.

Now normal ass people are like holy shit that’s retarded. Notice how almost nobody gets blue pilled? That’s because they got bullied by lefties into being pretending blue until eventually reality kept misaligning with what lefties said and they woke up and where like holy shit that’s retarded

It’s almost like back in the 90’s when a bunch of kids with southern baptist parents woke up and said holy shit that’s retarded and became vocally atheist-pilled (not just agnostic, but actually against Christianity.)

Western leftism is basically a retarded religion.

Tankies know they dont represent the masses. They want to force the masses into accepting their will by violence if its needed

Just like the bible said, don’t focus on the extra chromosome in your brother and pay no attention to your extra 17

Because they’re not willing to call them a retard. Their entire ethos is based on shaming others for no no words meanwhile proper leftists are getting ruined by association with these freaks

What are the stats on a Dick of Reality?

The best way to win over working class vote is push for more ethonationalist politics with good welfare and labor rights.

The people involved here are all pathetic.

Jesus Christ, you guys (sorry, you "folks") are a caricature of what Republicans think Democrats are like. Can you make your own party, please?

Lmao everyone was having a productive conversation and then you came in and got all offended

After pushing another person out of their party this dude will dumbfounded when the lose the next election.

Not very dank tbh

Remove the retard nonsense from the second panel and just have the clown say all that stuff with a 100% serious face. Remove the dialogue from panel 3 and just show the woman walking away instead. There, comic is 30% funnier.

Well there's around 28 words in that comic which is actually a low count for a lefty meme.

While it is well established that "brevity is the soul of wit", I am afraid they will not take the subtractive approach to improving that comic. If anything all they will see is the negative space in which they can fill with a hastily constructed, concerta-fuelled dissertation.

I am afraid they will not take the subtractive approach to improving that comic.

They're incapable of condensing what they want to say. That's why Trump's twitter is so brilliant. He can piss off more people with a 280 character tweet than most leftists can with an article in Mother Jones.

This ^^^ All it takes is some forethought and this comic could've actually been funny.

IMO the last panel would be even better if it said "WHY WOULD JEWS DO THIS?!!"

You know how to make a man feel special 🥰

It's worse.

good OC

I've actually noticed a pattern with stonetoss's comics in regards to this.

When you look at a comic of his, there is ALWAYS a frame of nothing at all being said.

His favourite tactics are either to pan out or to use questions to reframe the focus.

very smart, but quite simplistic.

Also, the comic is unfunny

Most of what passes for left in the US doesn't have a sense of humor. Instead they have replaced all that useless stuff with """"""""""comedians"""""""""""" just telling them what they want to hear using the structure of a joke.


Laugh comedians have been replaced by woo! comedians that must have thought they were showing up for a Ted X talk.

don't use the R word, use MAGAtbrain instead !!!

Dear god

Why do chapos think these preschool-tier insults are effective? It's crazy to me how they think shit like this and calling terfs "FARTs" is going to make them look like the reasonable side

They're trying to emulate Trump in spirit. They have subsumed crass playground insults as a good political tactic since it's the only thing that makes mainstream media news headlines. This behavior is politics now.

The difference is 'Lyin' Ted' and 'Crooked Hillary' are actually fucking funny and directed at people who deserve mockery. It works in Trump's favor because he's a showman and understands human interaction. Very Online Leftists have only ever interacted with their smartphones so they lack this finesse.

Sorry losers and haters, but my I.Q. is one of the highest -and you all know it! Please don't feel so stupid or insecure,it's not your fault

True wit here.

Even wallowing in narcissistic rage and insecurity, his tweets are perfectly crafted for maximum seethe.

“@realDonaldTrump: I would like to extend my best wishes to all, even the haters and losers, on this special date, September 11th.”

(Quotation marks in original.)

Memes aren't 'wit' either - which is what we're talking about - but memetic, repetitive styles of humor are effective means of communication and clearly work as a populist tool. This is part of the whole crux of why the left is failing.

effective means of communication

Communication? Not really.

There's an asymmetry insofar as the left needs to communicate, while the right can rely on merely disrupting discourse, which is inherently easier.

clearly work as a populist tool

Not sure what that's supposed to mean.

Communication? Not really.

Yes, really. Memes are shorthand. When you see "Epstein Didn't Kill Himself" what do you think about other than "ha ha, yeah, pretty funny?" Those four words convey a lack of trust in our institutions, a belief that the wealthy and connected get away with all kinds of crazy bullshit, the idea that our news media can't be trusted to find the truth about serious issues, and/or that our society has gone so far off the deep end that you're considered crazy for pointing out something as obvious as "Epstein Didn't Kill Himself." A picture is worth a thousand words. When that picture comes with BOTTOM TEXT it speaks volumes.

