SJWs finally making themselves useful? Harry Potter lady is getting cancelled

1  2019-12-19 by jorio


When I was little, my dream was to one day ask you how people like me would have been accomodated for in hogwarts..

Giving retards and sexual deviants with a high suicide rate magical powers seems like an insanely bad move.

But then again, nothing less then magic could make a majority of reddit mtfs look passable.

You'd this this troontard would have realized they could... you know.. probably have magic be used to make them switch sex if they're playing pretend hogwarts?

No, they're never satisfied. Remember the Baldur's Gate remaster? They had a troon when the game has a belt that changes your gender when you put it on.

Eugh don't remind me. Troons ruin everything.

Yeah poor you, getting your videogames ruined. Did it blueball your conzoomergasm?

your videogames

subreddit commented in count %

Games 33 6

Nigga, you currently post in more vidya game subs than I do.

Someone has to spread the Gospel to the unenlightened, and that word is very offensive given you are a mayo.

Someone has to spread the Gospel to the unenlightened,

Ah the *I-i only post ironically to those subs!" defense. Yet I didn't have to scroll far to see you serious posting about civ games.

you are a mayo.

Is this how you cope when you are posting? To show the world the growing cavity in your cranium?

I didn't say ironically, I said I was spreading the gospel, in this case irritating people who were taking games seriously. Mayocide is not cope, so stop seething.

I didn't say ironically, I said I was spreading the gospel, in this case irritating people who were taking games seriously.

Sounds like you take your gaymes seriously.

Mayocide is not cope, so stop seething.

Then do us all a favor and complete your self-mayocide.

You're supposed to counter "seethe" with "dilate". This is the posting equivalent of stepping on your partner's feet while dancing.

I don't square dance.

This is an elegant waltz you rube.

>thinking you're elegant


Bitch please, the only fox hunt you have ever been on involved tinder and anthrocon.

Only literally.


I'm elegant like one of those European pornos where all the chicks are 90 pounds, strung out on stevia, and trafficked from Hungary.

Sounds like my first wife tbh

I didn't say "packing more meat than a gay keto fitness YouTuber"

No, that was my indian name.

Your posts are so fucking retarded that I am mildly annoyed, so I was forced to upvote you.

Look what you made me do.

Sorry, thanks


The cursed belt of gender swapping was a staple gag item of AD&D. Am I missing the joke or are we tripping on some /v/ shit?

We ain't talkin' about the belt, son.

To be fair, that items predates cancel culture by a few decades: See (if you can, considering the ill-conceived background image)

You're not getting it. The remake is firmly in the cancel era, and makes no sense given the existence of the belt.

wait what? I played BG and BG2:EE and the only "Troon" I remember is Edwin or w.e that dick mages name is being forced to wear a sex change belt

It was in Siege of Dragonspear, Beamdogs game that takes place between 1 and 2. It's alright. The troon is a priest(ess), a side npc you don't have to talk to. But gamers gonna game

Its in the expansion thing "dragonspear" I'm sure if you duckduckgo "baldur's gate trans' you'll find it.


That wouldn't give them special status of tranny, so it wouldn't be enough

Excuse me, the preferred term is "gendertarded"

Trannies wouldn't exist in Harry Potter. They'd magic their bussy into gussy. They'd still be insane narcissists tho.

"How do I make my anime sex brides real? I wish to summon them and we would be in the ultimate lesbian poly relationship. Please teach me this spell, Professor."

"How do I assassinate a person who insulted my post on somethingawful? I need magic to make them die, please. Oh, that and these black kids who make fun of me at the grocery store."

That's what's in those weird books in the forbidden section of their library. Anime tiddy spells.

Suddenly I’m ready to say fuck the house cup and do a night raid.

"Oh, that and these black kids who make fun of me at the grocery store."

Lynchicus non Racistus I swear guys it's non Racistus.

Brother go study Plato

I missed my fucking accounting Final and philosophy final. I thought they were on Wednesday and Thursday when it was actually on Monday and Tuesday. Luckily my accounting proffessor just averaged my two previous exam scores and made that my grade. What a bro.

