MyRedditNemesis - Find your Reddit Nemesis by taking a short personality/politics test and we'll match you with the Reddit user who's your polar opposite...................................................................................................................................................

1  2020-01-05 by radicalmans


I got fucking gallowboob lmao

Aren’t we all his nemesis? Ya know, as in people who like original content

I dislike Bongs, redditors, jannies, attention whores, whining, and excessive body hair.


That makes you....

The Chosen One!

I got Prof-Stephen-Hawking how did he even take the test lmao.

So did I. We won brother ✊✊✊ killed that old spastic just by being alive.

He didn't. Retarded site creator didn't take the time to use the reddit login API in order to prove it's your username. So a great idea but totally useless in execution

Based. I'm gonna false flag some redditfags

I blocked that guy a long time ago, Reddit is so much nicer without his posts.

Wait. Why haven't you blocked default subs where he shits things up?

So we remember to downvote karmawhores out of spite

He doesn't post as much he used to. Which is good, because he's a fucking asshole.

Imagine caring enough to block someone

Imagine caring enough about what someone does to make some snide little bitch comment. Blocking someone is like 3 clicks and takes a few seconds, i wouldn't say it was a big effort

Imagine getting mad on are drama when someone calls you out on your redditard shit

I know right, just imagine, can you even fathom it?

Why are you so angry? Do you know where you are? Are you lost? Can I offer you some bussy while you wait for a ride home?


Hello gigachad420 - I just got you from the site as my nemesis.

We agreed on:

  • Are you loud? (yes)
  • Is racist/sexist humour generally funny? (yes)
  • Would you rather your child be smart than kind? (yes)
  • Do you prefer old to new music? (no)
  • Do you plan ahead more than other people? (no)
  • Is nazism widespread enough in America right now to warrant concern? (no)

We disagree on every other question, because all of your other answers are retarded.

ur a dumbass

Aw damn you're mad too. These are some very hostile vibes I'm garnering from you

dude bussy lmao


and now I got you

I took it several times, one as ultra right and one as ultra left. The ultra right got gallowboob.

makes sense

Can an obese person be healthy?

Your answer : no

Gfuel_Sam's answer : yes

would be really embarassing otherwise.

Lmao imagine not knowing all our chad crazy roman scholars were fat

A thin person wouldn't take a bath and ask where the meal is while a volcano eruption was happening



pick one

Any man who doesn't care about a Volcano Eruption is a chad

Even more when he snags some honey at the abandoned pad he's crashing at to make booze.

He'd fit right in Portland.

Do you not know i'm talking about a literal person who existed?

How many genders does he think there are?

Take a guess


as many as the stars in the sky?

Can you slay him to restore balance to the Reddit?


Same. Does that make us soulmates?


I wonder if there is just like 500 people who used his name to do this.

I got spez.

Your reddit nemesis is “elbowracist”

mayo 15 year old

You’re got damn right zoomers and racism are my arch nemesis’ 😤😤

That drawme response he got 🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮

Lmao it looks like one of those terrible face portrait tattoos 😂

Nothing like getting your Snagglepuss teeth captured in excruciating detail.

LMAO this is art, better than our sidebar pictures with psychologist etc!

Also, in the art they are like laughing whores, this is awesome!


I got a 15 year old gamer too

I got you.

I got your left wing leaning parasitic ass. prepare thyself plebeian, for your booty is mine 💦

Bust that nut whenever and wherever you’d like. I’m a slave to the upper classs

doesn’t like racism


I got TheCrackster. Literally no comment or post history whatsoever.

But for some reason this dead account is my greatest enemy.

the dude that posted this is my nemesis lol

fuck you

Fuck you,nemesis

Mine was a Tranny 🤦🏻‍♀️

Edit: FtM and Ngl lookin’ kinda cute in his transpassing pic doe 👀

Edit 2: I have the weirdest ladyboner rn


It’s ridiculously easy for FTMs to pass.

I blame soy and all the draft skippers breading watering down the male comparisons

Basically twinks

I have a buddy who's ftm but he's short and Italian and spends a lot of time lifting so he looks like a muscley little meatball.

Joe rogan is trans 🤔

Yeah, it's going to be funny in 10 years when we have mtf trans people hating ftm trans people for having it so easy. like how much better gay guys do than lesbians.

Also, gay FTMs might start to have a bit of an easier time dating if enough gay guys discover that pussy actually feels pretty nice.

