NPR says IQ tests are racist

1  2019-12-25 by unrulyfarmhand


If I ever see you in real life I'll fucking make you eat cement. You got that, bitch? If it wasn't your mom coming downstairs to the basement each night to bring you a plate of chicken tenders, you would be dead with droll running into the cracks of your cheeto dust covered keyboard. I bet you weight about 400 pounds and have a string tied to your dick you use so you can piss. The fact you have to keep making new accounts suggest you need a new hobby. Stop being a piece of shit troll and find something creative to do. You only have so much time left before your arteries clog and Coonrod lowers your 2000 pounds casket into the ground with a fucking crane.


  1. NPR says IQ tests are racist -,

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It feels like they made their conclusion and are moving backwards to find a justification for it.

Basically all political science these days

So you can deny reality OR we accept it and use genetic manipulation to give everyone an IQ of 150 regardless of race.

give everyone an IQ of 150

So, maybe you could try looking up how IQ scores actually work.

IQs are determined by the average and then placed as the standard 100. Everyone CAN be 150 if you say killed everyone below 150. However they'd have to then redo the average so 150 is the new 100 (and just call 150, 100) since the point is to see who is above and below the standard. The 100 is just supposed to the average of the current population. Your snarky response is unwarranted since if you knew that aspect of IQ then you'd also know that global IQ are based upon the control group of whites (100). You knew exactly what I meant when I said make everyone 150.

So dense.

give everyone 2019-equivalent IQ of 150

Within the State of California, it is ILLEGAL to administer an IQ test to a black (Afro-American) person.

As if ...

Lmao is this true

It used to be. It has changed in recent years.

If you read or listen to the story about it you would see why. It happened a long time ago and the guy who was a child at the time got royally fucked by the school system and his mom sued the state for it. Pretty fucked up story tbh

the guy who was a child at the time got royally fucked by the school system and his mom sued the state for it.

but he was a retard. he was put in tard classes because he was a tard.

Wonder where he is now

Flunked high school, got hurt in a factory, workers comp, never learned to read but married happy

Tbh good for him

America is a funny place

It’s true. IIRC a black kid kept getting put in retarded classes because his IQ score was so low and his mom sued the school board saying that his placement in these classes limited his potential. She won the case and as bizarre post-hoc preventative measure the State of California made it illegal to administer IQ tests to black people.


California gov run like a subreddit

Wait, I thought you couldn't make laws based on race in Burger land?

Technically the way it works is that you can make any law you want to as the legislative branch, however laws frequently get deemed illegal by the judicial branch based on them being in violation of the constitution.

This would probably be one of those cases where the legislature made a law, but no one has challenged it in the courts so it stands until then. Sure, I don't know the intricacies here but you're generally correct that it's illegal to make a law that applies to or targets any specific race or creed.

It's menthol american you fucking fascist.

>are standard IQ tests racist? >a basketball american with a journalist degree: yes >literally all psychometricians: no


Tbh I would value a psychometricians opinion as much as a random citizens.

Oy Gevalt has no idea what's he's talking about, Standardized tests are as valid as Freud, Wow knowing what a Jigsaw or doing origami in your head is way more likely to be a peak mayo who the fuck could have seen that coming.

Shit like this is why Psy gets literally bullied by all the real sciences for being pussies who were such fuck ups they aren't allowed to work with children anymore.

insecure stem faggots on the internet aren't real scientists and should not be granted human rights

good thing i'm talking about actual scientists not just ones pretending to be one on the internet

Psy has to cope with it's original sin, eugenics it's why the DSMR council was encouraged to knock being gay as a mental illness out of it even without scientific proof

BF Skinner did nothing wrong

actual science is when you read a post from another insecure stem faggot and then just smugly repeat it forever

also you think eugenics is why being gay is no longer considered a mental illness? i'm starting to get why you're so set on iq tests not being valid now

Could you reframe your first sentence into something that isn't just REEE and is coherent?

also you think eugenics is why being gay is no longer considered a mental illness?

Psy is the only science bounded by morality, Math didn't have to selfreflect after they invented the nukes. Rightfully.

You're not informed enough to partake in this conversation.

Could you reframe your first sentence into something that isn't just REEE and is coherent?


Psy is the only science bounded by morality,

actual brainlet take

You were put down, in the future please refrain from discussing subjects you have no education in.