Bro you serious right now

I really am drama's biggest retard.

LMAO you might have just not studied lmao

I've never failed a class. So I think I'll have to retake it or something. But if I do I'll retake it at a city college and just transfer the credits. My girlfriend goes to city college and she said it's easy there.

Most schools have grade forgiveness for at least 1 class.

That's fucking weak, bro.

ha yes, but it's good if you fuck up like are romulan did.

But isn't that kinda the point if you fuck up the tests how can you be trusted to not fuck up in the real world?

Well, people do fuck up in the real world. :-)

I think it's worse in college though, because you can't graduate and it can kill your GPA based on one mistake that you can't get out of. You are stuck. At least IRL, you fuck up and might get fired, but you can move on to another job. IME, most companies don't fire you for fuckups as long as they aren't some dumb HR issue.

I think my college gave you 2 grade forgiveness chances. You still have to retake the class, btw. You can't just erase the grade and then go. You have to retake the class.

I feel like GPAs from college don't matter much. Unless you're some need that goes to grad school, LOL

lol true. They don't in the job market. Only if you want to go to grad school. HR people tell you to only emphasize your GPA and college on a resume if you went to Harvard or some other Ivy league school. I don't even remember what my GPA was in college.

Mine was a 3.0. my highschool one was 3.4 and my ACT was a 27. Took that test 5 times

Now tell me your acadameic details pls

If you're just graduating with an undergrad, it works and you graduate and who cares about GPA. I took the SAT cuz I'm old but I don't remember that score either. lol It was good enough to get me into college.

Congrats on finding the one way to fail philosophy

Philosophy is a completely bullshit class but retardedly difficult. Reading Aristotle is harder than reading the Bible.

just read the SEP article ahahaha just google it ahahaha

Thanks 😊

Imagine reading king james instead of a modern translation like esv fucking loser

Imagine reading a protestant bible.

Imagine being a pope cuck instead of a superior luther-pilled and 95 theses based protestant chad

Imagine being a pope cuck

Implying I'm not a sedevacantist.

Based and TIL


Aren't there like only 6 lines that are different

> papistry


Have you seen the modern English Bible translations? It just makes the Bible sound autistic.

I have esv bible yes. And a king james one to larp with

Modern English robs the text of all majesty, "and yea we wept when we remembered Zion" becomes "we thought about Zion and we cried"

Revised English Bible is pretty well-written

In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. The earth was a vast waste, darkness covered the deep, and the spirit of God hovered over the surface of the water

Hovered is a poor choice. It makes me imagine like a Casper ghost floating six inches above the water.

Also real Chad's learn Greek and read the Bible that way. Apparently Revelations sounds less crazy the better your Greek is. The English translations took some real liberties, like when they turned a phrase meaning "cricket noises" and translated it as "the whispering of demons"

It's like they hired the Fox Kids dubbing staff.

It makes me imagine like a Casper ghost floating six inches above the water.

That's probably closer to the Israelite's understanding of God (a literal being floating like 10 miles above them) than our modern interpretation

The Israelites believed in the True God, don't be a queer about this.

I'm not joking though. The Israelites believed that the god(s) were floating a couple miles above them in heaven. No wonder they feared YHWH.

I don't like the implication you're making about their religious beliefs not being true and accurate

Okay Christcuck

Why would you study the Bible if you're going to believe in biblical inerrancy

Maybe because any self respecting intellectual would study the one book in the world that is perfect and contains the unalloyed truth? Now stop being a sodomite or you're going to get saltpillared.

brainlet. at least get to hegel before whining here

My worst nightmare. Maybe you should get off reddit.

Children OUT

Plato was a fat gay retard.

I agree.

I mean.... yea? Aristotle tho 😍

They'd still be insane narcissists tho.

Narcissa Malfoy confirmed tranny.

They'd magic their bussy into gussy.

they would still be ugly though.

Trannies wouldn't exist in Harry Potter.

