Well North Korea actually has a right wing goverment says the SRDine

1  2020-01-05 by QuadNarca


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Why are SRDines so pathetic?

Your comment is literally discussing American politics and American websites. But hey, I'm happy to just report you.

Who takes the time to report people on this site 🤮

I report bardfin all the time, actively moderating violates the NAP and needs to be stopped.


I'm not into children, but I do think they should be allowed to work in my asbestos mines.

Okay, nvmd you are based and childrenpilled.

Society is so backwards, people buy their kids little fire trucks to push around and think it's hilarious when they say what they want to do when they grow up but somehow I'm the monster for building custom firetrucks that can be driven by children for my private fire department and offering the kids a competitive wages. They love to turn on the sirens.

Barfdin is such a massive faggot, and not the good butt pounding kind.

I used to think the SRDines were as pathetic as this site could get, but ENLGIHTENEDCENTRISM is worse.

There's an overlap. SRDines have become more and more tankie and it's pathetic.

The SRDines are mostly anti-tankie though. There are tankie attempts to infiltrate, but your average SRDine is probably a Warrenite.

Reporting someone takes less than a minute. Of course SRDines rarely do it for legitimate reasons.

Why don't I report you right now and find out exactly how long it takes biiiitch

Right Wing is anything I don't like.

And if communism failed it's because of the pesky CIA

If communism is so great how come it collapses under any kind of external pressure?

Not even pressure, just refusing to actively support them.... wait, almost like commies themselves🤔🤔

I mean realistically, they're communist so they're very clearly fiscally left. But their totalitarianism, despite being related to their communism and being left, is ran by a royal dynasty, which is very far right.

So you’re saying they’re radically centrist?

They're not communist. They explicitly moved away from communism. They don't even call themselves communist any more.

Anything I don't like can't be Right Wing

The Chinese government identities as left wing therefore they are. Trans leftists are leftists.

Calling the Chinese Communist Party 'State Capitalist' is deadnaming.

Step 1 - governs start leaning left

Step 2 - the US stages a coup / sanction / war

Step 3 - FeAtUrE nOt BuG

Step 4 - years later the CIA admits they did it but pink promises they wont do it anymore

Does this retard realize that the Korean War was started when Kim Il-Sung took it upon himself to invade South Korea?

They're actually not wrong that North Korea can be considered a right-wing government, it's genuinely the closest thing to a fascist state today. They do not even pay lip service to communism anymore.

And yet, the commies are all over that thread defending it and blaming America for its problems. 🤔🤔🤔

They also don't acknowledge that 9 times out of ten, the KGB put those communists governments in. Both the US and USSR fucked with other countries

it's genuinely the closest thing to a fascist state today.

China is the closest to fascism, north korea is some weird form of strasserism

NK isn’t Strasserist wtf

The North Korean economy is about bare-minimum subsistence to the point that people sometimes just have to eat grass. It's not easy to compare that to any kind of remotely functional economy.

Uh... that sounds like communism to me.

Retard, everything that works is left-wing and everything that doesn't is right wing. Back in the cold war leftoids got erect when they thought of the soviet union. Now they claim it wasn't real communism and actually right wing.

Thats why europe is "democratic socialist", although that's the dumbest thing I have ever heard. But american leftoids think europe is paradise for some reason and that makes them socialist and the US a fascist semi-dictatorship.

But american leftoids think europe is paradise for some reason

For weaker men it is less painful, that is hard to argue against.

Why do you think theyre importing Tyrones by the boatload? They don't have enough Bulls to go around.

Europe dominated the entire world for 700 years, now we chill and let our fucking colony work their asses off defending us and policing the world and we don't have to pay a fucking penny. Shits hilarious.

If shit hit the fan America and Europe would stand together, because our nations (plural) are brothers, we have a shared culture and history. European, especially British socialism (where i'm from) is built on arrogance.

We look down on America for not being able to protect its weak, because a strong nation would protect its weak. We look down on America for not being able to care for its sick because again, in a strong nation you can protect the sick and those in need.

I think to call the uncaring, cold rationalism of neo-liberalism strength is to miss the point. The strong project their strength and protect the weakest in society, which is what democratic socialism does.

I'll probably get banned now mate, just stumbled accross this sub from a few links and it's been interesting reading everything.

SRDines being retarded? Say it ain't so.

dictatorships aren’t right wing because they say they aren’t

Dramanauts bring triggered into retardation again

“It wasn’t real gommunism because I say it isn’t”

Pushshift is currently having an outage at the moment, so removeddit links will likely not work. In addition, the archiving system for archive.is has partially changed. Archives likely still are made, but the URL points to the wrong place for now. Sorry. :(


  1. Well North Korea actually has a rig... - archive.org, archive.today

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nazbolism is centrist you fucking morons


I mean north korea is right wing. They dont even call themselves socialist or communist anymore.