Star Citizen drama. Crytek gives up on a lawsuit because they don't believe the game will ever come out lol

54  2020-01-03 by slugulon


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/r/starcitizen for people who want to go look at cope

ctrl+f crytek = 0 mathes


Anyone remember the days when Crytek made games? And how those games once were actually pretty good? And now they fucking associate with this shit and with Sonic the goddamn Hedgehog. Sic transit gloria mundi.

I think Ryse their last game which was kinda OK but failed. It all went to shit when the wages fiasco surfaced. Even Cryengine is not to be seen in any good games recently..

Prey from 2017 was on CryEngine and was excellent, but it's also probably the last good CryEngine game.

Oh yeah, played it last week! How did I forget lol. Great game

They hide the fact its CryEngine, despite being the best game on the platform.

I thought they used the void engine or whatever its called that dishonored uses?



Didn't they like go bankrupt and then get bought?


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