I can't even imagine not knowing that it was on the committees agenda to be on the chopping block before it was convened, no wonder your posts are so idiotic you must be a psy 101 student lmao

nice no u retard, you really showed me.

being the sort of autistic mongoloid who feels the need to flex his internet science power on drama must be rough though, so I can forgive your lack of good responses. your low iq doesn't make you any less of a person

Merry Christmas!

merry christmas random guy

So all you wanted to do was make 3 cope posts while actually being so far away from even tangental Psy you don't know basic shit? DSMR committee is like the biggest talking point and watercooler speculation

Why are you even pathetically white knighting when you're this ignorant lmao

mate I was just making fun of you for being the sort of retard who goes "uh psych has some issues so I will now dismiss everything", not my fault you feel the need to throw a tantrum about me not wanting to seriously debate you on fucking drama

DSMR committee

who the fuck types dsmr

DSM Referendum like i'm just dunking on you over and over

"uh psych has some issues so I will now dismiss everything",

imagine being upset someone criticizes a field that literally is responsible for Nazis, your cope is 50years out of style, your so ignorant you don't even know this conversation has been done to death, it's why you coped over me explaining why the field is the way it is now for your ignorant ass.

not my fault you feel the need to throw a tantrum about me not wanting to seriously debate you on fucking drama


cringe post tbh

i think it would be greatly improved if you added the word "seethe" or "tranny" in there somewhere. cope alone is just not enough anymore, it's just an even more autistic no u

cope, maybe next time before you mouth off realize there's no way a STEM could be as funny as I am

that's not true, stem nerd spergouts are some of the greatest internet tantrums there are. if you count computer science in there a whole bunch of the trans drama comes from stem too

autistic losers of all variety are an important part of the drama ecosystem, they just don't all deserve human rights.

God imagine reading my posts saying Brazilian nut theory is on the IQ test and being so smooth brained you think i'm serious

i tricked you, i was merely pretending :)

Are you going to literally spend 2 days coping or can I just ghost now kthx

I don't get what's so brainlet about the take that psychology is bound by "morality." It's really bound by public opinion on morality rather than the basic sense of right and wrong, but still, much of psychology these days isn't as objective as it ought to be. Saying trans people aren't mentally ill is like a mathematician saying 2+2 = 3, yet it's the official opinion now. Same goes for the IQ test shit. "Minorities do poorly on IQ tests so IQ tests are racist and mean nothing" is a fucking mongoloid take, yet it's popularly supported.

it's not brainlet to say that, it's brainlet to say it's the only science bound by morality. any practice that deals with humans or animals or literally anything sentient is bound by morality.

I agree politics in abnormal psych can be an issue, though it's an issue in medicine and other fields also.

that last sentence is more of an online retard take than a psychologist one though.

I could type more about it, but it's the day after christmas and I wasn't really going for an actual debate. if you stalk snally like all the cool kids do, she posts ok stuff about this sometimes, probably better at explaining it than me.

Wait wait wait what did Skinner do besides talking to pigeons?

He trained Pigeons to peck a dot on a screen

than you put a Pigeon in a missile and use it to guide the missile

Can we do the same to zoomers?

Just give zoomers an Xbox controller to guide the missiles, like the U.S. military is actually doing.

It's not cost effective to train a military member for 2 years so civilians run the target drones now, how the last F-4 Phantom was blown up iircc

IQ testing specifically has very high statistical reliability, and a number of standardized IQ tests have been proven to be racially unbiased

i'm not really talking about standardized testing in general, but standardized intelligence testing research is one of the more rigorous parts of the psychology field.

psychology has a reproducibility crisis, but that has nothing to do with IQ




A question on it's face like the effects of Granular convection is far more likely to have been applied by mayos with mayo nonsense hobbies like Bird Feeding, geology or eating nuts compared to innercity youths, this topics been done for the past decade at least lmao

dude negros lmao

TBH it's not surprising NPR and a bunch of woke ethic navel gazers reached the same conclusion independent of each other.

Lmao what do those have to do with IQ tests? IQ tests are mostly just pattern recognition, logic questions, and fairly basic math, no? Things that practically anyone would learn via regular education?

Sorry sweetie NPR is just publishing settled science, if you don't believe me there's literally a profession you pay to get the answers about the topic you want

Why pay when you can just edit Wikipedia to claim the answers you want?


As the resident r/drama geologist I have been brutally attacked on Christmas of all days

To make up for it i'll tell you Pilot Rock is pretty dope, Rooster and Needle rock are cool too, I have a type.

I would value the opinion of a journalist far less than that of a random citizen.

A random citizen probably contributes more to the world than a J*urnalist

He is even worse than a jew, he is - may allah forgive me for uttering this word - a j*urnalist

Sheeeit nigga every1 dat isnt a white ass like you know its racist


I don't know about that. When I went to college and had to take the two crappy psych courses required for my degree there was a segment of each class devoted to this very subject. There are those who reason that the tests are biased because they are inadvertently designed to fit the cultural experiences of middle-class white children (because the tests are generally written by middle-class white people), given middle-class whites a testing advantage over minorities and poor people in general.

