After the worst defeat since 1935, Labour redditors takes a deep introspective look at their personal beliefs

1  2019-12-14 by TheLordHighExecu


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Lol labour lost the working class vote

At the expense of attempting to gain the middle-class southern millenial vote. A demographic who

  • Traditionally (and objectively this election) don't bother to vote

  • Grow into conservatives after a couple of years

Labour didn't make a serious effort to lure these people out though. Everything about Corbyn was designed to appeal to a 1970s Yorkshire miner, right down to the fact that he was pro-Leave at the time of the referendum. If they'd made their party leader a Blairite who was willing to relentlessly demagogue the Europe issue, they would have done vastly better.

Unfortunately, working-class people are generally not very bright and tend to vote for whom they personally like when the issues are too complex to immediately grasp, and that's obviously gonna be BoJo. Like, even though I wouldn't trust the fucker farther than his gut sticks out, I wouldn't say no to a pint with him.

Half of my dumb family left Scotland because the coal mines went under, what's wrong with appealing to Yorkshire miners?

learn to code

Nah I'm good, I've got two trades and make way more than I could in Scotland or Italy, unless I want to fall on fire into the North sea or have to deal with the Ndrangheta wogs.

Then the mines aren’t your concern. You can stop pretending to care now 🙂

My granny still lives there, luckily she got grandfathered in to owning her house and decent pension because of unions.

She told me that my grandad was on strike for a year and they could only survive because of the union, the only time I've ever heard her swear was calling Thatcher a cunt.

My grandma “accidentally” collected pensions she wasn’t supposed to for like seven years by “forgetting” to report my grandfather’s death

Wtf? Turn her in. My Gran's a saint and would never do that shit.

She’s dead too now.

Ah shit, my condolences, my grannies getting up there now as well, my parents still fly her out so I can still take her out for a game of golf, but I don't know how long shes got.

Still though she never commited fraud so Jesus has been more lenient on her than yours.

Thanks. I think that had she gotten caught, she probably would have pleaded memory problems. Knowing her, she probably thought that the 💰 was her right as his better half, and if the company didn’t see things her way then that was their problem, not hers.

She sounds incredibly based, RIP

Thank you, she was phenomenally based.

Thatcher is a hero for how she dealt with the unions

Disagree, you anti union scabs would be fucked without the Labor movement.

I am not even a con or a bong lol, though I probably would be a con in the 80s, back when cons had some sense in them and weren't just a bunch of populist culture warriors

What the Labour movement achieved in moving us out of Victorian working conditions doesn't mean they still had the right of it by the 1980s. Should we discuss?

Imagine having such a shitty set of skills that the only people who will employ you are sociopath slave drivers.

Imagine striking for a year and thinking the mine would still be in working order when you went back.

So why not retrain them instead of losing skilled workers to emigration?

Imagine striking yourself out of a job and thinking it's someone else's responsibility to retrain you.

Imagine not investing in your workforce until they have to move overseas and contribute to another countries economy, then 20 years later you need to import unskilled third worlders to replace the native workers you shat on.

Any way it worked out for the best of millions of Brits and Euros that moved to Australia US Canada NZ etc.

Wait, you needed to retrain these people, but twenty years later it's unskilled labour you need?

(meme with the confused guy sweating over the two buttons)

What are you talking about? Britain lost skilled labour to Australia.

What are you talking about? You said 20 years later you need to import unskilled third worlders.

(By which time a sizeable proportion of the skilled labour from 20 years ago that the gummint didn't retrain would have been retiring anyway.)

Wait are you British?

Yes. Sorry, my use of the rhetorical "you" may have confused.

Yeah so British tax money was used to educate and train workers, only to have them move overseas, so Australia is gaining skilled educated British workers that it never had to invest in to begin with.

As in, Australia gained skilled British miners that the British didn't need mining any more?

Yes, but wouldn't it be more efficient to re-train those workers? Also it's not like it's just miners, my mum's a teacher that you lost because half of her family moved to Australia and she followed.