Yeah, Madame Pomfrey would fix that shit in a second. "Oh, you think you're a troon? Nah, it'll be fine. Here, drink this and fuck off"

Fascism arises because of the collapse of institutional legitimacy of liberal institutions. That's how we got trump and that's how we're gonna get what's coming next after him, that's gonna be even worse, because if you think that there's not gonna be more ecological and economic catastrophes in the future that liberalism is wholly unsuited to fucking deal with and that that failure is not gonna lead to fascism filling that fucking hole, you've got another thing coming.

And that's what these guys are. These guys who marched in Charlottesville, these are the people who are aware of the unspoken premise of the sort of zombie neoliberalism that we're living in which is that we're coming at a point that there's gonna be ecological catastrophe and it's going to either require mass redistribution of the ill-gotten gains of the first world or genocide.

And these are the first people who have basically said, "Well if thats the choice I choose genocide." And they're getting everybody else ready, intellectually and emotionally, for why that's gonna be ok when it happens. Why they're not really people. When we're putting all this money into more fucking walls and drones and bombs and guns to keep them away so we can watch them die with clear consciences because we've been loaded with the ideology that these guys are now starting to express publicly.

On the other side of them you have people who are saying in full fucking voice, "No, we have the resources to save everybody, to give everybody a decent and worthwhile existence," and that is what we want, and that is the fucking real difference between these two. And you can tell that to the next asshole who says they're two sides of the same coin.

Your pulitzer's in the mail

I am a bot. Contact for questions

trump bad

Why they're not really people. When we're putting all this money into more fucking walls and drones

I love how partisan retards really don’t care if Yemen children get blown up by drones. Until a white president does it

I love how partisan retards only care about foreign children when it benefits their cause.

I love telling you how fucking fat you are.

I'm 800lbs and roll around on a gurney

I dont care about foreign children unless they are here illegally.

Non-partisan viewpoint here.

Personally, I care even if they are here legally but in too great number.

Yemen children are radical centrists.

Like how nobody cared about "concentration camps" on the border until we got a Republican president, and they'll go back to not giving a fuck as soon as we have a Dem again. At least Commies have the decency to REEE no matter who is in office.

Damn straight. Lol why the fuck would we give up our nation's wealth and quality of life for hordes of poors when we can bomb them and stimulate our economy at the same time. Appeals to emotion only work when you're talking to women and men who are basically women

Based and black-pilled.

Something enjoyed by fascists and trannies alike is the funny fox tv show Family Man. Check out the sub /r/familyman!

It's a good sub!

They have good taste!

if Chip Chipperson likes it, you know its good!

hey Chip how do you feel about Patrick S. Tomlinson?

Not a fan.

I'm LL honesty fatrick was a poor target to have that sub die on

redistribution of the ill-gotten gains

This is how leftoid psychopaths justify killing everyone they don't like and stealing all their shit, for everyone who's paying attention.

"No, we have the resources to save everybody, to give everybody a decent and worthwhile existence,"

Sure, by stealing it from the white men you hate and want to murder, you bloodthirsty grifter.

"Murder" implies mayos are human

Mayos seething

Day of the pepper when

killing everyone they don't like and stealing all their shit

isn't that a staple of fascism? 🤔

Sure, by stealing them from the white men you hate and want to murder, you bloodthirsty grifter.

Lebensraum and Manifest Destiny

The eternal mayo strikes again

Something in history happened therefore it's okay for me to murder and steal today


Das rite witeboi

cool strawman argument

Fascism arises because of the collapse of institutional legitimacy of liberal institutions. That's how we got trump


Go easy on the meth bro

But then again, nothing less then magic could make a majority of reddit mtfs look passable.


Penus delitus

I like how autists spend half a day insisting that sex and gender are separate concepts and then the other half of the day arguing it's the same thing.

They want everyone to be androgynous uninspired consoomers


Masculinity defends nations. They want defenseless nations that can be subverted and globalized.


As if your fat ass has defended anything besides the last chicken tender at a buffet.

I had one just yesterday tell me that a trans women is a women, you cant tell and you are bigoted if you do not sleep with them

The irony is lost on them, I assure you.

i know people act like mtf trannies aren't real women, but surely its not a coincidence that 100% of transgender drama and hysterics are mtf, while ftm are pretty chill? what's more female than that?

