Sardines question whether it is pedophilic to be sexually attracted to a foid the minute she turns 18.

1  2019-12-26 by Nezzajj


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I did a research paper this summer on this subreddit and there was a published study that found that 74% of attacks on Reddit came from 1% of source subreddits. I assume that subs like r/Drama are the 1%.


  1. Sardines question whether it is ped... -,

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All the people on KiA that rip on the Romeo & Juliet kaw scene from Transformers 5 are only bitching because they’re not chad enough to pull it off

Any man who says they aren't attracted to some 16/17 years olds is a virtue signaling retard with no spine

Could also be bussy enthusiast or a libertarian.

Let me tell you why diddling kids is not wrong.

Suppose that someone is 7300 days (appr. 20 years) old. Is it wrong to feel sexual desire for such person? No. If it's not wrong to (want to) fuck a person who is 7300 days old, then it's not wrong to (want to) fuck someone who is 7299 days old because 1 day is a pretty arbitrary and small cut off point. However, if

It's okay to fuck a 7298 days old, it's OK to fuck a 7297 days old, If it's OK to fuck a 7926 days old, then it's OK to fuck a 7925 days old... ... ... Then, it's OK to fuck a 4380 days (12 years) old.

You see, you can strecth this back to 0 days old! It's even OK to diddle newborn babies.

Thank you for coming to my TED Talk. Special thanks to Zeno of Elea.

I didn't have to wait long for this argument to fall apart.

Is this Billie Ellish again?

Ok but the original source of the drama is still creepy as fuck for the way he types

Unironically some of the most retarded posts I've seen getting upvotes on SRD

I made the mistake of looking through this dude's post history to see if this was ironic or not. It isn't. He's a grade-A creep who fetishises underage asian women.
