Alt rightoids on anti coomer sub admit to being incels

1  2019-12-16 by TeeEssDoubleU


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How does touching yourself stop you from getting a date bro

Since porn is both super addictive and part of the Zionist conspiracy to bring about the mayocide you tell me.

It's any part of your statement a bad thing?

I see nothing wrong, either.

tfw 20 and never asked a woman out.

its just not in my nature, i dont know whats wrong with me.

You've literally just said what's wrong with you, ya tit.

They finally admitted something that was incredibly obvious

Not only do they remain virgins, they'll go to any lengths to make sure that everyone in the group remains a virgin. "sex before marriage is degenerate", "you are degenerate if you marry a woman who isn't a virgin trad wife" 🤭

It's slave morality ultimately.

Last part is based though (the virgin part)

Unironically, no hymn no diamond

This sub is what happens when minimally educated unintelligent people join together to find common ground and project their own self loathing to the rest of the world. There has never been anything clever that I have ever seen from this sub. I will continue to look for humor but I am just starting to think that loss and anger plus unemployment equals humor


  1. Alt rightoids on anti coomer sub ad... -,

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So are you like the guy who goes to NA meetings to find people to sell heroin to?

Never leave money on the table

Not worth the risk of rejection, especially in current year where you have close to no chance unless you're in the top 20% of looks/money


risk of rejection

Dumbass braincels don't realize there's little to no risk asking for dates unless it's a workplace where you can get in trouble with HR.

That would require them to have contact with women outside of where intermingling is mandatory.

Serious question: Where does someone meet a woman outside of work and schooling?

Dating apps



Grocery store

Recreational organizations/clubs

Community events


If you have to approach them it's already over though. A woman who is attracted to you will make it abundantly clear from the getgo

Strip clubs, battered women's shelters, planned parenthood, local OBGYNs.

Cough cough ehem


Pikachu face

Is the data legit?

god i wish that were me

sup my dudes.



perhaps. but strong men are forged in fire. i want to sire white children and raise them properly, seeing as the majority of my cousins have failed to do so

What is it with these mayo losers thinking women want their seed?

Take the muslima pill. There's muslimas that are very aryan presenting, so you don't need to race mix.

Lmfao. Every white supremacists is all against race mixing until they get a wiff of that brown gussy.