I recall takjing about a black professor who wrote an exam that was culturally-biased toward poor people and blacks as a way of proving this point. We actually took that test during my second psych class. My dumb white ass got the highest score in the class, because even though the test was written to advantage black people, it was written in the 60s or 70s and the kids I went to college with didn't have the same experience of history I did. I knew all the old slang they didn't. That's probably another bit of anecdotal evidence in support of the theory that IQ tests can be written to favor one group over another.

I think that's also why modern IQ tests lean more heavily on testing problem-solving skills (usually puzzles), rather than on knowledge testing.

Then why do Asians do so well on these test that are biased towards middle class white people?

Worth noting that it’s not just East Asians, but also Indians, Persians, and even Nigerians who do significantly better than whites when raised in the same economic circumstances.


Eh...yes and no. East Asians have a slightly higher average all around the world. You have to remember that IQ test are valid regardless of where you take them. Persians and Nigerians have slightly higher averages only in the US. That is because of the winnowing factors. The Nigerians and Persians that successfully immigrate to the US have to defer immediate gratification in order to save enough income to afford the visa process. They must also be intelligent enough to navigate the bureaucracy. So we are getting what is called the "talented tenth". The statistics of these highly self-selective groups are not indicative of those population groups as a whole. We know this because of the regression to the mean. Intelligence has a strong genetic component. Environmental factors are important and can increase the "floor" but it is genetics that determine the "ceiling".

Because they aren't allowed to leave Asia until they can walk on the rice paper without tearing it, and you learn a lot about whiteness from walking on rice paper.


"If you a jive turkey on the street, what gonna happen to yo ass?"

1: You gonna get jumped FOO

2: Sheit nigga you already know

3: *sucks air in through teeth* you aight boi

there aren't racial biases in these standardized IQ tests by design

cultural bias is a different thing which can also be accounted for depending on the test. tests designed for an american writer are likely to be culturally biased towards americans in general (english language, common symbolism, etc.), but still racially unbiased (low variance among all americans regardless of race)


The idea that IQ tests and scoring being racist, or at least heavily culturally biased, has been around for decades, yet it always riles up men who don't even land a single standard deviation above 100

Indians shit in the street but have high IQ’s

That's cause they're poor. African countries have problems with public shitting but it's not talked about as much cause of the meme

Mostly the sub-Saharan belt. Countries south and north of that particular area are far lower than India, and they have the excuse that they are far less dense in population and open defecating in deserts is not nearly the same as open defecating in a higher moisture area.

Dude it’s not just a poor thing. They did a study that showed a lot of people choose to shit in the streets and prefer it even when they have a toilet

That's because the toilets weren't actually connected to any actual sewage network

Might as well shit in a vase tbh.

TBF that's what Europeans did for a while, then just threw it in the river. It's not like the rivers in India could get any more polluted than they are already, so they may as well just throw all their shit in 'em at this point.

Yeah but that was in San Francisco.


Indians in India have a low average IQ. In the US they score highly because it is Indians who were successful and educated in their own country that come to America. As an interesting dichotomy, the stereotype of Indians in the US is that they are smart while in my native Canada the stereotype is that Indians are stupid. This is a result of the two very different types of people immigration to each country brings.


Day of the rake

No, they’ll be a superpower six days from now. Haven’t you heard?

They blame culture instead of race because the Asians shitstomp the Mayos and the Mayos shitstomp the others.

And the Jewish master race reigns supreme

There are Chinese and Koreans who converted to Judaism because they believe that is how you actually get richn.

Are they wrong

I would like to know the answer to this question.

Two Wongs dont make a white


few more generations and they'll be running the world you watch

Jewasian master race yes!


the jews made the test so they know how to game it

culturally biased

It's culturally biased towards groups that value pattern recognition and overall education.

Rich blacks still score lower than middle class whites, whether it's IQ tests or SAT scores. Black children growing up with white parents score lower than white children under the exact economic circumstances. Asians and ashkenazi jews fair better than whites. I'm not sure why it's so controversial to just say races are different.

People think it will lead to holocaust 2: gamer edition


This will be an excellent addition to my chart collection.

It really is strange to me, yeah. Every race has areas where they're generally better and worse than the others. Doesn't seem like something to whine about or cause this much controversy over. Asians and Jews are extremely intelligent but are small and aren't great athletes. Mayos are kinda decent at everything but not really the best at anything. Blacks are generally a bit dumber but are far and above the best athletes. Hispanics are really good at cooking and making/selling drugs. Together, we all make up this retarded and fucked up Earth, and if we were all the same, the world would be less retarded but also kinda boring.