I never hear from ftms at all, are they usually gay on the other side like transbians?

IDK actually, the most famous one (Buck Angel) was a gay porn star but he also married a woman.

Met only one. My coworker (man, dick) was dating this dude (man, pussy).

He cute 💯


If someone said "picture a soyboy weak looking mayo antifa member" I'd picture this.

Mine posts on niceguys, inceltears, and antinatalism 😂😂


Big yikes

Yikesposting 🤢🤢🤮🤮🤮

All of these subs are big red flags.


Is the person who made this going to hoard our info or something? I'm afraid to use it

You already know the answer is “yes”




Thank you for having my back Zozbot

Just use the name of someone else, nobody cares.

Yeah, I went in as gallowboob, got some retard that I can't even ping.

If your account isn't personally identifiable then you're good, your data is essentially worthless.

yes but still take the quiz for fun :)

I make my usernames forgettable even to myself, it’s the only way

If you care that much about that info being tied to a reddit account you shouldn't probably quit being so fagggy

It's OK, I took the test for you. You're nemesis is byobombs.

Hey, mine is an another dramatard! Though his latest comment here was 8 months ago smh

I got MasterLawlz as mine. How am I supposed to fight someone with sticky powers?

Your Reddit Nemesis is 卐卐HEIL_MASTERLAWLZ卐卐


Pray that you don’t get the boot

ha I got him too

masterlawlz is pro china

Same, I thought it was fucking hilarious that I got him.

I got him too lol

Pledge your lack of soul to me.

I got myself. Edit: To clear up, I did it 2 times so idk what y'all getting.

I got you

I got you. You're a fat religious nut who likes Trump huh?

Ah, so you got the second time I answeard. I'm the exact opposite.

i got you

Hello, nemesis.

lol is this nigga the antidramatard cause i got him too

fite me

I got you.


I got a fucking fugee.

That’s literally Sam Hyde’s account

That's awesome. I guess that makes me our savior or something?

No it makes you someone who will never write for the New York times

damn. my dream is gone

Literally Sam Hyde lmao fucking awesome

Fight the good fight


I got some retard foid who only posts in a dating sim subreddit

I got u /bardfinn



Oh wow, that's just exhausting



thinks nazism is widespread in ameriKKKa

I think I’m gonna vomit 🤢


LoL player

Posts in longboyes subs

Religious leftist, but believes it's poor people's fault for being poor and dislikes Hong Kong protesters

NSFW Yiff poster

Yep, this site works.

His user name is very familiar in a negative way but I can't remember why.

Was gonna post something similar, name is on the tip of my tongue

I got some guy named "dramamodsaregay"

Same. What a fucking prick.

Me too



Nice try you fucking glownigger

UrMomIsHaveBigPeePee fight me bitch

I'll fucking do it. (Unless you got the one where I said that I'm right wing and support Trump, that was for shits and giggles.)

That's the one I got

Ah, then you got the one where I did it for shits and giggles, sorry mate, but I'm the opposite of that.

Ah so an antifag beta

Something like that.

I got Stephan Hawking lol. I'm amazed he wasn't too busy posting to the afterlife equivalent of anime message boards to come back down to earth and fill out a Reddit survey. Also quite surprising that he supports Trump and denies climate change but then again these are unusual times.

Also quite surprising that he supports Trump and denies climate change but then again these are unusual times.

You didn't know he got the same treatment as Tyson and Sagan?

mine was a





Your Reddit Nemesis is pee


If someone gets me feel free to send me nudes 😊

But no bussy 🙅‍♂️

Mine is MysticalStag. More like Mister Fag.

U/dramamodsaregay is my nemesis? Is this a setup?


I got that too.

u/ drippingfromtripping Bitch.

I got MasterLawlz lol

Masterlawlz....hes around here somewhere...

I got u/ masterlawlz too

Your Reddit Nemesis is Dramamodsaregay

Hot damn. Disagreed on 27/32 issues. What's a faggot like that doing here?

i got a guy called pee

no comments or posts, 1 karma 😤

fcking lurkers. i got tati. 12 year old boomer account


Nigslayer420, you're going down

Oh shit me too. Fuck that guy. Bet he's a mayo 🤢🤢🤢🤮🤮🤮

Gallowboob. I should have known 😡

My nemesis is a commie.

Imagine my shock.