I don't know, would it? The money spent on training them to mine is already lost -- arguing that you need to retrain them in order not to waste it is a prime example of the Sunk Cost Fallacy. As to losing skilled relatives, that's another issue really; you'd need to argue that you need to make sure no-one ever wants to emigrate in case someone else goes with them that you wanted to keep, and by the law of averages, you make it back later when the unskilled labourer you're importing from the third world (mentioned a few posts back) brings his wife the doctor with him.

Ok so how many English Australians are there, do they out number Poms here, or how many Australian Italians are there?

We left your god forsaken continent for a reason

We were happy to see you go for a reason, and one of the main reasons is the log-sized chip on your shoulder you nurse to this day. :p

Lol no, Brits and especially Italians did well here.

And we're doing just fine without you. It's win-win!

Imagine never striking and losing your job anyway when the company hires McKinsey to explore profit exponentiation and synergestic opportunities (which just happen to mean massive layoffs)


Going on strike for a year is probably why the mine close down.

English mate.

The mine closed down because you went on strike for a year.

It’s tough luck, but the coal mines were the victims of creative destruction. The rest of society isn’t obliged to keep paying for dirty, overpriced crap once cheaper and cleaner options become available.

Besides, leaving Scotland can only improve one’s life.

Yeah but why not retrain people before making them leave the country? Anyway we moved to Australia where we know how beautiful coal is.

Because you can’t teach an old dog new tricks? Idk but this sounds like a trade that raises the IQs of both countries, as they say.

NZ prime Minister said that about kiwis coming hear lol.

What they’re just buying their cole from china

I already said "cheaper options"

they're the reason we only have 2 more weeks before the earth explodes according to that autistic bitch

right down to the fact that he was pro-Leave at the time of the referendum

He was too afraid to say this and just sat on the fence the whole time. He ran for student politics than anything like Labour used to run.

everything about Corbyn was designed to appeal to a 1970s Yorkshire miner,

Well it wasn't designed very well was it considering the Yorkshire, North East and Welsh miners all voted Tory lol

I said 1970s.

There haven't really been many new miners since the ones who were alive in the 1970s.

If they'd made their party leader a Blairite who was willing to relentlessly demagogue the Europe issue, they would have done vastly better.

LMAO yeah they could share the Lib Dems 10% and the Tories would’ve grabbed the rest. Maybe they could’ve produced extra Edstones, that was a golden idea.

Weren't you whinging a day ago about how the Lib Dems screwed Labour over by splitting the Labour vote? Now you've decided that they're irrelevant lmao. I wasn't even thinking about peeling off Lib Dem voters though, I was thinking about getting people who only care about politics because of Brexit to actually show up at the polls. Jeremy Corbyn was a catastrophic Labour leader and your schizoposting isn't going to change that fact.

Leaded gasoline was phased out in 1990, I’m afraid that’s exactly when babies stopped being produced that were capable of growing up and voting Tory.

The fact people keep trying to claim this was about anything other than brexit are retarded.

Had labour came out solidly against brexit they likely would have won, but they kept trying to walk the line to appease unhinged rurals.

This election literally proves the opposite since the openly por-Brexit conservative party won big. But I'm sure you'll tell me how that actually isn't true, despite it being what happened.

You need to look at the vote increase and the vote loss.

Add up the lib dim votes and the labour votes, and the other parties for example.

Pizzashill is right. If you add up all the people who voted for Labour, and all the people who didn't, you would get a convincing, overwhelming majority.

100% of the voters were either for or against Brexit.

Labour lost like 2.5 million voters, conservatives gained about a third of a million

If the plurality of the voter base voted for a pro-brexit party, the plurality of the voter base is probably pro-brexit

Are they pro-brexit though, or do they just want the shit-show to be over?

Like, a lot of people have no idea what a brexit deal even looks like outside of the questionable promises being made by the conservatives.

The conservative slogan "let's get it done" is a lot more effective than "we'll work on it."

Brexit isn’t an inevitability though

If the voting population wanted to stop it, they could, but labour got BTFO because they want it or Corbyn is literally so retarded he doesn’t deserve to be a politician

He was enabled by the Labour voters who thought it would be smart to defeat Brexit with a pro-Leave politician.

Brexit is a “yes or no” question. “Plurality” means “largest minority.” You know what happens to the minority on a “yes or no” question? It loses.

