My bro’s MIL just dropped the 13/50 statistic.

1  2019-12-24 by BonerDonorKebab

I’m the only one who wasn’t nodding their head.


I totally realize most people are going to disagree with me here but I feel compelled to say that closing the sub for a joke wasn't a very kind thing to do. We have seen TONS of posts from vulnerable populations talking about how this sub is a source of support and humor in a dark time. Irony and dirtbagism aside, taking away that support without warning was not okay.

You can say I'm being silly, or humorless or reactionary. Whatever. I love the show and I love this community. But sometimes I come home after dealing with ableism and our nightmare reality all day, and this sub is one of many things that make me feel better. It wasn't a good feeling to find this sub closed for the sake of irony. Maybe that's laughable or pathetic. But for me, it's true.


  1. My bro’s MIL just dropped the 13/50... -,

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That wasn't nodding in agreement. That was the fentanyl nod.

North Carolina, so prolly yeah.

What does the 13/50 stat mean?

Despite making up 13% of the population (guess who) commit 50% of violent crimes.


Their human counterpart


I said human

Ah.... basketball Americans.

White women?

That would be closer to 6/70.

Probably closer to 90 if you are only counting unprovoked kissywissy times.

Pibble stats are far worse than that

It means you're going to be taught statistics from someone who couldn't pass basic algebra

Projection from someone who doesn't understand economics

You should probably learn what words like 'projection' mean before trying to use them

You should probably learn the fundamentals of economics before forming an ideology

Educate me then zaddy

It isn't my job to educate you sweaty

Read theory, that's good praxis 😊

Meme theory best theory

Why do you disagree with statistics libtard

Statistics are a Jewish conspiracy.

GOOD point.

Wife beats the jew escutcheons with a Rollin pin. More healthy

Yeah, but so was slavery in the US

Why does his brother and you only know statistics for other races? That's an even better question, since non white Hispanic males over represent in pedophile crimes. Also that every race attacks within their own race more, besides Asians white men attack more Asian women vs Asian men.

Saying 13/50 like you give a fuck about black men killing black men. As some coverall without speaking about what you do is getting old. Nobody is falling for it anymore.

Not to mention the highest missing persons rates, are white female adults and white female children. Common sense says since non Hispanic white males over represent pedophilia crimes and Jill more white women then anyone. That if you weren't so good at hiding bodies then your murder and rape would be even higher than it already is.


If blacks didn’t kill each other as much, they’d probably do less violence at the rest of us too. Don’t you dare pretend there’s nothing in it for us.

White males are not less violent. It's another lie. Never in history have white men been peaceful.

Why didnt you agree with the facts?

Good to know mayos spend their Christmas time with family seething about black people.

Do birds spend their Christmas time seething about cats?

Naw, we migrate to somewhere more warm. :>

In my case, I moved my desktop from the basement to the bedroom.

Your mother and I are proud of you, but you still have 2 weeks to get out of our house.

Turnabout's fair play./

You can only talk about boating trips to Monaco so much, sometimes we have to amuse ourselves with conversation about the common people.

What a based Christmas. My family just talked about the jews like we always do. Boring.

I can’t wait for my parents to bring up the prophecy of Donald Trump winning 2020. They are some of the most based people on earth.

prophecy of Trump winning 2020

It's not prophecy, it's Impeachment dysfunction and the negroes's vote that make it so.

My family just talked about the jews like we always do.

Congratulations on keeping Christmas about Jesus Christ.

Tell me more about how deeply you, personally, care about Jesus Christ.

He's my Lord and Saviour.

Sounds like you picked a winner.

13/50 is wrong because that also counts old people and kids and shit

its more like 6/50

as noted by our queen

I mean, if you discount women it goes down to like 3/50.

But most wrachets do be woman

But most wrachets do be woman

i think the 6 already did that.

and if you discount the elderly only 1% remains

1% controls 50% of crimes

are blacks (((them)))?

The 50 doesn’t count recitivism. Its more like 6/98

A bold article with a grain of truth to it.

More like a whole silo.

It also only counts solved murders, like a third of murders in niggerland go unsolved because "no snitching"/general inability to comply with civilization

Mayos be mayos

all woke pocs on social media talking about "colonizers" are effectively constructs of white liberal consciousness (which is why these supposedly indigenous ppl often adopt queer identity). they are deracinated reflections of the white moral imagination.

I’m not sure if this is troll copypasta or insightful.


Way to be the only one not based

I hope your family disowns you

Jokes on you I’m adopted

wonder why rich black people don’t commit crimes like poor black people