Right back at ya.

Fuck FranzTheCat, my cat is better

Hey, that's my right wing cat!


mine is ‘nigslayer420’ lol

I got prof stephen hawking. The actual account.

The guy’s dead though...


You know how it didn't make you prove you controlled the account you used? guess what they didn't do to hawking.

You sure this isn't some AHS site to log members beliefs 😳

I got some nigga named carl. Like, that's his fucking username, his account is 13 years old and he hasn't ever posted anything.

I got some developer who barely uses reddit.


likes trump

prefers art to science but only smart people should be able to vote

Bit of a mess tbh

u/ temp123412k4

Interesting, I got you for 18/32 (almost radically centered)

I assume it only pulls from people who have used it


Lol op I got you 🤔

That's your contribution to an intelligent discussion? A vague, unspecified criticism, accompanied by an implicitly self-aggrandizing bit of arrogant dismissiveness?


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No chill

fuck you /u reverseurination go fuck yourself

u/ aduketsavarautism he doesn't even exist

I got him too :(

I thought I was way too centrist to be anybody's nemesis

I had autism flair but now it's gone. Now whose fault is this?

Hey, I resent that!

u/ drugsarecool

I gave the most radically centrist answers.

Wow this 100% works. This is my nemesis lol (the manlet), I’d hate him just based on this picture.

I got a moderator of this sub

Which one?

I took it again to see and I ended up getting Stephen Hawkings official Reddit account, how Look at this shid


Lmao dead physicists btfo


Pretty sure they're just an edgy teenager. Dunno.

Who made bardfinn a right-wing trump supporter?


I got lawlz

I got LilyofTheDawn and their only post was here about 4 months ago

Same person for me, although pretty sure they're lurking.


DeathBahamutXXX, get the flammenwerfer

I got one of my alts


My nemesis is Stephen Hawking lmao wtf

This has to be biased towards famous reddit accounts right?

Take the test again, with your name as his and with the answers he gave and see who it matchs u with

The stuff he answered yes/no to make very little sense IE: He says he's loud and aggressive. Left leaning and likes trump. Prefers art to science, thinks global warming is fake. It's probably people fucking around with his acc name. But I got someone else anyways when I tried it again as stephen hawking

If you're curious to see his answers (even though they're obviously fake)

Also I doubt he was even alive when this site existed unless it's several years old.

You know you can just take a long screenshot right? You dont have to record your phone

That wasn't a phone recording, it was off my PC.

And nope. Don't know how to take a screenshot of a whole web page. Seemed easier to just record with sharex's gif feature than uploading like 5 separate images.

God ur all rarted

It just goes off of people who have taken the test, maybe only using the first occurrence of each username. Uses zero methods to verify that its actually your account. So someone put in Stevey H, or maybe the creator di when testing.


My nemesis watches anime and one of the few things we agreed on was we both drink a lot and would rather go clubbing than watch Netflix

I got nigslayer420

Your Reddit Nemesis is 卐卐HEIL_MASTERLAWLZ卐卐


I got MasterLawlz.

Fuck that guy

Please Don't Ban Me

I got some g*mer (Andidy) who posts in r/minecraft 🤢

Dramamodsaregay 😡

Well I got someone whose top sub was r/drugs so I’ll take it

Really great way to get additional user information to analyze reddit comments with machine learning.

fuck sjcards I got him too

Yes brother, stand strong against our common enemy.

My dude is posting in 5 diffirent Nintendo Switch subreddits, guess it really works.

Mine was an MDEgenerate whose account already got cucked by the admins. Goodnight, sweet prince...

...kinda wish I could have gotten a Chapo, though.


A bot that spammed BRAP/gay copypastas on r/circlejerk

eat a close friend's food without asking

FUCK whoever does this.

If they're your close friend, ask, and 99.999999% chance they'll share, unless they need it or some shit.

Only take food without asking from your frenemies, like your roommate or something, and be prepared to have them contemplate your murder.

Sjcards is a nigger

mine got 404ed :( u/ aduketsavarautism

nvm, reloaded and got u/ UrMomIsHaveBigPeePee

Hey, that's either the true me or the ironic me.


Mine is some normie who only posts about baseball 0-24.

Chi-sii you can FRO



Some guy named ReverseUrination

My nemesis is named “BiContextual”

I got u/ Dramamodsaregay

Rambo_brit3 Seems to be a Freemason or something I guess



  • Me, probably


My nemesis is Dramamodsaregay.