Hasn’t the yes or no been answered already by the referendum?

Yes, but the death rate among boomers literally raises doubts about how people would vote today.

The more of them dropping dead the better

And besides, I think I was wrong, conservative doesn’t have plurality it has majority

Because they won the majority of individual races and the UK allocates seats by constituency, unlike (for instance) the Netherlands which allocates them by total national vote share.

Implying I care how spice traders elect their politicians

You’re just salty that the Dutch have a higher standard of living and no chavs.

Implying I live in bongistan

Wokies constantly hope the opposition will just die already. If there's an ounce of compassion in them, they at least just hope this will happen naturally.

Everyone does this, some people just aren’t ‘tistic enough to broadcast it. Also, boomers are tumors.

Oh, you sweet summer child. Boomers were tuning in, turning on and dropping out decades ago. We had free love, flower power, Woodstock, Glastonbury, psychedelia, and later punk rock, God Save the Queen, fascist regime, anti-establishment nihilism and all the rest of it. We weren't born sensible elderly people with a mortgage just about paid off and a little put by in the bank for a rainy day - and you too will one day open your mouth and hear your dad's voice coming out of it.

And this doesn't happen suddenly, it creeps in its petty pace day by day, and as fast as boomers die off, children grow up and mature to replace them.

The thing about boomers that made them so unique was that there were more of them. That means that while we had more teenagers 50 years ago, now we have more old people.

And that's a good thing!

My whole life I’ve been just in time to live as a refreshing take on an almost-forgotten classic. My turn as an old fuck is going to be lauded for centuries.


The same "unhinged rurals" which accounted for the near entirety of Labour's old voterbase and just awarded Boris a landslide majority?

56% of the seats


Yes, in real terms an 80-seat majority is a monster, especially as after 2010 Cameron had to form a coalition with the LibDems and in 2017 May had to go cap-in-hand to the UDP.

Yes, unhinged rurals. The bane of civilized democracy in every western country and the core of every unhinged political movement in recent history.

Fuck them, stop pandering to them, let the conservatives have them. They are outnumbered.

The only unhinged rural here is yourself

Unhinged rurals feed the world ya navel gazing metro cunt.

Machines designed by urbans with 4-year degrees grow the crops, Ned Ludd.

Yeah seriously. Go to any rural center of industry and literally everything worthwhile is designed by urbans. And owned by or paid for by urbans.

I'm not anti-rural but let's be honest here.


I'd rather cut them completely off and import food than deal with perpetually enraged western rurals.

They are a cancer on society. We do not need them, they can be replaced.

If you consider Australia to be a western country (you don't), something like 90% live in major cities but we still voted for a climate change denying evangelical into power.

If you consider Australia to be a western country

Australia isn’t even a country at all.

Feels like it sometimes.

The real cancer is downvoting the lolcows.

Wow a leftist who prefers to do business with 3rd world slaves in countries with no environmental laws over his own countrymen? Color me shocked.

Pizza, the UK isn’t like the United States. The working class are outnumbered , but half of the people outnumbering them hate labour and will never ever vote for them. Oh yeah, and those voters want Brexit as well.

Sure, maybe working class voters are all dumb as a stump, but Labour literally can’t win without them.

I actually know the electoral system works differently there tbh. I was more so just using this as a chance to attack American rurals.

Don’t you have children to gawk at?

You're a child rapist.


Stop raping children.

Lol. The best thing about this pedo shit is how pathetic you are. You wanna fuck kids man. Turn yourself in.

For the love of god stop abusing children you sick fuck.

Without your walls of Wikipedia text you’re just boring.

For fucks sake, please, stop abducting children from the local park and trying to bribe them with 5 dollar bills to perform sexual favors on you.

I’m sure you’d know a lot about that.

Yeah, because I've had to contact the FBI over your sick discord rants 2x.


I have to say, this conversation was so hilarious that I have tears in my eyes. It made an already great day even better, and now I'm off to bed. Bless ya both! Hey, teacher! Leave those kids alone!

Man you aren't taking PoJoM having fucked a black guy well at all. Don't worry you don't measure up to her white exes either.

Lmao what.