Honestly a great take, I am enlightened now 💡

There was some FtM drama a while back, but they are super duper rare overall.

I'm a sex skeptic. I don't believe sex is real. There's no evidence of sex being a real thing, if it was real I would've experience it by now. "How about porn?" you may ask. Well, the answer is simple: CGI. I'll defend my belief of a-sexism even if it gets me fired or dead.

Sex is a meme LMAO sex doesn't really exist 😂🤣

Sex is cringe🤮🤮🤮

I'm a sexist 😠😠😠


How can sex be real when my penis isn't real?

This is the logical conclusion to the troidcel agenda


Ikr, I'd like to see some real proof that sex actually exists, not all these Cia agents who lie and say they've totally done it. It's like an emperors new clothes deal and I'm glad our society has finally woke up to this fact.

Hi glad, I'm Dad!

It’s probably a CIA psyop you are right.


Sex isn’t real and neither was the moon landing. Both CGI’d by the American government.

Have you ever had sex? Have you ever met someone who's had sex?

Of course not it's just a government ploy, like contrails or running water.

I'm a sex skeptic

So a virgin then?

Everyone knows every porn star is male. I'm still not convinced foids are real.

JK Rowling has been a public and proud TERF for a while now.

Round 17 of trying to cancel her isn’t going to work either.

She had only liked TERF tweets before. Now that she's actually made one, she's based.

mod rowling immediately

The thing is, her tweet is not even that TERF-y to begin with.

TERF would go all the way and make clear distinction between women and trans noting that trans are not women - sex or gender. Sex thing is clear and gender, well, if you are a "trans" then you cannot be "woman", you are trans.

JKR simply stated what I thought was a common and agreed upon paradigm - sex vs. gender, one being biological and the other a social construct.

Not enough and 2020 is around the corner, time to elevate shit.

People are increasingly moving to the position where it's offensive to make any distinction between the trans and the cis of a gender. Like it can be hard to understand their statements on trans issues some times because they are so purposely vague on this, talking about very trans specific issues without clarification. Like "Some guys on Twitter pointed out that some men do in fact have periods, thanks guys!" Again it's almost anti intersectional, intersectionality seeks to focus on the specific issues of a group of intersecting minorities, like black women. But this does the opposite, we talk about the issues of transmen as if they're just general men's problems.

Well that's what happens when you run out of shit to say and the real world is scary. You hole up and imagine your own set of increasingly complex rules.


No they aren't lol get off the internet more. Common people at the very extreme are distasteful of trannies, but vaguely accepting if not condoning.

The odd case where some poor bastard gets catfished and slits the trannies throat is rare, and frankly he should've paid more fucking attention to the adams apple lmfao.

The odd case where some poor bastard gets catfished and slits the trannies throat is rare, and frankly he should've be paid more fucking attention to the adams apple lmfao.

She's too riche and famous among them. They can't cancel her and love wandshit.

She'll just join the cancelled club, apparently they're all buddies now.

the cancelled club, apparently they're all buddies now.

its like Shrek, all the kool kids are in that klub. my friend Dr. David is

She's doesn't four years pretending that a kind grandfather who enjoys gardening and has lived a modest existence his entire life is literally the next Hitler. As a billionaire jk Rowling has always been a thousand times closer to being the next Hitler.

a kind grandfather who enjoys gardening and has lived a modest existence his entire life is literally the next Hitler.

who is this referring to?


Corbyn LITERALLY burned down the local synagogue t. J. K. Rowling

Trump of course! he's such a modest guy you probably didn't realize he loves gardening so much that he had an entire floor of his golden tower dedicated to it

This is actually the first out-and-proud TERF stuff I've seen from her. She's sent a few wink-wink nudge-nudges but this is the first real planted /ourgirl/ stance she's taken.

Based and potterpilled.

Nah after her first one she pretended to have an "old person moment"

Based TERF or creator of wandshit. Which one outweighs the other

One drop of wand spoils the base broth.