There's an asymmetry insofar as the left needs to control communicateion, while the right can rely on merely disrupting discourse, which is inherently easier.

Corrected for accuracy; when your political opponents control the bulk of the means of public discourse, the media, movies, television, books, magazines, etc., you have to find a way of breaking that monopoly and inserting your message. That's one of the reasons why memes as shorthand are so effective. It interjects topics those who attempt to control the public discourse don't want people discussing. It injects ideas and opinions that are contrary to the official position taken by those who are trying to control what everyone sees and hears into the public consciousness. A good example of this is Joe Biden and the Ukraine/Burisma shit. When the story first starts out, everything is about Trump trying to "extort a foreign government for political advantage" and anyone who said "what about Biden?" was told there was nothing to see and only a conspiracy theorist would see a problem. Since then, the mainstream media has been pushed to actually talk about Biden and Burisma because it keeps getting memed, or the conversation gets forced in places they can't control, like congressional hearings. When Ambassador Yovanovitch testified that the relationship between the Bidens and Burisma represented a conflict of interest it wasn't discussed much in the mainstream media, but people noticed. Now you have democrats (likely supporters of other primary candidates) openly and aggressively asking Joe Biden about Burisma at campaign appearances, and he's not prepared to answer with anything except challenges to do push-ups. He's not prepared because he believed his media buddies had covered for him and the subject would be verboten. He wasn't ready for things that the media tried to sweep under the rug to be memed back into existence.


A good example of this is Joe Biden and the Ukraine/Burisma shit.

This isn't really what I was talking about before -- I was thinking of ideas, not facts. But it's a good example, just not for the reasons you think though -- it's a good example of discourse being disrupted.

Trump's conspiracy theory is easily refuted, but there's no way to get that information out to the rubes who believe it. I actually posted about this like 10 times in /r/conservative before I checked my inbox and received 10 bot messages about automatically deleted posts. Oops! Turns out you cannot actually argue these points anywhere, you fuckers are all stuck in little info-bubbles where global warming is a hoax, Barack Obama is a Kenyan-born Muslim, and vaccines cause autism.

So this comment of yours is a legit first, I am really curious to see how you would defend this story. Do you believe that Shokin was an uncorrupt prosecutor who was actively pursuing an investigation into Burisma? Do you believe that firing Shokin resulted in a new Ukrainian AG who was more corrupt and less likely to pursue a legitimate investigation into Burisma?

Trump's conspiracy theory is easily refuted

Yeah, I remember when "they spied on Trump Tower" was refuted...only to find months later that it had been spied on, then to have that spying confirmed in the IG report. Oh! Sorry! We're not allowed to call it spying, right? It was just "electronic surveillance?" As if a euphemism changes the reality of what happened? How many other times have Trump's assertions been called "conspiracy theories" only for us to find out later that Orange Man was right? When does continually being proven wrong hit the point where you just admit nothing is the way you think it is?

Do you believe that Shokin was an uncorrupt prosecutor who was actively pursuing an investigation into Burisma?

Whether he was corrupt or not he was investigating Burisma. Crazy Uncle Joe requesting his ouster doesn't look kosher in retrospect.

Do you believe that firing Shokin resulted in a new Ukrainian AG who was more corrupt and less likely to pursue a legitimate investigation into Burisma?

Since the investigation into Burisma was dropped after Shokin was fired I'd say that it's pretty likely something wasn't as it should be.

How many other times have Trump's assertions been called "conspiracy theories" only for us to find out later that Orange Man was right?

Orange Man tends to show his hand with language like "people are saying" or "that's what the word is" or "An 'extremely credible source' has called my office and told me." It's not subtle. If he believed his own bullshit, he wouldn't try to maintain that kind of distance from the claims.

When does continually being proven wrong hit the point where you just admit nothing is the way you think it is?

Where do you think Barack Obama was born?

he was investigating Burisma

Thanks for answering.

What's your source on that?

You can only reference shit that people already have in their minds. That's not communicating.

This is ultimately a mathematical fact, about which you are simply objectively wrong. There is a whole field called information theory, look into it.

A picture is worth a thousand words

Yeah if it's like a map. Not when it's a facial reaction.

You can only reference shit that people already have in their minds. That's not communicating.

