I just found my buddy's wife on tinder and he was unaware of it oh fuck

339  2020-01-03 by MasterLawlz

this isn't me joking or shitposting or anything this is actually happening to me. I barely recognized her at first because she used a different name and claimed to have gone to a different college but it was definitely her. She had also conveniently deactivated her facebook so I was unable to verify it there but after looking in my friend's pics, it was definitely her. I sent him a screenshot and he thought it was just a weird coincidence and she just happened to look similar but then I reminded him of a picture he posted of her wearing the exact same jacket. She must have thought the odds of someone living twenty miles from her recognizing her through her husband's facebook while using an alias were pretty low.

I don't know if he was laughing it off or in denial or what because he mentioned her phone had gotten stolen a long time ago and thought that might have been it. But he said when he mentioned it to her, she got really mad and started freaking out (still acting like it's a hack or something?).

I really hope this is just some sex thing and they're swingers or something because they just hit their ten-year anniversary and had a kid. If not, I would get a blood test on that baby.


Fuck her you faggot, jesus this generation is ball-less


and I'm a eunuch by choice

What the fuck is an Ecuck? Regardless, hot cheating wife pussy is super fun. Dont be gay

What the fuck is an Ecuck?

He said Eunuch, which is a castrated man.

An E-cuck is an internet cuck, like an e-celeb is an internet celebrity.

What about Enoch?

Why are you on tinder then?

Why, his swipe-able good looks, of course.

taking up super-likes from the rest of us :(

I saw a :( so heres an :) hope your day is good


Validation. Just like all the sevens who want to hear people tell them they’re a ten.


He gets off on being rejected.

As Ghandi lay in bed with 18 year old virgins to prove his will power, so does masterlawlz tempt himself to prove his worthiness as a /r/drama mod. The methodology has changed slightly over the decades though.

But Ghandi had a penis so the temptation was actually difficult.

That's alpha as fuck, or something.

Nucky Thompson of Atlantic City?

Eyy respect nigga



Hey man you did your due diligence as a bro and told him about it. It’s up to him how he wants to interpret the info. For once you’re posting good drama, so keep us in the loop. not like you wouldn’t you got damn attention whore.

You fucked up, Lawlz. Should have fucked your buddy's wife and gone to him with a recording so you have absolute proof.

Is your tinder picture zhcyiD9?

Your friend is probably a willing cuck

Is your tinder picture zhcyiD9?

oh absolutely

That wasn't the case when you posted your unfunny profile here last week


one of my stickies

inconceivable, you should get your eyes and brain checked

I love most of your stickies babe, but we all still need to see actual zhussyiD9 if you're going to post your profile again.

BROS BEFORE HOES. You did the right thing buddy.

Now, you could play this a different direction though. What if you downloaded her photos and then catfished as her, and then sent your catfish profile to your buddy.

thats some real drama

Post outcome here coward

I didn't bring it up again, either my buddy is hiding some kind of fetish thing or he's in denial. I'm not gonna pry further

Well if you do ever get an update then please make a sticky telling us what habbened.

Is this the first time anyone has willingly asked Lawlz to make a sticky?

This may actually be the first time ever, yeah

It’s truly the beginning of the end of this sub

/r/drama: Ragnarok

More like bore ragnarok

2020, the year of the world's firsts. I don't want to think about the next ones.

Lol stop larping as a person with irl relationships degenerate internet janitor.

In all seriousness stay out the way lol that drama isn't fun to be involved with, only to look at like we look at chimps at the zoo.

So we're left with blue drama balls? Fuck you lawlz, investigate the shit like it was a marathon bomber.

are you telling us you're actively avoiding drama?

i'm not mad, i'm just disappointed.

Considering how dismissive he was, they're probably swingers. Send her the ol' zhc and hit that to verify.

10 year anniversary

Yeah they're probably looking to spice things up.

Read spice thinga up as "she's bored of him and now they're in an 'open relationship' where she dates other men while still have a simp to pay her bills."

No link, no care

Bro is she hot?

she's cute yeah

then fuck her you pussy

Can we see your profile? I promise to give constructive criticism after masturbating to laughing at your photos.

Some people are just unreachable. A couple years ago I set my buddy up with my older alcoholic sister who was living with me at the time because she's pathetic and doesn't work because they were both fresh out of stupid divorces and neither would shut the fuck up so I shipped them.

Fast forward 4 years, my buddy is now happily married and my sister is on her N'teenth bout of pancreatic failure from drinking.