This reminds me of this Harry Potter book where he was making a potion for 60 chapters and it described the entire process in grueling detail.

This is why the Democrats are the wizards and the Republicans are the sith

When you kill muggles 😎 Bottom text

Mugglecide when

Defense Against The Dark Arts

Think about it closely


In the end the sith won just like daddy in 2020

promoting trans ideology is gay and lesbian erasure, cmv

erase my girldick, bigot


Yep the guys who just got done spending two decades waging a total war on the idea of gay marriage are really the friends of the gays

Drop the bigoted social issue like a hot potato once you lose them make a pathetic attempt to redirect the people you'd just been oppressing against the new target of your daily two minute hates

total war

Frankly it shocked me how easily the evangelicals rolled over and gave up when the black robed tyrants made gay marriage a thing

No Xian self-immolation or homicide bombers, it was pretty weak

Well daddy Popo unfortunately bailed on the burning at the stake idea so they got the legs cut out from under them. Now he's talking about no privacy for degenerates who like little bussy, soon we'll have no mods left hopefully allahu akbar.

this but unironically

Based and Iran-pilled

you are making that sound like it's a bad thing. /s



/s my /d

This but unironically.

Alright, can someone explain to me what the fuck this is about in four words or fewer?

Wandmommy TERF. Twitter cancels.

Hogwarts lady murders trannies

damn something i can get behind

White Women

Fuck dogs

Can someone explain it in more words?

Potter lady caused drama again

Give me like 20 more words

Penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis


Troons mad (x7)

Happy now, you dumb dumb idiot?


A researcher who lost her job at a thinktank after tweeting that transgender women cannot change their biological sex has lost a test case because her opinions were deemed to be “absolutist”.

Absolutely mindboggling

this is what I was looking for since I didn't feel like digging through the hellscape of twitter to figure out what brought this particular round of insanity on in the first place.

Also some of my favorite drama is watching wokies eat each other when they figure out trannies are a bridge too far.

اَللّٰہُ اَکْبَرْ اَللّٰہُ اَکْبَرْ لَا اِلٰہَ اِلَّا اللّٰہُ وَ اَللّٰہُ اَکْبَرْ اَللّٰہُ اَکْبَرْ وَ لِلّٰہِ الْحَمْد, سُبْحَانَ اللّٰہِ ۔ اَلْحَمْدُ لِلّٰہِ ۔ اَللّٰہُ اَکْبَرْ

Imagine being the only boy in a household of 6 people

I'm surprised he's not already on HRT.

He is suffering from ambient estrogen exposure, or as we in the field like to call it: “second hand vaginitis”.

boy Not for long.


Future schoolshooter and serial rapist in the making


Wait but I thought George died at the end of Of Mice and Men

Good job on using your huge platform to further marginalise one of the most marginalised groups in society.

Imagine saying this when you get weeks of queer holidays and a month dedicated to your delusion.

And when a multi billionaire, extremely famous author is being CANCELLED for saying “sex is real” because that statement might offend the 0.2% of people who identify as trans lmao

I’d go as far as to say trans people are the most privileged group in society, even moreso than gasp whte wmen. If a trans person says something factual is offensive, they have the power to cancel entire legacies of books, movies and billions of dollars

I love this tough guy act many of these literal faggots do. Like if you cant handle the REALITY that men and women are DIFFERENT than I have no clue what to tell you.

I just think it’s hilarious that cubby men in dresses with septum piercings and lipstick have the power to stain the legacy of billionaire authors

Not because they raped anyone. Not because they beat their spouse. Because they say sex is real Hahahaha literally saying first grade science is real earns you a cancellin’ and they’ll do everything they can to ruin your life

Clown world

This is why I’m glad to be rich. I can spit truth and homos in dresses can’t do anything about it

Get me fired? From what job LOL!!!

Wagecels/trustfundlets BTFO again

Making wagies rage by asking them to a long lunch on a Monday is my hobby. Oh you have to be back to the office at 1? Teehee, oh well, maybe we’ll do a weekend lunch next time (nope LOL!)

