In a move that surprises literally nobody, Nazi cartoonistcel comes out as beta cuck

1  2019-12-24 by Can_The_SRDine


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  1. In a move that surprises literally ... -,

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He literally had posts on his Twitter where he was going to Japan and asked if any of his followers could set him up with a "fertile white woman" or something like that while he was there 🤔🤔🤔

Lol, that's the sort of internet beggary I would expect from Chris-Chan.

but why it's not like there's a whole lot of white zoomers in japan

Go to Japan

Dont try to hook up with chicks who look good into their 60s, dress up in sexy cosplay, play with your butthole, or spray your manly seed all over Toaster Strudels



Based and miscegenationpilled

Truly a pony's footwear

does that sound serious to you?

this seems to me like one of those things where he's 98% joking but on the off chance that one of his followers fits the mold, now they can make their case

Many foids being attracted to serial killers is more of an observation than a cope in my opinion. The morale of the story is if you're an ugly male, at least be incredibly violent.

Well, successful at it too

Not too successful tho. If you never get caught you are still just a creepy moid.

He got caught and he still had fans. I feel like there is a hard number of kills one needs to get to overcome creepy

Prob 3, but not at once. Style counts too I bet.

Also be handsome

Women would rather be with an actual murderer than a male feminist lol.

Wouldn't you tho?

Is murdering the male feminist an option?

It may or may not be. Can't say because Reddit admanlets would suspend me.

My mom (PBUH) visited several times a known terrorist.

Lmao is your mom crazy?

Well, she is a woman

Radical centrist.

terroriste d'extrême-gauche


Malgré ses années de détention, Jean-Marc Rouillan reste « convaincu que la lutte armée est nécessaire à un moment du processus révolutionnaire »[9], tout en précisant qu'elle doit être menée « dans des conditions historiquement déterminées »[10].

Imagine murdering a bunch of random people for your revolution that never happened and then still pretending like it had a purpose decades later.

I think she did visit him because since he killed high profiles of the French administration, "they" punished him by putting him in total isolation 24h/24 for more than years despite having health problems and one other member (female) of the terrorist group died in prison of cancer despite multiple appeals.

She wasn't particularly interested by his opinions and struggles.

Unironically you are one of the most based posters on this subreddit and I am not surprised by this (your mom visiting a terrorist in prison) at all.

One day I might be do an effort post about my mummy. Born during WW2 in a small village of Alsace, her life was full of drama. Basically a /poltard/ nightmare.

my mommy's life. Born during WW2

Holy shit how old are you?

My father was born in 1942 and I’m in my early 20s lol this guy might not be that old.

She got me at 42, that's why I'm here and probably retarded.

One has goals and follows through to accomplish them.

The other whines about worthless they are.

And be tall and have a good jawline. Are foids lusting after Elliot Rodger and Harold Shipman?

Dont know shipman, but yes I have seen that about Elliott Rodger.

Bitches need to fight me for Elliot’s beautiful DSL

Pretty much every girl I've shown Elliot Rodger has said he was very good looking

I don't think it's that women are inherently attracted to violent males, it's that women are inherently attracted to fame of any kind. It's the strongest aphrodisiac for women; stronger than height, fitness, face, confidence, whatever.

And I mean, literally, any amount of fame. Even like Sam Hyde/Rocco from Mega64-levels of F-list irrelevant e-celeb will get you "quirky, nerdy" girls randomly hitting you up on Tumblr offering you their virginity. So even if you're just the flavor of the month mass shooter that's gonna get memoryholed in 3 weeks, you're still gonna get enough news coverage to attract random foids.

I imagine for most women, the moral code of "don't be attracted to literal murderers" outweighs whatever "look at this guy on the news, he's so famous~~ uwu" effect. But for a few mentally undeveloped tryhard "I'm not like other girls~!" teenage wyte w*men, unfortunately whatever capacity they have for abstract thought is outweighed by dogbrain. My solution for shooter chicks is to give them exactly what they want – just throw them all in supermax with their crushes.

Just look at ProJared, lmfao

Yeah Nick talked about this.

No the moral is don’t be an uggo, retard

Just be Violent Theory proven right once again.

That explains why women always stay in abusive relationships... based

OH NONONONO HAHAHAHAAHHAHAHAA 😭😭😂😂😂 Stonetosstards coping hard

It’s funny that people say “stonetoss is a Nazi” to dawg him when you can just say “stonetoss is fuckin gay”

Nazis were pretty fucking gay anyway.

Seriously, bunch of fuckin drug addicted coming up with album titles for their statecraft.

Didn't Ted Bundy only kill males

You're probably thinking of Jeffrey Dahmer.

Your right

Stone toss is ugly

Stonetoss is worth it just for the blind fury he generates from the people that hate him. Unlimited Seetheworks.

lmao the comment section is basically MGTOW