Haha dramamodsaregay watch out

Got Steven Hawking lmao

Uh, I got Stephen Hawking. Does that mean i already won?

i got pee lol

hey Tia202 fuck you

u/ dramamodsaregay

Got some 18 yr old Italian moid who likes anime and dabbles in fascism.

Your Reddit Nemesis is Dramamodsaregay

You and Dramamodsaregay disagreed on 29 out of 32 issues


I got u/ thetrueflexkavana, I look forward to our battles. There can be only one.

Mine is a guy named mapdumbo. Idk why, he seems pretty normal apart from his Space Daddy obsession.

Mine posts here.

Mine is Masterlawlz...

The first time around I got an edgelord conservative and when I refreshed the page I got a vegan SJW. I have achieved enlightenment.

This is incredible. I actually despise everything about my nemesis so the site clearly works.

Where is Byobombs, that little shit.

I got an AHS poster Californian yuppie. Seems legit

Got masterlawlz

I got some literal who named glutenfreewhitebread ugh I wish I was the enemy of a famous redditor

I got Brandnamefreshjs

I got a shitty b tier masterlawlz, masterlawls

my nemesis appears to be a middle aged white foid who mods a sub about some shitty tv show and smugposts in AITA a lot

yaaaya datamine!!! sat datamsin


I got a literal who called gladtheembalmer :(

Would you prefer science to art?

Your answer : yes

Prof-Stephen-Hawking's answer : no

This test is literal bullshit

Fuck shadowsole

Mine is a programmer neoliberal faggot. 🤢🤢🤢

Mine posts in r/communism and r/modernwarfare so I guess that thing is pretty accurate, based on those two things I definitely hate this person already.

It's worse than I thought, _HEATH3N_ He's, allah forgive me, and Android dev.

My nemesis, u\Trueflexhelp, deleted his account in terror as soon as I competed the test. God, I'm such a Chad 😎

Masterlawlz gorges himself on his friends food confirmed 😬🤭

Got some 1.6 million karma beaner who posts on latinopeopletwitter and freefolk



I got some random programmer. Boring.

when you do this and your trolling alt pops up

I got "test".

Which one of you goddamn cowards didn't even put your real name in?


I just know that my Nemesis doesn't like Ye, so he can fuck right off.

I got stephen fucking hawking

The dead professor not even a guy with his name

I got Dramamodsaregay

At least we agree on that

This only works if we bring back pinging.

Mine was Chubby Liver

My enemy is some kind of pro Trump chapo troon I'm sure.

Nobody got pizza causes he’s basically an SS officer

I got patscelticssox.

Fucking Boston.

Fucking Masterlawz, how could this happen?

great, a bunch of people keep namign their person "test" this test sucks


Who the fuck is TheTrueBiPhil?


Wish we could ping, FUCK YOU BUD

I got some random porn alt despite answering everything super left

I think I found a rightoid coomer

I got gallowboob and I couldn't be happier about it.

u/ PM_me_Cats_Por_Favor

I am really glad that I have almost nothing in common with someone likes c*ts.

I got a porn throwaway account with 1 karma and no comments. What the fuck kind of sad loser would fill in a personality survey attached to a porn throwaway account?

The answer is apparently a rightoid who doesn't like Drumpf and yet thinks there are more than two genders.

Your Reddit Nemesis is Dramamodsaregay

Did I pass the test?

I got some porn throwaway account

Your Reddit Nemesis is Transqt

eight year old account with no karma, comment or posts

yeeeeeee boiiiiiiiii

lel I made my username spez and proceeded to fill in the worst answer AND say that hong kong protesters are bad.

I got fucking steven hawking damn


Who the fuck is dramamodsaregay

u/ tyereliusprime

seems like a normal person

Mine was literally Stephen Hawking. Take that you chairbound cyborg retard

The moron I got frequents a subreddit on seduction giving advice.

Should only intelligent people have the right to vote?

Your answer : no

Their answer : yes

Really making me rethink my options here bud.

Pushshift is currently having an outage at the moment, so removeddit links will likely not work. In addition, the archiving system for has partially changed. Archives likely still are made, but the URL points to the wrong place for now. Sorry. :(


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My nemesis is unironically MasterLawlz 😭😭😭

nice try glow in the dark