Who tf is Maya?

That video game character i think




I think the seething woketards are worse than Rowling tbh

Totally agree. I think the HP books are fine. Decent, long childrens-YA books with a pretty interesting setting but they are also chidrens-YA books. It's cute to hold onto as a sense of nostalgia and connection with others. It's annoying and immature to have that as the basis of your current-day morals.

That tweet that quoted Hagrid, ugh I haven't cringed that hard all week.

I think the HP books are fine.




And the one that replaced a word in all the book titles with transphobe 🙄

what happened?

It used to be "TERF" was a label that meant an incredible specific subset of 2nd wave radical feminists. Now it seems it just means "anyone who believes that biological sex is real".

These idiots are doing the best recruitment for them in tears. If you start calling people TERFs because, say, they don't think a trans women MMA fighter should be allowed to cave in the skull of a women, people are gonna go "huh maybe this whole TERF thing isn't so bad."

Women absolutely love their feminine character traits, so activists telling people they don't exist and aren't supported by science isn't going to win a lot of hearts and minds.

Here is who JK is defending btw

She was accused of using “offensive and exclusionary” language on Twitter for saying “men cannot change into women”. Her legal dispute against her former employer was seen as a test on whether a “gender-critical” view – that there are only two biological sexes – was a protected philosophical belief under the 2010 Equality Act.

Judge James Tayler decided that Ms Forstater’s view was “incompatible with human dignity and fundamental rights of others”. If Ms Forstater had won the case it would have legally prevented employers from dismissing staff for expressing their view on LGBT+ rights, her lawyers said.

Bongistan, lmao.

You got a license for that transphobia mate?

Is that genetic ? British Columbia had something like that too:

Attempting to persuade AB to abandon treatment for gender dysphoria; addressing AB by his birth name; referring to AB as a girl or with female pronouns whether to him directly or to third parties; shall be considered to be family violence under s. 38 of the Family Law Act.

AB is the daughter, and it's a judgement against her father.

Leafs are just frozen bongs

saying men can't be women is illegal in bongistan



kill yourself

Coping over a link. You NEETs are insane.

The fuck? Isn't the whole idea that trans women are women? lol

Haven’t you learned there is no consistency anything that can be remotely perceived as criticism of trannie is transphobic

The person who wrote the wizard books from my childhood is now telling me to bang anyone I want to so that's cool.

Ya but she also said it has to be consensual

Fucking feminazis

Reminder that she made a book and film series where the bankers are little Jewish caricatures

Wtf I love wandshit now

I've had sex many times and unless I was drunk, it seemed pretty real to me.

It's pretty impressive that a group of people have been able to annoy and shame the entire media and almost every academic institution into backing something with almost no scientific evidence while almost every normal person shakes their head at the very idea.

Saul Alinsky figured out a century ago to almost the exact day, that normies are too apathetic to do shit and at best will just shrug and shake their head at whatever you propose. You can even demand people be thrown in jail for quoting basic science like men not being women. and most people will just allow you to force these institutions to bend to your will. you don't even need a huge amount of people to do it.

Damn what a thread. The wokies are really coming out of the woodwork to disavow her. Even everyone’s favorite Daddy stalker and fired doctor makes an appearance!

Why is it all trannies and middle aged white women in that thread? It's the same people on twatter every damn day.

Why is it all trannies and terfs in that thread?


Because no other demographic cares about wandshit.




Our NEET doc Eugene Gu showing up at any Twitter party.

Also, It is both a scientific and medical fact that intersex individuals do exist and


Rape doctor brings nothing to a conversation, wow what a surprise

They like to trot this out and then never mention that the vast majority of these conditions come along with a host of horrible, debilating developmental and physical disabilities, and are often 95% of one sex's phenotype with a specific bit of biology that went wrong.

Or they decide that hypospadias is intersex.

It's also just insanely dumb if you think about it for like, more than two seconds. 0.02% people are born without legs, that doesn't make the statement "Humans are bipedal creatures" false.

