Canadian police announce Yaniv is facing weapons charges from the August raid of moms apartment.

1  2019-12-17 by McFluff_TheCrimeCat


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  1. Canadian police announce Yaniv is f... -,

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Not officially confirmed but also potential sexual charges against yaniv listed as limited access for now. Which means it’s something potentially serious.

Why the fuck didn't you lead off with this?!

organizing sexy kid events

rcmp sleep

have gun


mounties maintain an agent in the modlist here. be careful

lol who

I'm a free American. What are they going to do, cut off my Molsen and maple syrup? Molsen is piss-water and New Hampshire has better syrup.

Molsen is piss-water

I didn’t crush six pints of Export tonight to have daddy Molsen denigrated like this.

I'm honestly shocked you're more offended about the Molsen comment than you are about the quality of your maple syrup.


Day of the Rake when

i need out of this shithole

epstein would've been fine if he just set up shop in canada

Truly the Al Capone of the 21st Century.

Didn't even have a gun just 2 tasers.

damn can't even have a toy gun in syrupland?

Basically. The Mountoids have even been known to confiscate legally owned weapons, though. It’s just their thing.

Every cop needs drop guns makes sense

You can have a legit gun, you just have to either use it for "hunting" (rifle) or "target shooting" (pistol).

Two tasers that the Mounties would never have found had he not brandished one of them at Blaire White during a video chat.

Not even a gun, some pussy ass tasers lmao

Not even a gun, a stun gun.

Lol you can't even have some Chinese low voltage stun gun toy in Canada?

What the fuck?

The average RCMP officer would have a heart attack walking into an average American's home.

I remember driving through Canada a few years back, I was driving and reading something on my cell phone, but keeping it below the window so it wasn't so visible . RCMP officer thought he saw me doing it, so he was trying to sneak up beside me in a literal RCMP mini van to confirm. I caught him out of the corner of my eye and kept my eyes up so he wouldn't see me looking down, then I slowly turned my head toward him and dramatically widened my eyes.

It legitimately startled him and he sped off asap.

I've seen my Canadian brother talk to RCMP like they're shit on his shoe during a traffic stop, and the officer apologized. They're seriously just maple syrup filled pussies.

You shoulda brandished your gun at him, which is an American pastime.

I could probably just have showed him my circumcised American penis and let him know what a real man looks like.

Many Canadians are cutcels too.

Like me!

Hot af

It is though lol.

God 🙏🏻 bless the USA 🇺🇸 🦅

Same for bongcops walking into a Harbor Freight. $5 machetes as far as the eye can see.


Islam was right about A FUCKING LEAF.

You can own some guns in Canada, but can’t legally use them for self defense. Canada is a based society full of positive rights

What's the point of a gun if I can't use it to perforate someone's body 30 times for setting foot on my cow pasture in Montana?

I truly don’t know

We have the same issue in Australia, some methed out clown breaks into some pensioners house and gets shot, the home owner gets investigated and boomers go nuts about how this cunt deserved more than a bullet wound.

I haven't considered how hilarious Aussie boomer rage must be. The sun's definitely gotten to their brains by that point

Lol I'm a tradesman, you should hear some of the shit they bitch and moan about, I'm an immigrant and I've been told multiple times that I'm alright because I'm the right colour.

That’s only sort of correct. Self defence is not considered an acceptable reason to seek a permit or own firearms, but there is no actual law forbidding you from defending themselves with them. However, if you do shoot an uninvited minority home guest of some sort you absolutely will be charged with a list comprised of nearly ever firearms law the crowncels can even figure is relevant. They’ll argue that you violated storage laws based entirely on the fact that you had your gat ready quick enough to use it, for example, along with manslaughter. You’ll probably get off after having lost a small fortune on legal fees as you never actually violated the law to begin with.

Firearms law in Canada was once unbelievably based, before Justin’s mom’s husband and all the successive Liberals came to power and cucked us.

Tasty leaf cope 🤤

Nigger I’m just seriouspost explaining how things are for you.

And if anything this is seethe.

Bonus cope 🤤

Not true. A moid near Montreal killed a cop invading his house on a no-knock raid and got away with it because he thought they were home invaders.

Not without a loicense u can't.

God bless America.

You can have a legit gun, you just have to either use it for "hunting" (rifle) or "target shooting" (pistol).

What about cannons?

Why do trans women cause so much more drama than trans men?

To be really dedicated to becoming a woman you need to embrace the dramatic tendencies

Estrogen makes you crazy

Secret plan by men to prove men are not only superior in all many things by also in alk things... drama.

Trans men don't gain anything through transition.

This is absolutely hilarious.

It's remarkable how well the people in the article pass, but testosterone really is magic. MTFs wish they could pass half as well as the average FTM.

I was watching something with someone who used to do disguise work for the CIA and she mentioned that it wasn't hard to do disguises from female to male, but was extremely difficult to do male to female.

Wear baggy clothes

Wear short hair

Speak with deep voice

Bam, everyone will treat you like a feminine man.

Pushing gender aside, ask your self who sticks out more in a crowd:, a short person or a tall one? Now imagine how much more a tall drag queen would stand out in a crowd. Transmen just look like short, slightly effeminate men. Transwomen aren’t so lucky.

I don't think people appreciate that about the "IT'S MA'AM" guy. He was a good 6 inches taller than everyone else in the room. Even if he passed otherwise, his height would give him away.


The foid is in the most privileged group in history. Foir stories of shocked pikachu

Four former women discover female privilege exists and they don't have it anymore.

Because there are way less of them

because trans men dont exist

Boys will be boys

It's twofold. A decent chunk of them seem to have a stereotypical/fetishistic view of womanhood and act all dramatic as a way to perform the role. Also estrogen can fuck with your emotions. It's the same reason why the pill or menopause makes some cis women nutty when they were normal before.

Because they have the tenacity of men with the entitlement of emotional women.

Because faggots are dramatic?

Thank God Canada is cucked lmao

Yaniv is a trans icon this is outrageous

lol try to sue a bunch of people, get thrown into jail from an interview.

If he has to do time, there will be plenty of dramz when they decide if a dude in a dress should be in a female's prison. He'll be in pervert heaven when people are too afraid to throw him in a male prison.

The women in prison would be beyond his preferred age range. Although I bet he will be a huge perv in the bathroom.

in what fucking beta country are those bitch ass little tasers illegal. god i love muh freedom because when i see threats i want a threat god damnit

I remember of her on her electric chair and could only picture Cartman in a South Park episode.

Jokes on us when she is inevitably sent to a women’s prison.

I'm sure the fine ladies of Canada's women's prisons are lubing up their broomsticks just thinking about that.

“Well, I sodomize chomos as a matter of principle, but I really just don’t want to touch him.”

-Deborah “Big Deb” Anderson

Jonathan (((Yaniv))) BTFO!