I'm sorry did she tell us about her black ex before you? Must be rough finding out this way.

Sometimes it blows my mind how clueless and gullible you guys are lmao.

I was more so laughing at the fact you think larps had something to do with me calling that person a child rapist.

You and your uncle going to add him to the list of black people to beat up?

"you guys are gullible'

"let me repeat another larp I also fell for."

You mean like the erping pojom leaked that shes confirmed is true?

Right, very true.

The fact people keep trying to claim this was about anything other than brexit are retarded.

This is the truth.

Had labour came out solidly against brexit they likely would have won

This is the lie.

Coming out against brexit and harping on the fact the population was repeatedly lied to would have been good.

The lib dem did that. The lib dem didn't win that election.

Pretty sure the bigger issue is rurals being given more power than their vote share tbh.

Conservatives got about as many votes as the other parties but still ended up with a clear majority.

Cope harder cracker.

Rurals are the best among us and should obviously be counted twice.

Its a circular argument of sorts.

What was Brexit about? Yet another culture war driven debate where the working class sided with the nationalist right against the woke left who wanted more immigration.

LMAO and Corbyn was pro-leave

Thanks brother

MuH iMiGrAtIoN

Can you go five seconds without thinking about immigration, that would be wonderful. Anyone who thinks immigration has any negative effect on their lives at all should be declared mentally retarded and stripped of voting priviliges.

to appease unhinged rurals.

you mean labourers? the people this party was supposed to represent?

They fucked themselves. Time to adapt and build a new base.

change the name then. I'd like to see who most would vote for between the conservative party and the reddit mods party

If you want to be a lib vote lib dem. Christ. Stop trying to make Labour into a second Lib Dems.

You can represent someone and find them unhinged morons who need to be lead to the right answers.

Don't downvote the lolcows. That's what really cost Labour the election.

Anyone can see what's happening in the West. At a time of prolonged economic stagnation, cultural uncertainty, and looming resource-driven crises, with rates of suicide, addition, and celibacy higher than they've ever been in the developed world, with the masses open to new economic policies, the left ... got hijacked by a small gang gender-abolitionist furries. And nobody else on the left seems to have the courage to tell these unstable grifters to sit down and shut up.


The UK has only been dowhill since christianization. It used to be pretty cool.

The UK has been going down hill since they got rid of powered wigs tbh.

They passed a tax on wig powder just to upset the Prince of Wales at the time. He was kind of a chad, in that he invented pants, but he was also fat, and therefore not human.

It's not really true. The 'left' in the US is some kind of warped equal opportunities pro-capitalist centre-right system. The left in Europe tends to be centre to moderate left wing social democracy. I've known a few proper leftists (as in unironically calling each other 'comrade' leftists) and they don't give a solitary shit about gender identity and similarly superficial social issues.

It's not that the left has changed, but that the left are so few these days you almost never hear what they have to say.

I've known a few proper leftists (as in unironically calling each other 'comrade' leftists) and they don't give a solitary shit about gender identity and similarly superficial social issues.

Go away stupidpol

Just because we focus on material conditions doesn’t mean we’re reactionary jackasses

Of course you aren't, if you were you might win occasionally.

Yeah, that’s what Labour ran on.

Please sit down boomer.

Quick, put your pronouns in your Twitter bio.

Literally nobody knows that, just people are guessing it because it coincides with their jerkoff fantasies

Imagine thinking a winning strategy would be not only to abandon the working class, but actively discriminating against them (BAME shortlists, prioritizing foreign workers who suppress wages etc.).

Labour pretty much all but told them that the most they can offer was a lifetime of welfare dependence in place of any substantive change and were surprised that their voters finally decided to tell them to go fuck themselves.

Abandoning the working class by giving workers members on the corporate board and granting them 10% share of companies. Instead of just kicking black people and promising the whites that you’ll hand them the scraps that went to the brownies afterward.

Well I hope the whites of Britain enjoy that vast piece of the pie that brown people supposedly had! It’s all theirs now, all like 1% of that national income, what a bonanza. They should have a party with their white brethren owner class who afforded them this incredible looting opportunity of other incredibly poor people who also had jack shit. And Labour tried to bribe them with a mere 10% worker ownership of national capital, good thing the upper class knew better.