Legs are a social construct sweety

Most of them do not live past their 20s either

Based and Potter-pilled

Harry potter and the transphobe's stone Harry Potter and the chamber of transphobes Harry potter and the transphobe of azkaban Harey potter and the goblet of transphobia

Okay unoriginal douche we get it.

Wow they didn't even try lol

Haha geddit guise? :DD he took the original title and replaced words with transphobe xD

Transphobes mad (x24)

The guy posting those super creative titles is a cloakshit fan. Unsurprised.

That fake doctor who lost his license beating his wife (Eugene Gu) there at the top of the comments every time 😂

It's worse than that. He was kicked out his residency because he couldn't keep his Twitter larping from seeping into his real life. He didn't beat that girl, he tried to rape her but exhausted himself trying because he was so soy soaked and she was able to fend him off. I'm pretty sure she wasn't his wife either. She then went to Twitter and MeToo'd his ass hahaha

After trying and failing that hard at rape it only would seem logical to become a male feminist


Do yourself a favor and check out the profiles of some of this twittercels they are so detached from reality.

Twitter is such an absolutely dogshit platform, holy jesus christ.

And water is wet.

Any one who seriousposts on Twitter isn't human

> Ms. Forstater has the right to think what she pleases, but she does not have the right to expect that employers will always be okay with that.

So you have the "right" to believe something but if you do you will homeless because people can fire you for beliefs?

That sounds like the opposite of having the right to believe something

Who do you think will win? Uppity White Terfs or Narcissistic Trans Folk in this oppression battle royale

I can't wait for more trans racial shit to reach this level of TRASH

Harry, you're a tranny.

How many trannies will kill themselves because of this?

I swear on twitter you could think trannies are 50% of the population

Closer to 40%

And then 30%, and then 20%..

why are intersex individuals always mentioned as if an exception to the rule means it's not true? it's like saying "well humans don't really have two legs because this kid was born with three". no you retard, that's not how that works. it's called a genetic deformity and it's not something good. you always have to speak like a child to them because they're still stuck in the fantasy that they get to be a small girl who licks other girldicks.

you always have to speak like a child to them

It's funny cause trannies are usually the ones who use that line on others, saying how you have an elementary school level understanding of biology if you dare say sexual dimorphism is a thing

Also intersex organisations themselves say that trannies shouldn't use them as a gotcha, but of course the trannies don't care

People don't get that in biology, when there's a rule, it's got a thousands of little one-off exceptions to it, because biological systems are extremely large, precariously functioning things that often break.

Responding with the amino acid sequence of SRY is sometimes good for a laugh. That makes people mad as hell when they figure it out.

It's fucking amazing that these retards have convinced themselves that taking T blockers and cutting your dick off makes you biologically the opposite sex.

Has a single trans person graduated grade 12 biology? It would seem they have not.

Live by the outrage, die by the outrage.

No wand mommy no 😢😢

Don't fall for the terf propaganda and bigotry! You'll be evil like malfoy and the dementors and He Who Shall Not Be Named 😭

Also I was about to post this 😠😠😠

The snake is eating it's own tail

You're a Woman Harry.

a hairy woman

Unexpectedly based Rowling. #istandwithrowling #itsleviOsanotleviosA


Lol I know this isn't exactly a fresh take but it's still hilarious how the woke Twitter tards will turn on each other because their shitty ideology is contradictory and they rely on witchhunts to live.

as a queer cis woman with a trans sibling

This is it. The best one yet.

Based Billionairess YA Mommy 🥰


I thought legalized anal marriage would be a bad thing, but it just meant that libs ran out of gay causes and became completely insane


Harry Potter and the transphobe stone

This tweet has over a thousand hearts and its the least clever thing I've ever read. Goddamn bluechecks are retarded.

Imagine having Eugene Gu and his hordes after you. I'd feel for her so much if she wasn't the author of Harry Potter.

"Yes, I said that Dumbledore was gay, but that was because he was cursed. He was able to overcome the curse by the time Harry got to school through conversion therapy, abstinence and Christian prayer."

Unbelievable. Looks like JK Rowling is another Russian asset.

anime profiles pictures, every time

wtf I love Harry Potter now!