By that logic, speaking isn't communicating because you already have to understand syntax and the definition of words before it can work. Of course memes don't work if you don't have a base understanding of what the shorthand references, but language doesn't work when you don't know the words, and I would hope you aren't suggesting speech isn't a form of communication.

This is ultimately a mathematical fact, about which you are simply objectively wrong. There is a whole field called information theory, look into it.

I dropped out of a Communications and Media major to play with computers for max cash, sweaty. Information theory is all about the broadcast and storage of information and deals with shit like information compression. It doesn't have anything to do with what we're discussing.

I dropped out of a Communications and Media major to play with computers for max cash, sweaty. Information theory is all about the broadcast and storage of information and deals with shit like information compression. It doesn't have anything to do with what we're discussing.

What? Yes it does have to do with what we're discussing. And it also explains the problem with this point about "speaking isn't communicating because you already have to understand syntax and the definition of words." The actual informational content measured in bits is necessarily low in a meme, in a way that is not true about a book written in English merely because it relies on the speaker knowing something. Relying on existing knowledge isn't the same thing as only being able to refer to existing knowledge.

Speaking can convey information, but memes by nature can't convey much of it. (Granted, sometimes, one particular bit of information is super duper important.)

Replying to your edit:

Corrected for accuracy; when your political opponents control the bulk of the means of public discourse, the media, movies, television, books, magazines, etc., you have to find a way of breaking that monopoly and inserting your message. That's one of the reasons why memes as shorthand are so effective. It interjects topics those who attempt to control the public discourse don't want people discussing. It injects ideas and opinions that are contrary to the official position taken by those who are trying to control what everyone sees and hears into the public consciousness. A good example of this is Joe Biden and the Ukraine/Burisma shit. When the story first starts out, everything is about Trump trying to "extort a foreign government for political advantage" and anyone who said "what about Biden?" was told there was nothing to see and only a conspiracy theorist would see a problem. Since then, the mainstream media has been pushed to actually talk about Biden and Burisma because it keeps getting memed, or the conversation gets forced in places they can't control, like congressional hearings. When Ambassador Yovanovitch testified that the relationship between the Bidens and Burisma represented a conflict of interest it wasn't discussed much in the mainstream media, but people noticed. Now you have democrats (likely supporters of other primary candidates) openly and aggressively asking Joe Biden about Burisma at campaign appearances, and he's not prepared to answer with anything except challenges to do push-ups. He's not prepared because he believed his media buddies had covered for him and the subject would be verboten. He wasn't ready for things that the media tried to sweep under the rug to be memed back into existence.

ROFL, wall of text. Please use a meme.


still unemployed then?

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Post chud, hogbreath


That's because they have the minds of children. Same reason they like baby talk.

Chapos: i watch disney+ for the floofy pupper poopers

Also Chapos: I am an intellectual on the same tier as Soviet philosophers.

Where's the lie?

This is the result of a psychological complex in which people who are innate cunts congregate together and convince themselves that they are on the "right side of history".

Not to say that we are not cunts here on arr drama, but at least we aren't deluded into thinking we're above it all.

Cultivation of self awareness is the ascension path of the tribe of narcissus, leading to the pinnacle of bussy appreciation.


Because the right side started it first

LOL, what cucks!

lol, that's some serious boomer shit like tRump

Rightoids in shambles



it's chronically unfunny

Autists aren't leftie idiots. I'm fucking a hater of politics. They're all corrupt.

I'm fucking a hater of politics. They're all corrupt.

This is unironically the correct take

Politicians aren't human

No they're certainly not.

What if I told you critical theory was co-opted by the establishment before you were born?

Say it with me

The left can't meme

when you cant even get the meme you stole right

I am convinced that all these people have a mental illness that effected the part of their brain that determines humour.

It's called autism.

Liberalism* 😅

Literally the best type of leftist activism is bullying the soy contingent into silence and shame.

This is like someone at Jeezebel making a meme.

Who fucking cares whos illegal and whos not in the context of THE SYSTEMIC KIDNAPPING AND MURDER OF CHILDREN THROUGH NEGLECT!

What a sub

Because fuck trying to be respectful towards neurodivergent people, right?


Dude, retard lmao.

Wow most of the posts on that sub are stale boomer level memes and they call themselves dank

If the leftards still cling so hard to those “traditional masculinity and traditional culture bad” shit, there would never be a time where they can eat the rich or they better be prepared getting killed with the rich under Strasserism.

well it's called "Dank Left"

u know there 12 right