That's quite the spergout. You appear to be talking my native tongue but I haven't a fucking clue what you're on about.

I think he’s trying to say that working class brits being against mass immigration that drives down wages and strains social welfare nets are racist because obviously blue collar self-interest is a dog whistle for racism.

I agree 100% too because being anti-immigration is being anti mayocide.

You seem to believe that someone who works with their hands for a living would be a good steward of capital. Who told you this?

I mean there is already polling that says it wasn't brexit or even their shitty politics, it was how hilariously incompetent and unpopular Corbyn was. Which is fucking hilarious given how hard the far left edge of Labor is trying to defend him right now.

like seriously, people who tell that its all because of Brexit - according to polling, there is at least a plurarity that is anti-Brexit, but also Corbyn has - 75+ point approval rating, the worst approval rating of any opposition leader and even any majority leader since the history of polling

how is not the fault of far-leftists again?

It wasn't even the far leftists, it was Corbyn lol. The most relevant poll had defectors who voted labor last time, and there were more people pissed about the leadership (Corbyn) than Brexit and economic shit combined. A less brain dead commie would have won lol.

This is like saying does leftism or brain damage come first it’s chicken or the egg

Yeah but like there are less brain damaged commies than Corbyn and with how unpopular Boris was they could havewon.


Corbyn was considered unpopular until it came to an election, and then he'd do much better than anyone was expecting, and this was something that happened several times in a row. The people who were expecting a Labour victory (or at least a Tory government without a majority) were expecting a replay of that.

Labour ran on a far left platform in 2017 and gained seats and cost Theresa May here majority. Clearly though one other election utterly disproves the left and Labour should wrap up and became a second Lib Dem party. Because that’s what people really want in their heart of hearts, the Lib Dems, but called Labour.

You’re basically a garbage version of pizzashill 🗑

A lot of the old labour ridings got split by LD where there'd be like 1 or 2 votes because Mrs Milligram can't read without her glasses.

Huge fuck up by labour.

uk cope

I don't understand any of the details, but the only important thing is that they are finally putting the nail in their own coffin.

Some pure, unfiltered cope in the raw

lmao imagine losing working class voters in coal mines in the norf, to the fucking Tories of all parties


Literally the demographic polls haven’t been released yet, you are pulling shit out of your ass. There are no working class coal miners anymore, the Tories killed them all.

Corbyn: "We won the debate but lost the election".

It's real

Limey Cope

Honest to god, I kinda wish ol' Jezza wasn't voluntarily stepping down. Because at this point I think enough of Labour has gone so far down the rabbit hole of his cult of personality that they might actually vote to keep him yet again despite losing.

ol' Jezza

Found the australian XD, deport it!

I kinda wanted to see him cling on and say he wouldn't resign. Literally cause a major party meltdown and force him to be removed.

He would win in 2025.

tl;dr ~ yt pippo holding onto their country while they can because in few years they won't have enough votes


Their personal beliefs need more than introspection.

This, but unironically.


  1. After the worst defeat since 1935, ... -,

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They do understand it is about the religion of peace

Ah idealism, always such simple answers. Let’s just purge one religion from the face of the Earth, which is uniquely evil for some reason above all religions, and literally it will be a utopia. Please totally ignore material conditions and focus on purging discordant ideals.

Let’s just purge one religion from the face of the Earth

I guess reformation would be a good thing and maybe realizing that most of the stuff in their book is retarded

Hi are you a faggot?

Do you like sucking dick?

If so come over here and suck my dick real good.

fucking commies

Maybe no one wants to listen to old white males like sanders and Corbyn

President Sanders

politics isn't logical. It's emotional.

We should work on trying to fix this, if true, rather than blaming labour

I love how communists are so out of touch they think they make sense

How can you be in touch with boomers after all the leaded gasoline they huffed in their youth. You have to be on a lot of lead poisoning before you can understand the boomer mind.

Clearly when that Clement Attlee guy lost in 1935 he should’ve immediately gave up, Labour should’ve just wrapped up and become the Lib Dems. Clement Attlee and his beliefs had been utterly disproven by that election and no longer had any place in Britain or the world.