Fun fact, even Skyrim is based enough to make the Redguard have less intelligence stats.

You forgot that whites have high civilization building and conquering stats.

People with a standard deviation above the mean are smart enough to know that mainstream “authorities” on the matter will attempt to absolutely butt-fuck your life and career if you argue against (evidence) that supports their eventual goals.

Clearly any smart person should be able to see see that there are literally genetic-based IQ differences in human populations across the globe, but you’d be an idiot to say it out loud.

IQ tests are for brainlets that are too stupid to do anything with their lives

Making a huge deal about your high IQ if you’re a poor loser is gay, but saying it’s racist because yours is low is mega gay.

Based take

99 IQ take

Brainlets be like “look at these race and iq differences!!!! Haha stupid heads” but be working minim age and had all D’s in highschool

I say we reverse this on the mayo but I was not given enough coherent explanation to come up with a plan to do so smh

I can’t stand this whole obsession with IQ. Like why do we have to call it racist instead of stating the obvious: it doesn’t matter. People who completely discredit it and people who use it to say “black pipo bad” are both equally retarded.

Like I’m a dumbass and I got an average IQ score. Clearly there’s some BS involved with it, but most intelligent people are going to get a high IQ. And I don’t think worrying if your child won’t be a nerd is an excuse not to fuck PABGs, if anything nerds tend to be neurotic atheist assholes who watch capeshit so having yard babies would be refreshing

NonCapehitterCope lmao


Now I’m the one that gets to point out retarded spelling errors

Don't be an idiot.

IQ tests are one of the effective ways we have to determine whether you have the capability to continue doing more specialized studies.

Like for example, you claim you have an average IQ, which tells us that you can actually take the specilizaed course as long as you work hard. Don't you want to make some predictions about your capability like we do with weather? Because thats how useful IQ tests are to you.

These black people have vested interest in discrediting these tests because they score piss poor scores and have proven themselves to be physically incapable to do specialized shit with the exception of very small above average black people who DO prove themselves to be capable.

Ok mayo

All group outcome differences are attributed to racism, a difference of means between groups means basically nothing to an individual but it puts a dent in the official narrative.

What official narrative?

The one they teach in schools you manipulative cunt.

Are you ok?

Are you retarded? You have to either be braindead or trying to pull some psycho shit to pretend there's no official narrative on race in which group outcomes disparities are entirely attributed to racism.

Sorry to call you on your bullshit, cunt.

You never explicitly stated what you were talking about, you just claimed a narrative. Sorry. Did I miss something from a prior comment?


lol ibram x kendi

If IQ tests are white supremacist why do Jews and Han dominate them?

Why do you think they tried to kill the jews sweaty

Have you ever interacted with one?

Mayos coping over that low verbal IQ smdh

True, but at least my children won't have tay sachs.

Just Cystic Fibrosis and a lack of rhythm

Sounds like inbred cope to me haha. In any event, Merry Christmas/Hanukah to you and the rest of your mutant relatives. Hope it's a good one.


How was this year’s 🇨🇳🍜🥠?


imagine what monsters y'all would look like if you didn't let goys into the bloodline every few years, tho.

ikr? I'm done with JAPs. Shiksas only pls.

lmao larping as if you get pussy online, we both know you're hideous

Sick neg, but I'm still not gonna fuck you

implying you'd have a choice


The first cognitive ability tests were devised to identify which students needed extra tutelage to keep up with the other students, so they wouldn't be left behind. Eugenicists and phrenologists stole this concept and tried to turn it into a way to prove that "whites are totally scientifically better and I have MATH TO PROVE IT!!!"

Modern IQ tests administered clinically and scientifically are largely divorced from this origin.

Statistically, socioeconomic history (including nutrition, education, stress, trauma, among a plethora of other factors, both of the subject and the subject's parents) has a stronger correlation with IQ test outcomes than race. This makes sense, since race is an extremely inconsistent and arbitrary concept.

Ultimately, the species Homo sapiens is too genetically homogeneous for genetics to be the primary determiner of cognitive ability. Nutrition, health, and education statistically have greater effects on IQ test results.

I mean dude bussy lmao negroids

That's a lot of words when all you had to say was "I'm a big fat fucking nerd"

Thanks longpostbot


You deserve an award for typing that fast, pretty impressive

I know I am amazing

If you're interested in a good listen on this subject, check out Shaun's debunking of The Bell Curve. It's 2.5 hours long but very educational.

Why would you ruin your otherwise good comment by plugging a video by some obnoxious smug bong smh



man there are a whole lot of people in those twitter replies who probably get really, really upset when you point out han chinese and ashkenazi jews beat the shit out of white people in IQ scores

dude white supremacy lmao