Hell yeah, we're taking Harry Potter away from the shitlibs now. Harry Potter is now a story about a chad sportsjock flexing on schoolmarms and teacher's pets, who gradually turns into an alpha who uses his divine birth to overthrow the government. Along the way he's interrupted by a conspiracy between the fake shitlib extended universe and a wizard deep state, but eventually he and some friends form an anti-state militia and expose the conspiracy once and for all. At the end of the series Harry sacrifices his life for others, becoming Christian.

Also note that Ron Weasley is a stand-in for the alt-right -- he starts off as sort of a loser virgin but eventually ends up with Stacey Hermoine Granger (who isn't even white).

Haha Eugene Gu on top again

Dumbledore didn't die for this

I love that the hack "Dr." Eugene Gu is in the comments. Of fucking course he is. The dude isn't a real doctor, he got kicked out of his residency for being a piece of shit.

The only reason Maya brought up sex is because you have to, to support women's sex based rights.

A woman called Maya Forstater working for a charity has spoken about the issues of Self-id in relation to prisons, locker rooms and rape shelters.

She was recently fired for not calling this person "she" This is what Gregor Murray looks like. Indistinguishable from any male you see on the street. This is why a lot of people in this circle are rallying to supporting Maya.

Maya appears to be a feminist and there have been issues she spoke of such as in rape shelters:

Female rape victims have been kicked out of rape shelters because they did not want to stay with a male bodied transwoman in the same room who is pre-op and still presents as visually male (stubble) e.t.c and may just only be wearing womens clothes.

She has spoken about how self-id is difficult for women's prisons, bringing up how people are abusing the system. She is discusses similar things to activists such as Heather mason who spoke of the impact of bill c-16. Male sex offenders are Id-ing as trans and getting transferred to women's prisons on that basis. Cases of female prison guards being forced to strip search these self-id'd sex offenders while they have erections as by law under self-id they are legally women.

Between that and the case of Karen White who was a male sex offender who raped women and was transferred (pre-op, no hormones, no surgery) and then raped female prisoners, there is a lot of hubub in feminist circles about the impact of self-id. (48% of prisoners who Id as trans without a gender recognition certificate are sex offenders:

The issue is that this is a discussion of the sex based rights of women, to women only spaces and that clashes with the new campaign of trans-rights. The problem is whenever self-id is criticised by people like Maya there is a view that it is seen as criticising transgender people themselves, not consequences of self-id.

The reason Maya Forstater's case has received such attention is if Maya is fired for simply acknowledging biological sex (natal females) are different from transwomen, how can she even argue against self-id and it's effects..? if she cannot even speak of natal-women seperately by talking of "biological sex" in regards to women.

JK Rowling has given subtle hints to her opinions in the past. She followed "gender critical" people such as Magdalene Berns and others and got backlash for it. She is hip to all this shit.

This is all coming to ahead with Maya's controversy which is very contentious considering one of the key figures is a male presenting MTF transgender non-binary scottish councilman called Gregor Murray. She criticised Gregor and refused to refer to Gregor with the "her" pronoun. There is some controversy with Murray celebrating a death of a gender critical activist and also calling a woman a "cunt" which can be found by googling their names.

JK rowling is clearly following the gendercritical tweeters so she is seeing this from a totally different angle. She sees it as "how can a woman be fired for not calling a bearded, male presenting person "she" and what impact does this have on discussion policies impacting sex based rights if you can be fired for your views on sex being immutable".

The most ridiculous thing is the Trans activists hyperbole, JK has done top tier bait. Saying "sex" is real and having mainstream trans activists saying you are "promoting bullying of trans kids to suicide" and having so many violently aggressive and insane responses really makes them look bad.

I don't even get shocked at how often they suicide bait and manipulate, so glad people are calling it out and I think them pulling that over saying "sex is real" will make the bubble pop. I looked at mumsnet and apparently a lot of other celebrities that were silent before are going to start speaking up about this BS now.



"acktually gender is different from sex, which is why troids need to cut off their dicks and make necrotic wounds with the dickskin"