So then she showed up at his door last week accidentally because she was "dating" his alcoholic neighbor and drunkenly got the apartment number wrong lol. He then tried to explain to this guy in private about their history and that my sister is a headcase but this retard is also now just fresh out of a divorce and somehow convinced that my now haggard train wreak of a sister is a good catch, even knowing that his own friend and neighbor banged her six ways from Sunday and she only has 1/8th of a liver left and looks like an obese pregnant version of Joaquin Phoenix from the joker but with orange hair.

Original point stands to say again that some people are just beyond help.

He's a simple man happy with what he has, guy fresh out of a divorce ( I assume she left him) is going to rebound withwhatever he has, getting human connection and affection from even a bad person after a bad person left you is hard to pass up.

You're just jealous and bitter you're not fun like your sister is all i'm hearing

Lol you're so enamored by tales of low effort gussy that you'll defend some sad sap fucking a jaundiced walrus who will destroy their whole fucking house the second they hide their booze.

Sorry bud, but anyway you try to slice it your sister just comes off as a really cool dude, while you not so much

Alright you got me. PM me your number and I'll hook you up too

by tales of low effort gussy

Like I said Divorced Man, this is a very Stones; Glass houses situation.

will destroy their whole fucking house the second they hide their booze.

I literally can't imagine a women finding booze more important than you, once he's set down their relationships tracks he'll lay down the law

Or he won't stop sticking your nose in he's got enough on his plate without dealing with harpies he's not even sticking it to.

Lawlz you did the right thing. Good for you, man.

This is the Lawlz sticky I come here for

Hey bro stop seriousposting

On another note, you've done all you can, its up to your friend to decide what do with the information. Good on you for outing her to him

Unironically good job. He needs to know that his wife has post pardum depression with him, but not on tinder. But if they stay together you can pretty much kiss your friendship goodbye.

Lawlz you better give her the pipe my dude.

I don't care

I care....about you!

How was your week?

It was fine, life is boring as fuck right now. Waiting to hear back about a job interview that got delayed in the holiday scuffle. How bout you bud? How was your holiday/new years?

It was fine, not super eventful, I had to completely replace my whole wardrobe though which was a pain in the ass.

Yeah but now you're looking good 💅

I had to completely replace my whole wardrobe

Okay I’ll accept this bait. Why... did you have to replace your entire wardrobe?

I lost weight

Awesome nice job dude! 👍

Cool Bro, how much LBS per month?

It varied, about 80 total tho

Wow dude Nice, just dieting?

that and working out 4x per week

Nice, I don't mention working out when people lose weight, you doing cardio or plates?

cardio and weightlifting

Nice what's your bench? 140?

no idea, I just use dumbbells

high rep, low weight cool, not my style. Coach used to lay on the bench and do dumbell flys for hours was crazy.

Your not doing a paid workout routine with like a trainer and stuff to lose weight? just went and did it on your own?

Kinda, I do orange theory classes

Yea I know'em, they're by nice Trader Joes in towns instead of being in the industrial parks like Crossfit, good for you.

I'm the gymrat type who asks random people to spot him or have people line up with my freeweight workout since it's such a chore having to put everything back n forth from the rack learned to stop bothering the fitness classes who wander into my space for dumbells from the rack.

Mom told him he has to start dressing like a big boy.

Weight loss. Imagine not having up to the minute news about Lawlz's physique 🤭

Fully transfered.

Rope her into a pyramid scheme. This is a win/win situation.

If you were a slightly less stupid person you would have just snitched on 4chan anonymously

It's also possible that someone took her photo from social media and is using it to catfish.

Anything is possible, seems like too much of a coincidence though.

If I ever come to your neighborhood I’m gonna buy you a beer


For all you know they are in an open relationship but he doesn’t want to admit it to you.

I think you made the right decision 🙆‍♂️


You have no "buddies" you filthy disease!

They are swingers or in some fetish situation, but, he already knew she was on there.

Lawlz is a bro confirmed

NAH here her husband should be thanking you for this cuckold material

something something nta





Well I mean we know only cucks get married so it’s probably not his but at least she is upgrading on him with a white chad. I mean she doesn’t want that baby coming out all blacked.com

this isn't me joking or shitposting

pic or it didn't happen

He is in denial. If he keeps putting himself down on purpose, jump out or she will find a way to make you look like the enemy, and he will find a way to drag you deep in self pity with him. You don’t need that.

A real one would have used this info as leverage for blackmale sex